• Published 14th Mar 2024
  • 234 Views, 11 Comments

The War - SpikeisBest

Dragons declared war on Equestria. Spike is their only hope

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Chapter 4

Spike woke up to the sound of an explosion going off downstairs. He hurriedly got up out of his basket and in a moment of panic left without fixing his sheets. He ran downstairs only to find a purple alicorn with a dark purple mane that had a magenta streak staring at a book on the floor. Her horn was smoking and all of the pages in the book, which was a bright green covered one, were either charred beyond recognition or just completely disintegrated. "What happened Twilight? Why did you mess up the book? Was it a spell gone wrong? A misfire? Oh wait I know, the book was trying to attack you! Wait, why was the book attacking you?" Spike questioned. He knew that she wasn't actually being attacked and she was most likely practicing a new spell, but Spike loved to annoy Twilight by doing little things like this. Nothing big, he loved her with all of his heart and would never forgive himself for hurting her.

"The book wasn't trying to attack me Spike. I just was practicing a new spell." the alicorn, known as Twilight, answered. Spike, now that the excitement was over, went to grab the broom and dustpan. When he returned, he grabbed the book and, deciding that it wasn't salvageable, tossed it in the trashcan. After which he proceeded to sweep up all of the ashes. "Thanks Spike." Twilight said while looking at a spell book. 'Most likely trying to find what went wrong with the spell' thought Spike.

"Well I guess I should get ready now." Spike said. Then he walked out of the room; he went back upstairs and fixed his basket. After which he went into the bathroom and grabbed his scale polish. Spike hurriedly took a shower and polished his scales, but he realized that his scale polish was running out. He added 'get more scale polish' to his mental checklist. As for drying off, Spike waited for the tub to drain of water then got back into it. Spike then blew a gentle flame over his body that evaporated all of the water. "I'm so glad we have a metal tub." he said aloud to himself. He only dried himself using his flame inside of the tub because he didn't want to burn down the library. He could have just used a towel, but he disliked using one because it always got stuck on his scales.

When Spike finished getting ready it was 12:00. "Can I go hang out with Rainbow Dash?" he asked.

"Just make sure you're back by 6:00." Twilight said.

"Don't worry Twilight; I'll be back by then." Spike shouted while running out of the door. He ambled throughout the town for a while, but then it hit him. 'It' was not a physical object. Rather, 'it' was an idea. Spike thought that he should go to Sugarcube Corner and grab some food. He continued walking until he made it to the oddly-shaped building. When he walked inside he saw a bright pink earth pony that had a mane that was also bright pink. "Hello Pinkie." Spike greeted.

"Hey there Spike! What brings you here?" Pinkie Pie said.

"Can I get three blueberry muffins?" Spike asked.

"Sure thing Spike! The wait will be a little longer than usual because we just ran out of blueberry muffins though." Pinkie said.

"That's fine Pinkie." Spike replied. Pinkie then walked out of the room into the kitchen to make the muffins. After about a ten second wait (thanks to Pinkie's speed that seemed to defy physics) Pinkie came back into the room carrying two dozen blueberry muffins.

She gave Spike his three muffins and said "That's six bits Spike." whilst putting the remaining muffins into the display case. After Spike gave her the requested bits, he grabbed the bag that had his muffins in it and left the bakery after saying bye to Pinkie.

He took about ten steps before it hit him. This time 'it' wasn't an idea. Rather 'it' was a physical object. Spike was walking one moment then in the next he was on the ground with a cyan pegasus on top of him. The pegasus had a rainbow colored mane and currently had a face that showed a mixture of mostly worry and a little bit of embarrassment.

"Oh my gosh Spike! Are you ok?! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!" Rainbow Dash tried to explain.

Before she could continue Spike said "I would be fine if you could just get off of me!"

Rainbow Dash loomed down and realized that she was still on top of Spike. After she moved off of him and helped him up she said "Can you walk? If not I can fly you back to the library."

After regaining his bearings Spike replied "Don't worry about it; I have tough scales. I was just looking for you anyway. This just saves me the effort, so don't feel bad. Anyways, I got you some muffins," he said, holding out the bag "They might be a little smushed though."

"I am so lucky to have a drakefriend like you" Rainbow said.

"What can I say, I'm just all around the best" Spike said whilst flexing his arms.

"The only way you could be better is if you were to drop the ego," Rainbow said "But that's just part of what makes you... well you."

It was at that moment that Spike felt the familiar feeling in his throat that he had when sending or receiving a letter. The letter burst out of his mouth with a burp. "Excuse me." Spike said. He then proceeded to open the letter and read it out loud.

Dear Spike,

There has been an emergency. Gather all of the elements of harmony at the Golden Oaks Library. I will meet you there to explain.

From, Celestia

When Spike finished reading the letter he looked at Rainbow Dash and said "You get Fluttershy and Applejack. I'll get Pinkie Pie and... Rarity."

" On it" Rainbow said as she flew away.

As soon as Rainbow Dash flew away, Spike went back into Sugarcube Corner and shouted "Pinkie go to the library! There is an emergency and I don't have time to explain!" Spike then ran out of the bakery and made his way to the Carousel Boutique.

When he entered the building he was greeted by a white unicorn that had a magnificent purple mane who said "Spike darling what are you doing here? I didn't think that you would still come and visit me after what happened. Oh well, what can I do for you?

Spike, who was out of breath barely managed to wheeze out "Rarity. Emergency. Go to library. I'll explain later." After delivering his message Spike left the boutique and started to slowly trudge to the library.

The unicorn, named Rarity, just stood there in shock and wonder. Firstly, she was surprised that Spike had shown up at the boutique because she had a fall out with him after she rejected his invitation to a date. Secondly, she was surprised that there was an emergency that was so big that it made Spike look like he had just run a marathon. Also, she was admittedly curious as to what the emergency was. After a moment of consideration, she decided that the situation was serious enough that she would have to go without doing her mane.

Spike finished his trek to the library and was greeted by Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash a yellow pegasus with a pink mane, named Fluttershy, an orange earth pony with a blonde mane wearing a Stetson hat, named Applejack, and most notably a white alicorn with a flowing multicolored mane wearing full princess regalia, named Celestia. "Rarity should be on her way." Spike told everybody.

After a few minutes of waiting Spike, starting to become impatient, moved over to stand next to Rainbow Dash. "Were your muffins good?" he asked.

"Dude, they were from Pinkie. Do you even have to ask?" She responded.

"Well not really, but I thought that it was the nice thing to do." Spike said.

It was at that moment that Rarity walked into the library. "I'm here!" She declared.

"Good, now when I tell you this please don't panic," she said while looking at Twilight "The Dragon Empire has formally declared war on Equestria." Celestia stated.

"What! Why?" Twilight shouted, on the verge of a panic attack.

"The dragons have not clearly stated why, but we believe that it may have to do with simply taking our land and supplies... Or it might have to do with Spike living here." Celestia said.

Upon hearing this news Spike tried to appear relatively calm, but on the inside he was fighting tears, anger, and guilt. Rainbow Dash knew him well enough to know that he wasn't really fine, so she tried to comfort him. "Why? Why? Why do they care that I live here?!"

"Spike, we don't know if that's why they did it. I was merely stating that it was a possibility." Celestial tried to comfort him.

Each of the mane six were taking this news differently. Pinkie Pie was thought that the war would make people sad, so she would have to throw more parties to cheer them up. Fluttershy knew that she would have to use her nursing abilities. Applejack thought that it would be most beneficial to Equestria if she were to start mass-producing her family's apple products. Rarity assumed that the troops would need uniforms. Twilight realized that the ponies would not be able to stand up to the dragons, so she and Spike would have to research them. Rainbow Dash knew that it was her duty as a Wonderbolt to fight for her country.

"As much as I don't like it the Wonderbolts are being called to fight, but because you are an Element of Harmony I could get you a royal exemption from the draft." Celestia told Rainbow Dash.

"Thank you for the option princess, but as the element of loyalty and as a Wonderbolt it is my duty to fight." Rainbow Dash replied. "I'm sorry Spike." she added at the end.

"Very well, I cannot stop you. Call time is at the Canterlot castle in two hours. I will leave you to say your goodbyes." Celestia said before walking out.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long, but my spring break just started so I should be able to get one or two more chapters out this week.

If you think it's weird that Spike and Rainbow are together without any backstory don't worry. I will do some more flashbacks in later chapters.