• Published 13th Feb 2024
  • 277 Views, 3 Comments

The Shadow Wars: Rise of Nightwing - Void Streak

Upon rescuing an enslaved pegasus colt from the Crystal Empire, Princess Celestia decides to make him, her personal protege.

  • ...

Chapter 6

Both Void Streak and Defender followed her out the entrance of the mines, where in the distance they could see a large black blur that looked foreign in the white, snowy mountains of the frozen north, Void instantly realised that they were looking at a large army that was making a B line straight for them.

Defender ordered a pegasus soldier, "Go back up to the ship and get us reinforcements."

The pegasus quickly nodded before whisking off into the sky in the direction of the armada. Defender then said, "We're not going to be able to hold them off for long."

"I'm aware but we should be able to keep them off us until reinforcements arrive," Void told him.

"Yeah but that is a massive army that is heading for us and it could take hours for the kyber crystal to be extracted." Defender reminded him.

Void then began to examine his surroundings, where he saw a large cliff with several loos rocks located at the top. "I need you to come with me, I have a plan," he explained before flying off in the direction of the loose rocks.

Defender began to follow him, asking him, "What's the plan?"

Void Streak pointed at the loose rocks, "We need to use the aura to push those rocks down the cliff, It should block their way and buy us some time and maybe crush some of them in the process."

Defender nodded before flying over to the other side of the rocks, while Void stayed on the opposite side. Then simultaneously, they both stretched their hooves outwards in the direction of the rock pile, they both called on the aura to push them over the cliffside.

Even with the help of the aura, the rocks proved difficult, however as the enemy forces started to cross the bottom of the cliff; the rocks began to tumble, crushing several enemies and blocking the rest of the army.

Grinning the two pegasi leapt into the air and flew towards the mines. They had landed at the same time as the reinforcements. The pegasus battalion had been accompanied by several unicorns and earth ponies along with several large carts that were being pulled by multiple pegasi at once.

Captain Razor Wings saluted them before saying, “We have arrived to help defender against the enemy, we have also brought several scientists and transport ponies to help remove the crystals.”

“Excellent, I want those crystals extracted as soon as possible... He’s here,” Void said ominously.

Suddenly, they watched as the makeshift rock wall was blasted away, revealing King Sombra, himself. Void Streak couldn't tell if he had brought a magiscaber with him.

Defender started shouting out various commands, “Everypony to your positions, Scientists and transporters extract those crystals while we hold them off.”

A concerned unicorn asked with fear in her eyes, “You want us to remove the crystals during a battle.”

“It's either that or be captured or worse…” Void shouted angrily. He then turned to Defender and told him, "Stay here while I go and confront him."

Just as he was about to take off, Defender stamped onto his blue and white tail before saying, "You can't fight him alone!"

Void laughed, unconcerned, "Ha, I think you find I can, besides, I'm the only pony with a magiscaber."

He then used to aura to push Defender off his tail before zipping off towards the the evil king; Defender was left to fend off the crystal soldiers.


Void landed in front of the tyrant himself. King Sombra couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of a single pegasus attempting to stand up against him, "I find it hilarious that you think you can stop me, colt."

Void couldn't help but grin, "That's funny because I find it hilarious that you think that you are untouchable."

"You are delusional, your master isn't here to save you this time, pegasus." Sombra hissed spraying spit in his direction.

Void sneered, "I may not have my master but I do have this!"

Void pulled the magiscaber out, revealing the blue blade in the process, Sombra looked mildly surprised before unsheathing his saber, "Funny you mention that..." Sombra then pressed a button on his saber, unlike his first magiscaber, this one had two purple blades instead of one, "I gave my magiscaber some upgrades."

Void looked on at the double-bladed magiscaber with interest, before quickly spotting a weakness in the saber's design. "You underestimate my power."

Void then pounced before clashing magiscabers, the two blades sending sparks flying in the process. The sound of crackling and whooshing filled both duelling and Pony's ears. Void jumped as Sombra attempted to cut at his hooves with the other end of the saber. Void then jumped over the King before striking Sombra, however, he merely blocked it with the saber, before swinging the magical sword around causing Void to drop to the floor in an attempt to dodge it.

Void then jumped back, using the newly created distance to quickly analyse his enemy's movements and other potential weaknesses, he could see that the saber was too long and hard to manoeuvre with. The two blades, also, meant that getting up close and personal or trying to launch surprise attacks would prove difficult. He decided that until he could think of a way to exploit his primary weakness, he would start using hit-and-run attacks, striking at Sombra before pulling back.

After a couple of hit-and-run attacks, quickly revealed a flaw with the plan, Sombra was too good at blocking his strikes, which meant that he was doing nothing to damage his foe, and then a plan began to form in his head.

Getting closer to Sombra he started to launch jabs at him, making sure to jab from left to right, this forced Sombra to keep his saber in a mostly horizontal line to block his attacks, without warning Void twirled the magiscaber over his, bringing the blade down onto the now exposed hilt, slicing the magiscaber into two swords.

While his saber was still aimed at Sombra, he quickly jabbed towards his stomach, causing the tyrannical king to get pushed back. Unfortunately, the blow had made contact with his armour and while it penetrated the armour, it hadn't gone through enough and only scratched the skin below.

Sombra quickly recovered from the attack and went on the offensive, his anger clouding his judgement, he swung his blade towards Void's head, however, he ducked below the blade and moved so that he was now at the side of the dark unicorn before slicing at his flank, using the aura he had made the strike stronger so that it could penetrate deep into the armour and cause major damage.

Realising that he had lost, King Sombra called a retreat.


Defender meanwhile had been using the aura to chuck the crystal guards over the cliffside that the mine entrance stood on, he had also used the aura to help his fellow soldiers in battle and couldn't help but admire the magiscaber duel that was happening below.

As he used the aura to pick an enemy soldier up with the aura and slammed him into the wall, he heard Sombra give a shout and the Crystal Guards began pulling back. He quickly looked over the cliffside and watched with awe at Void standing triumphantly, watching the evil king flee with his tail between his legs.

Void then rejoined them and asked cockily, "What did I miss?"

Defender couldn't help but grin, "Oh you know the usual, just kicking a couple of crystal flanks." Defender's face went all seriousness, "You know going up against Sombra like that was incredibly stupid."

Void merely shrugged his shoulders, "What can I say, I'm a stupid pony."

Defender shook his head muttering, "Clearly."

One of the lead scientists emerged from the mines and informed them, "We have extracted fifty percent of our intended Kyber crystal."

"Good, keep on extracting the crystals while we report to the princess," Void said, indicating Defender to follow him back up to the ship.


Void entered the bridge, to find Celestia waiting for them anxiously, "What happened down there?"

Void began to explain to both Celestia and the Cerberus, what had happened during the battle, Void made sure to include that he had managed to single hoofely defeat King Sombra and how he had injured him, something which Celestia didn't take too kindly to, while Cerberus gave a hoorah.

"Going after King Sombra by yourself, was both unwise and downright foolish." Celestia chastised

However Cerberus was on Void's side, "Nonsense, he had a chance to weaken our enemy and he took it. I am impressed."

Void then added, "Besides, if I hadn't confronted him, he would've slaughtered us."

"You could've waited for backup."

"That would've taken too long."

"ANYWAY!" Cerberus shouted, interrupting the argument, "We have the perfect opportunity to take the fight to Sombra himself, we should attack Crystal City, while he is still weak."

Both Void and Defender nodded in agreeance, however, Celestia reminded him, "We'd have to wait for Star Swirl to approve it."

"Of course Celestia but we have to be fast, send the fleet closer to Crystal City while I send word to the elementals about the plan," Cerberus said, before walking off to his private quarters.

Celestia nodded before relaying the orders to the ship's captain, while Void could sense the dark side growing inside of him as each day passes, he knew that it would be time to enact on his plans soon...