• Published 13th Feb 2024
  • 304 Views, 3 Comments

The Shadow Wars: Rise of Nightwing - Void Streak

Upon rescuing an enslaved pegasus colt from the Crystal Empire, Princess Celestia decides to make him, her personal protege.

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Chapter 3

Void Streak was sat in his workshop, where he was currently examining the magiscaber. The hilt felt warm in his hoof, he pressed the button to reveal the purple blade and swung it around, hearing a whooshing noise as it moved.

He tested the magical sword on several targets and was amazed as it sliced through them like metal. He then propped up several sheets of different materials and was giddy as each sheet stood no chance against the saber. He analyzed the holes that the magiscaber had made and noted that the holes were surrounded by scorch marks. The materials that he had used ranged from wood to steel.

He then shut off the blade and then held the hilt up to his ear and used the aura. With the aura he could sense that there was something that was both magical and powerful that was embedded into the hilt, he guessed that it was powering the magical blade.

Looking closer at the hilt he could see a thin line that ran around the circumference of the hilt, using his hooves he could feel that half of the handle could move. He suddenly twisted the tube and was delighted to feel that it had become loose. Pulling the loose section of the hilt, he revealed a hidden compartment that contained a crystal.

The crystal shimmered and glowed, engulfing the room in a purple glow. He took the crystal out and then tried to power the magiscaber up but this time the blade didn't reveal itself. This confirmed that the crystal was the source of the blade.

Her took the crystal over to another one of his inventions, this invention was a scanner that could reveal the properties of various items. He placed the crystal inside of the glass cube and pressed a button on the magiscreen that lay next to the device. Magiscreens are magical pieces of glass that can be used to show various images and string of images that are then transformed into videos.

He watched as a green laser moved side to side over the crystal and then looked over at the magiscreen. The results of the scan showed that the crystal contained amethyst and a compound called Kyber.

Kyber was a special type of element that some crystals contained. Kyber was both extremely rare and very valuable, this was because Kyber contained magical properties.

This made Void wonder if there were other things that could power a magiscaber, he walked over to a safe that was embedded into his his wall and punched in the code. Once it opened he placed the Kyber-amethyst crystal inside before pulling out a blue crystal.

This crystal contained both aquamarine and Kyber. He inserted the new crystal into the hilt and then pressed the button. This time instead of a purple blade this time it was a blue blade. He performed the same tests that he did with the purple blade and they produced similar results.

He could feel through the aura that the purple magiscaber contained both light side aura and dark side aura. Similar to magic there were two types of aura, the light side, which was selfless and spiritual whereas the dark side was more aggressive and contained hatred.

Void mainly practised the light side of the aura however unbeknownst to his mentor, he also secretly practised the dark side of the aura.

Unlike the purple magiscaber, this blade only contained light side aura. Suddenly his eyes flashed orange as a sinister thought came to his mind.

Taking his cloke he covered his head in the hood and exited the workshop, making sure to bring the magiscaber with him. He left the castle, using the dark side he managed to sneak past the guards undetected. It was risky using the dark side as it was easily detected by other aura-sensitive creatures.

He then flapped his wings and flew towards Skyport which contained the various airships. Arriving at the Skyport, he walked over to a rough-looking captain and dropped a sack full of bits. The rattling of the golden coins made the captain look up.

“I need a lift,” Void told the captain.

“Oh yeah, where too.” the captain mocked.

“Tartarus,” he said simply.

The captain however burst out laughing, “Yeah I'll take you to the one place that it surrounded by Guards.” he sneered sarcastically.

Suddenly to the Captain's horror, Void pulled out the blue magiscaber and held it against his throat. “I find your sarcasm, rude.” He expressed in a scarily quiet voice.

The captain then spied a Royal Guard coming to investigate, not wanting to attract further unwanted attention, he snapped, “Fine, but if I get arrested, I'll make sure that you are brought down with me.”

Void merely rolled his eyes before pushing past the angry captain.


Void was practising with the magiscaber when a letter suddenly appeared out of nowhere. He instantly recognised Princess Celestia’s hoof writing. Taking the letter, he merely skimmed over the letter before scoffing. “Celestia being nosy as usual,” he muttered to himself before crushing the letter into a paper ball and chucking it overboard.

He then wrote a hurried reply. Celestia had asked him where he was, but he decided to be vague and simply tell her that he was leaving Everfree Castle to investigate the magiscaber further. He knew that he was going to be in trouble when he came back from his trip.

Suddenly the airship entered a large swathe of dark, storm clouds, however weirdly enough there was no rain or thunder. The sky had seemed to turn to night as the clouds blocked out any sunlight.

They weren't in the mysterious clouds for long, however, as they were suddenly thrusted into clear skies again. The sky around them seemed to be dark and menacing, with its once natural blue now appearing as a menacing orange-brown. Void Knew that he had reached his destination…

As soon as the ship touched down, Royal Guards immediately swarmed the ship, Void, not wanting his whereabouts to be reported back to the princess snuck over the side of the ship, he knew that he wouldn't be able to sneak in and that he would have to confront a Royal Guard at some point but he would prefer that only the necessary ponies knew that he was here.

Tartarus was currently being used as a top-secret Prisoner Of War camp, for captured soldiers from the Crystal War. He also knew that what he was going to do, would get him expelled from the League. He snuck his way over to the small Guard post that guarded a side entrance to the massive prison.

As soon as he arrived, several spears were directed at him, rolling his eyes, her merely pushed them away and lowered his hood. The Guards instantly recognised him, “Master Void, what brings you here?” a guard asked, lowering his spear and bowing his head in respect.

“I am here on business, I need to interrogate a prisoner, a unicorn, to be specific,” he explained.

The guard peered at him with curiosity and mild suspicion, “Really, who?”

“Any unicorn.” he merely said.

“Does the Princess know about this?” the guard interrogated, his eyes beginning to narrow.

“What Princess Celestia doesn't know, won’t hurt her.” he said cryptically.

“I can't let you in without any proper authorisation from the Princess.” He exclaimed.

Void growled, and his eyes turned orange, peering deep into the guard's blue eyes. His eyes burned into his blue eyes, making them misty before he finally cleared his throat and exclaimed dreamily, “Sorry Master, right this way.”

As he began to walk like a mindless zombie, Void merely whispered, “Excellent.” he then followed the guard into a massive cavern, which contained hundreds of cages, inside each cage lay a frail and malnourished pony.

The guard led him towards a cage that contained a lonely unicorn, who was shivering, his grey coat matted with dirt and grime.

“This one is perfect, is there somewhere private for me to interrogate the prisoner?”

Instead of saying anything, the guard merely nodded his head, he then unlocked the cage and secured the prisoner’s hooves in cuffs before roughly pulling him out.

They then walked down a series of tunnels before being led into a much, smaller cave, with chains attached to the wall. The guard dragged the prisoner to the chains before locking him in place.

“Leave us but remain outside the room and make sure, nopony enters,” he commanded, and the guard, moved swiftly to follow his orders, still staring into space.

Void Streak then unsheathed his magiscaber and pressed the button, instantly covering the room in a blue shimmer.

“Do you know what this is?” Void asked the terrified unicorn, staring into the glowing, blue blade.

The Unicorn shook his head, instead pleading, “Please don't hurt me.”

“But you hurt me,” Void stated, still admiring his magiscaber.

“What do you mean?” the unicorn asked timidly.

Void suddenly, snapped his gaze towards the unicorn, he then pointed his hoof towards the condemned stallion and began to use the aura to strangle him. The Prisoner began to cough and splutter; attempting to claw at his throat but the chains kept his hooves secured.

“I was a slave to you and your kind. You treated me like filth and so you shall pay the price.” he thundered, he pulled his hoof down and released the POW of the aura choke.

He then walked towards the wheezing unicorn menacingly. He then raised the magiscaber above his head before swinging it around and slicing the unicorn's horn straight off his head. The unicorn released a blood-curdling scream.

However, Void simply ignored him and held the horn up to the light before removing the aquamarine crystal and replacing it with the horn. Pressing the button, he smiled as a blood-red blade shot from the hilt. Void could sense that this blade was more powerful and much more darker than the blue and purple blades. He then tested his new saber out by running the saber through the heart of the prisoner, instantly silencing the scream.

He then left the room, not before brutally decapitating the guard. He made his way through the caverns and found the same side entrance and exited the secure facility. He sighed with relief as he noticed that the airship was still there although it was beginning to set off.

Quickly flapping his wings he leapt into the air and flew towards the departing airship, quickly touching down on the deck.

The captain instantly noticed him and with a scowl on his face stormed over the pegasus. Void stood his ground as the captain, demanded “I hope you have payment for a return voyage.”

Void merely smiled sinisterly, “I am afraid that I request a refund.”

The captain gave him the look of a demon, “Excuse me!”

“Yes it would seem that ship’s crew has suddenly dropped dead.”

This only made the captain confused. All of a sudden with the speed of a cheetah, Void powered up the red magiscaber and used the aura to pull the unsuspecting crew members into the red blade. With the ferociosness of a lion, he began to strike down every deckhand that was in view, using the aura to pull them to their untimely demise.

The captain, his eyes bulged with fear ran below deck quickly followed by the few surviving crew mates. Void Streak followed, his eyes a blazing orange.

They fleeing ponies ran into a locked door, as Streak inched closer they banged on the door. One brave earth pony rushed towards the murderous pegasus, however, he merely used the aura to fling her into the air before swinging his magiscaber, cutting the unfortunate deckhand in half while falling. He then swung his saber around, beheading the five remaining crew members in a row.

The captain, remained, he fell onto his knees and begged for mercy, “Please, I am sorry, You can have the entire trip for free, please don't kill me.”

It was no use Void ignored him and raised his magisaber high before jabbing it through the captain’s head. Void was fully engulfed in the dark side.


Meanwhile back in Canterlot Fort the League was discussing the recent discovery of the magiscaber, when all of a sudden they each felt a major disturbance in the aura.

Celestia had a very bad feeling and could only watch as she realised that her fellow elementals all felt the same thing.

Blaze whispered, “Oh no, I fear a beast has awoken...”