• Member Since 12th Apr, 2019
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


"Look upon the fields in which I grow my Fucks...and you will see that they are Barren..."


Far off the Standard shipping lanes of the Five Galaxies, the Planet of Equis has existed for untold millennia, peaceful and undisturbed. Her inhabitants know nothing of the Wars that have cost the lives of trillions throughout the Universe over the centuries, nor of the mighty Races consumed with dominating all others under Their sway.

But all that is about to change.

Her shuttle pod badly damaged, and barely able to make lightspeed, a lone Tymbrimi female desperately searches for a place to make planetfall before her ship is destroyed by her pursuers. Arriving in an instant through uncharted space, she manages to spot a planet that had never appeared before on any chart and makes for it.

She can only hope the natives are sapient.

Story inspired and characters borrowed from David Brin's The Uplift War. I highly recommend reading the series, starting with Sundowner, and ending with Startide Rising.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 7 )

"Computer! Calculate jump to the nearest inhabitable planet and execute!"

There was a second's pause, and the computer responded with, "There are no charted inhabitable planets within range of this vessel."

As her ship was rocked by another couple of near-misses, she cried out, "Then jump to any uncharted planets, and execute!"

I nearly spat on my screen laughing at that exchange. It's deliciously ridiculous and cheeky.
I have fond memories of the Uplift series, so seeing art from it was a pleasant surprise on FIM Fic. I'm curious how you're going to mesh the very different worlds in this crossover. You've got me in suspense.

You clearly have a love for the source material, and I like that. You also have a clear vision of your version of Equestria's tech and culture. I'm curious to see how this story develops.

Which method of FTL did Bincaltha use? The Uplift series has a wealth of options to choose from, from the various levels of hyperspace to more bizarre methods like quantum or psionic drives.

And then there's the gubru stumbling upon an uncharted world with more sapient races than Jijo. If they can adopt them all without any other race noticing (while doing a little bit of creative history), they could massively increase their status on the intergalactic stage. And the wolflings here don't even have humanity's defense that they'd already uplifted two races before contact...

Heh...thanks! I've loved this series ever since I first read it back in college, and it recently came to mind once I got my grubby mitts on a First Edition hardback copy of The Uplift War several months ago. Since then, I'd been wracking my brains to try and merge the two worlds, so this tale has been stewing in my mind for awhile now.

My intention is to remain true to the original source material, without too many deviations, as I have great respect for Dr. Brin and am not seeking to improve his work (as if!), but to expand it. In keeping with the My Little Pony Universe, there will be numerous surprises in store for both Bincaltha and the pursuing Gubru. The MLP universe has a richness of its own, one that I found to be perfectly suited to bring into the Uplift universe.

As far as Bincaltha's method of FTL? lol...I do have a specific way in mind, but I'll leave you with Dr. Brin's quote on the matter:

"If you were 'going to break the rules' you might as well do it in a lot of creative ways."

Story inspired and characters borrowed from David Brin's The Uplift War. I highly recommend reading the series, starting with Sundowner, and ending with Startide Rising.

These stories sound very interesting, but do I need to read them all in order to understand this story?

Not at all! Any one of the books will give you reference, but this particular tale is directly inspired by The Uplift War, so if you just want to read that one you're golden.

Or...if you want just the facts you can read the Wikipedia entry: The Uplift War, which will bring you up to speed on most of the terms and players.

Given that Weird Psychic Powers are a thing in Brin's universe, I can see the Ponies - and the other sapient life forms of Equestria - as the result of some _really_ unscrupulous uplift experiments.
I draw the line on Discord, though. (Perhaps he's the result of someone exploring way too deep in the realms of E-space, and bringing back a rogue Concept)

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