• Member Since 15th Oct, 2022
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Just writing ideas that come to mind.


This story is a sequel to The Rainbow Plague

It's been moons since the initial outbreak of the Rainbow Plague, and Equestria has moved on. Other threats have come and go, Twilight was crowned princess of Equestria, the Rainbow Plague is a thing of the past. But when Rainbow Dash begins to have recurring nightmares, she believes that the plague may not be entirely gone.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 22 )

As she had mentioned her own experience with nightmares, it made Rainbow remember her earliest experiences with Starlight. Yes, they were friends now, but Rainbow couldn’t help but recall some of the events. The mind control, the town, the stripping of her cutie mark. These memories replayed in her mind until Rainbow stopped paying attention and Starlight’s kind voice became white noise that echoed fruitlessly in deaf ears.

Wait why do I feel like we’re going into a PTSD thing.

When next update hehehehdhdhdhhd

At this point, the hospital isn't an option.

If someone is leaving out into the night while already showing erratic behavior, then there need to be some form of reinforcements, like one or more individuals to watch them and not leave them for a few minutes, for their sake and everyone else's.

Especially when it's related to sleep, dreams, or nightmares!

Also I don't think Tank left... I'm afraid of the possible alternatives that might have happened.

.............They're here:pinkiegasp:, more plz, love this story

Even though I'm pretty late in reading this (well at least my username checks out):
Whoohoo a continuation of the previous great story let's see what horrors and mysteries our heros will have to face :yay:.

I really like the inclusion of Tank as so many stories tend to ignore him, which is a little sad, seeing how important he is to Rainbow in the show . It's also a clever way to let her work out some things on her own, with him being her "conversation" partner :rainbowdetermined2:.

Finally I like, that the characters don't stubbornly keep problems to themselves. Seeing as the setting is in the later seasons of the show, where the characters have learned much about friendship by now, them opening up makes sense and is refreshing to see compared to other stories.

All in all a good start :twilightsmile:.

Ah the plot thickens. It is interesting to see the actual transition of power from Celestia to Twilight at work, we don't really see much of that in the show. Though I guess Twilight must be right in her element with all the paperwork :trollestia:.

But so much about the willingness to open up I praised before. Though I'll be interested what compels Rainbow to not tell Twilight about her issues.

More wholesomeness of Rainbow and Tank :yay:. Though of course that couldn't last, seeing as what type of story this is. Still, I like how you wrote their interaction, it feels really natural and in line with the show.

Now let's see where Rainbow's slipping from sanity will lead us :pinkiecrazy:.

It is so like Rainbow to have one good night and declare all her troubles over :rainbowlaugh:. Well that couldn't last of course. But how will she cope now, that her emotional pillar is gone? Are we close to Rainbow snapping? We'll see how it develops on further.

Also, I like how everypony reacts to Tank's current state (missing that is), especially poor Rainbow :applecry:. Furthermore it's good to see how her friends try to support Rainbow, at least as much as she allows them to.

Things are really starting to heat up more and more. I really like how you showed Rainbow still trying to keep herself together. But seeing another bug involved, I'm very intrigued. It has always seemed that the nightmares were influenced by some outside source. Was it another insect lurking?

I agree, that with the behavior Rainbow exhibits she needs professional help, though I can understand why the Apples try to wait one night. They don't know the extend of Rainbow's mental state :rainbowderp: like we do, so they don't think one more night would hurt.
I'm also a little curious, why you think the hospital wouldn't be a good idea. Wouldn't they have speciallists who could help or at the very least could help getting her to one?

Finally I think you are right regarding Tank :raritydespair:, it really seemed suspicious that the one helping Rainbow through the night just disappeared. Let us both hope that he'll be fine.

And here we go again. I though we were rid of these buggers. But it seems it's not so easy to keep pests away :raritydespair:.

I suspect Rainbow may be underplaying her condition

I really like how you write that Rainbow's friends, especially Twilight, know her well enough to know when to help her, even when she doesn't say that she needs help. They have really learned from each other well and know each other so well by now.

Finally I'm now really curious about what happed to Rainbow, and also how she got so many guest in her house in the first place, it is a cloud house after all. I'll take my random shot into the dark and guess that they try to turn her into a new queen, seeing as she killed the last one.

The hospital doesn't sound like a good idea imo because it wouldn't really help solve the problem, though it could slow down the bug process. I'm usually all for going to the hospital, but a mind controlling stomach bug that nearly took over the country is a more serious case. :twilightoops:

I was under the impression that Rainbow had sleep walked or something similar to it which had lead to her flying out the window and the bug attack on Applebloom seemingly coming from Rainbow made her a risk from my perspective. In this case, I felt that she needed to be supervised better at the least, restrained at the most before they could find help, like Twilight but not a specialist. She's not sick in the way the Apple Family thinks she is which is why they suggested going to the hospital in the first place. Plus considering how Rainbow has approached Starlight, Twilight, and now Applejack and her family with her problem, how would the hospital suggest a specialist when Rainbow won't fully tell them what is going on or when she keeps refusing to do certain things? She could lie or downplay her symptoms, thus could lead to the doctor suggesting a specialist or a useless treatment that would just be a waste of time. If she won't tell her own friends exactly what is going on, what would make her want to tell a doctor? Even if a doctor did suggest a specialist without knowing what was actually going on, what would the specialist, like a gastroenterologist, do that would actually help Rainbow with her problem? If they didn't know it was the bugs that nearly took over Equestria, the treatments could not work or slow the process of whatever is going on with Rainbow, but probably not enough. It could lead to finding the source but that would take a long time, much more time than what Rainbow has. If they did know, they most likely would have contacted Twilight since it was a national mind controlling threat, not just a sickness. But by then, Twilight probably would have already known or would have already been on her way since she knew something was wrong.

I was also assuming the Apple Family was talking about the local hospital in Ponyville. Based on previous canon events that has occurred in that hospital and what we as the readers know from the story, I don't think they are equipped to handle the situation. Rainbow flew out the window at the farm, so what is stopping her from doing the same thing at the hospital? This is the same hospital she broke into and the same hospital that had a patient escape that same night. Even though there might be nurses there 24/7, that doesn't mean a nurse will be watching one specific pony 24/7. There would have to be a rotation of hospital security guards or nurses to keep an eye on a pony who might be a risk to themselves and to others, but I doubt that the local hospital has those resources or funds... :ajsleepy:

Sorry for the essay. I just really wanted to make myself clear as possible. :twilightblush:

Thank you for your detailed answer and don't worry about it being too long. I mean, we are on a site to read awesome stories so I certainly won't mind reading even more :yay:.

While you are certainly right with your assessment, that Rainbow would have needed treatment ASAP, I just wanted to point out why I understand that the Apples didn't immediately try to get someone like Twilight to help.

Because at this point in the story the Apples only know, that Rainbow has had night terrors and started to behave a little strange, both are understandable given her lack of sleep and Tank's disappearance. So their idea of looking after Rainbow for one night and then getting her to the hospital, where maybe they have a psychiatrist seems pretty reasonable (That is asuming that someone quallified to look after mental health works at the hospital).
Again they don't know the full extend of Rainbow's troubles as she has kept so much to herself, so the Apples don't know how bad it really is for Rainbow. Also as you said, the bugs hadn't reared their ugly heads and it could have been only a mental attack at that point.

Though I will agree that the Ponyville hospital would probably be ill equipped to deal with someone with Rainbow's level of trauma, even if she wouldn't have been influence by the bugs. But the Apples probably just didn't think that far ahead and just saw a sick pony and thought that she should be brought to a hospital, a totally normal human pony reaction if you ask me.

Thanks for the response!

I can understand that, especially in the Apple Family's perspective. I agree, Applejack and her family did have a normal reaction. I just got carried away and forgot that the characters aren't presented with the same info as the readers, so they will see the situation differently. :twilightblush:
So thank you for that reminder. :raritywink:

No problem :twilightsmile:. I'm always happy to have a nice person to have a healthy discussion with, even better if it's about a great story :pinkiehappy:.

OH NO :pinkiegasp:
...See, I had internally joked, "What if Rainbow is the new queen?", before I even started reading this, but I didn't think it would actually happen. Now I'm scared of what exactly will happen if Grogar’s bell rings...

Glad that I'm not the only one who feels this way :raritywink:, though I didn't think of the possibility you mentioned until Chapter 2 or 3. I'm also still unsure, how the mysterious adversary we witnessed at the end of the last story falls into all of that.

Is Rainbows condition really only a mutation, or did he have his hooves in the game :rainbowhuh:?

Finally, Rainbow leading the swarm to Canterlot, where ponies definitely did not take shelter like in Ponyville, has the potential to end really badly :pinkiegasp:.

Really looking forward to seeing, how that all plays out.

Dang, that's rough...

“My element of harmony keeps me from going feral..."

I was worried about that happening. Thank goodness for the unintended perk of having an element to prevent that.

Before I say anthing else, a big thank you to our dear author Prixy05 for not only providing a great story :yay: but also updating it so frequently. Seening how much of nail-biter this story is, it's great to not having to wait too long in anticipation :heart:.

Well Rainbow came through in this chapter just in time to prevent a disaster. Because as much as the grubs of the previous Rainbow Plague were a problem I really don't want to imagine what wasp laying eggs inside a pony would do :pinkiesick:.

But how will the rest of the Mane 7 and Equestria deal with the aftermath, now that one Element of Hamony is missing? And of course what'll happen to Rainbow, with her being the queen now?

Looking forward hopefully to a continuation of this story :twilightsmile:.

I just tought of a weird way to actually continue this: Rainbow "snaps" in order to save her friends that by a weird plot of a villain become the worst thing Equestria had to face and she had to actually give in the queen's instincts to save them, after long persuing by Spike and maybe the sisters and Cadence and the cristal co, and you can tie it with G5

Well, time for part 3 of this story as Rainbow Goes West to find a cure.

Um what happened to the sequel?

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