• Member Since 15th Oct, 2022
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Just writing ideas that come to mind.



A mysterious plague has swept through Equestria, turning its population into magical zombies. With magic having suddenly vanished as well, it is up to a group of survivors, including Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash, to discover the infection's origin and find a way to put an end to the nightmare.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 59 )

Nope. Still Rainbow's fault. Mostly because without that episode? This wouldn't exist.

Well this is looking interesting so far.

Well, the zombies don`t seem to be too dangerous, so the lack of magic will be the real problem. Time for some good-ol`fashioned earth pony tech!
Great job word-smith! Cannot wait to see more!

Spike, you idiot. You are just like applebloom. Just do what you were told, and stay safe!

You're a necromancer. Surely you must have a solution?

I do not interfere in the business of mortals. I let them suffer and fail on their own. They don`t deserve my help.

Least resentful Dread League member.

There could be a a zombiepony down there. It makes sense to neutralize or capture it as soon as possible to prevent any further infection.

True, but, well, having the only caretaker of the castle go in, alone, reaaaly doesn`t seem like a good idea.

True, but what if the other ponies came back only to be surprised attacked by the zompony? You raise good points though, leaving the castle unattended is also not a good idea. There's not much Spike could've done.

Sorry for responding so late, I don't get notifications and I was rather busy attending to personal matters.

"Right girls," Twilight stated, gathering the others in a huddle, "First things first, we go out and see if there's any other survivors in Ponyville." She pointed to Applejack and repeated the plan they made the previous night, "Applejack, because you have experience surviving already, you go out by yourself. First you go to Sweet Apple Acres to show that you're okay to your family, then you go to the Carousel Boutique to see if Rarity's there." She turned Rainbow, "Rainbow, you and I will go to Fluttershy's cottage to see if she's there, then we'll go to the Ponyville Town Hall to scout out the rest of the town." Finally, she turned to Spike, who was decked out in a makeshift armor of pots and pillows, "Spike, you remain here and secure the castle, be sure to keep an eye out for anypony else. And the remember everypony, if you spot anypony who is infected, do not engage them."

By do not engage so you mean if they are not coming to the castle or just don’t engage period even if they threaten the safety of the castle?

Because spike engage if they get too close Or they get into the castle

Oh shit...

These things can think. These things can plan.

And already these things are sharing similarities to some zombies in the George Romero movies...

they can think and plan.

so many cliffhangers

Sounds almost like a cordyceps infection to me.

her horn is going to be so messed up if she ever gets cured

Well then, that is half the apple family gone.

A hivemind has begun to form.

Pinkie Pie gagged once more; her head recoiled as the stream of rainbow came out thicker than ever before. Twilight shook her head and cried as Pinkie shuddered and her neck bulged unnaturally. A long, thin sinewy leg appeared, delicately grasping the side of Pinkie's mouth. Three more legs appeared, and eventually, a small head. An undersized head with six glassy eyes and a set of buzzing mandibles poked out. The head was connected to a bulbous, fleshy sack, pulsing with rainbow-colored light and bulging veins. The bug chittered once and began to crawl out onto the pony's tongue.

good job. That was creepy. Also hivemind confirmed.

Hmm, getting pretty good at this point, though I must note the pacing was a touch slow up until this point as a lot of time was spent just having the characters go around finding more infected.

With no noise except for heavy breathing, the tip of her horn sparked with light until the latch of the window began to faintly glow and slowly open itself.

Well shit

A pair of pure white eyes stared back at him. A pony, a purple unicorn with a dark purple mane, stood still at the top of the stairs. Quick to regain his composure, Claude yelled and swung the shovel at the zomponies head. Instead, the shovel harmlessly clattered to the ground, as the magic from his horn flickered and vanished.

That's when he realised, he had f*cked up.

She looked back only once to see Big Mac get entirely covered by zombies and collapse, while the rest of the farm was swarmed.

*on radio*
Broken arrow! Broken arrow!

Farmhouse has been overrun and breached I repeat Broken Arrow! Broken arrow!

The farmhouse has fallen everyone still alive go to the castle in ponyville. Repeat go to castle in ponyville

Welp time to start thinking their numbers.

*loads shotgun*

You want in my friend?

"Why the heck would you do that?" Rainbow yelled, "Have you never read a zombie story before?"

Okay so they know what a zombie is at least. But if they do the. why aren’t they reducing the number of undead in the area. Oh wait it’s equestria where everything can be solved by friendship and not you know protecting and killing those off that are beyond saving:facehoof:

Calling it now one of their group is going to die or all of them before they start killing the infected

This was her task after all. A task that had taken root in her mind, ignoring all other impulses and the voice of the pony that silently screamed inside.

Well shit

This just turned from bad to worse. Soon it’s going to be a clusterfucked

Rainbow stood up, "We are not going to off anypony! They may be sick, but they're our friends !"


Can someone please smack some common sense into her before she gets them all killed

Twilight sputtered and gagged, her body violently shaking as it was held down by the emotionless shells of her former friends. Her eyes rolled back as she screamed, the voices in her head growing louder and louder as they blended together as a mass of incoherent crying and screaming when suddenly, everything stopped, and faded to darkness.

Welp now we have reached a clusterfucked defcon 1.

Everyone please load your weapons and shotguns and flamethrowers at the ready and unload at the alicorn with shoot to kill.

Is this a 28 Pranks Later fix fic?

Twilight remembered. Yes, she had always known, known about these threats and her task. Her special task that required the intimate knowledge that only she possessed. Two ponies, Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Two ponies that needed to be hunted down. She looked around as the gray began to vanish, being replaced by the colorful hues of a rainbow.

Well f**k.

So scootaloo might be infected anymore possibly.

But now they might have to kill a few to get to the source of this infection. Or all of it is connected somehow. Like the xenomorph’s do. Or at least their structure. And the queen died then the next strongest warrior becomes the new queen or birth it.

And yeah they might want to start rethinking. (Don’t kill them order for at least a few of them) I get it but sometimes you are just going to have to break a few eggs or do bad h to info in order to do some good.

Applejack shook her head, "Not so drastic Rainbow! No, I say we take them out at the source ." Rainbow looked at her blankly.


They are so dead or going to get infected or something

Not really. This takes place at the same time of the episode and the zombies are based after the fake ones, but this story is largely it's own thing.

Was Twilight a discount Alicorn or something? How had she gotten infected so easily?

See folks? This is why you should always properly cook your food before you eat it!

She's still fresh compared to the others.

Looks like they're not getting cured if applejack has her way

It is time to poison the water supply!

Applejack rolled her eyes, "Not like that Dash, I'm making some molotovs." She paused as she handed the bottle to Rainbow while pulling out some flint and steel from her saddlebag, "If I light these rags and toss the bottle, it'll create a big ol' flame. "

Oh yeah.
Molotov cocktail time.

Discord leaned his serpentine body to watch the duo's descent into the chasm. "Oh well," he said, wistfully stroking his beard, "Those two are as good as gone now."


Discord gasped in mock offense, " Stupid ? Why Rainbow Dash, this is a serious situation, and I shall be taking it as seriously as if it were my wedding!" He paused, leaning down to pat Applejack on the head, "Don't you worry a thing, I have selected the safest place in Equestria as a hiding place. A place where none of those zombies will ever find us!"

And where in the world would that b-

Huh I wonder who that could be

*walks to bunker entrance*

Identify yourself now

Do you mean them not wanting to kill the other infected and try to save them.

When her hooves touched the dirt, Twilight's whole body shuddered as the moistness of the warm mist touched her skin. It felt good . The shaft and its water pit had been chosen because its close proximity below the spa, a nice source of hot water, at least for the time being. As such, the hot water pool was hot, wet, and deep. In other words, the perfect place for breeding.

Excuse, for what now?!

The queen chittered, its punctured pentagonal mouth twitching open, revealing an inverted cone-shaped mouth lined with wriggling talons. A deep voice rang out in every zompony's head.


Welp now they have a hostage or bargaining chip which even if they did hand or hoof over the hostage, they will most certainly turn on applejack and rainbow dash since now they are unprepared.

Hopefully those two actually grow a spine and do what is necessary to defeat or “cure” the infected ponies. Even if they have to kill some to do so so many more can be spared and saved.

What a interesting fanfic

There is not enough insect smashing. We need a hammer. Or two.

Kill the literal stomach bug!

Oooohhh, this was a good story.

Amongst the crowd, Twilight Sparkle shook her head in confusion as her memories came flooding back. She looked down, staring at the repulsive maggot that had resided in her body. The thing was dead now, its legs lifelessly curled up in the air. The grubs were of no threat anymore, but just in case, Twilight stomped a hoof down on the grub's head, giving out a satisfying crunch.

And then burn it with fire. Just in case

“I guess I shall save you two for later,” the cloaked pony presumed with a chuckle, placing the grubs upon their back. And without another word, the pony and the grubs turned, proceeding into the darkness of a tunnel, leaving the chamber of rainbows.

Sequel perhaps?

The transfer of infection was a harrowing process during which a zompony would try to vomit a bug that would proceed to crawl down her throat. A bug that her powerful alicorn magic, no matter how subdued, would profusely reject. Celestia shuddered thinking about how many of those bloated rainbow grubs she had to cough up every day. But it would get grosser, for whenever the grub died, the zomponies would stomp it into a pulp and eat it, for why, she had no idea.

no matter how young twilight is she is still an alacorn and still is overpowered how did she get infected so easily, without her body even remotely rejecting it?

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