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Chapter 3 - The Longest Night of the Millennium

Inside the throne room of the old two sisters' castle in Everfree Forest, the air was heavy with silence. The castle, once a grand and majestic place, now lies abandoned and forgotten.

Suddenly, a flash of light illuminated the room, like a certain aussie robot that was sent back in time to kill a fetus. The sphere of barrier slowly dissolved, revealing Nightmare Moon landing gracefully on the cold, stone floor. She looked around, taking in the empty, dusty hallways and the broken, crumbling walls.

"Just a teleportation spell? No wonder why it uses so much power." Brute force is one of the best strategies in many situations. May it be money, war, or sending a mare to the moon.

It was a letdown, she thought to herself. After all the excitement she had built up, she had been hoping for something more dramatic.

"I should have no problem with that, but still..." she said to herself, shaking her head. "My expectation just got subverted. This felt like The Last Jedi all over again." She didn't even get to use half of the subsystems of her spell.

She sighed, looking up at the ceiling. It was hard to believe that this was once the heart of Equestria. Luna had spent so many years here, both good and bad, ruling over Equestria with her sister. But then everything had changed, and she had been forced to leave. Now she was back in her place. The castle was in ruins, and there was no one here to welcome the night princess.

She walked down the hallway, the sound of her hooves echoing through the empty halls, each step a reminder of the emptiness that filled her soul. Memories flooded her mind, memories of a past filled with darkness and despair. She remembered the time when she had ruled Equestria alongside her sister, a beautiful visage that hid shadows, and twisted her with hate and resentment.

There were moments that shone in the darkness, moments that she held onto tightly, the light that penetrated the blackness of her heart, even if those moments were fleeting.

But then it had all been taken away by her own sister, she had been banished to the moon for a thousand years. And now she was back, but everything was different.

Not her, it's Luna's.

Nightmare Moon closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She could feel the anger and bitterness rising inside her, but she forced it down. She couldn't afford to lose control again, not now when her entire future relies on that shoddy plan that must be executed perfectly. Firstly, she must fin-

"Hello, Lulu" A familiar voice resounded behind her.

Well, that's convenient.

Celestia called out, "Hello, Lulu" her voice echoing through the empty halls of the castle of the two sisters. She saw the dark figure of her sister in the throne room, staring back at her with cold, unyielding eyes.

"Lu- Nightmare Moon," Celestia said as she walked in, her voice filled with sadness. "I had hoped that we could resolve this peacefully. We are sisters, after all."

But the black alicorn did not respond. Instead, she continued to circle around the room, her eyes never leaving Celestia.

"We don't have to do this. We can rule Equestria together in peace." Celestia spoke, her voice filled with sorrow.

The two alicorns began to circle around each other, neither of them speaking a word. Celestia tried to reason with her sister, to convince her to come back to the light, but Nightmare Moon remained silent.

"Very well," Celestia said with a sigh. "If it must come to this, then let it be so."

With a heavy heart, Celestia raised her horn, preparing to defend herself against her own sister. She knew that there was no other way - this was a battle that had to be fought, no matter how much it pained her.

The two alicorns charged at each other, their horns glowing with powerful magic. Suddenly, Nightmare Moon stops, her flank is facing the entrance.

The black mare suddenly spoke up, "What do you know about a mass driver?"

".... What?" Celestia was taken aback by the sudden change in subject.

Nightmare Moon suddenly darted behind the entrance door, which was made of thick metal.

"I choose you, Armstone!" Nightmare Moon shouted in glee. "Retrograde at 500%!"

Celestia realized her sister was not casting any offensive spells at all! "What is Retro-"

Wink! Boom!

The atmosphere in Ponyville shifted from excitement to fear as the moon slowly began to set, and the Summer Sun Celebration was about to begin. However, Princess Celestia was nowhere to be seen, and the ponies were beginning to worry. Suddenly, a black alicorn appeared on stage, with razor-sharp teeth and slitted eyes that sent shivers down the spine of anyone who dared make eye contact.

The ponies gasped in terror as they recognized the dark mare—it was Nightmare Moon, the infamous mare who had once tried to plunge Equestria into eternal night, a demon who consumed the flesh of young foals. She had been banished to the moon thousands of years ago, but now she was back, and the ponies of Ponyville were powerless to stop her.

Suddenly, a brave pony stepped forward, his voice shaking but determined. "Where is Princess Celestia?" he demanded, hoping against hope that the princess would suddenly appear and save them all.

Nightmare Moon laughed, a cruel sound that echoed through the silent town square. "Am I not royal enough for you?" she taunted; her voice laced with malice. "Don't you remember who I am?"

Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, Pinkie Pie suddenly interjected, as she often did in times of crisis. "Hey, I remember you!" she exclaimed, her voice cheerful despite the gravity of the situation. "You're Nightmare Moon, right? From a thousand years ago? Wow, it's been a while since we've seen you around here."

Nightmare Moon froze up, then scowled at the pink pony. "And who are you supposed to be?" she sneered.

"I'm Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie chirped. "And I'm the one who knows how to throw a party, even in the darkest of times. Maybe you should take a break from all this doom and gloom and come have some cake with us! We've got plenty to go around."

To everyone's surprise, Nightmare Moon's menacing expression softened a bit as she regarded the pink pony. "Hmm, a party, you say?" she mused. "I suppose it has been a while since I've had any fun."

She turned to Pinkie Pie with a sly smile. "Do you like pie?" she asked.

Pinkie's face lit up with excitement. "Yes, I love pie!" she exclaimed.

Nightmare Moon's smile widened. "Well then, how about we go somewhere private and have some moon pie together?" she suggested.

Before Pinkie could respond, Twilight stepped forward and whispered urgently in her ear. "Pinkie, 'eating moon pie' is just an expression. It means 'having oral sex with her," she explained with lifeless eyes like those of an underpaid schoolteacher.

Pinkie's face went from pink to red as she realized what the Mare of the Moon had just suggested. She stammered awkwardly. "Oh, right, ha ha, that's a good prank. Well, maybe we can just have regular pie instead?" she suggested, hoping to salvage the situation.

"Who said it was a prank? It's lonely up there, you know?" Nightmare replied with half-lidded eyes.

Before the situation could get any more awkward, a rainbow-maned Pegasus suddenly flew up into the air and attempted to strike Nightmare Moon with a powerful kick. However, her attack was quickly intercepted by an orange earth pony wearing a Stetson hat, who bit down on the Pegasus’s tail.

"Return the princess to us!" she yelled.

"As you wish," the black alicorn complied, teleporting in something white and red, a battered and beaten white alicorn.

Just as panic threatened to take over, a chill swept over the crowd before Nightmare Moon spoke.

"Good, that's it. There's nothing to fear. I won't hurt anyone... as long as you listen to my announcement."

"Raw and pure, undiluted magic," Twilight muttered in awe as she observed. Pretending that she didn't see the bloody princess.

"Monster...." someone whispered from the crowd.

The black alicorn composed herself and met Celestia's gaze, her only working eye. "Firstly, from this day forward, we are sisters no longer." Tears started to well up in white alicorn eye sockets.

"They are sisters?" someone in the crowd interjected.

"Secondly, there will be no eternal night. I have learned my lesson from my thousand years of imprisonment that not all enjoy the night. And I am happy to say that after my punishment, I too have learned to hate the night. I hereby give up my title as the ruler of the night and the moon itself to the Princess of Sun."

Celestia's tears flowed like a dam after a terrorist attack.

"Third and finally, I hereby relinquish my Equestrian citizenship and my claim to the throne because many reasons, but mainly because I hate it here. You guys can all go fuck yourselves without involving me."

"What...?" Celestia muttered in shock. Her mouth hung open and shows to full view of the unfortunate audiences. Alicorn's healing factor can look truly eldritch in many scenarios. Growing back teeth and pushing out third-degree burned skin patches is one of that.

"EW! I ain't going to sleep tonight after seeing- Ow that's hurt!" The sound of hoof impact muzzle echoed from somewhere.

"I will leave now. Thank you for listening to my Ted talk, and please continue your celebration." Her body turned into mist and slithered away in the direction of that dreaded forest.

Silence reigned for a moment as everything slowly began to sink in

"Mare of the Moon is gone" The first pony that came to his sense shouted.

"Mare of the Moon is gone!" The ponies erupted in cheers as Celestia fainted, unable to process her emotion with her halfway functional brain from blood loss at the sudden turn of events.

Author's Note:

Mass driver is any method to use mean of accelerate or catapult a payload up to high speeds. A payload does not have its own propulsion and relied solely on the initial ΔV it got. A gun can be considered mass driver cannon. A spacecraft jettisonned unused parts in zero G is also considered a kind of mass driver by somes.

The last Jedi is very influented piece of entertainment to me as a media consumer. Before it I would just rant about my dissatisfactory. That one movie is so much anger, like I got tricked into spending money on scam, but It's actually the most beutiful thing I have seen to date(you can screenshot any exposition frames and use it as screenshot without the needed of lightroom, and it also packed so much contents. It's weird.
It's the thing that made me drive into the rabbit hole of movie troupe analysis youtubers.

Now I can say I have a little more standard than I used to. Still the same Anon who shit talking about everything, but (kinda?) actually provide something useful back to the (unfortunate)content creator. And also give me confident enought to not fucked up(too much) when creating my own story.

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