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Chapter 20 - Rainbow Dash and The Hospital Staffs

Rainbow Dash, the fastest and most daring pony in all of Equestria, had always prided herself on her speed, agility, and her knack for surviving any situation. Whether it was winning races, performing daring stunts, or inadvertently doing pranks, she was always up for a challenge.

But, she never expected to use her talent this way.

Today was a different kind of challenge for Rainbow Dash. She found herself covered in dried blood, her front hooves locked together, holding onto a books-filled egghead's saddlebag, hugging it tightly to her chest as if her dear life depended on it.

Because that's what she currently felt.

Currently, she is being pursued by a determined legionnaire of hospital staffs, determined to catch up with her. To bring her back to the hospital bed, to tie her down, and injected her with...

"Don't think about it, nope!" Rainbow Dash shake her head as she zipped through the hallways, she couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh.

"I am sorry, Scoots" she muttered darkly as she thought of her fallen comrade, the filly who she left behind and likely still in a comatose state, unintentionally becoming a distraction for Rainbow Dash. "Your valiant sacrificed.... will be remembered"

[Scootaloo will remember that]

Rainbow Dash's wings beat rapidly as she soared through the corridors, her mane trailing behind her like a colorful comet. She deftly dodged a few hospital staffs and patients that are in her way, narrowly avoiding collision with the carts they were pushing and expertly maneuvering around corners.

But just as Rainbow Dash thought she had shaken off her pursuers, she found herself facing a dead end.

With one of those dread servants of Tartarus blocking her exit. "She's this way!" The hospital staff pointed a hoof at her while calling for reinforcement.

"Nope, nope, nope, not this way!" she exclaimed, quickly making a U-turn and retracing her path. Her eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for an alternative route. She spotted a narrow stairway to her right and dove into it, narrowly avoiding the outstretched hoof of a determined staff member.

"Hey, come back here!" the staff member cried out in frustration as Rainbow Dash zoomed past him.

“Slowpoke!” She shouted back, shot him her signature smug wink before disappearing around another corner.

Rainbow Dash's heart pounded in her chest as she desperately searched for an exit. The hospital seemed like an endless maze of white walls and identical corridors.

The occasional annoying sound of machines beeping constantly only added to her sense of confusion and urgency.

"Who designed this place?! A maze builder?!" she shouted out in frustration, unintentionally announcing her location to her pursuers, medical practitioners from all over the building swarming at breakneck speed! "She is this way! Security!"

"Buck buck buck!" Sometimes, Rainbow Dash questioned her decisions in her life, which one is the wrong one, and what did she do to make everything go so wrong.

Lines upon lines of ponies who should become royal guards stood defiantly like a welled-trained army, their posture would make even the hard-boiled veterans fluttered and ashamed of themselves.

Each one of those ponies wore various hospital uniforms, the greatest sharpshooter Ponyville General had to offer, all pointed their respective weapon at her. Each iron sight of their military-grade net gun has Rainbow Dash as the target.

They stood in lines, waiting for an order from the commander, a battle-harden centurion in doctor's clothes.

Those are new, and why did they even have something like that! Rainbow Dash thought to herself, as she scanned around for the escape route, only to meet with the ringleader of this group.

Rainbow Dash flinched and nearly dropped her saddlebag as she momentarily locked her eyes with the piercing gaze of the leader of the hospital's unofficial markmare unit.

"Oh... It's you again." The doctor voiced out. The mare’s vocal cord is actually very squeaky and soft, a fitting vocal cord for someone in a position of accommodating jumpy and fearful patients with kindness.

But the cold, emotionless tone that reverberated through the air from her mouth told Rainbow Dash that she is facing the healer's other less-friendly side at the moment.

"Miss Dash. Please, go back to your room" The Doctor said slowly, making sure the hyperactive mare understood the meaning. Although to the rainbow mane pegasus's ears, she recognized that tone, the same exact one that her flight instructor used.

It was not a polite request, but an absolute order that demanded no compromises.

The experience from her latest misshaped taught Rainbow Dash that no matter what her own biases were, and even if she didn't like their guts, she must always give those ponies a chance first.

And so she does.

With her heart filled with hope and dream, and wishing to avoid this confusingly hellish and very unfair confrontation, waving a hoof at the mare. "H-hi doc, can you let me go..?" The rainbow mane pegasus squeaked out, fear evidenced in her voice.

The doctor might willing to give any other patient goodwill, the benefit of the doubt, consideration and if needed be a compromise.

But this is Rainbow Danger Dash, the egotistical mare that used 'Danger' as her middle name. The mare whose last time, ran away from ER with a still not fully healed, broken foreleg.

In her humble opinion, Rainbow Dash’s stubbornness is only second to the mares and stallions of the Apple family themselves.

Not willing to let the rainbow mane pegasus lead her astray, The doctor puffed up her chest, breath in, and shouted out the command. "Ready! Aim! Fire!" The Judgement was ordered and Rainbow Dash's fate is sealed.

Volley upon volley of artillery fired upon the Rainbow Rainbow dash, as the pegasus herself felt shaken to her core in awe and fear.

The scene that looked like it was from the fall Pegasopolis, is enacted before her, but with her playing the very role of the falling Pegasopolis, all by her lonesome self.

She was forcefully brought back to her sense as she felt the wind from one of the projectiles that flew past her.

Why me! Why! Why! She thought to herself, trying to not let anything touch her, telekinesis field, hooves, projectiles, and anything else that want to take her freedom away.

With each passing moment, the details around her blurred as she pushed herself to her limits. But Rainbow Dash refused to give up. She had somewhere important to be, someone she needed to apologize to. No amount of armies of hospital goons would stand in her way.

Her eyes gaze around as she dodges projectiles, there must be a weakest in the formation—something that she can take advantage of...

There! Rainbow Dash thought to herself. In the hallway where the hospital staffs came in—they still keep rushing in and were not yet in battle stance.

“Where are you going!?” As she flew toward a crossway, making a mad dash, and turned at the corner, Rainbow Dash's eyes widened with hope. There, at the end of the hallway, she spotted a glimmer of light. It was the exit! A surge of exhilaration filled her as she redoubled her efforts, her wings propelling her forward with renewed determination.

"Yes, I'm almost there!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of relief and excitement. The exit drew closer with each passing second, and she could practically taste the freedom that awaited her.

With one final burst of speed, Rainbow Dash burst through the doors and into the open air and move upward above the cloud, shaking off any pegasi pursuer and moving away from the Ponyville general's sphere of influence.

The warm rays of the ever-shining sun bathed her in a golden glow as she touched down on solid ground. The cool breeze rustled her mane, giving her a moment of respite.

She took a moment to catch her breath, a mixture of relief and excitement filling her lungs, a wide grin spreading across her face.

"I made it! Yes yes yes!" she exclaimed triumphantly, feeling a tidal of accomplishment wash over her. She paused for a moment, reflecting on the wild chase she had just endured. "Well, that was one way to discharge," she chuckled to herself, realizing that her determination had led her on quite the adrenaline rush.

And so, with her sights set on her goal, Rainbow Dash spread her wings and took to the sky, soaring above the rooftops of Ponyville.

Only then she started to remember these two important facts, the first one is the crucial piece of information she forgot to asked when she had a chance.

"Where does she live?" Rainbow Dash muttered to herself. She then gazed down at the saddlebag “Books… the library?” She shrugged, leaving task of locating the next destination to her future self if this turned out wrong.

As she glided through the Town, and feel a wisp of cool wind fluttering passed her wings "Yes, nothing beat open sky...." she hummed and trailed off.

Only then she noticed something wrong with her body. she felt like it was covered in something sticky, but the answer is stuck at the tip of her tongue. "Did I forget somethin-"

"Ahhhh! Zombie!" Somepony scream her lungs out while pointing at the rainbow mane pegasus.

Ah, Rainbow Dash remembered now. She is still covered in Nightmare Moon's dried blood.

Author's Note:

Hey, I found another decent Nightmare Moon AU Comic.



compare to the previous entry, moonset, this comic took a very different approach. If you want no romance drama filled with tragedy and violence, here’s a comic for you.

Firstly, instead of using modified version of cannon character, it used OCs. It means lot of screen time must spend on building up OCs, but that’s okay. We don’t want to stick with Nightmare Moon anyway.

Nightmare Moon in this comic had an unattractive personality of a typical cowardice tyrant, she would fear every little threat and acts our rashly without thinking.

After all, she is an emotional idiot who has as bad security as cannon Equestria… plus active rebellion that existed from the beginning of her reign.

But that’s okay, as she was merely a minor piece of this story. This comic spend lot of time having many different characters took turn on the stage, each one of them shone in differences qualities.

This story wasn’t shy away from gore and violence. In fact, there was more violence than moonset, but it’s still less mature than moonset. What I meant is that the characters acting cartoonish and stupid and make this Nightmare Moon's reign worked, as she was a clown queen among fools.

They are all suffering, and we have fun watching them struggled.

Yes, struggled. This comic was discontinued.