• Published 6th Apr 2023
  • 2,757 Views, 41 Comments

With Every Story - RunicTreetops

Just days before you were to be wed, Celestia disappears. Where has she gone? And why won't your friends help you save her?

  • ...

Natural Causes

You sigh to yourself as you lean against your kitchen counter, the scent of coffee slowly filling the space as you wait for your morning beverage to finish being prepared. It's almost ten now, and there is still no sign of Tia. Your nerves are still keeping you on edge, but you have enough common sense to know that if there was some sort of major issue, you would have heard about it by now. Though, you still can't help but glance out the window at the distant sight of Canterlot every now and then. You gently shake your head as you pour a fresh mug and take a sip. You probably just forgot about a meeting or something. She might be retired now, but that doesn't mean all of her responsibilities just magically disappeared.

A little while later and you're locking the front door. Dressed in your typical workday business casual, you're prepared to head to the Royal-Tea Shop and open before the lunch rush. You breathe in that clean Equestria air and start down the street. Thankfully you built your house within visible distance of the shop, so the walk isn't that long. There aren't a whole lot of ponies out today, either. It's quiet. Normally it would be peaceful, but right now it isn't doing much to help your nerves.

When you finally reach the shop, you go for your keys only to realize that the door is already unlocked. That's... odd. You definitely locked up before leaving last time, didn't you?

Opening the door, you realize the cause of the lack of lock. Seated at one of the stools along the counter is your almost-sister-in-law, Luna. Your first instinct is to happily greet her as you normally would, even in spite of her having let herself in, but the fact that she didn't react to you entering the completely silent room has tipped you off to the fact that something is probably wrong. Not only that, but the lights aren't even on. For her part, Luna is staring down at the counter into what seems to be a full teacup. Glancing behind the counter, you can see that she has definitely gotten into your things. You take pride in the tea that you serve, having learned from the servants at Canterlot Castle years ago. You're certain that your tea meets a certain standard of quality, and one aspect that greatly influences one's enjoyment of tea is temperature. Luna's favorite is a nice green tea, and green tea should be served hot. There is a distinct lack of steam rising from her cup. Despite having servants for many years, Luna is no slouch when it comes to making tea. She wouldn't mess it up. That tea has been sitting there with no one to drink it for a while.

She has been sitting there for a while.

"Luna? Is everything okay?"

For the first time, she acknowledges your presence by simply glancing in your direction. Her head does not swivel, nor does her body move. Just a quick glance at you, then it's right back to staring at the tea. You flick the lights on, and you see her very briefly adjust her eyes to the new lighting before continuing to stare.

"...Just didn't know where else to go."

Her voice is quiet and raspy, as though she has been crying. Looking closer, you can distinctly see a mistiness in her eyes.

"Um, well, you're always welcome here. What's going on, though?"

You take a seat at the stool next to her, causing her to finally turn to face you. Her eyes are drooped, and she looks as though she's barely holding herself together.

"How are you taking the news so well?"

"What news? Did I miss something?"

Luna squeezes her eyes shut, seemingly doing everything in her power to keep her composure. She opens and closes her mouth multiple times, apparently finding it difficult to speak.

"I-I'm sorry, I figured my sister would have told you of all ponies. Sh... she's been called back. Her time has come."

"Called back? What are you talking about?"

"To the First! The First is going to retrieve her magic from my sister."

Huh? The First? What's this about retrieving magic? You've never heard of anything like this before.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I follow. What does that mean?"

Luna's now tear-filled eyes lock with yours, agony and rage and sorrow all hitting you at once.

"It means the First is done with her! She is taking her alicorn magic back!"

"So... she won't be an alicorn anymore?"

"She won't be ALIVE anymore!"

"WHAT? Th-that's ridiculous! You guys have had your magic drained before and you were okay!"

"This isn't the same as Tirek or the Storm King or anything like that. This isn't like your... magic pool or whatever you call it. When we were made alicorns, the magic the First gave us became a part of our very beings. Our bodies rely on it. Being drained of our magic before was like a surface-level detriment. When the First is done, there won't be anything left! By the end of the process, she... she won't be with us any more."

At that, Luna breaks down completely, sobbing into her own arms. You want to comfort her, but there is a lot to process here. Basically, the First summoned Tia to take her magic, and this process will kill her? Why does she want that? Did Tia agree?

Really though, there's only one thing you should really be worried about.

"We have to go stop her, then!"

Luna's sobbing slows ever so slightly, before she gives you a surprisingly cold stare.

"Don't speak like that. I understand that you're hurting too, but you must keep some semblance of dignity in the face of loss."

"I... what? I'm not just going to sit by and let this happen! We have to stop whatever this process is before it's too late!"

When Luna responds, she is practically shouting.

"There is nothing to stop, you fool!" You weren't expecting such hostility. "Sister told me about this, how you view the First like some sort of challenge to overcome. You just don't get it."

"Enlighten me then, because from where I'm standing, it sounds like you're okay with the First murdering Celestia!"

"It is not murder! And there is nothing to be 'okay' with! Are you 'okay' with, say, your grandparents meeting their natural end? This is simply a part of life! The First is simply a part of life. The First IS magic! Her existence is for the betterment of Equestria's future. She isn't just some pony, she is a force. There is nothing to stop." Luna begins to break down again, her voice barely audible over her tears. "Tia's time has come. There is nothing to stop." She repeats herself before breaking down completely. You look at her, now filled with a renewed sense of dread. But with that dread is something else. Anger, perhaps? No.


You look down at Luna. You can only imagine what kind of facial expression you're making.

"So you won't help me?"

She doesn't look up, opting instead to continue crying into her teacup. You would love to comfort her, but it seems like time is of the essence here.

"Well, if you change your mind, I'm going to go grab Twilight before making my move. I'm not just going to sit by and let her die."

With your words hanging heavy in the air, you depart from the shop and cast your old teleportation circle spell, bringing you straight to Canterlot Castle.

It doesn't take much looking around to find Twilight. As the new ruler of Equestria, her schedule isn't all that different from Tia's before she retired. With how familiar you are with said schedule, you know that the throne room is the most likely place to find her. With haste, you make your way there, ignoring the guards and throwing the grand set of doors open.

"Twilight, we have an emergency!"

Unlike with Luna, your sudden entrance is actually acknowledged. What you weren't expecting, however, was the small group huddled together near the center of the room. Twilight is looking at you with an extremely downtrodden expression on her face, but alongside her are Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Spike, and Princess Cadance, each with varying levels of grief obvious on their face. As you approach, you continue speaking.

"Well, from the looks of things I was the last one to find out. What's the plan?"

Twilight's voice is quiet and shaky, not unlike Luna's earlier.

"...What do you mean?"

"The... the plan? To save Tia."

Twilight looks away from you, apparently unable to meet your gaze.

"Come on. Don't make this any harder than it already is."

That really isn't what you wanted to hear. You know you aren't exactly a hero, but you still feel yourself getting a bit defensive.

"What is with you all? Between you and Luna... what are you all afraid of?"

Cadance speaks up in place of Twilight.

"Enough! Listen, I understand that you are grieving. We all are, and we all deal with it in different ways, but you really need to consider your behavior towards others! You are not the only one hurting right now!"

"Why are you all speaking like she's already dead?!"

Twilight speaks up again, her voice a shout loud enough to make you jump.

"Because she is!"

You glare at her, your anger no doubt visible on your face. A heavy silence fills the room for a few moments before you find the words with which to break it.

"...Do you really believe that? Look, I don't know what all the First has done. Maybe I just can't understand the gravity of her 'being magic' or whatever." You slowly turn to face the rest of your friends, all of which seem equally afraid of making eye contact with you. "But I'm not afraid of her. At least, I'm certainly not afraid of her enough to abandon Tia."

Your words seem to strike a chord with a few individuals, as both Rainbow Dash and Applejack recoil at your words. The tension in the room is enough to make you nauseous before Cadance speaks up again.

"Please... please stop this. We don't want this either." Tears begin to roll down her cheeks, making it difficult for her to speak clearly. "But this is hardly different than nature just... taking its course."

More than just Cadance are crying now, as Fluttershy, Rarity, and even Pinkie quietly sob. Barely audible above the already quiet weeping, Spike asks a question to no one in particular.

"Is there anything we even could do?"

Twilight's response is slow and methodical.

"...No. According to the dream us princesses shared, Celestia is going to be brought to the Temple of the First. The First will apparently make a physical appearance for the first time in millennia to personally drain her magic. Then... that will be that."

You pipe up again, your anxiety and determination battling for dominance in the tone of your voice.

"Where is this 'Temple?'"

"Just north of Canterlot." She motions at the sky, visible through a nearby stained-glass window. "It's up there, obscured by the cloud that never moves. Supposedly it's so high up, most pegasi can't even reach it. Only those with alicorn magic can get inside."

"Then we just have to get up there and stop the First before she can finish draining Tia's magic! Simple!"


It seems like she wants to say something, but can't bring herself to do so. It is Applejack who quietly breaks the silence next.

"Twi? Let's... let's say we did want to stop the First. What could we do?"

"Nothing. There is nothing we could do." She turns to look at you, finally making eye contact once more. Her eyes seem like they are screaming a thousand apologies that her words can't. "Even if we wanted to, the First isn't like the regular villains that threaten Equestria. She isn't a villain at all. We've always relied on the magic of friendship, but... it wouldn't do anything to her."

Now you're getting somewhere.

"Then why don't we just defeat her through other means?"

"She's revered as a goddess for a reason. Don't forget that our alicorn magic, which most of Equestria understands to be the most powerful magic in the world, is a fraction of a fraction of her power. We wouldn't stand a chance."

While her words are reaching your ears, you fail to find yourself believing them. Whether that's due to a blind determination to save the love of your life or an unwillingness to accept reality, it doesn't matter all that much to you.

"So you all agree with Luna, then? You're just going to sit back and let her die?!"

They all recoil at your outburst, their heads drooping low. If only they could find the words. An explanation, and excuse, an apology, anything. Anything would be better than admitting the shame that they feel. After about thirty seconds, you realize you aren't going to get an answer. With a huff, you turn around and start heading back towards the door. Finally, after being surrounded by all of this grief and helplessness, you feel tears beginning to form in the corners of your eyes.

"Fine, then. I'll go by myself."

With a deep breath, you force yourself back out of the throne room and towards the exit of the castle. You begin sorting through everything you've learned today in your mind. A temple in the sky. The First draining Tia's magic. Your friends refusing to help you. It's like a perfect storm has formed overnight, threatening to destroy this life you've finally learned to love.

You aren't going to let Tia die. You can't. How could everyone else abandon her like this? Is this just learned helplessness at its worst, or are they truly just going to accept this? Have they forgotten everything that Tia has done for them? You shake your head in anger.

They aren't wrong about everything. To say that this is going to be a tough battle is probably the biggest understatement of all time. You... you can't do this alone, can you? But you're out of friends. There is no one left to help you now, is there?

You need to make a phone call.