• Published 6th Apr 2023
  • 2,757 Views, 41 Comments

With Every Story - RunicTreetops

Just days before you were to be wed, Celestia disappears. Where has she gone? And why won't your friends help you save her?

  • ...

A Gentle Hum

Author's Note:

Hello! This story is the climax of the "Royal-Tea" series and a sequel to "In Plain Sight." I highly recommend you check out the rest of the series first, as this story heavily relies on information contained therein.
This story takes place shortly after the two-part episode "The Ending of the End" from season 9 of Friendship is Magic. As always, I appreciate any and all feedback!

A beam of sunlight peeks through your window, landing squarely on your face. Awakened from your peaceful slumber, you gently open your eyes to take in the scene around you. You've had many strange awakenings in Equestria, from Ponyville being under attack to your existence being in jeopardy. Thankfully, today is not one of those days.

You can't help but smile to yourself. Your room is quiet, though faint noises from the world outside your window are starting to become audible as the rest of Ponyville wakes up as well. It's a nice change of pace, really. You've had to spend countless mornings making sure that you woke up before your wonderful bedmate, lest you be complicit in the sun failing to rise on time. You look down at the mare in your arms. Still asleep, Celestia nestles her face further into your neck, her long horn brushing along the side of your cheek and resting underneath your pillow. There is a look of contentment on her face as you carefully brush a bit of her still-flowing mane out of your face. Her snow-white coat is a bit more unkempt and poofy than usual at the moment, and one of her wings, which had been wrapped around you the evening before, is now lazily resting on top of you, half-folded with numerous feathers out of place. She's a far cry from the image that the public generally associates her with, but there is still an air of grace and dignity surrounding her, even like this. All in all, between her and your shared bed (which you made sure is as comfortable as the one she had back in Canterlot, so it most certainly makes for a plush sleeping experience), you feel as though you are enveloped in a soft, adorable cloud. It doesn't help that Tia, being the ex-princess of the sun, runs fairly warm. You... really don't want to get out of bed.

And guess what? You don't have to. Just a few short weeks ago, you and the rest of Equestria helped Twilight and her friends defeat the trifecta of evil that is Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow. And just a few short days ago, your best friend took the Equestrian throne from your fiancée. A lot of changes are happening, and with them, a lot of stress. But you have no fear at all. Looking down once more at your lovely marefriend, who is ironically coming out of everything with the least amount of stress she has had in hundreds of years, you think ahead to next week. After many postponements and hiccups (the fate of Equestria hanging in the balance on what seems like a monthly basis will do that to you), the two of you will finally be married. Though, to be honest, it's more or less a formality at this point. With Tia's retirement and freedom from the many burdens that come with being royalty, there are very few hoops left to jump through that might hinder your matrimony. Thankfully, because you're the first and only human in Equestria, there are no strange marriage laws concerning that aspect of things. Meanwhile, Tia moved in with you shortly after retiring, with Luna getting a small manor over in Silver Shoals that Tia frequently visits. The two of you have stayed together for long periods multiple times over the years you've been courting, so all in all, the wedding won't really change much between the two of you. Still, you're both excited to finally make it official.

Today, however, you both have the day off.

You feel the slightest of a stir and notice that Tia's eyes are open, looking right at you. A smile is spread across her face as she wordlessly tightens her grip on you, nuzzling back into a comfortable position. You let out a small chuckle and assist in pulling her in close. You love that smile of hers. Over the time you've known her, that smile has become more common. Granted, if you were to ask anypony on the street about it, they would agree that Celestia is somewhat known for her smile, but you're one of the lucky few who is privy to her REAL smile, the one she wears behind closed doors. She has been smiling a lot lately, and there is nothing that makes you happier. As a quiet happiness fills the room, you feel the both of you drifting back to sleep on this lazy day off you get to share.

When you awaken once more, you are greeted with the distinct smell of breakfast being cooked downstairs. You smile to yourself as you begin to stretch. Tia is nowhere to be seen, but then again, who else would be in your kitchen cooking breakfast this close to noon? After gathering yourself and getting dressed in casual wear you head downstairs to greet your lovely wife-to-be.

Sure enough, there she is, seemingly putting the finishing touches on breakfast. A variety of pancakes, toast, oatmeal, and various fruits are spread along the dining room table. She has always been a fan of cooking breakfast, and you're grateful every time she does. As you make your way closer to her, however, you can't help feeling a strange sense of uncertainty.

Typically, Tia is more than happy to prepare breakfast like this. On top of that, she isn't one to just fall into foul moods without reason. Yet, as she takes a seat at the table and finally notices your presence, you catch a dark, anxious expression very briefly before she returns to her typical cheery mood.

"Ah, good morning! I take it you slept well?"

"Yes, I certainly did. Um, breakfast looks delicious, Tia!"

"Hmhm, you know how I enjoy the smaller things that I can give others."

Now, when ponies discuss Celestia, her strength is often a point of contention. Being an alicorn several thousand years old, there is much debate over what made her so formidable as a ruler. Some say it's her raw magical talent. Others claim that it is her experience that easily trumps that of her foes. Others still claim that her strength comes from her ability to lead others, not with an iron hoof, but with the charisma that makes her subjects inherently trustful of her.

All of them are wrong. Sure, she's incredibly gifted. She knows more of the world than anycreature you've ever met, and her ability to capture the hearts of others is certainly a boon. But no. What makes Tia strong is her sheer force of will. No amount of pain, no amount of sadness, no amount of absolute hopelessness has ever stopped her from doing what she believes is right. After all, even in a future without you in it, she may indeed be much more stressed, but she is still successful. She is willing to do whatever it takes to get what she wants.

And right now, whatever it is she wants is making her lie to you.

You know Tia. You know her extremely well. Even if she had successfully hidden that brief, dark expression from you, you understand the depth to her words. It isn't in what she says. It's in how she says it. Right now, she is using her "princess" voice. She is acting like everything is completely fine, when she knows perfectly well that it isn't. Of course, as has already been established, she is extremely intelligent. You know she's faking her bright demeanor, but she knows you know.

You decide not to bring it up.

Helping yourself to the wonderful spread before you, you decide to continue with casual conversation.

"So, Tia, got any big plans for the day?"

"That depends. Do you?"

"Judging by the way you said that, it seems like I do now. What do you have in mind?"

"Hmhm. Nothing too major. But, knowing you, you're about to say something along the lines of, 'So long as I'm with you, I'm sure it will be a wonderful time.'"

You chuckle and scratch the back of your head.

"You know me well."

And know you well she does. What follows is a pleasant day that is both eventful and peaceful. You did plenty of things together, sure, but nothing too major. You took a trip to the spa, you had a pleasant lunch, you visited several sights across Equestria that Tia has apparently been wanting to show you (made easy by her incredible teleportation abilities), and she treated you to a delightful dinner thanks to a certain friend of hers over in Canterlot. While it isn't the first time you've shared a day together like this, it doesn't happen all that frequently. It's nice to know that you have the rest of your life to spend with her.

That being said, you do note that she took the lead pretty much all day. In fact, she's seemingly making an effort to pamper you today, even going so far as to engage in a few PDA's, as it were. The two of you get a lot of looks already, especially considering the general populous still isn't exactly used to "Princess Celestia" walking among them like a common civilian. Still, you can't say you hate it. If anything, it's a nice change of pace.

Now you find yourselves resting beneath a tree on top of a hill on the outskirts of Ponyville. The very same tree that you rested beneath a few Nightmare Nights ago, you might add. For a long while, you sit wordlessly together, Tia leaning against you while wrapping a large, warm wing around you. You lean into her slightly as well, resting your head atop hers. There, you simply listen to the sound of each others' breaths until the sun begins to slowly descend below the horizon. It seems that Twilight is getting better at that. Eventually, Tia breaks the silence.

"You know, I haven't had a choice but to watch the sunset every night for as long as I can remember. But I still can't get used to somepony else doing the actual 'setting' for me."

"Muscle memory kicking in?"

She laughs at that, a barely stifled snort escaping her in the process.

"Yes, actually! I keep on instinctively trying to cast the spell and then have to stop myself from intervening in Twilight's work!"

"Well, that cutie mark didn't come from nowhere."

She simply sighs and glances at her flank.

"No, I suppose it didn't. I got it before I became an alicorn, you know."

"You could move the sun before you were an alicorn?"

"Indeed I could, as could Luna move the moon. We were considered exceptional even before that fateful night when the rest of our lives were set in motion. Before us, Equestria relied on a team of highly skilled wizards to move the sun and the moon. It certainly shocked everyone to learn that two mares were capable of doing the job themselves. Teenagers at that!"

"Well, you know as well as I do that being an alicorn isn't what makes you special. That's all you!"

She doesn't respond to that. In fact, you very briefly catch another glimpse of that dark look from this morning. Her grip around you tightens ever so slightly.

"You know that I would do anything for you, yes?"

You sure weren't expecting this right now.

"I suppose so, yes. And I for you, as we've discussed before."

"...I guess I just want you to know that the feeling is mutual. I hope to see you have a long and fulfilling life."

"I appreciate it. I hope the same for you. That's why I'm so dead-set on not leaving you alone, sunbutt."

She smiles, though it isn't a smile of joy. Rather, there is a clear sense of melancholy plastered all over her face. You sit in silence for several long moments before she finally speaks once more.

"I love you. Truly."

"I love you too, Tia. Now and forever."

"...Now and forever."

The sun finally disappears, and the moon quickly takes its place in the sky. Without making a sound, you notice Tia's horn light up briefly before realizing that she has teleported the two of you to your bedroom. Already in bed. Undressed and everything. Huh. Didn't know she could do that. With your shared embrace never having been fully broken, you once more wrap your arms around her.

There is clearly something on her mind, but today just... didn't seem like a good time to bring it up. You look down at her, and although you aren't sure if she is already asleep or not, her eyes are certainly closed. You plant a gentle kiss on her forehead before sleep eventually takes you.

When you awaken in the morning, there is no warm embrace in bed. There is no smell of breakfast being prepared. There are no sounds coming from the house at all. Perhaps you shouldn't be worried, but... you can't help it. Looking around, your feet run cold. If Tia's odd behavior yesterday didn't give it away then, her absence certainly does now. Perhaps you're just being too stressed, or too clingy. Yet, you just can't shake this terrible feeling welling up in your gut. This sense of dread that you've become all too familiar with now. Something is terribly wrong.

And Tia is gone.