• Member Since 4th May, 2013
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On the Sliding Scale Of Cynicism Vs. Idealism, I like to think of myself as being idyllically cynical. (Patreon, Ko-Fi.)


Even for a superfan like Rainbow, there are things you don't learn about the Wonderbolts until you become the newest part of the squad. Like how the view from the back of the formation never really changes, or that the slipstream carries a few unwelcome scents to the rear position. Or laundry. Nopony told her that the new mare was going to be responsible for doing the laundry. And the whole wash/dry process is just boring.

There's got to be a way to make laundry more interesting. Surely she can make an impression on Spitfire if she just... stunts it up.

Rainbow always makes an impression on ponies. And the landscape. A few windows. The occasional building...

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 55 )

Rainbow Dash doing everyone's laundry? Even if this wasn't Estee's work I could already tell this is going to be good.

Ah, wordplay. "Impression" can mean something more physical.

Ah, Rainbow. An adult mare with the attention span of a two year old. <3

I bet several of them not waiting until now to give her a nickname. I think the next time they have a rookie they will ask if they know how to do laundry and how they do it. Pretty much how I thought it would happen. I am sure Applejack would love to hear this story.

ok that was a laugh i really needed. thank you

There has to be a better way of doing this. Something faster. Bigger. More impressive.

Rainbow began to think.

And there was nopony around to stop her.

Oh, Dear GOD...

And that was the story of how Rainbow Dash did A Thing that undoubtedly ended with the creation of a rule against doing it.

TFW you're so familiar with Estee's works you only need to read the title to knowvery strongly suspect who the author is.

Good thing they returned when they did. Unattended fires would be bad.

And that's a great reason to keep her on the team! Too bad Spitfire didn't take in enough of the lesson of what it meant about someone that they'd fly with Manière's? Although, this is only the second story she's tagged in. Well, now they know. Presumbly Spitfire's precautions are gonna work out and there won't be a third story?

I wonder if Rainbow's gonna use this for her sheets, once she fixes the issues.


make sure it was loaded > made sure it was loaded

She reeled somewhat within the air, spread her wings for the hover just in time. There was an odd dizziness centered around her ear canals, and it was beginning to softly roar. [unitalicize]

:raritycry: Spike! I need help quick!
:moustache: More dresses for the Gala?
:duck: Not at all 30 uniforms non conducting non wrinkle fire and Dashing proof

So, Soarin’ knows exactly how to push the bosses’ buttons. Nice.

Posted in
The Triptych Continuum Rebooted
Year 4 folder

Take the storm cloud contrails which so many Wonderbolts could generate in flight. (Rainbow was still working on that.)

Pinkie would call it "A work in lack of progress. ".


That was a good story.

not bad. not bad at all

It's really remarkable what a pony can do when they decide not only to make WIS their dump stat, they take several feats which boost physical attributes at the price of further penalties to that dump stat.

Impress Spitfire. Through doing laundry. Somehow.

Spitfire should have specified FAVORABLY impressed. So, this is All Her Fault

Nopony else in the world would have tried to do it this way.

& that's a Good Thing.


...and I thought Hasty Fling was her nickname because --
-- just wash.

Yes, wash--we don't need to dwell on the details here. :trollestia:

She got through two uniforms. Three. Five.

Honestly, that was further than I expected her to. Way further in fact.

For Rainbow, science was very much a matter of asking 'What happens if I do this?' Followed by doing it.

As a man who liked to think of himself as something semi-resembling a scientist once said..."Science isn't about why, it's about why not?" :raritywink:

Nopony else in the world would have tried to do it this way.

Ohhhhh, I don't doubt that, all right.

Besides, she'd come this far.

Rainbow owns the 'Sunk Cost Fallacy"

A little electricity is fine.


and that even held true for the ones who weren't cool little dragons

Hey, props for Spike (even if he didn't hear it).

Do you know where we could get a lot of sand?"

Oh Estee, this is such a wonderful character study. You have written so many good Rainbow stories, but I think this is my favorite.

Every one of the Bearers is, in their own way, partially an idiot, partially a genius, and partially a lunatic. The exact balance of each shifts from one minute to the next.

Rainbow Dash seems to do a fantastic job of keeping them all in perfect balance at all times. There’s almost something Zen about her ability to completely destroy everything around her while managing to maintain a state of absolute certainty that IT ISN’T HAPPENING.

I cackled my way through every word, Estee. It was a delight.

Thank you.

And thus, Rainbow Dash never had to do another chore again unless they want something like this to happen again.

Estee writes probably the best Rainbow on fimfiction tbh. She's fully fleshed out wit both likable and unlikable traits.

Phantom Stadium. I wonder how many foxes can be found in the area.

Rainbow was stuck at the back of the formation. (That was where all the rookies supposedly started, and she didn't get it. She was better than that. Spitfire knew it.)

Humility is a key part of teamwork, at least when you're not part of a paramilitary specialist group that solves problems with friendship rainbows. Plus, Dash can't help but think in terms of races. If she's in the back, that means she's losing.

It meant she mostly got to constantly stare at assorted versions of Wonderbutts. Which was frankly all the more reason for putting Rainbow in the lead, because that at least meant anypony behind her would be getting an awesome view.

:ajsmug: "Yeah, they'd get to see a lot more o' the scenery."

So impress me.

That, Spitfire would later realize, was her big mistake.

At least three of the stallions were effectively addicted to musk enhancers.

Sadly, Axe Body Spray is a multiversal constant.

Rainbow began to think.
And there was nopony around to stop her.

Doom! DOOM!

-- electrolysis.
She examined the word. Turned it over in her memory a few times and hoped to spot the tooth indentations which would identify an origin point.

I do love the idea that Dash's learning through osmosis somethimes means she sometimes has words in her vocabulary with no idea how they got there.

Nopony else in the world would have tried to do it this way.

Well, she's not wrong.

... even if you wound up having to wash granules out of your fur after, the traditional Wonderbolts goggles would finally be doing something.

At least it's not a wave of acid.

Yeah, as the Bearers and most of Ponyville can attest, Rainbow Dash is at her most dangerous when bored and unsupervised. Like most mad geniuses, really. At least Spitfire understands just what she's working with now... hopefully. In any case, thank you for a lovely bit of ingenious insanity.

flinging two of the uniforms in the general directions of Hither and Yon. A third went

I initially misread that as Hitler and Yona, and was wondering where the hay you were planning to go with that. :twilightoops:

"Why is she still on the squad?"
"Because she can think of things like that," the captain told him.

Spitfire's got a brain. I like that. :ajsmug: Much better characterisation than the episode in which they were trying to get Rainbow to ditch her friends to join their team.

Yeah, Spitfire isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the kit. Hell, it was her fault for the whole nickname fiasco. Had she told Rainbow about it from the start, a lot of issues could've been avoided.

I'm guessing Spitfire is either slow to learn or a glutton for punishment.


I'm guessing Spitfire is either slow to learn or a glutton for punishment.

She's technically military, so both. :derpytongue2:

The phrase is "idiot savant". Some stress the "idiot" more than others.

Although, these days, a fair number are recognized as suffering from autism.


Spitfire understand perfectly how entertaining Rainbow destructive ingenuity actually is.

And Rainbow is the very essence of giving the most difficult job to a lazy person so they find the easiest way to do it.

Rainbow Dash might just be the best worst scientist/engineer in all Equestria.

I'm leaning more towards the former.

And in her own way, Rainbow was very much a scientist. She just didn't always believe in things like trial stages, slow advancements of theory into proof, or the kind of safeties installed in a lab which allowed it to remain intact beyond the first mistake. For Rainbow, science was very much a matter of asking 'What happens if I do this ?' Followed by doing it. And if the results looked good, then science had clearly happened.

However, if there wasn't much left in the aftermath, then science needed to happen again until science got it right. Possibly at a somewhat higher speed and, after she'd measured out the original blast radius, with a head start.

well, science IS trial and error on a larger scale...
too bad RD makes mostly errors. :rainbowderp:

11531992 Very technically. The Wonderbolts may once have been part of the EUP, but everything says that they've become a purely ceremonial unit. Their thing is stunt flying, not combat, as has been proved on numerous occasions where a genuine threat has come up and they've gone down like a lead balloon full of lead. Even the Royal Guard has a better combat record than they do.

Rainbow probably has more combat experience than the entire rest of the Wonderbolts put together. The rest of them are a bunch of over-hyped atheletes playing at being soldiers.

Another indication that they're no longer part of the military is that they represented Cloudsdale in the Equestrian Games. Not the ponies as atheletes, the Wonderbolts as a unit. I can only assume that as the original unit was probably the Pegasus Stratocracy's contribution to the EUP, they are ultimately raised and funded by Cloudsdale, the remnant of the old Pegasus Stratocracy.

Fireproof won't be a problem. AFAIK there is no such thing as "Dash proof". She doubtless would take it as a challenge. The collateral damage would be fearsome to behold.

"Dash resistant" is probably the best that can be done.


It's not lacking an attention span, so much as lacking the ability to aim it. Some ADHD people describe it that way.

:unsuresweetie: Just wait when I make the Thunderbolts their breakfast...

:moustache::raritywink: Sweetie Bell the burnt orange juice queen :unsuresweetie: TRY MY TOAST!

:rainbowhuh: And Taco Bell is what?

Oh Lord, this fic captures the essence of modded Minecraft

Why spend 5 minutes doing a task when you can spend an hour to automate it? She could have just cleaned up the uniforms but she found a way to automate it using a chain of processes people don't usually think about.

I do love the sheer enthusiasm that Dash puts into pursuing her ideas. The outcomes are terrifying, but the enthusiasm is endearing.

Literally my dumb adhd self :c it'll look like I can't focus at all but if I latch onto something I can go for hours straight on it

This was a good story—it got a few chuckles out of me. I also really liked the way you described how different aspects of pegasus magic and weather controlling work!

This was absolutely hilarious. Thank you for a well done story.

Rainbow's a brilliant idiot, and as we know, nothing's idiotproof because idiots are so clever.

Funny and impossible to turn away from, in the "impending train wreck" (or in this case, soapy cloudburst) fashion.

"Why is she still on the squad?"

"Because she can think of things like that," the captain told him. "Think of them and then find ways where they start to work. We need that."

Eventually, Soarin nodded.

"And why do we need to have somepony constantly watching her from now on?"

"Because she thinks of things like that," Spitfire sighed.

This little interaction gets me a lot. Here you have two of the most elite of the elite flyers, both talking about a rookie who essentially made a giant industrial sized washer/dryer and they are both disappointed and impressed by the ingenuity of it. Rainbow Dash could smash two rocks together and somehow get that first spark. Like you said in the story, she began to think, and no one was there to stop her from thinking.

This was all started as a hazing joke. They did it to Rainbow. They got what was coming to them.

Hyperfocus is a symptom associated with ADHD. You become so fixated on one thing you basically tune out everything else. It's why many with ADHD can literally go all day doing something they enjoy, to the point they ignore things like hunger, tiredness, etc and just keep doing a thing till the whole day has gone by.

Part of why people with ADHD tend to be the type to game all day and well into the night. Its something they enjoy, and their hyperfocused makes them not really pay attention to the fact they skipped dinner and should've been in bed hours ago. It's not that they notice and choose to ignore it, hyperfixation means you generally don't even notice it at all until you stop playing and realize your hungry and tired and didn't notice it 5 minutes before. They've been in that state for hours, it just didn't really register until that moment.

11534738 Hey, I resemble that remark. At around 2am. On Oxygen Not Included. Or Raft...

Rainbow was bored. Ponyville residents knew what could happen when Rainbow became bored. The Wonderbolts, however, lacked a certain amount of rapidly-approaching Fundamental Experience.

Undoubtedly, Rainbow crusaded for a cutie mark in Cloudsdale long ago, which is why she's so tolerant of Scootaloo's ongoing disaster chain, and possibly has inadvertently encouraged it with a few stories that start, "You call that a mess? Why when I was in Cloudsdale..." That may also have encouraged her departure from her home to this little town who had not heard of her.... yet.

And here I was thinking she would just be banned from even setting hoof in a laundromat ever again.

Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord's classification of officers comes to mind:

I distinguish four types. There are clever, hardworking, stupid, and lazy officers. Usually two characteristics are combined.

Some are clever and hardworking; their place is the General Staff.

The next ones are stupid and lazy; they make up 90 percent of every army and are suited to routine duties.

Anyone who is both clever and lazy is qualified for the highest leadership duties, because he possesses the mental clarity and strength of nerve necessary for difficult decisions.

One must beware of anyone who is both stupid and hardworking; he must not be entrusted with any responsibility because he will always only cause damage.

It seems Rainbow straddles a fine line between hardworking/clever and hardworking/stupid.

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