• Member Since 4th May, 2013
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On the Sliding Scale Of Cynicism Vs. Idealism, I like to think of myself as being idyllically cynical. (Patreon, Ko-Fi.)


Rarity generally tries to embrace innovation: after all, a mare who's always trying to stay ahead of the trend (or just outright create it) must be ready to accept the new. And the stress generated by a designer's life creates a certain need to... relax. Something where, quite frankly, spa sessions and private time in the designated screaming room aren't always enough to do it. So what's wrong with following up on a magazine article and personally learning how buffalo meditative techniques have been newly adapted for unicorns?

Absolutely nothing. Unless, of course, she recalls that some of her friends happen to enjoy pranking.

She doesn't always remember that last part in time.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 32 )

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Triptych Continuum Rebooted
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According to studies, cats DO recognize your voice & DO know their name.

They just take the attitude "Just because you feed me, you expect me to walk all the way across an ENTIRE ROOM? You are clearly insane & I won't obey a crazy person."


This is quite the impressive length for Rainbow to go for a prank. It must have taken her ages to put together, and probably not a small amount of bits. It's actually quite the feat for her.

Well, for starters, the bright colors wouldn't come off without special chemicals. Something Rarity didn't intend to inform Rainbow of until at least four hours had passed since application. Which would be two hours after the itching had begun.

Well, painting it red goes make it go faster...

Rainbow was lucky that Rarity was being merciful. I a willing to bet it could have been much worse.

she was vertical. Vertical and -- upside down. Balanced perfectly, on the tip of her horn.

Zecora can do that


It would be [allow three beats like Worf does] instructive to see how Rainbow Flashinthepan interacts with a certain NEGATIVE one of the delivery pony genus. I would tend to think the one who thinks that she's helping Rarity unclench her bowels might get on somepony else's last nerve even faster.

The story is pretty good... well done!

Rainbow Dash is about to learn what happens when you prank a very creative pony who's wound just a little too tightly.

Ironic story since Rarity could use some actual yoga.

There was only one way out of the room, and it fairly glowed with a two-tone magical aura, a pleasing mix of pale blue and light violet, which was one of the benefits of having an alicorn princess as a very close friend. It also helped that Twilight Sparkle had been on the receiving end of Rainbow's "Wit" several times, and required very little convincing to turn the tables in the other direction for a change. The room was also quite small and mostly concrete, which was a natural consequence of living close to the Everfree Forest and having certain pragmatic individuals who very much preferred to have a place to run into when something oozed or stomped out of the lush green trees and onto the rural streets. As a matter of coincidence, the pragmatic individual this room belonged to also had felt the sharp sting of Rainbow's pranking and required no convincing at all to loan their storm shelter for this purpose, only asking that their name not be mentioned and perhaps a few moments to get a camera ready for the eventual emergence of the metaphorical butterfly from its itchy chrysalis.

"Rarity," cautioned Rainbow Dash, who had backed herself into a corner as if the...striking color scheme she sported could have been hidden in anything other than an ongoing paint store explosion. "I changed my mind. The itching is fine. You don't want to do this." Magenta eyes flickered from the steaming tub in the middle of the floor to the various bottles of chemicals scattered around it, some of which were lightly fuming. Then she looked back at Rarity, or at least who had to be the Bearer of Generosity disguised in a Hoove-Mat Model 746 Extra-Heavy-Duty suit which had been tastefully taken in and let out in places to avoid unsightly wrinkles, but still left the mirror-like faceplate in place. There were two huge frightened eyes reflected in that blank silver expanse, and they grew as the creature approached and spoke in a near mechanical monotone through the filters.

"Why, Rainbow Dash. You could not be more mistaken. You wanted this. You asked for this. You signed the contract that Twilight Sparkle wrote up for you. You said anything would be better than what you were going through."

"Eeep." Even backed into a corner and gnawing at a fetlock that had just begun itching so hard that raw terror could not block it, Rainbow Dash managed, "You're my friend, Rarity!" Then in a much smaller voice, "You're not going to kill me, are you?"

"Kill you? Of course not." The featureless figure took a step back and held one suit-clad hoof across her chest in a pose of pure indignation. "I expect you to dye!"

The Easy Pose lied.

For all that Rainbow Dash feels like she’s the dumbest Bearer, the last in line when brains were handed out, the dunce cap of the confederacy… she really doesn’t give herself enough credit for being extremely clever when she wants to be.

I think even Rarity would admit that.

If only because it makes it sting less when Rainbow Dash consistently outwits her.

After Rarity discovers golf, Ponyville citizens notice that she regularly carries around a "minimalist" golf bag holding a trio of clubs and a dozen gutty-percha balls. When asked why the clubs, she responds that three was the smallest number she could carry to be sure to have the right tool needed to accurately pelt any moving target within a hundred yard distance and fifty yard height.

You pulled off a dialog-free story admirably, with a great deal of personality of two mares on display despite the lack of any direct interaction!

I love the lengths that Rainbow went to while also including touches that allowed for her own laziness as well. The creativity on display would be admirable if the Faust-intended “Element of Inspiration” didn’t want to murder her for it instead.

...so... for a pose which had been inspired by ponies... she was supposed to support herself entirely on her hind legs. Which was to say, one hind leg would have a hoof flat against the padding, with some more of her weight supported by a bent knee. The other hind leg was to be stretched out directly -- behind her. Backwards. And as for the forelegs? Well, she was apparently meant to be rearing up for this pose. One foreleg could sort of rest a hoof around the general vicinity of that bent hind knee. The other, according to the illustration, would be busy turning into a tentacle.

I would pay real, hard currency (like, a boatload!) to see the looks on her neighbors' faces when they glanced out their windows and saw that...

Rainbow? >chef's kiss< MASTERFULL!

Of course, the real kicker here? Rainbow wouldn't have just been watching. Not when cameras exist. And in the Continuum, Spike has his little hobby of developing film. There's gonna be some interesting poses there...

I want to read the sequel so badly now

she couldn't use her screaming room because somepony would inevitably inquire as to why her plumbing was producing that kind of noise at this hour.

I love so many things about this phrase.

no small part of that was because she'd just seen the word 'adaptedtation' in print and was trying to figure out the best way to kill it before it could reproduce.

Fire seems like a reliable option.

There was also a small barbecue pit: this was mostly used for grilling peppers, roasting corn, and burning any sketchbook which fashion historians could potentially use against her.

As I said, very helpful for disposing of regrettable ideas before they spread.

Wonderful stuff, capturing both the hilarious imagery and the agonizing experience. Thank you for a most amusing read. Inspiration does strike in the strangest places, doesn't it?

Well, yes, but she does it on wood. Much more resilient surface.

You mean more resistant because the problem was the ground was too resilient & gave way.


*chef's kisses* Bravo Estee! Yet another example of why you're one of my most favorite author's still active here. The fact that you told an intricate & character driven story (in very show-believable voice of them both) in this breadth & depth, without a SINGLE line of dialogue, is impressive enough by itself. The fact that it's so amusing & detailed in world, but requires so little knowledge of your greater body of work, is even more impressive. I've love your previous stories on the pranks of the bearers for some time, so I'm especially glad to see you continuing to write about it.

I too hope for a sequel, though I must give a shoutout to Georg for his minific on the topic. Thank you to you both! 11560038

discovered that 'yoga' translated to 'take a moment, take a breath, think about what you're doing, and then recognize that you're probably about to get someone killed'.


With friends like Rainbow ... actually, why is anyone friends with Rainbow?

Rarity deserves her revenge. But it would be better if she set up somepony else as the fallpony.

A mare whose livelihood depended on creating the new tended towards embracing such wherever it might appear, and so Rarity liked to think of herself as one of Ponyville's innovators. She was often the first to try recipes, browsed through inventor expositions with great curiosity, and was the proud owner of the town's only surround-shower -- although that last had admittedly resulted in a few installation problems, plus it wasn't her fault that the entire water tower had been emptied out in one go. Again.

yeah, i remember THAT story.
if i remember, it's called "360 degrees of saturation".

oh, that last line reminds me of a silly short story where someone hired Pinkie to advertise her dye business, but Pinkie misspelled it, and was walking around town carrying a big sign that said "everypony DIES"!

Yeah, it's like they say about ADD, you have perfect focus, but zero control of the aim.

The page was turned. The book, which lacked the reinforced corners of most pony publications, acquired its first set of bite marks.

I love this worldbuilding :ajsmug:

That's one of the things about "friends"...

They know where all the soft spots are, and a good idea of how to attack them...

Because for all the trouble she causes, she is also the first to step in should you need help.

"This is almost as embarrassing as the time I fell for perineum sunning!":raritydespair:


Ooh, cool story! Thanks for inspiring me to search for it! Link!

In fact, it works very well as a companion to this, because well... Rarity was the one who hired Pinkie!

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