• Published 5th Oct 2022
  • 2,746 Views, 546 Comments

Forgotten: Mists of Bridlewood - milesprower06

A new student has come to Sunset Shimmer's fledgling magic school in Bridlewood, and she immediately begins to arouse the headmare's suspicions...

  • ...


"I will admit," Sunset began, gliding on the updraft alongside Zipp as they soared east through the clouds. "I'm glad you came here. The difference between magical wings and actual ones is enough where I definitely needed some pointers."

"To be perfectly fair, you didn't need a lot of pointers. Those magical ones gave you a leg up, or a wing up, where a lot of Zephyr Heights is still finding their balance," Zipp offered.

The pegasus and alicorn had been flying for a good hour now, with Zipp wanting to improve her endurance flying. So she gave Sunset some basic pointers, and told her to pick a direction.

So she had, and with a purpose, as her horn glowed faintly as she tracked magical residue as they continued towards the east coast, coasting over a forest.

"And, just so you know, Sunny told me about Misty, and I think it's awesome what you did for her," Zipp told the alicorn.

Sunset gave her a smile.

"Thanks. I'm glad we got to the bottom of that. I'm just glad we got her away from Opaline," she replied.

Sunset spotted what she had been looking for on the horizon, and began to descend into the trees, and Zipp immediately followed. The pair of ponies weaved between the branches and trees, and touched down on the forest floor, a few dozen feet from the treeline. Slowly, they made their way forward, with Zipp following Sunset's lead. They came to the treeline, and had a great view of the coastline down the hill.

There, on the edge of the cliffside, was an ancient castle. Or, at least, what looked like to be the bottom half of a castle, with the top half scattered all over the landscape around it.

Zipp's wings twitched when she saw a few pieces of masonry glow, and float back into place.

"What...?" Zipp asked, confused.

"The residence of our attacker yesterday. Misty told me where to find it. I teleported her and the gigantic fireball she was about to hit the forest with back to where she came from," Sunset explained at just above a whisper, not taking her eyes off of the castle.

"So, what now? We going down there to finish her off?" Zipp asked.

"No," Sunset said, glancing at Zipp and seeing her expression change to something akin to relieved. "Just wanted to confirm that Misty was telling the truth. She'll be piecing that castle back together for weeks. At least now I know where to find her."

"I don't get it," Zipp replied as they turned back into the forest to head back the way they came. "Why wait for her to cause trouble again?"

"Because... Everypony deserves a second chance. I got one, and I made the most of it. I used to be just like her, Zipp," Sunset explained. "Obsessed with power, I didn't care about anyone but myself and my raw talent, worried about only how far it could take me. Princess Twilight wasn't perfect, but she could usually be counted on to be a good judge of character. She must have seen something in Opaline. A side of her that hasn't been nurtured in a long time..."

Sunset glanced back at the end of the treeline as she and Zipp took to the skies again.

"We'll just have to wait and see."

Author's Note:

Not really sure where else I can take this story. If you have any suggestions, please let me know in the comments!

Comments ( 35 )

"Thanks. I'm glad we got to the bottom of that. I'm just glad we got her away from Opaline," she replied.

No matter what alternate universe we're just glad that Misty is away from that crazy psychopath alicorn

"Because... Everypony deserves a second chance. I got one, and I made the most of it. I used to be just like her, Zipp," Sunset explained. "Obsessed with power, I didn't care about anyone but myself and my raw talent, worried about only how far it could take me. Princess Twilight wasn't perfect, but she could usually be counted on to be a good judge of character. She must have seen something in Opaline. A side of her that hasn't been nurtured in a long time..."

I really hope you're right sunset

Okay this is interesting so it looks like Sunset and zipp are doing a little bit flying lesson but while they are looking for something but then they finally found it it looks like they found the castle where Opaline is and now they need to wait to see if there's anything else they can do well I guess we'll find out next time

Story idea: maybe give Sunset a purpose after the unicorns are done learning magic. Perhaps finding out what happened to Twilight and the girls, or find a way to send Sunset back the present? Or even have Sunset go through an ark into motherhood (for Misty or even Sunny?) just some thoughts.

I’m like one of the few Opaline fans that believes she could be reformed. Now that MYM is over you could mix the story plot of Opaline’s plans into this series? Maybe it would give you the change to write your own take of the dragons and maybe explore Skyros?

We don’t know if that place is still occupied which I would assume there could be a few or less living there…. Know what… you could have either Twilight or Filly Anon Alicorn from that book in MYM live there for both Sunset & Sunny to meet to learn more about Opaline.

If you plan to do a sequel story instead of doing more chapters I think I see you focus on Sunset, Sunny, and Misty going off to learn what Opaline is doing, learn her past, meet Ancient Alicorn at Skyros, Dragons, Dragons, and Dragons. We haven’t really seen you write much of Opaline during this book so seeing what she’ll be doing rather it’s her plan or not will be cool for your own take.

Can’t wait for more!

Edit: I love an idea I just had… next book “Forgotten: Skyros Land of Alicorns”

REALLY liked the dialogue between Sunset and Zipp when the former was out for flying lessons. ALSO really appreciated Sunset's comments toward Zipp when they were discussing Opaline and Sunset's reasons for wanting to give her another chance. Yeah, Twilight was USUALLY a pretty good judge of character, but NOT ALWAYS (Cozy was able to play her like a violin for a while). But, yes, digging a bit deeper into Opaline might be good to see (whether she was once a good filly that went bad from getting pushed too far by everybody that wasn't Twilight and her friends [in this series AND in Flurry Heart's timeline] or if she was playing Twilight from the start but was just clever enough to keep her true nastiness hidden until after she ascended).

But, anyway, maybe do two more chapters of this (one with Sunset helping Misty legitimately get better with magic and one Sunny helping Sunset learn about Earth Pony Magic and Sunset helping Sunny get better with her own "training wheels Alicorn abilities") before a possible final story in the "Forgotten" series - one that crosses over the timelines of both versions of the "Forgotten" series (if it's the final story in the series, it SHOULD crossover both the "Sunset" timeline AND the "Flurry Heart" timeline for that "the last story will be the biggest" feel):

During efforts to learn about her newly unblocked magic, Misty accidentally enchants a mirror leading to her, Izzy and Sunset travel to a very similar, but still different timeline - one where Sunset meets an adult Flurry Heart and the two end up comparing notes. While the two alicorns try to find out more about Opaline and Misty tries to track down her counterpart in this timeline (with Izzy's help), both groups will end up uncovering more about the past in both of their timelines - Sunset and Flurry Heart finding the remains of Skyros, the lost city of the Alicorns and Izzy and the two Mistys stumbling across a tribe of Dragons who seem to have enough Pony in their blood to be able to get Cutie Marks.

On top of that, more and more of Opaline's past is uncovered as the evil alicorn works toward an endgame that will require the heroes of two different timelines to stop. How will it all turn out in the end? Find out in:

"Forgotten: Skyros and Scaly"

Though I will definitely respect your right to reject this idea if you don't like it.

At any rate, I'll be looking forward to more of your work in general.

You could write about Opaline's reform. None of the reformed villains got that way by being left alone to rebuild their lives alone. They were all integrated into friendship circles if often awkwardly at first There would be plenty of slice of life content in the group taking Opaline in and working to help her find that part of her that is a good pony.

This is... GREAT! I LOVE IT!

Misty is doing pretty good on her magic. If she keep up, she's be great at it.

I hope Sunset will make Misty her student, I'm at the edge of my seat, just to see Misty to say "Yes."

Sunset already made that offer to Izzy at the end of the last story, though.

Oh, I see. Well then, congrats to Misty as Sunset's student.

Maybe you could have her poke the sun with her new alicorn magic after finally realizing that there's no pony controlling it, then trying to figure out how that change happened (or detecting that something is tethered to it)
She does have a sun on her butt, so being able to poke the star should be easy enough

Anything you do is going to be ten times better than what they’re doing with the series now. Introducing Discord could work well as this would give the two of them some semblance of compared familiarity to the past. I know you had Discord fading away at the loss of magic, a revival is possible since he IS the embodiment of chaos. It would make far more sense than what they did do in Chapter 6 despite bringing Spike back.

And then there’s the matter of the dragons…. How to bring them back properly

That could work. She also has empathic magic, so she might even be capable of small dream walks

A mother Sunset would be enjoyable. 😊 a small time skip with her coming into her own as a Princess over time, eventually entering motherhood could work. She’s be the alicorn on the edge of the forest, perhaps even close to the old tree of harmony, whom ponies go to seek out for advice as Equestria expands once more. The Tree of Harmony could be shown as having the treehouse being inside, and summits between Sunset, Queen Haven, Sunny and the rest of the mane six occur there

Wonder how the Alphabittle arc with Misty being his daughter will play out in this timeline.

Well, in this timeline, I could see Alphabittle EVENTUALLY becoming a Parental Substitute (and a much better one than Opaline at that [not that it would take much, but that's beside the point]) to Misty.

But then, I'm not the author, so I have no real say in this.

I mean, the show reintroduced the dragons, maybe that'd be an idea.

Hey milesprower06! So, you want ideas of where to go from here? Hmm, okay. I could see an Opaline redemption arc in this story, different than what happened in canon. But she can't go down easily or quickly, and it would take something unique and different to make her see the light and change (and if it can involve the dragons then so much the better). However, that would take the willingness to keep writing this story for awhile, if you aren't looking to make this story go on for so long then maybe you should wrap it up where it is and leave Opaline and the on going renewal of Misty as future events hinted at but not fulfilled by the story's end.

Well, just my thoughts. :twilightsmile:

If you feel the story is coming to a close, then it's coming to a close - if you don't believe there's anything else you want to inform the audience of specifically rather than leave up to interpretation, then things are probably best just tied off with an end chapter. I find the phrase "stop before you think you are done" helpful. Either way, this is still a great story and you did a great job with this chapter, I'm excited for whatever's next!

To someone who needs to know by skimming, does Sunset ever talk about or think about her human friends from the human world? Does she still communicate with them with the magic journals?

No, it's an unanswered question. They were last mentioned in Sunrise. Her magic journal comes into play in another way towards the end of the story.

So when was the last time that Sunset even thought about or mentioned her human world friends?

Back in Forgotten: Sunrise. Can't remember any other specific mentions, but the other plot elements took precedent. And this story is almost done, but isn't done yet.

Man, is it wrong that Sunset here kinda reminds me of Simon Petrikov from Adventure Time now? For context, Simon is pretty much the only pre-Mushroom War human from 1000 years ago by the time he transformed back to normal from his Ice King madness and the spin off Fionna and Cake shows the isolation and loneliness Simon feels at being the only human from 1000 years ago still alive in a post-apocalyptical Land of Ooo. Same with Sunset being isolated and lonely as the only pony from 1000 years ago still alive from the Mane 6's time (granted Spike's revealed to be alive too but Sunset doesn't know that).

Which is why she likely focused on her new position as magic teacher for a new generation.

I would personally see that as potential for a new story. This one dealt with Sunset's ascension and Misty's redemption, and seems neatly wrapped up as of now.

Sunset would make a wise Princess.

How about something loosely based on the MYM special, Bridlewoodstock? I was thinking Sunset and the others could sing and dedicate Right There In Front Of Me to Misty.

I don’t think she has any intentions to be one. I think, as of now, it’d be best if she focused on building up her school, and helping unicorns everywhere learn more advanced magic.

I’m honestly sick of villain redemption arcs, I’d rather Opaline just die! I didn’t consider Misty a villain, just an assistant to the villain. She definitely wasn’t evil.

What happened to this story :ajsleepy: Is it cancelled?

Haven't figured out how to wrap it up yet.

Comment posted by EaglesFan1127 deleted April 22nd

Or better yet, what if Sunset sings her other solo song, Let It Rain?

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