• Published 5th Oct 2022
  • 2,755 Views, 546 Comments

Forgotten: Mists of Bridlewood - milesprower06

A new student has come to Sunset Shimmer's fledgling magic school in Bridlewood, and she immediately begins to arouse the headmare's suspicions...

  • ...


Sunset walked slowly south towards the south end of Bridlewood, watching as the populace of the town sprang into action behind her; children were ushered inside, and adults quickly formed groups and spread out throughout town and the thicker forest beyond.

She was relieved that she had managed to inspire confidence in the unicorns, and was truly hoping that their confidence would hold and persevere through what was going to come. There was too much unknown here, namely who had made the threat against Bridlewood, and what their capabilities were. She knew her own capabilities, but it was likely going to take more than her; every magical threat she faced, she did so with the support of her friends, and this would be no different. Everypony had to believe in themselves, and if they won the day, she knew her students would make unbelievable strides in their studies.

Sunset saw the sunshine intensify as the treeline approached and gave way to the open hills and prairie.

"Canticum confractus," she whispered as she approached the treeline, her horn flashing momentarily before an invisible magical shield surrounded her body to ward off any surprise attack that she might be walking into. The unicorns would need time to spread out across the forest; close enough to hear each other, but far enough to make their inevitable group shield as wide-reaching as possible, and the more time she could stall with talking, the better.

Taking one more deep breath, she steeled herself, and stepped out into the prairie, going out as far away from the forest as she could, where she could still be seen and heard by the closest unicorns who were hiding in the bushes, waiting for the signal.

Coming to a stop, Sunset carefully surveyed her surroundings, unsure if she wanted to fire off a detection spell to see if anypony was around, and she silently cursed herself as the doubt began to slowly creep in, as she realized in wanting to buy time to get everypony in as defensible position as possible, she had told their potential enemy exactly where she would be.

She took another deep breath, and pushed the doubt back; this was better than panicking. Everypony in Bridlewood knew that at the first sign of trouble. That was the number one rule; if you heard a pony close by cast it, you cast it too, thus causing the chain reaction throughout the forest. It was risky, but it was the best way to work as one team.

Sunset slowly pulled the journal from her saddlebags, and turned to the page that had writing on it, checking to make sure nothing new had been added.

"Did I come out here to waste time? If you're out here, show yourself," Sunset called out.

Silence was her answer, and she was beginning to feel somewhat exposed out here. She didn't want to spend too much energy on teleportation, and the treeline was a good ten seconds behind her at a full gallop. Her shield would absorb the first blow, but she couldn't be sure it would sustain against a second, without recasting.

"Well, well..." she heard a voice reply, from several paces in front of her. A section of the prairie directly in front of her shimmered and rippled; a cloaking enchantment slowly dispelling, revealing a tall, dark orchid alicorn.

"I wasn't sure if the reports were accurate. I had to see it for myself. Sunset Shimmer. You are quite the interdimensional time traveler."

The alicorn had dark blue eyes. Her mane and tail were white with light cyan stripes running the length. She wore dark steel fetlock guards on all four of her legs. Her cutie mark appeared to be a violet horn with a diamond-shaped hole in it, and two blazing wings of blue flame on either side.

"Opaline Arcana, I presume," Sunset replied in kind, not moving from her spot on the prairie grass.

"Ah, so you do still do your homework, I see," Opaline affirmed. "Twilight barely mentioned you; whenever she did, she seemed to excuse herself rather quickly, as if she had played a role in your unexpected disappearance all that time ago."

"Princess Twilight had nothing to do with it, not that she or I had much choice in the matter. You don't mess with time travel without drastic consequences," Sunset told her, wondering what the alicorn was getting at.

"So you didn't vanish purposefully? Like you did with Celestia? Most curious... So you merely went adrift on the tides of time until the fates decided to dump you out here?" She asked.

"Where, and when, I was clearly needed," Sunset answered.

"And thus cleared the path for Luster Dawn, and then myself, of course. Dawn was too shortsighted, did you know she actually rejected Twilight's offer of alicornhood? Rejected greatness, just like that. Can you imagine such foolishness?"

"It's not for everypony," Sunset commented, refusing to let her guard down.

"Quite true," Opaline admitted. "It is only for a rare, select few, who can seize the moment, for their ambition to spark a fire."

Sunset saw Opaline's horn and wings dimly glow for a moment with that last word.

"So you seized the moment to threaten us? When no one in that forest even knows who you are?" Sunset asked.

"Truly? What are you teaching in those classes of yours?"

"We haven't gotten to ancient history yet, I'm afraid," Sunset answered.

"Well, they'll know me soon enough," Opaline told her. "I assume you are here to submit yourself to my authority."

"Yeah, the thing is, I took a straw poll before coming out here, and the ponies in there aren't too keen on surrendering to an alicorn they don't even know," Sunset told her.

"Resisting would be unwise, Sunset Shimmer. I'm sure you don't want to lead your students to their doom," the alicorn warned.

"I won't lead them into enslavement, either," Sunset told her, taking a single step back, having a feeling that this parley was nearing its end.

She saw Opaline's horn light up, and braced herself.


A dome of magical energy came up out of the ground and surrounded Sunset a second before Opaline fired off a flaming bolt towards her. The shield rippled, began to crack, but held, and the cracks began to vanish as she heard the voices behind her begin to call out the shield spell in response.



The voices were like an echo that were quickly lost in the trees, but the shield that surrounded Sunset grew exponentially, and in as the seconds passed, what was at first around her body was now slowly enveloping the entire forest behind her.

"So," Opaline snarled, the glow of her horn becoming brighter. She unfurled her wings, which also became engulfed in purple and blue flames. "You have chosen fire. 'The best offense is a good defense', and all that? What chance do you think you have against me?"

"I have no idea," Sunset said, standing on the cusp of the gargantuan magical barrier. "But I've learned that sometimes a chance has to be taken. I've learned a lot more than that in my interdimensional travels, Opaline Arcana. One thing above all else..."

Sunset paused, closed her eyes, took a breath, focused on a familiar energy inside herself, and on the exhale, wings of fire burst out from her backside, surprising Opaline and even causing her to take a few steps back as the unicorn opened her eyes again.

"...I've learned that sometimes it's best to fight fire with fire."

Author's Note: