• Published 29th Nov 2022
  • 1,058 Views, 34 Comments

The Pony Guard: Rainbow Rocks - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard along with Sunset Shimmer join forces once again in the other world as they face off dangerous magic at works in the upcoming Battle of the Bands

  • ...

We Shine Like Rainbows

We Shine Like Rainbows

The next day the Rainbooms and Lightning Bolts were all gathered near the statue of the horse in front of the school. Since Kion and Twilight's mission here is complete, now it was time for them to head home alongside Bunga and Spike.

"Sure wish you guys could stay longer." Applejack said on behalf of the group.

"Me too." Twilight agreed. "As tempting as it is, I have responsibilities in Equestria that I have to get back to."

“And even those who probably don’t deserve it do count on us coming to their aid whenever trouble is occurring.” Kion added while sounding hopeful that he hasn’t struck too deep a chord with Twilight saying that.

“True, true…” She calmly accepted it none of the less. “…even though it is tempting not to go back.”

“I understand completely of what you’re going through.” Sunset sympathetically consoled. “Given that I’ve spent from your last visit up until now being treated as the black sheep of the flock, it sure is quite a struggle to get through. But once you prove yourself even further they’ll get over it eventually. They always do.”

To make his point further cemented Kion also added. “And you also have a friend you can turn to if you walk to talk about it. Whatever it is, I’m here for you, and if you want to talk to Sunset, there’s always the portal, anytime you want.”

“Exactly.” Sunset smiled before turning to Kion. “And thanks. I wouldn’t be in this position if it weren't for you both. Guess it seems that the Lions of the Past have decided based on judgement that I truly deserve a second chance in life."

“They sure have.”

“Not to mention considering that Agent Askari has essentially vouched for you to become a part-time field agent up until you graduate, I’d say you’ve very well earned Sunset. You and everyone else here.” Everyone here proudly showed off their newly earned badges and medals knowing that they have something to fall back on during their free time and whenever trouble arises. “Just remember not to let what happened these last two days go over your head, Rainbow Dash.” She gently yet firmly reminded the rainbow-haired teen.

“No need to worry.” Rainbow tried to play it cool. “I will.” Upon seeing everyone glancing and glaring at her given of how her ego got out of hand during that timeframe she quickly added. “Starting now.”

Equestrian Bunga looked on in disappointment. “Aw man, I really wish I could join.”

“Me too!” Spike agreed.

“Spike, Bunga, it’ll be okay.” Twilight gently assured. “Whenever we come to visit and need to solve a case here.”

“Plus you still get to keep those badges and medals!” Kion reminded with a smile.

“Oh yeah!” They exclaimed as they both realized in unison before laughing it out together causing both Twilight and Kion to roll their eyes in amusement.

“Anyways…” Sunset moved to hug both the two best friends she could ever ask for goodbye. “…good luck with the Lion and Pony Guard back in the Pride Lands and Equestria and I hope it all goes well.”

“I’m sure it will…” Twilight said confidently. “…Like you said, as long as I keep being optimistic, it’ll get better eventually.”

“I’m sure it will.” Kion said before turning to the Bunga that came with him. “Bunga!” Both Bunga’s turned their heads towards him in confusion.



Kion blinked liked he is seeing double due to both Bunga’s wearing the exact same clothes. “Are you ready to go?”


Seeing that her friend is clearly confused of who is the real Bunga is, Twilight smiled when she spoke up. “Well have fun, I’ll make sure Muhimu to say hello to her baby for you.”

“Hamu!” The Bunga she is looking for suddenly spoke up before clasping his hands to his mouth. “Oops. I mean…dang it!”

“Ha!” Other Bunga laughed at his expense before watching as he Spike, Twilight, and Kion all got together towards the portal ready to go home.

Twilight turned her head towards Spike and then Kion, "Ready?"




With one final wave, the prince and princes along with the human boy and dog entered through the portal and disappeared as their friends all looked on.

“Wait a minute! Got just one more question!” Bunga quickly popped his head out with one more thing to say directed at both Applejack and Rainbow Dash specifically their skirts. “Applejack, Rainbow Dash, why do you both wear skirts every day?”


“Why do you ask?”

“Just curious since given that you’re both have hobby’s that are more fitting for boys. Figured you’d both be more for shorts.”

Both girls blinked in surprise since no one’s ever asked them that before and upon seeing the smug smirk plastered on Rarity’s face they both moved to answer it.

“Um, long story short we uh…”

“Kinda of got into one of those classic who’s the better girl in sports…”

“And in the midst of it we accidentally pranked Rarity because of it..."

"So as punishment we were forced to join the skirt girls club..."

"...per Rarity's sense of fashion I got this here jean skirt."

"...and I have to wear this pink and overly girly colored skirt."

"Well at least it makes you both look fashionable darlings, and that's what counts." Rarity said with a proud and satisfied smile still standing by her ruling.

Bunga now understood completely. "Oh! Okay! Yeah that totally makes perfect sense! You two sure messed up big time! Anyways see ya!" He quickly put his head back through the portal while leaving for good this time with his curious question now answered.

The Pony Guard in Equestria, along with the Pride Lands Lion Guard had just arrived at Twilight's palace and judging from the look of their faces they arrived eager to see if their friends have returned yet and better yet hopeful that not following after them is the right call. Considering of who they were dealing with, it’s hard not to understand why. In fact, outside of morning patrol, they spent every second here praying to Mufusa and Celestia that they’re all right.

“I sure hope they’re back.” Beshte was the first to speak up on behalf of the team.

“Me too!”

“Me three!”

Both Rarity and Fluttershy expressed in agreement while both Applejack and Rainbow Dash thought otherwise.

“I’m sure they’re both all right, considering they have the assist of our mirror selfs over there.”

“If you ask me they’re both waiting until now to show up just so they can make an entrance."

Suddenly, just when they went inside the room where the magic mirror portal they saw something ripple and sparkle. First Twilight, then Kion, along with Spike and Bunga in that order.




“Little B!”

The prince and princess along with their faithful companions were immediately welcomed with a group hug from their friends.

“You’re all okay!” Ono exclaimed really glad to see them right now.

“Of course we’re okay! Why wouldn’t we be?” Bunga replied like nothing happened.

“Hmm, let em think. Oh yeah, because you four were all dealing with the Sirens not to mention the first group of evil lions of the Pride Lands Past!”

“Easy Ono…” Kion was quick to calm the agitated egret down. “…we’re all okay.”

“But what about…?!”

“Ono!” Twilight firmly stated with a raised hoof. With simple gestures Twilight got Ono to repeat after her while performing the deep breathing technique her former foalsitter taught her. “It’s okay. We took care of them. They’re gone. They’re not coming back.”

“Who’s not coming back?” An unexpected voice came from the doorway.


Everyone turned their heads in surprise upon hearing and seeing Rafiki’s apprentice suddenly appearing.

“Was it someone bad. Like as bad as Scar?”

Caught off-guard, Twilight moved to truthfully answer none of the less. “Right up with his league.”

“But nothing the Lion and Pony Guard couldn’t handle.” Bunga stated with such confidence that Rainbow Dash’s mirror self would agree on.

“So anyways Makini…” Kion said deciding to just move the subject along for the time being. “…what are doing here?”

“Oh, well as you know most of the Pride Landers are deciding to move back to their homes but it would seem that they all may have jumped at the opportunity a little too soon. And by that I mean really too soon as in…”

Seeing that is see rambling her mouth off again, Twilight moved to cut her off there. “What are you trying to say?” She asked expecting her to get to the point.

“Ma Tembo is having trouble trying to find water for everyone in the Pride Lands. She’s trying really hard. She really is. But she just can’t find it.”

Twilight thought about it for a moment before calmly smiling with a resolution at hoof. “All right. Let’s go!”

Before anyone could ask what she is thinking she suddenly worked her magic in teleporting her and everyone on over there instantly.

When the Lion and Pony Guard opened up their eyes to their new surroundings they are all witnessing the majority of the Pride Landers all ganging up on Ma Tembo in their anxious desires of thirst. It was so restless that Princess Luna herself was there in order to get them to calm down.

“Water, water, water! Water, water, water! Water, water, water! Water, water, water!”

“Ooh! I really hope Ma Tembo finds the water soon.” Laini quietly expressed to Thurston while she and Big Baboon stood on the zebra’s back.

“Yes! I need a drink!”

Already at her the end of her patience Luna flew up in the air and shouted this command with her Royal Canterlot Voice. “EVERYBODY BE QUIET!” Everyone instantly stopped chanting upon seeing the irritated scowl on the princess’s face as she landed on the largest rock nearby. “We understand your need for thirst, but constantly chanting isn’t going to help make this any easier for her, so please stop!”

As Luna moved aside so she can rub a hoof on her sore forehead the Lion and Pony Guard approached them.

“Oh…” Big Baboon growled in the alicorn princess’s direction along with the others. “…not you again!”

“Yeah! Haven’t we suffered enough because of you?!” Thurston needlessly added.

Even in the face of unwelcoming eyes, Twilight still kept her composure and stood strong before every Pride Lander while standing on the same rock Luna is on who floated up to allow the younger princess to have her say. “Yes. And so I have with all things considered. And before any of you say anything, I’m here to help you all with your urgent problem.” She turns to the elephant leader. “And from what I’m hearing and seeing Ma Tembo, is that you’re having trouble finding water.”

“Yes.” She admitted sounding rather exhausted herself from all of the constant complaining. “And now there's more animals than ever expecting me to find the new water! Even with my ears, I'll never hear where it is.”

Twilight turning to Makini with a smile as she got thinking about what she, Ma Tembo, and Luna have all said.

“The hardest part of listening is finding the quiet to hear.” She gasped upon realizing before joining Twilight alongside the rock she is standing on. “Shwari! Everyone! Everyone, shh! Shwari! Ma Tembo needs quiet to find the new water site! Just like I needed when I found my staff.” She said with the last part while looking in her mentor’s direction who is standing on the rock next to her who likewise smiled knowing that both he and she are right.

With complete silence, Ma Tembo was now able to focus her ears for the sound of water dripping for which she was able to detect with her large ears within just seconds upon receiving what she needed in order to concentrate.

“Yes. Yes! Now I hear it!” She quickly ran ahead with the others eagerly following after her. “This is it! I'm certain!”

“Over here, everyone!”

“Right this way!”

Both Ono and Rainbow guided them as Ma Tembo came across a big open dirt patch up ahead.

“Here! Dig everyone!”

All of the elephants all quickly started using their trunks to do so.

“Dig, dig!” Mtoto told everyone to which had the Lion and Pony Guard all joining in too.

"Zuka Zama!"

“Twende Kiboko!"

After a few more seconds once everyone had stopped digging, the much-needed water for the Pride Landers had emerged from the ground.

“Finally! The new water source for the dry season has been found!” Ma Tembo declared to the crowd who are now all happily cheering in celebration knowing that they won’t be dying of dehydration for the remainder of the dry season.

“That was good advice, Makini.” Rafiki complimented. “It seems you have finally learned the importance of silence.”

“I have, Rafiki. I totally have!” Makini then moved to sing of the most valauble lesson she learned thus far.

Makini's Song

Music from 2:13 to the end

After she finished singing she turned around and hugged Twilight. “And I have you to thank for that!”

Twilight wrapped a single hoof around her in return. “Glad I could help.” She then turned her attention to the crowd with a hopeful and expecting look from them. “And you’re all welcome. If I hadn’t come along, then you all would have gotten very thirsty really fast with all of that constant chattering and that would have been bad.”

“Yes of course....” Thurston sheepishly and rather shamefully admitted while trailing off slightly with his tone sounding really regretful now. “It...Sure…would have.”

“Absolutely!” Laini stated being the first to show the alicorn her gratitude. “And thank you for coming here. It really means a lot to us.”

“Also…” Bupu stepped up and spoke up next. “…about what we all said to you ever since being able to return here. Many of us said because we were just upset from being home for so long and it was getting quite stressful on some of us.”

Followed by Big Baboon stepping forward next. “And we really missed being able to live here that after we were trapped back at where the Equestrian Games were being held to the point that we ended up taking it out on you. And you didn’t really deserve all of that considering you’ve been trying to help us ever since you came back.”

“And we’ll understand if you don’t want to forgive us right now.” Vuruga Vuruga added. “We gave you a hard time and for that we’re sorry.”

To Twilight herself, this is very touching inside considering she really wasn’t expecting this all today. She just came here just to do a good deed and call it a day even when being treated with nothing both contempt and scorn and here she is now getting a huge payoff out of it. And considering her past history of holding a grudge against her family and friends after what happened at the wedding rehearsal she smiled in response in the face of hopeful and somewhat pleading faces all looking in her direction.

“Apology accepted.”

Instantly, Laini along with all of the galogos all leaped up and hugged her.


“Group hug!”

Twilight could only grin and shake her head in response much to Fuli’s amusement who is clearly thinking. “Better you than me.”

None of the less, everyone else watched on in pride seeing that the trust between them and the alicorn who just helped them out big time today has been restored.

“Nice job, Ma Tembo.” Twilight complimented. “Even though it was frustrating, you never gave up.”

Ma Tembo thought nothing of it. “Well, that's what responsibility is all about. Isn't it?”

“It sure is.” Twilight couldn’t agree more while Kion winked in her direction when she turned towards him.

Like he said, and he was right. And it sure didn’t take too long before being finally welcomed back with open arms for the first time since her coronation back before Scar conquered the Pride Lands.

After returning to their room in the castle, both Twilight and Kion witnessed the journal linked to Sunset’s is glowing and vibrating to indicate that she has just sent a message to them. Wasting no time, they quickly opened it up to the current page from where and what she wrote to them.

"Dear Twilight and Kion,

Missing you already, and I hope you'll be back soon. Things are definitely looking up for me here at Canterlot High. But I know I still have a lot to learn about friendship. Hope you don't mind if I write to you for advice when I need it.

Your friend, Sunset Shimmer."

Upon levitating a pen Twilight started writing back right away.

"Dear Sunset Shimmer,

It won’t be long until then. And you know the funny thing about what you said before we left, it actually happened as soon as I got back home. Can you believe it? And the best part about it is being able to do a good deed that they actually appreciated for the first time in a while.

Anyways, our door, book, and or mirror in this case is always open if you need it and we hope to see you again soon. So until then continue spreading the magic of friendship and keep everyone there safe.

Your friends, Twilight and Kion.

P.S. We’ll definitely see each other sooner than later since Kion is gonna want to teach you more on how to effectively utilize the Roar so you can master it and don’t hurt anyone by accident soon. But hey, at least we’ll see each other sooner or later this way. Anyways, take care of yourself."

Sometime later that week after hearing of how they participated in the Battle of the Bands in order to fight off and defeat ancient evil everyone was all eager and see of how it all played out, so the Lion and Pony Guard arranged a concert to be held at Pride Rock. Much like their mirror counterparts playing and performing for the whole school and Secret Service Agency as part of their encore performance alongside Sunset Shimmer they rocked it out in style.

Bunga and Pinkie both tapped their drum sticks.

"One! Two! Three! Four!"

Music started playing.

Applejack and Beshte.

“Once upon a time

You came into my world and made the stars align.”

Rarity and Fuli.

“Now I can see the signs

You pick me up when I get down so I can shine."

The Rainbooms and Lightning Bolts.

Shine like rainbows

Shine like rainbows.”

Back in Canterlot high, Sunset dropped her books, which were caught by Apple Bloom and she, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle joined her in walking to class much to Sunset’s delight.

Next, she was trying to help Fluttershy and Ono in getting Angel Bunny down from a high place out of their reach where Bulk Biceps was quick to happily assist her by lifting her up to help her.

Rainbow Dash and Kion.

“Friends, you are in my life

And you can count on me to be there by your side.”

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle.

“And when the music comes alive

You sing us songs to lift us up so we can shine.”

The Rainbooms and Lightning Bolts.

“And the sound that we hear in our hearts

Makes our friendship grow

And the light that ignites in the dark

It makes us all glow

And shine like rainbows

We shine like rainbows.”

Kion and Twilight made their way through the Pride Lands where the latter is really getting to talk to the Pride Landers more and more to the point they can discuss of how things here are without any troubling tension.

“Together we stand

As the rain begins to fall

And holdin' our heads up high

As the sun shines through it all

And the sound that we hear in our hearts

Makes our friendship grow

And the light that ignites in the dark

It makes us all glow

And shine like rainbows

We shine like rainbows

Shine like rainbows

We shine like rainbows

We shine like rainbows.”

Somewhere in the human world, a young scientist was doing some research on the strange events going on at Canterlot High. Her dark purple and indigo hair is pulled into a messy bun, held by a number two pencil and is wearing a white lab coat over her attire. She knew she was onto something around that high school, and they had only recently gotten stranger.

"No doubt about it, Spike. There's definitely something strange going on at that school…" She said to her pet dog who barked in response before the former moved to mix some chemicals together before moving to tend and apply it to a guest who is currently seated in one of the chairs in her basement lab.

Whatever the truth is, the human world’s Twilight Sparkle is deeply determined to uncover this case. But she is not the only one who is up to something...

Back in Tartarus where the imprisoned and fallen conquerors of the Pride Lands are their leader is currently using his charm and words into convincing one of the prisoners into lending him his magic. Upon being able to use it he was able to take a look at what’s going on around him, along with a few new angles and new approach to being able to return back on top before Twilight retook control of the Pride Lands in the name of his nephew.

“No doubt about it Twilight Sparkle, for I am not done with you yet for I’ll see you soon. Once a new opportunity in life comes I’ll be free from this prison, and then I will have my revenge.” He vowed as he locked eyes on his newest angle and target to help him with that. One that looks strangely familiar to the alicorn herself along with a rainbow shimmering glow sparkling and hidden underneath the table inside the very heart of the throne room…

Author's Note:

With peace restored in this world, the visiting heroes have all returned back to Equestria where they are faced with an upcoming crisis in the Pride Lands, something that was not included in the canon "Rise of Scar.".

Here we see Sunset's advice, paying off as Twilight coming to help by getting Makini to learn the lesson of the importance of silence from the canon special with the former finally earning and regaining the trust of many Pride Landers well most of them and mostly. You can expect to see that as a cruical plot point heading into Season 5 at some point.

Anyways, and in celebration of what had transpired in both worlds, they both held concerts where the Rainbooms and Lightning Bolts perform an encore concert for everyone around them...

...and of course all but a select few, with a certain someone still not done dealing with the heroes yet and seems to already have a plan and pawn in place heading into Season 5 so until that comes out sometime in later this year stay tuned.

Comments ( 4 )

I had a feeling that daddy would want to use Starlight Glimmer as his pawn. I just wonder how long till we get season 5 and I hope daddy is still watching the heroes. Did daddy see what happened in the human world with his human counterpart as an agent? I hope he has plans if he were to go to the human world. Sorry, I still have so many questions and I need answers

Great work! I can help you with Season 5

I hear you and those questions will be answered in due time, but if you recall my last blog post, pegging me for answers is only going to test my patience and right now you're at strike two.

I’m sorry, it’s just hard to wait and I die for answers, ya know. I also tend to get very anxious

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