• Published 29th Nov 2022
  • 1,068 Views, 34 Comments

The Pony Guard: Rainbow Rocks - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard along with Sunset Shimmer join forces once again in the other world as they face off dangerous magic at works in the upcoming Battle of the Bands

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Ancient Beginnings

Ancient Beginnings

Many, many years ago back when they were all living in the Pride Lands together, these five lions split apart and traveled across the Pride Lands. They scoped every inch of the kingdom, spotted every animal both big and small, and marked every blade of grass between Pride Rock and the Outlands before getting together just outside of kingdom territory just where the very edge of the rising sun touches the ground.

“Would you look at that…” Kasi spoke to everyone as he looked on in the direction of Pride Rock from the horizon. “…everything the light touches from here…” Eyes where his claws are barely touching the shadows on the ground. “…is this kingdom.”

“I know. It’s surely quite glorious to behold.” Hidafu agreed as they all watched the rising sun shed light over the Pride Lands.

“It sure is.” Mwenye Kuona commented while his eyes were more focused on his reflection and shadow rather that the beautiful sunrise they are all watching.

“Mwenye!” Nguvo snapped while slapping his paw on the back of his hand. “He meant the sunrise! Not your looks!”

“But have you seen me in a mirror lately?”

“Yes! Many times! Too many to count! Too many to want to recall! We get it! You have handsome looks! No need to be all self-absorbed and vain about it!”

“Anyways…” The oldest of the bunch move their conversation forward while voicing his opinion on the matter. “…this kingdom sure is a sight to behold. Plenty of grass to feed many animals, lots of water for everyone to drink, plenty of food to eat. I’m telling you this place is paradise.”

“Yeah…” Kasi agreed before having sinister motives creeping up his mind. “…too good to be left in the old king’s paws, wouldn’t you all agree?”

“Yes, you’re right.” Hidafu agreed first. “I think we need to take matters into our own paws.”

“Like what?” Mwenye curiously asked after snapping out of his self-sighting.

Before Hidafu could elaborate on it, Nguvo quickly jumped the gun with his thoughts. “I think we should take over this place and have the old king kick the bucket. No offense to the old lion himself, but I think it is time for new changes in leadership around here. And I think we are the mightiest and toughest lions for the job.”

Kasi couldn’t agree more with what his short-tempered friend just said. “Indeed we are, my fiery friend…indeed we are.”

“What are you suggesting, Kasi?” Kidafu asked.

“When the sun sets, the king’s time will set along with it and rise with me as the new king…” He said as he and the others moved to drink from the nearby small source of water where they wind up draining it up till there’s nothing left before he continued. “…we cover the king and his boy with a three-sided attack. Nguvo and Kidafu on the left, Mwenye and Hidafu on the right, I’ll cover the middle. If the plan works they will both be gone by morning and we’ll will be in charge of this lush terrain of gold that will be as good as ours for the taking.” He suddenly sees two hyenas who quickly run off ahead and fear of them. He decided to let them go upon seeing that they’ll warn everyone else in the Outlands, before realizing something as he prepares to sprint on over to them. “Hidafu…how many hyenas does it take to send a message?”

Hidafu simply looked on knowing what is about to happen. “One.”

Kasi quickly rushed over to them in record time with only the sounds of yelping heard from afar to his gang as their leader’s message has been made perfectly clear.

Unbeknownst to them, a lion with a sharp sighting for everything around him and afar just happened to be around close enough to witness what is about to happen before deciding to rush off back home to alert his king about this.

Later that night, the gang all split up as they approached Pride Rock. By following Kasi’s plan, all but one approached Pride Rock from the center in the open. The others moved to sneak through the bushes and trees on the side so that their element of surprise isn’t spoiled.

The old king was still sleeping while this is all happening as Kasi looks up and gets a good look at the cave entrance before turning to his Keenest of Sight taking cover giving him a nod in response. That meant it was all clear for him to sneak him so he can ensure that he’ll never wake up again.

With stealth tiptoeing and being very extra careful in taking every full step heading up towards Pride Rock itself he was able to make his way to the entrance. Not a pebble moved, nor a twig snapped, and not even a single claw dragging the ground. He got closer and closer to the target just within a short sprint away. He moved into a pouncing position wanting to be as quiet as possible as he bared his claws ready to pounce on his prey. He then moved to do the fatal pounce when…


Came from when a large muscular lion appeared out of nowhere and body-slammed him causing him to tumble to the side and waking the king from the commotion.

Kasi was now looking on in shock of what had just happened when he witnesses a band of five heroic looking lions standing before him ready to take him down. Clearly, he wasn't counting on them to be awake at this hour.

“If you’re smart, you’ll stop right now!” The leader firmly stated in a soft tone of voice.

“And if you’re smart…” Kasi returned with a confident expression. “You’ll surrender to me!”

The sharp-minded lion was quick to retort to shoot down that claim. “Not a chance! There are five of us and only one of you!”

Instantly, two of the lions standing were suddenly gasping for air before collapsing in pain while the other two were suddenly tackled and also left gasping for air too.

After pulling their claws out of the lion’s now punctured lungs, the clearly unimpressed Nguvo had this to say. “You were saying?”

“Quite the opposite now.” Kidafu commented as he flicked his claws clean while they all circle the very stunned lion in front of his tired father who can only watch as the four other lions were left taking their last breathes all while surrounded by a growing puddle around them. “Especially since we had to cut into your defensive party quite severely.”

“So what’s it going to be, fearless leader?” Kasi asked. “Stand aside and let us take control of this here kingdom, or die trying because it’s about to get worse if we go that way?”

Without second thought he quickly stated. “I would rather die than let you ruin everything we stand for here!”

“Okay, it’s your funeral.” Kasi accepted it like it’s his loss before rushing over to maul him relentlessly along slashing his claws on his opponent’s face all while tumbling across the stone terrain in a rather one-sided fight. “I can tell you didn’t have too much practice in fighting, huh? Well, guess you should have trained harder in fitting in more time for that!” With one heavy heave the fallen leader winds up having his bashed on the ground.

“No!” The elderly lion tried to leap into the fray only to wind up easily backhanded across the stone floor with Nguvo angrily slaying him while a claw to his heart much to the other defeated lion’s devastated horror.

Kasi upon leaving his sole remaining opponent defenseless moved back so he can leap on over for one final blow to kill him.

This poor lion really ended up facing with such bad luck but was still desperate and determined not to let these evil lions take this kingdom. So with narrowed eyes and praying to the heavens that he comes out of this alive, prepares to face this decisive attack head on.

Kasi quickly rushed over at lightning speed just when the defenseless lion gave every last ounce of strength he had into his roar which ended surprisingly sent him flying away. The rest of his team followed suit when they too found themselves forced flying away too.

Once they were all far away, the fierce lion collapsed and succumbed to his injuries with he alone as the sole survivor of his attack. He managed to win, but just barely, and that’s the only thing he could feel. Pain, Misery, Grief, and Relief all rolled in a span of just five minutes and just like that he alone survived to tell the tale of what happened this faithful day.

All of the flying lions had no time to react as they all find themselves hurling towards the sharp rocks in the Outlands, but before they could claim them, the rippled magic from the power of the Roar wound appeared over them thus they ended up falling into it instead, and landing safely albeit hardly on the ground in another dimension.

After groaning in pain along with rubbing their aching joints, their leader stood up before seeing that he along with his companions are now humans upon seeing that they have new bodies, complete while standing on two legs, seeing the new digits on their hands and feet, and new clothes over their skin. Of all of the now former lions of the bunch who are all left utterly speechless and stunned over of what was almost a near victory for them, to a near-death experience, to a now sudden transportation into a new world like a sudden reset button was suddenly hit.

“What the buck just happened?!” Nguvo angrily exclaimed as he stood up and looked at his new fingers. “And what the buck are these?!”

“For starters…” A teenage Uovu spoke up as he approached the gang looking at each and every one them very intrigued upon spotting them. “…those are fingers, part of your hands. In addition what you are now standing on are your legs. They help you stand up so you can move around in these parts of town which I guessing that none of you have ever done before, huh?”

“Um…no.” Kidevu replied while looking on unsure of how to approach this stranger they just met.

Quickly standing in front of his team’s defense, Kasi moved to stand up while raising a protective hand in front of everyone behind him. “And who are you exactly? And why are you so interested in knowing more about us?”

“You’re right, this is all too sudden. And I’ll properly start by answering your questions.” He apologized before moving to introduce himself. “For starters, my name is Uovu…” He presented his recently acquired military ID and badge. “…a now recent junior agent of the Secret Service. Second, I’d like to make it my business to now every person that comes around these parts of town and by that I mean everything.”

“Excuse me?!”

“Every detail about everyone who you are, what you can do, who your friends and enemies are, where you’re from whether it’s from here, another part of town, or more accurately, from another world.” He eyed the suspicious leader of the band who is quick to pick up of what he is getting at. “In other words, this is not an arrest nor is this a way to pick up a date to dinner, but an invitation to my area of expertise. If my partner and boss both like what they see, it could be the beginning of being the newest probationary officers in just a week alone. And in one to two years if you exceed expectations, you’ll be right where I am right now.”

As he watches and listens he is slowly making sense yet still looking for reason why would they want to join the federal agency until he continued with, “Being able to use the information we are given to use to our advantage and be able to take what we believe is rightfully ours.” He pulled out personal files containing all of the top-secret information anyone could ever get their hands on which got the man’s eyes open and ready to listen to whatever he has to say.

“Everyone’s got talent and skill capable on tackling great feats on their own, take down anyone, put a whole group with the same skills on par with each other together they can take down the entire world. The way I say it between a smooth operator like myself, a speedy and quick thinker like yourself, along with the brute, the handsome well-groomer, the muscle, and the wisdom, of everyone here, we are looking at an unstoppable team here.” He presents his hand out hoping that Kasi would shake on it. “What do you say?”

Kasi turned to the rest of his team who all are looking on board with the idea before turning back. “I say…” He moved to shake his hand. “…we’re on board with your proposal and you got yourself a deal.”

“A wise decision my friend.” He smiled before spotting the nearby school parking lot. “And here is your first assignment…” He presented everyone gasoline, propane, lighters, matches, and protective shield masks to which every was quick to obtain the supplies as they prepare to carry out this devious and wicked deed to attract attention while he prepares to dial his phone ready to call the fire department.

From there it was the start of a remarkable friendship between them as they spent the following twenty-five years using the information from the federal agency to commit various crimes along with eluding the authorities along the way. All while they await for the perfect opportunity to pounce on them that’ll allow them to uncover and unlock the hidden power from the world where Kasi and the others came from so that they can use it to take control of this world and maybe someday be able to return to the Pride Lands so they can reclaim with their newfound invincibility.

It wasn’t until they’ve heard reports of Sunset Shimmer, along with Twilight Sparkle, Kion, Bunga, and Spike’s sudden appearances into this world that had them personally investigating the school that they were able to make better connections to how can start drawing magic in their new world. It wasn’t until they stumbled across the Dazzling’s hopping on over between fast-food restaurants and grumbling over their banishment from another world to here. did they really start investing in another alliance. It came at a perfect time since they just heard about the Battle for the Bands just before meeting them because otherwise they would have been able to work out a proper negotiation out of it.

In the present day, both teams were now both remembering of what they whenever from the recent days between them along with the recent years the Wild Ones themselves now refer to themselves went through ever since they met. To think they wouldn’t be in a position where they would be able to draw another magical power just days to twenty-five years ago in this world to which in both the Pride Lands and Equestria is now ancient history back then. Now they are all about to tackle the final step of their journey with the upcoming Finals in the band competition coming and with both the Rainbooms and Lightning Bolts locked away long enough that by the time Secret Service connects the dots with both Twilight and Sunset it’ll be too late.

It was in the Wild One’s interest to want to be able to kill them on the spot, but of course given that it is school grounds, along with already having Secret Service’s Senior Agent and team leader Askari hunting them down, they couldn’t afford attracting unwanted attention and getting a country-wide manhunt in their direction just before they can enact their grand plan. But with the way things have been going their thus far, they feel they are in the clear to move forward. They have come this far to get the final stretch towards the finish line right in front of them, it’s too late to turn back.

Just then both Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna came over with friendly faces to remind them of something important.

“Almost time for the Finals to begin.”

“So if want to get dressed and ready. Now is the time to do it since the competition begins in an hour.”

“Of course.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”

Both Uovu and Kasi kindly returned before they went their separate ways from the heads of the school, and headed on over to the nearby dressing room so they can both join their friends in getting ready.

“Dressing room...?” Kidevu spoke sounding surprised to hear that from outside before realizing. “…Uh oh.”

Both Uovu and Kasi having heard of this quickly moved to get some rubber gloves and trash bags so they can properly clean this up before anything else can happen.

Kasi sighed knowing his friend of the bunch. “I told him not have that prune smoothie before the competition.”

“It’ll be okay, as long as we freshen up in there before anyone else notices and by then it’ll be too late. With the competition only an hour away we are just one performance away from our victory dance.”

“And soon all of the power in the universe?”


“Wow! Hard to believe that it’s been exactly twenty-five years since we met.”

“I know. Seems only yesterday that was a special agent for Secret Service.”

“Um, that was almost a year ago, and before we had to resign before their top agent Askari could arrest us.”

“My point exactly so, shall we get ready to give everyone outside a performance they’ll never forget?”


Author's Note:

Here I was just about finishing up when I realized that considering we only know of these guys with who knows what is going to happen to them coming the final part of this movie, I have decided that creating this part is a must to allow them to get their 10 minutes in their limelight. This way to answer the question of how it all came to this, how the once ancient band of Evil Lions from the Pride Lands Past came to the world they are all in now and how they formed an alliance with their new leader.

Upon reading this it is worth noting that Kasi, the speedy second-in-command of the Wild Ones was the one who helped come with half of the ideas while Uovu, strange lion's human counterpart, had the internal resources from the federal agency to allow them how to get the jump on everyone around them.

Amazing how two guys with separate gifts and talents and separate flaws, a speedy short term planner and a long-term strategist put together can be a dangerous duo with nothing but their intellect, charisma, powerful fighting abilities, and of course powerful singing abilities. Much like Dino Spumoni and Don Reynolds from Hey Arnold and Mike and Sulley from Monsters Inc. Much like the Ring of Rage that only works when one wears the Crown of Fire from Danny Phantom.

Anyways with that all settled after a week of putting this together, on to the finale...