• Published 6th Aug 2022
  • 1,601 Views, 31 Comments

Equestria Girls: It's Showtime--Wallace and Gromit: Cracking Contraptions - PlymouthFury58

Some days are boring. Some days think they are going to be boring. Not with these two around.

  • ...

The Snowmanotron

The winter season had finally settled in for the long haul of the next few months, and the city of Canterlot was blanketed in the heavy freeze of ice and snow. It wasn't cold like Minnesota, and the sun was shining; it was the kind of winter cold that was squeezed between the Midwest and the West Coast.

In the area of the Canterlot School District, a snow day was issued after the previous night's snowfall blocked off the roads and snowed in the bus depot, leaving the students to have the entire day to themselves. Either to go sledding, remain walled up in their homes and binge through their studying or online presences, or in general break out the shovels and snow blowers on the driveway.

Inside one particular house, high schooler and self-professed expert performer Trixie Lulamoon was lounging in her living room and scrolling through internet pages on her phone. On her laptop was a blueprint internet website designed to design brand new magic tricks. She was giving herself a brain break from last night's work, having felt that she had been successful with her brain wave.

Being a magician took skills in illusion but also stage presence and endurance, mentally speaking.

Presently, while scrolling through some posts in Instagram (#notsponsored) she came across a recent one that caught her attention.

Canterlot Announcing Annual Snowman Competition:
To counter the roadways being blocked and the buses being snowed in, the city is announcing its seventeenth annual snowman competition for all of the folks snowed in at home to participate in. To enter, simply post a picture of your snowman as a reply to this post, and the winner will receive a reward in the mail.

The moment she read the words "competition" and "reward" in the same sentence, Trixie immediately caught onto the idea of participating in the competition. What better way to show off and finesse her skills and perhaps strengthen some new ones in snowman building than to enter in a snowman competition?

Once dressed in her winter outfit, Trixie raced out of the front door to the yard. It was covered in a blanket of snow, and seeing that her dad had just worked the snow blower, the barriers to the driveway were now towered with snow blown clear for the cars to run.

"Okay," she said. "Build the best snowman ever, post it as a reply, and win that reward. Trixie's got this, she is the best."

As she was rolling up the base of her snowman, she looked across the street to see that the other yards were mostly barren of life, aside from the one directly across from hers, and that was the house she dreaded the most. Sitting in the front yard and working on his brilliant-looking snow sculpture was the dog, wearing a scarf, of that crazy inventor who had moved in a few months ago. Everyone knew his name: Wallace, and his dog...she had forgotten what the dog's name was.

Grom-bit? Fume-it?

"Hey, Blob-it!" she shouted.

Gromit cocked his head at the attention of the girl across the street.

"You think you can make a better snowman than the Grrrreat and Powerrrful Trrrrixie?! Then you have got another thing coming! Trixie is the master at building snowmen, and she will not back down from her only competition being a dog!"

Mr. Cranky Doodle, who was shoveling snow off his driveway, caught onto the ensuing conversation down the street from where he lived, and decided to end his shoveling early, if anything to sit back and have a mug of hot chocolate to escape from whatever madness his neighbors were about to be up to.

"Hey! Trixie is talking to you, mutt! And when Trixie is talking, you cannot ignore her!"

Gromit shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes, getting back to work chiseling away at the knee of his creation: a life size snowman replica of Wallace, but positioned like the famous statue of the Thinker.

Trixie was infuriated that was being ignored, even by a dog, who had miles ahead of his...artistical looking snowman than her's. She would not stand for this. She hiked past her own yard and across the street to the gated wall of the inventor's yard, when a loud beep caught her attention.

The crazy inventor had decided to reveal himself. "Wee-heeee! Look out, Gromit!"

The man was wearing his usual attire of a white shirt and red tie underneath a green sweater vest, but he was also wearing a red scarf and a pair of purple earmuffs. Though what Trixie was staring at was the machine that he was operating: it looked like a fridge attached to the front of a motorcycle sidecar, with a large scooper at the front, two pairs of driving wheels in the rear, one wheel at the front for steering, and a large hopper at the top of the fridge.

"Hoh-hohhh, I'm bound to win this year."

He stopped his machine just before hitting the yard, right as the scooper lifted the snow above his head and dropped it into the hopper.

"Oh, that's enough snow," he grinned. Then he noticed Trixie. "Oh, hallo there. I didn't see you there, um, Trixie, was it?"

Trixie huffed. "The Grrrreat and Powerrrful Trrrrixie demands to know what you are doing with that machine of yours."

"Oh, I'm glad you asked," Wallace grinned. "It's my latest invention: the Snowmanotron! It's guarantee to help me win that snowman competition."

"What could it possibly do that is better than what Trixie can?"

"Oh, I'll show you! Watch this."

He then put the machine into reverse, with that annoying beeping noise that is customary with all giant machinery, backing up right into the path of where Gromit's snowman was. He held out his arms in protection of his creation, and then the machine stopped moving.

"Ahh, the perfect spot." He pulled a lever attached to the driver's side, then pressed the "Start" button, activating three mechanical mitten-wearing arms that began pounding into the snow from ports on the sides and top of the machine. "Right now, they're packing in all of the gathered snow into the best snowman ever designed by a machine," Wallace proudly explained.

"Somehow, Trixie doubts that," Trixie mumbled.

Gromit meanwhile was holding onto his snowman, protecting it from the vibrations caused by the machine packing the snow, and when the packing stopped, he wiped his brow in relief. Then the head tumbled off, and Gromit crouched down to pick it up.

Wallace then pulled on the "Eject" lever, and the rear refrigerator door swung out, clearing away Gromit's snowman, dropped a ramp, and out slid the best snowman ever created by a machine: three giant balls of snow stacked on top of each other, two long sticks, an umbrella sticking out of its back, and the face looking lopsided, with the eyes angling towards South, and the carrot nose replacing swapping with one of the eyes.

Gromit looked up in surprise to see the snowman where his should have been, while Trixie looked on in confused bemusement.

Wallace came up to add the finishing touch and admire the snowman. "Ah, not bad for the first try, eh?" he said, placing a garden hat on top of the head, causing the facial features to drop to the ground.

Gromit looked up with a frown.

"Oh, you've decided to start again."

Gromit dropped the head into the snow and his scarf before walking away. Trixie smirked with triumph, knowing that her biggest competition would be too beside himself to bother competing. Taking it a step further, she decided to enter Wallace's yard to analyze his snowman for herself.

"Hmm, I think I've captured the inner snowman. Well, what do you think, Trixie?" he asked.

"Trixie thinks that your machine has potential," she said, wearing a chastising frown, "but that the finished product is too basic to be worthy enough."

"Hmm," Wallace thought. "Well, I suppose that's what I suppose I was going for: something simple to start off as my first entry."

"Trixie thinks your skills as a snowman builder are...adequate enough, but it's nothing special," Trixie countered, crossing her arms with her hip out.

What they didn't realize, or outright ignored on Trixie's part, was Gromit entering past the front door and slamming it shut with his leg. Just as he did, the force of the door caused the snow piled on top of the ledge above the door to loosen and come piling onto the ground below.

Gromit opened the door to check out the disturbance, only to find Wallace and Trixie, still in their poses from before, frozen stiff from all of the snow covering them.

Getting to work, he put the coals and carrot on Wallace's face, and the garden hat and some rocks and a radish on Trixie.

He then took out his phone, took a picture, and sent it to the competition judges online.

And the winner of the seventeenth Canterlot Annual Snowman Competition is Big D 756's Mister and Missus Wensleydale Gardeners!

Gromit laid back in his chair, placing down his phone, having looked at the results, right next to the trophy that was just delivered and picking up his bookmarked book.

Across from him were the modelers for his winning snowmen, shivering in blankets and their feet in hot water.

"Well done, Gromit," Wallace shivered, "but I thought that snowman was abominable."

"T-t-this isn't ov-v-ver, dog. The Gr-r-r-r-r-eat and P-p-p-p-p-pow-werf-f-ful T-t-r-r-rix-x-x-ie will, will, a-a-a-ATCHOO!!" Trixie sneezed. "Oh, forget it."