• Published 6th Aug 2022
  • 1,631 Views, 31 Comments

Equestria Girls: It's Showtime--Wallace and Gromit: Cracking Contraptions - PlymouthFury58

Some days are boring. Some days think they are going to be boring. Not with these two around.

  • ...

The Christmas Card-O-Matic

Sunset Shimmer emerged from the portal from Equestria to be greeted with a light cold shiver and a wet slosh of snow.

Of all the times to return from her vacation, it had to be during the beginning of the winter season, but she had decided to once again spend the Hearth's Warming...actually, Christmas season with her human friends from Canterlot High. The whole backstory of the Christmas holiday was fascinating to read about, even if she herself wasn't a Christian. Though the traditions remained virtually identical: put up decorations around the house, put up a tree and decorate it in mostly shining lights, set up stockings over the hearth, leave cookies and milk for a jolly toymaker, and open presents from under the tree the following morning.

The conventions between Equestria and the human world didn't end at identical holiday traditions: city and country naming conventions were similar, only without the necessity of a pony-pun, architectures depending on the culture and regions, lifestyles in the city, small towns, and countryside, and the complexity of the emotions and intelligence.

It was fascinatingly amusing to Sunset.


"AAAAHHH!!!" Sunset screamed, losing her balance and falling into a snowbank. She looked up to see good old Pinkie Pie having hung up a banner welcoming Sunset back from her Equestrian vacation. The others were all there as well, dressed in Christmas-themed winter gear. Sunset couldn't help but chuckle.

"Oh my goodness! Are you alright, Sunset?! I didn't scare ya, did I?!" Pinkie shrieked.

"No, no, no, you didn't Pinkie," Sunset replied, getting up and dusting down the snow. "You just startled me, that's all."

"Oh, good, phew. I was afraid I clogged your arteries or something. Anyway," Pinkie smiled, "welcome to your 'Welcome Back from your Equestrian Vacation on Christmas Eve' party!"

Sunset gasped. "It's Christmas already?"

"What? Isn't Equestria timed with the...time passage of this world, or something like that?" Rainbow asked. "Because if so-"

Sunset laughed. "I'm kidding, Rainbow. Yes, it is the holidays over there as well. I just wanted to keep up our tradition of spending Christmas together."

"Aw, that's so sweet of you, Sunset," Fluttershy beamed.

"Nice ta see that ya care," Applejack teased.

"Thanks, guys," Sunset replied. "So, what happened while I was gone? And yes, Twilight, I did keep up with my schoolwork. And, Rainbow, I'm sorry I couldn't make to one final game of soccer before I left."

"You dodged a bullet, honestly," Rainbow deadpanned.

"That's good," Twilight replied, "but so much has happened since you've been gone! I can't wait to tell you--!"

"Just a minute!" Pinkie interrupted. "We can't tell her just yet!"

"Well, why ever not?" Rarity asked. "Now would be the most opportune time to do so."

"That's because not everyone's here yet," Pinkie replied. "We can't end the story without a coming together moment without every single character that has been featured in this limited anthology series."

Everyone went completely silent, but shrugged it off. Pinkie had the habit of speaking in a weird context like they were characters in a story or cartoon show, which had become a recent reoccurrence, and of course was never elaborated further than...

"What are you guys looking at me for?" Pinkie asked.

"Absolutely nothing, Pinks," Applejack deadpanned, "but what was tha' whole thang about 'everyone comin' togither'?"

"Well," she explained, "so far, we've got all of us, Spike included, but minus Sunset because neither she nor I were featured so far, so all who we're missing are Sweetie Belle, Principal Celestia, Vice-Principal Luna, Flash Sentry, Lyra and Bon-Bon, Gallus, Sandbar, Ocellus, Silverstream, Yona, Smolder, Scootaloo, Granny Smith, Big Mac, Trixie, Mr. Cranky Doodle, Angel Bunny, Twilight Velvet, Night Light, Shining Armor, Apple Bloom, and...

Wait, are they going to be featured here?

Well, considering how I'm setting this in the grand scheme of things...sorry, but no.

That's okay! I read the epilogues already!:pinkiehappy:

"...myself, and yourself, Sunset!"

Everyone was left standing still in the wet snow bedazzled, dazed, and confused all in one package. Seemed that Pinkie had decided to amp up her randomness to whatever number was past eleven, it she was going to spout out names that had absolutely no correlation with each other.

"Pinkie, wha' exactly does mah family have to do with whatever yer talkin' about?" Applejack asked.

"I agree, same with Sweetie Belle," Rarity added.

"I saw Lyra and Bon-Bon in the park one day while Gallus, Smolder and the others were in the background setting up a picnic," Spike put in, "but other than that, I have no idea."

"Oh, yes they do have correlation..." Pinkie rebuffed.

"You never said the word correlation," Twilight argued in the background.

"I didn't, but the author did," Pinkie argued, "and you're wrong, because I just did."

"What was that?!"

"What was what? Seriously, Twilight, ya gotta take a load off sometime. Besides, it's Christmas!"

Pinkie's jovial Christmas smile innocently squeaked while Twilight's wide slacked jawed buggy-eyed expression suddenly made a cracking sound effect like it was a bunch of plates that was just smashed, becoming frozen like TV static.

"Ah'm sorry, wha' were we talkin' about agin?" Applejack interrupted.

"I gave up after the first ten seconds," Rainbow said.

"Oh, yeah!" Pinkie perked up. "I invited all those people I just mentioned to come here for a grand finale photo-op! Isn't that great?!"

"U-um, yeah, sure, I guess," Fluttershy stammered.

"That's the spirit, Shy! In fact, they should all be arriving...now!"

As Pinkie said, strangely working her unexplainable magic, every single person she had listed off before had all arrived on the scene of the Canterlot High statue, though some were more begrudging than others.

"Why did I agree to do this?" Smolder grumbled.

"Ditto," Gallus added.

"Because we were all invited to be a part of a group Christmas photo! EEEEHH!!" Silverstream squealed.

"Yona still getting used to Christmas holiday, but Yona happy for friends," Yona smiled.

"That makes one of us," Smolder groaned.

"C'mon, Smolder it's not so bad," Sandbar said.


"Wonder wha Pinkie wanted a picture takin here?" Apple Bloom wondered.

"For the memories of the school? I don't know," Scootaloo suggested.

"You look like hell, Tia," Luna worried. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, Lulu," Celestia yawned. "I just didn't sleep well last night."

"You haven't been sleeping well for the past few weeks."

"It's an off and on occurrence. Nothing to worry about."

"Are you wearing bells around your neck?" Lyra asked.

"I just like the way they jingle when I move my head," Bon-Bon smiled.

"Isn't this lovely? Family getting together with friends?" Twilight Velvet beamed with admiration.

"Easy there, mom. Don't get too overexcited," Shining Armor cautioned.

"Oh, let your old mother feel how she wants, Shiny."

"Mom, not in front of everyone," he grumbled.

"Trixie has better things to do than to fenagle with Christmas pictures," Trixie complained.

"Hey, Sunset," Flash Sentry greeted.

"Hey, Flash," Sunset replied, shaking his hand. "What brings you here?"

"Same as everyone else apparently. I got an invite from Pinkie about a Christmas photo-op with friends and I decided to come along."

Then, once Pinkie accounted everyone, she got their attention by standing out in front of everyone's view.

"Alright, everyone! You all know why we're here," she greeted.

"Yeah, we know already. Just get to the point," Smolder grumbled.

"Okie-dokie-lokie, Smoldy!"

"And don't call me Smoldy!"

"So I brought everyone here because I wanted to have a perfect sendoff to commemorate a brand new friend of ours, and appreciate how much he and his best friend have impacted our lives since their recent move here!"

"Who is she talking about?" Sunset whispered to Flash.

"I think I might have an idea," Flash replied.

Just then, an old-fashioned honking sound rang out through the neighborhood followed by a rusty van pulling up to the curb across from the Canterlot High statue.


Stepping out from the passenger-side door, which Sunset noticed had the steering wheel, making it the driver-side door instead for some reason, was a man she had never seen before. He was bald, had large ears, and a bulbous nose. He was wearing a white shirt and red tie underneath a green sweater vest, brown trousers, black shoes, was wearing a red scarf dotted with pictures of swiss cheese blocks, and had just placed a pair of purple earmuffs over his ears when he noticed the crowd.

He smiled at their sight. Sunset had never seen a person smile like he did, and then she noticed a dog climb out the other side on two legs and wearing a blue and white striped scarf.

"Hallo, everyone!" the man greeted, waving a friendly hand. "I see you all could make it."

Immediately, the mood changed for almost everyone.

"Seriously?" Smolder complained. "That guy?!"

"Trixie was never told he would be here, and if she was she wouldn't have come!" Trixie put in.

"Just when I was hoping to have a rest from him," Shining grumbled into his hand.

At least Angel Bunny and Spike waved to the dog, who waved back.

"Wallace and Gromit! You made it!" Pinkie bounced.

"It was no trouble at all, lass," Wallace replied, still smiling.

"Say, where's Shawn?"

"Oh, well he's already asleep for the flight."

"Going somewhere?" Sunset asked.

"Oh, yes! I almost forgot!" Pinkie cried. "Sunset, meet Wallace and Gromit. Wallace and Gromit, meet Sunset Shimmer."

"A pleasure to meet you, Miss Shimmer," Wallace smiled, shaking Sunset's hand.

Sunset was a little perplexed at the man's apparent friendliness to complete strangers, but nonetheless found him amusing.

"Just Sunset, please," she said.

"Alrighty, Mi--erm, Sunset," Wallace stammered.

So he's more on the lines of a classic English gentleman, Sunset thought. That's something I never thought to see in real life.

"So, you guys just moved here?" she asked.

"Oh, yes. Gromit and I just moved into the neighborhood a few blocks down, as you might say," Wallace replied. "Your friends have been most friendly and accommodating, especially Twilight."


In the background, Twilight blushed.

"Oh, yes, it's been a real treat working on inventions with her. Her intellect even surpasses my own!" he chuckled.

Twilight blushed again, desperate to hide her growing red face.

"You're a scientist too?"

"Well, not exactly. I'm inventing mostly."


She noticed that the dog, Gromit had been nodding throughout the entire conversation. The pair seemed to be very friendly.

"So, what've you been doing since moving here?"

"Not so fast, Sunset!" Pinkie interrupted from out of nowhere. "Now's not the time for storytelling. You've missed it all, and there's no way we can go back now!"

Sunset gave Pinkie a look of terrifying confusion.

"Now that that's out of the way, it's time to take a coming together Christmas photo! Fire it up, Wallace!"

"Oh, uh, oh, yes, right away, Pinkie!" Wallace replied. "Come on, Gromit! Shake a leg and help me with this thing, would you?"

Gromit nodded and went to the rear of the van while the girls and crowd back away, mostly to avoid a crashing explosion. He opened the rear door before Wallace followed suit. The sounds of struggles, crashing, and yelping ensued from inside, before they both emerged carrying a large metal cylinder carted on a hand cart.

"Right," Wallace said, wiping his brow. "That took longer than expected. Alright, everyone, I'll just set it up and we'll be cracking in no time."

"You have any idea what he just said?" Rainbow whispered.

"None at all, sugarcube," Applejack replied.

Wallace set down the hand cart, unloading the large cylinder flat but vertical on the ground. He then carefully positioned it so that it was facing directly towards the center point of the gathered crowd.

"Right," he said. "Let's get this thing fired up, shall we?"

Off to the side, he pulled a lever and the large cylinder immediately began shaking like a quake, and an audible gasp from the crowd could be heard. Suddenly, it grew a large copper sphere in the shape of a hopper followed by various visible pistons and cubes and all sorts of three-dimensional shapes, ending with a metal pipe snaking above the ground to reveal an old-fashioned camera, the kind with a large lightbulb, button attached by a cable, and lens attached to a foldable surface, and then the whirring stopped.

Sunset noticed that various crevices and metal casings looked rusty.

"A thing of beauty, isn't it?" Wallace admired.

"What is that thang ya got there, Mr. Wallace?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I'm glad you asked! Ladies and gentleman, dogs and rabbit, it gives me great pleasure to present to you all, the Christmas Card-O-Matic!"

Only Twilight could be heard clapping with enthusiasm, while everyone else stood looking at the machine, unsure of what to think of it. When she noticed no one else was clapping, she sheepishly stopped.

"It's one of my oldest inventions, back when I was a lad getting into inventing for myself." Wallace patted the large cylinder. "I'm rather proud of this one, to be honest."

"What does it do?" Sunset asked.

"It takes pictures like any old camera, but once you've done so, simply pull this lever and the machine then converts the pictures into Christmas cards."

"That's it?" Rainbow said. "That's all it does?"

"I know it's not as intricate or well thought out as my other inventions are..."

"Yeah, right."

"...but I suppose that since there's too many memories with this one, I've never really brought myself to throw her out."

"It looks amazing, Wallace!" Twilight beamed.

"Thanks a bunch, Twilight. Now then," he clapped his hands together, "let's get her started up, shall we?"

"Okie-dokie-lokie, Wally!" Pinkie smiled. "Alright, everyone we need to squeeze together so that we're all in frame. You too, Sunset." She grabbed Sunset by the arm and dragged her unto the clump that included the rest of her immediate friend group. "Come on, Wallace! We need you too!"

"I'll be needed to take the pictures," Wallace explained. "The cable's not long enough."

Gromit rolled his eyes before taking out a longer strip of cable.

"Oh, thanks, lad." Wallace patted his head. "Alright, go and get yourself ready. I'll be right there."

"Right here, Gromit! I saved you a spot~!" Pinkie indicated.

Wallace tinkered with reattaching the extension to the shutter button, humming merrily all the way. "Righto, I think I've got it ready now."

The sound of ominous gulping could be heard among the crowd.

"Okay, so, since you and Gromit are featured on the cover-art, you two are going to be front and center," Pinkie explained.

"Oh, yes, yes of course." Wallace moved to the indicated spot next to Gromit and beside Twilight and Spike. "Alright everyone, here it comes. Smile!"

Wallace pushed the shutter button, followed by a bright flash.

"Watch the birdie."

"Birdie? Where?" Fluttershy asked, before nearly becoming blind again from the flashing.

Angel Bunny facepalmed.

"How long do we have to keep this up, old man?" Smolder asked through a forced smile.

"Nearly finished up," Wallace replied, snapping another picture.

"How about now?" Gallus asked.

"One more for the album, then. Say 'cheese!'" Wallace replied.


A bright lightbulb flash indicated the final picture.

"There. I think that should be enough. I'll go and start her up."

Almost everyone sighed with relief that they could finally relax their facial muscles, while Wallace went over to his precious machine.

"Ten bucks it blows up," Gallus whispered to Smolder.

"You're on, bird boy," she sniggered.

"Stop calling me that. I hate birds."

Sunset watched Twilight went over to observe the machine up close as Wallace pulled the same lever, only this time it activated the various mechanical parts of the machine to begin pumping.

"It's amazing!" Twilight admired. "So many intricate parts! How does it work?"

"Well, uh," Wallace stammered. "To be honest, I kind of forgotten, over the years. Too much inventing will do that to a person."

Twilight grimly nodded, watching the visible pumping pistons.

"Righto. Anyway, the pictures should developing nicely right about now." He stood on a ladder overlooking the giant tub that was a hopper. "I'll add a dash of glue, and then a pinch of glitter. That will make the cards really stand out above the rest."

Suddenly, a loud bang sounded out from the machine, nearly shaking Wallace off. Something else cracked, then took something else down with it in a crash, followed by the sound of crunching metal against metal, and finally a springing sound, before the port-side piston was shot out of place and left to dangle outside of its porthole.

"Oh, dear," Wallace grimaced. "I don't think that was meant to happen."

Twilight backed up from the machine as it whirred to a screeching halt, while Gallus ruffled grumpily having lost a bet on Christmas Eve, only for Silverstream to give him a cheery hug. Twilight then noticed the back end of the machine was still operable.

"It's not all bad," she stammered. "Look. Here comes the developed photos."

Lo and behold, from inside the bowls of the Christmas Card-O-Matic, led out on a conveyer belt were about five developed photos printed and pressed onto good old fashioned Christmas cards. Wallace took one for inspection himself, smiling proudly.

"It worked! Look, there's all of us! You did amazing, Wallace!"

"Thanks a bunch, Twilight," Wallace beamed. "After all these years, you still had one left in you old girl." He patted the sides of his machine. "There's not as much as I hoped, but I'm sure you could use that, 'copying machine' of yours," he said, wriggling his fingers. "Alright then, Gromit! Let's get her packed up! We've got a flight to catch!" He pulled the lever activating the machine to package itself up. "I'll be right back, Twilight. I just need to fetch something from the cab."

Gromit stacked the machine onto the hand trolley, sweating while heaving it back into the rear of the rusty van, then used his all to shove it in with all his might, right as Wallace returned.

"Oh, I see you've packed already. Well done, pooch." Wallace then approached Twilight, holding something behind his back. "I just thought I might give you something, it being the holidays and all."

Twilight beamed with pride, only to flushed red. "Y-you don't have t-to do-do that, r-really."

"Oh, but I must. Happy Christmas," he presented a standard wrapped box in red dotted with blocks of swiss cheese, "you clever girl."

Twilight froze for a second, before leaping into a crushing hug, about ready to choke on her tears. "Thank you so much, Wallace!" she then let go, holding onto her present, "but you really didn't have to do anything for me."

"Hehehe," he chuckled. "There's always an unspoken rule that we inventors must follow at all times, and that is to never sell yourself short."

Twilight perked up.

"In all my years of inventing, I've never met anyone quite like you, Twilight. Not only do you have a brilliant mind and knack for inventing, but you're also not afraid to see me as more than just an old cheese-loving crackpot." He laughed. "You're a good friend, Twilight Sparkle. Never let that spark die out."

Twilight smiled, tearing up again when Sunset appeared to comfort her in a friendly hug. "I promise, I will never let my spark die out, Wallace."

"That's the spirit! Alright, Gromit. We best get a move on if we're to make our flight on time." Wallace climbed into the driver-side seat, waving to the crowd. "Happy Christmas, everyone!"

Sunset smiled, watching them drive away. "You know something? I like those two already."

"Yeah, Wallace is such an egghead idiot," Rainbow remarked. "But even I can't help but love the guy."

"Aw!" Sonata Dusk groaned. "I wanted to be on a Christmas card."

"Shut up, Sonata!" Aria Blaze snapped. "You'll give us away!"

"Shut up, the both of you," Adagio Dazzle declared. "Forget this. Come on, we've got work to do."

Christmas Morning, complete with a new fresh blanket of snow, was a beautiful annual occasion despite all of the world's problems. Twilight and her friends were all gathered around the Christmas tree exchanging gifts.

"This has been the most wonderfulest Christmas ever, guys!" Pinkie enthusiastically declared.

"You say that ever year, Pinkie," Rainbow smirked.

"I know! That just makes them even more special to me, especially when I get to share these moments with all of my friends!"

Just then, Sunset caught sight of one last present buried deep within the bowels of the tree. "Hey, there's one more." It was wrapped in red with images of cheese blocks dotted all over the coloring. "It has your name on it, Twilight." She handed it to her.

Twilight lit up. "It's the present Wallace gave to me!"

"Uh, should I be concerned?" Rainbow worried.

"Yer thinkin' it mahght 'splode?" Applejack said.

"Oh, dear, I hope not," Fluttershy whispered. "It does have nice wrapping."

"Well, it does have a, uh...certain charm to it," Rarity suggested. "Just like, like...all cheese...does. Yes."

"Well, go ahead and open in, Twi," Sunset said.

Twilight carefully ripped off the wrapping paper, while most of the other girls braced for impact for an inevitable explosion. From beneath the wrapping emerged a plain red box with a plastic window to show off the toy inside. Twilight was distracted however from the letter that was taped on top of the box.

It was from Wallace.

Dear Twilight,

I can't thank you enough on all the amazing inventions we got to work on together. The time Gromit and I spent with you pouring over designs for all sorts of machines has been a real treat.

At first, I was a bit nervous about moving into a new home, considering that it's located across the pond from where I was born, but you've helped me through it. And then I got to meet all of your friends. It just brings me joy whenever I show off any of my inventions.

Lots of love, and have a Happy Christmas, you clever girl.


P.S. To wind up little Tinny, simply crank his head clockwise like a wind-up key, but make sure to place him on a flat and solid surface. I found him in my attic, having purchased him at a tin toy convention Gromit and I visited in Japan a while back, and he's still in mint condition after all these years!

She read it out loud, happy tears forming beneath her glasses.

"That...that was so sweet of him!" Pinkie sniffed, before beginning bawl waterfalls. "I JUST MISS HIM SO MUCH!!"

"There, there, Pinkie," Fluttershy comforted, patting her back. "Don't worry, they'll be back once the Christmas season is over."

"That was so charmingly kind of him," Rarity smiled with tears of joy.

"Huh, never knew he had it in him," Applejack said.

Even Rainbow struggled to properly intake the heartfelt message, especially since that is was from the cheese-loving idiot inventor himself. "Well, it's nice that he wrote a nice-sounding letter, I want to see that toy in action, Twi." She scooted forward with anticipation. "Come on, bring it out!"

Twilight set aside the letter, and carefully opened the box, hoping that when she removed the toy, it wouldn't break immediately. She was delicate with the procedure, and when she removed the toy, she took some time to admire it.

It was a small one-man band toy dressed up in a marching band outfit, red torso with gold linings on the front, blue legs, and a red hat with a mimicking feather jutting out. The head was the most bulbous shape of the toy, with painted eyes, smile, faint rosy cheeks, and small nose. Attached to its arms was a green accordion with the folds being white. Attached to its back were the majority of its instruments: a drum to keep the beat from a mallet, a drum-set cymbal on top, a small horn with two valves and a squishing valve to push out air, and five xylophone bars colored red, yellow, green, blue, and violet, each one larger than the first, with a single mallet.

"So, now what?" Sunset asked.

"Wallace wrote to rotate the head clockwise," Twilight replied.

"I heard that he named him Tinny," Fluttershy tittered. "I like that name. I think it's fitting."

"Tinny the Tin Toy. Yeah, it does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"

Twilight carefully cranked the head clockwise four times, before letting go. When she did, Tinny shot forward as all the instruments began playing at once. It should have sounded like a messy mix, yet neither sound sounded out of place. Tinny even spun his body to march in the opposite direction after a while, then repeated for another few rounds until Tinny came to a stop.

"Hoo-doggy. Tha' is one nifty toy," Applejack grinned.

"I know right? Such intricate detail in the mechanics and design in such a small and old-fashioned toy," Rarity ogled.

"Well, yeah, it's a cool vintage toy, but it's...not, as cool as I hoped, considering it came from Wallace," Rainbow stammered a remark.

Then, she heard sniffling coming from Twilight. She looked like she was about to cry.

"Dash," Applejack chastised.

"What did I say?" Rainbow countered.

Sunset calmly placed a hand on her friend's shoulder. "Twilight? Are you okay?"

Twilight simply replied by throwing a hug onto her friend and laughing while crying into her shoulder.

"I couldn't be more than okay! I'm just so happy! This has been the best Christmas ever!"

Tinny could only happily agree.

"You know what I think, Gromit?"

Gromit looked up from his newspaper to answer Wallace.

"I think that we are going to a smashing good time living in Canterlot. We certainly made a splendid choice moving there. Still, it's nice to spend one final Christmas back here in the old place."

Wallace then reached back to the side of his chair, pulled up and placed his novelty cheese tray, having wrapped a Christmas ribbon around the lid handle.

"So, to commemorate, how about we have one final cheesy meal here in old 62 West Wallaby Street, on the wonderful Island Nation of England, eh, pooch? I saved it especially for this moment, purchased right from my very favorite cheese shop down the road, hehe, mmm."

Wallace, waggling his fingers in excitement, lifted the lid to reveal Shawn the Sheep having eaten the entire block of Wensleydale.

"Get off me cheese!" he sat there, shooing with his arms. "Geroff! Gero... Gromit! Gromit!"

Gromit looked up from his newspaper, seeing Shawn once again at the cheese.

"Go for 'im!"

Gromit simply shrugged and returned to his newspaper, completely content with eating his own cheese.

"I'll give you what for, you tike!"

Shawn swallowed the last chuck of the cheese, and baaed with accomplishment for another successful Happy Christmas.

Author's Note:

I'm thinking that this takes place after all of the canon EG and the other Wallace and Gromit specials and films, and before the Dazzlings official reintroduction in Cinematic Adventures: Star Wars.

Also, cameo from my favorite Pixar short of all time..

That being said, I feel proud of myself for this.

Thanks for reading, and have a good one--


Comments ( 4 )

Well done on this final chapter. Definitely liked the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations and wrap-up. Also, good job on the verification concerning the timeframe setting. Especially liked all the cameos and the reactions to Wallace's cards and gifts.

Yeah just had to jav the theme song and that sheep at least once.

And~ I just discovered the particular shorts these are based on. I been so out of touch with those two guys for a while now. I'm gonna need to watch and re-read soon.

This is getting a video version soon. I just started but it will come sometime. idk, I procrastinate a lot.

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