• Published 1st Aug 2022
  • 4,475 Views, 441 Comments

Why not? Sure. I'll Marry You. - HAKDurbin

When princess and pop singer Pipp Petals discovered her fiancée has been cheating on her moments before their wedding, she decided to marry Sheriff Hitch who is holding a "Marry Me" sign in the crowd.

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Chapter 4

The throne room was completely silent. Every pony in the crowd was looking between Hitch and Pipp as they processed what just happened. Queen Haven stared at her daughter with eyes wide and her mouth hanging open. Zipp looked at Pipp flabbergasted as what she just did was not part of the plan.

A few seconds after Pipp made her declaration, Sunny and Izzy looked away from comforting Periwrinkle to realize everypony was looking at Hitch and Pipp. Periwinkle lifted her head with red puffy eyes, wondering what was going on. All three mares looked between their friend and the bride until they realized Hitch was holding the “marry me” sign, and their eyes widened with Sunny letting out a loud gasp.

A unicorn mare jabbed Hitch in the side with her elbow, breaking him from his frozen state.

"Well, don't just stand there, doofus! Go to her!" She shouted.

"Yeah, what are you waiting for?! Get over there!" A stallion shouted.

"Go! Go! Go!" Another mare shouted.

"Wait a minute. Hold on. This isn't a proposal,” Hitch protested. “I-I-I am just holding my friend's sign and -”

“Oh, don't be shy! You asked the question, and she wants to marry you! Now get over there!” Another stallion shouted.

“Please get over there! Save Pipp!” A third stallion squealed.

Before Hitch knew it, ponies were stomping their hooves and chanting, “Go” in unison. He uttered more words of protest, but his voice was drowned out by the crowd. He turned to Sunny, Izzy, and Periwinkle for help, but his hope was dashed when he saw Izzy and especially Sunny looking at him ecstatically.

“Go on, Hitch! Get over there!” Sunny shouted.

“Hitch is marrying the princess! Hitch is marrying the princess!” Izzy sang.

“But wait! Aren't we supposed to be focusing on Periwinkle?” Hitch asked.

“It's all right, Hitch,” Periwinkle said with a sniffle and a crack in her voice.

“But she's your crush's fiancé,” Hitch said.

“And she will be a million times happier with an honest stallion like you than she would have been with Presto,” Periwinkle countered as she took the "marry me'' sign off of Hitch's hoof. “Now, go on and marry her.”

“You heard her, Hitch. She just gave you her blessing,” Sunny said. “Go marry the princess!”

Sunny and Izzy pushed Hitch toward the stage and ponies nearby joined in pushing him around toward the stage. The best stallion helped him up, and led him toward Pipp, making Hitch's cheeks turn cherry red. The best stallion took off the clip-on collar and bow tie around his neck and put it on Hitch before Pipp took his hoof and guided him to the arch. Pipp turned to Queen Haven and gave her flabbergasted mother a pleading look. Haven opened her mouth to protest, but then she quickly accepted that the royal family was now stuck in a position where they had no choice but to play along.

"Er - let the ceremony continue," Haven said hesitantly.

Ponies screamed and cheered again with many continuing to record on their phones. The wedding band took a few seconds to set up and begin playing The Wedding March again. Zipp and the best stallion took positions behind the bride and the groom respectively as Hitch and Pipp stood facing each other. Sunny was sitting on her plot squealing, “Oh, my stars! Oh, my stars! Oh, my stars,” while Izzy had her hoof on Sunny's shoulder. Periwinkle wiped tears from her eyes as she smiled for Hitch. When the band finished playing, Haven cleared her throat and spoke with her head held high.

“D-dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this stallion and this mare in holy matrimony,” she said.

Ponies cheered again. Haven opened her mouth, then froze with her eyes wide as she realized she had planned to continue with another speech regarding Pipp and Presto as a couple. Her cheeks turned pink as she stammered for every pony to see before she cleared her throat and turned to Pipp.

“Do you, Pippistasia Petals, take this stallion to be your lawfully wedded husband?” Queen Haven asked.

All eyes turned to Pipp, who was still smiling at Hitch. Hitch’s hooves began to shake unsure if the princess was really going to go through with it. Pipp was silent for several seconds, giving him hope that she was going to cave until her smile widened.

"I do."

Ponies cheered louder as Queen Haven turned to Hitch.

“And do you…?” She began.

It took Hitch a moment before he realized Haven was waiting for him to say his name and he cleared his throat.

“Hitch Trailblazer, Your Majesty,” he said.

“Do you, Hitch Trailblazer, take this mare to be your lawfully wedded wife?” Haven asked.

Sweat ran down Hitch's head as all of Equestria waited on him. He wanted to politely decline in a way that would end the matter peacefully, but deep down he knew he was trapped in a situation he couldn't avoid. He turned to Pipp, who was giving him a worried look that made his heart ache. He cleared his throat and held his head straight with an awkward smile.

“I do.”

Sunny, Izzy, and Periwinkle cheered at the top of their lungs as Pipp eased up and Haven cleared her throat again.

“Very well. Bring out the rings,” she said.

Cloudpuff walked over carrying a pillow holding two gold bands hanging on gold chains with his mouth. He walked over to Pipp, who gave the little dog a bright smile as she took one of the bands. Cloudpuff turned to Hitch, and as soon as his eyes met Hitch’s Cloudpuiff dropped the pillow and barked happily with his wings flapping. Hitch grew uneasy with the dog instantly loving him, and awkwardly took the other band.

Pipp walked to Hitch until they were inches away from each other, and Hitch flushed as Pipp put the necklace around his neck. Hitch stammered and looked around as though everything around Pipp was the most interesting thing in the world, making Pipp giggle. She took Hitch’s hoof carrying the ring on a chain and helped him put it on her neck. Hitch eased up and gave Pipp a sheepish grin that made her giggle again.

Haven put her hoof on her chest and took a deep breath before she spoke again.

“By the power invested in me as queen of Zephyr Heights, I now pronounce you…husband and wife,” she said. “You may kiss the bride.”

Without skipping a beat, Pipp took another step toward Hitch, wrapped her front leg around his neck, and pulled his head toward her for a firm kiss. The ponies roared with thunderous applause and took pictures to capture the historic moment. Cloudpuff howled, flapping his wings and shaking his tail vigorously. Outside, a torrent of fireworks went off, lighting the night sky with explosions of vibrant colors. Sunny put her hoof on her heart, shocked yet happy that her childhood had just gotten married. Izzy laughed and bounced like a little filly while Periwinkle joined the applause. Zipp shook her head in disbelief and turned to her mother, who forced a grin on her face, knowing that all of Equestria was still watching. The best stallion politely joined the applause before exiting the stage before he got tangled in the situation any further.

But while all of Equestria celebrated, Hitch and Pipp held on to their kiss. Pipp eased up, pressing her lips against Hitch more tenderly as she moved her leg from Hitch’s neck and began caressing his cheek. Hitch looked at her in shock when Pipp pulled him in, but after a moment he closed his eyes and kissed her back. All thoughts on Presto, Zipp, Haven, Sunny, Izzy, Periwinkle, or anypony else were in the back of their minds as though they were the only souls in Equestria. When they parted, Hitch and Pipp stared at each other, shocked as it hit them how long they were kissing. They backed away with Pipp's cheeks tinting red and Hitch scratching the back of his head.

“Ladies and gentlecolts of Equestria, I now present to you Mr. and Mrs. Tetra - I mean, Trailblazer!” Queen Haven declared.

Pipp waved with a big smile as the crowd cheered again, and Hitch hesitated before he robotically waved with a forced grin. Then suddenly, the doors burst open to reveal Presto running toward the stage with half a dozen guards chasing after him. Ponies booed and hissed at Presto as he rammed his way through the crowd with his eyes fixed on Pipp. Pipp frowned and wrapped her leg around Hitch’s as she gave Presto a sullen look. Presto climbed up the stage, narrowly avoiding the guards grabbing him as he climbed, and Pipp pulled Hitch closer to her as Presto stopped in front of them.

“Pippy Cake, what in Equestria is going on?” Presto asked. “I was getting ready, and then the guards kept me from leaving my room. I had to sneak out to get here, and then I heard you're about to marry some other stallion?”

“Not about to. Did,” Pipp answered with venom in her voice. “This is Hitch Trailblazer, my husband.”

Presto’s eyes widened as he turned to Hitch, who chuckled nervously again with his ears hanging low.

“Are you crazy? Marrying another stallion right before we get married? What is the matter with you?!” He exclaimed.

“We should be asking you that same question, dude,” Zipp said coldly.

Zipp took out her phone and showed the video of Presto and the orange mare. Presto froze like a foal caught by his parents as the queen and princesses looked daggers at him.

“W-wait. You don’t understand. It isn’t like that,” he protested.

“Oh, and what is it supposed to be like, Presto?!” Pipp screamed.

“It was nothing. It meant nothing,” Presto said.

“If it's nothing, then nothing would have happened!” Pipp screamed. “You promised it would be just you and me, and you fooled around with somepony else!”

“And how is this any better?!” Presto shouted as he turned to Hitch. “I mean, who in Equestria are you supposed to be? Some fan?”

“Er, no,” Hitch said, awkwardly. “I-I mean, I guess technically I am now, cause we’re married, and I liked her concert, and -”

“Enough!” Queen Haven roared with her wings spread apart. “Presto Tetrachord, you have dared to be unfaithful to my daughter, a princess of Zephyr Heights! You are forthwith banished from my kingdom!”

“What?! You…you can’t do that! My life is here! My career is here!” Presto shouted.

“You should have thought of that!” Haven growled. “You have two days to get your things in order and get out of my domain under pain of imprisonment for life! Guards, get this lecherous swine out of my sight!”

Before Presto knew it, the guards who chased after him were already on stage and dragging him away from Hitch and the royal family. He tried to break free while calling out to Pipp, but the guards were too strong. Ponies continued to boo and shouted insults at Presto as he was forced out of the throne room. The crowd whispered among themselves in contempt, and Queen Haven cleared her throat.

"Let us proceed to the ballroom for the wedding reception!" She shouted.

Ponies cheered, instantly in high spirits again. Guards opened the doors and began escorting the ponies to the ballroom. Sunny, Izzy, and Periwinkle looked back as they followed the guards. Sunny looked at Hitch brightly, and Periwinkle gave a small smile while Izzy giggled. Hitch bit his lip, uncomfortable by his friends still supporting the marriage until Pipp tugged his leg, guiding him to a side exit with Haven, Zipp, and the other guards. Pipp gave Hitch another smile that made his heart race, making Haven and Zipp frown as they walked behind the bride and groom.

"Zipp, did you know Pipp was going to do this?" Haven whispered.

"No, I had no idea. I showed Pipp the video and she decided to make that speech about unity between ponies. She didn't say anything about marrying somepony else," Zipp said. "Either she hid that she was going to do that, or she just decided on the spot."

Haven's unease grew and she looked back at Hitch and Pipp. Her daughter continued to smile as though nothing had happened, while Hitch blushed. The queen couldn't tell if Pipp was being truthfully happy or she was pretending. Haven had known Pipp to be a joyful and untroubled pony ever since she was a filly that it was a marvel she was holding herself together in such a chaotic situation. Even so, Haven feared what emotional state Pipp was in.


Things got off to a rocky and awkward start when the wedding reception began. Queen Haven had a guard called the ponies supervising the wedding reception to remove anything related to Presto, but at short notice, it was too much for them to do before the guests arrived. Such a high demand required flower ponies to get rid of flowers that had Presto's colors, and the designers to remove paintings and pictures of Pipp and Presto together covering the ballroom walls. The caterer had to throw away the figurines of Pipp and Presto on top of the wedding cake and searched all over the kitchen to find spare bride and groom figurines. Several royal guards had to help the staff push an ice sculpture of Pipp and Presto out of the ballroom before guests arrived and throw it off the nearest balcony. Even the DJ had an uncomfortable time adjusting the dance playlist so that none of Presto's songs were played while still playing music for ponies to dance to at the same time. All in all, the castle staff spent the first half hour or so of the reception working through sweat and tears to keep Pipp's cheating fiance out of her mind as though it was always intended that she would marry Hitch.

But while the awkward tension was still around Hitch, the royal family, Cloudpuff, and the staff, their guests continued to celebrate on behalf of Zephyr Heights' most beloved princess. They ate, danced, sang, and posted videos and pictures of the reception. When Hitch, Pipp, Queen Haven, and Zipp appeared to sit at the bride and groom's table, ponies once again cheered for the newlyweds. Some of them screamed, "Congratulations," "We love you, Pipp," "Attaboy, Hitch," "Long live Prince Hitch and Princess Pipp," and "We're so happy for you, Pipp" as Pipp waved to her guests.

Hitch grew uneasy by the second as he robotically waved. He glanced at Pipp, who kept a bright smile and blew kisses toward the crowd. It was astounding to Hitch how the princess could be so cheerful after being cheated on and suddenly decided to marry a stranger. It didn't help that while Queen Haven was smiling and waving at the crowd and Cloudpuff was happy for Hitch to be there, Zipp couldn't bring herself to force a smile. Zipp noticed Hitch looking at her and gave him a look that showed she was as uncomfortable with the situation as he was. Hitch's ears hung low in unease, and yet he was relieved that there was at least one pony who wasn't afraid to look at things as they were when no pony else, not even his friends, would.

Eventually, the wedding cake was brought to the bride and groom's table. The cake was twelve feet wide and had fifteen layers. Pipp took Hitch by the hoof and dragged him to the cake, where the chef had a knife waiting for them. Queen Haven and Zipp followed the bride and groom, and Zipp whispered thanks to the chef for getting rid of the figures of Pipp and Presto. When Pipp and Hitch each took a piece of cake, Hitch slowly moved his piece into Pipp's mouth to avoid getting any frosting or crumbs on her dress. After Pipp took a bite, there was frosting on her nose, and Hitch grabbed a napkin to remove it. Pipp thanked him with a sweet smile that set his heart aflutter until her smile turned into a smirk and she shoved her piece into Hitch's mouth. Everypony laughed as Hitch struggled for a moment before swallowing and lightly chuckled with half his face covered in cake.

After everypony grabbed a slice of cake, the DJ declared it was time for the bride and groom to have their first dance. Pipp guided Hitch to the center of the dance floor and pulled him toward her until their heads were close next to each other. Hitch blushed again and gulped as Pipp put her hoof on his shoulder and began to lead. It took the first minute of the song before Hitch figured out how to dance without tripping on his own hooves. Even when he was struggling, however, Pipp continued to put on a smile, making Hitch wonder if she was being polite, or was sincerely fine with his blunders.

Halfway through the dance, Pipp closed her eyes and rested her head on Hitch's shoulder. Ponies "aww" ed and took pictures as Hitch's blush covered his face. Then Hitch felt Pipp ease up as she relaxed her head as though she were a filly safe beside her parents. Though he was dancing with someone she didn't know, Hitch couldn't help but be glad that he was giving the poor mare comfort in some way. He patted Pipp's back, and Pipp let out a soft "Mmmm."

Hitch then noticed Sunny, Izzy, and Periwinkle sitting at a table watching Hitch and Pipp dance as they ate their cake. Periwinkle had her hoof on her heart, and Izzy giggled while giving Hitch a teasing look with her mouth covered in cake. Sunny, on the other hand, smiled warmly as Hitch held his wife. Her demeanor confused Hitch as Sunny made it look like he was dancing with somepony who had been in a long-term relationship all along. He thought Sunny, of all ponies, would share his and Zipp's feelings about him suddenly marrying Pipp.

Finally, the song ended, and Pipp pulled her head back to look at Hitch. Though she didn't say anything, Hitch could see from the way Pipp looked at him that she was grateful that he let her rest her head on his shoulder. Hitch smiled back and gave a short nod to say "you're welcome." Hitch and Pipp stared into each other's eyes until they realized what they were doing and looked away, blushing.

"And now, for a special treat," the DJ announced. "The bride has prepared a special song to express her love for the groom."

Pipp's cheerful demeanor vanished in a blink of an eye, and Zipp's heart sank. In all the focus on keeping the audience happy, the two sisters had forgotten about the song Pipp secretly wrote for Presto. It took a moment before the DJ realized what he did, and his eyes widened as he covered his mouth. Ponies cheered and prepared to record the song on their phones. Haven looked at the DJ and Pipp confused until Zipp walked over to her from her seat and whispered into Haven's ear. Haven's face grew pale, and she turned to Pipp, who looked ready to crack any moment. Zipp squirmed until she hatched an idea and loudly cleared her throat.

"Excuse me, Vinyl Skip, but Princess Pipp's song was scheduled to happen privately between her and her husband," she said. "I propose that the bride and groom be excused for this special moment between them while we continue to celebrate their union."

Ponies immediately shouted in protest while the DJ gave Zipp a thankful look. Haven eased up, realizing Zipp gave them a chance to remove the emotional bride from the public eye.

"An excellent idea, Zipp. Let us allow Hitch and Pipp to retire for the evening so Pipp can perform for Hitch," Haven said.

The crowd moaned in disappointment with some begging Hitch and Pipp to stay. Hitch turned to Pipp, who was staring into space while trying not to snap and lightly nudged her. Pipp snapped out of her gaze and Hitch whispered what was happening in her ear. The princess fought the urge to show relief and stepped forward to give the crowd a forced smile.

"Sorry, everypony, but this song has a very special place in my heart that's meant only for my hubby," she said while wrapping her leg around Hitch's leg. "But, don't be sad. You guys will always have a special place in my heart. I'll make it up to you with a whole new album about what each and every one of you in Equestria means to me."

The crowd "aww" ed and cheered, immediately uplifted. Pipp blew kisses again while Hitch forced his own smile to hide his blush as his and Pipp's sides touched. Haven smiled, relieved with her daughter keeping ponies happy. She then gestured to Zoom and Thunder to come over to her and held her hoof to hide her mouth from the crowd as she whispered.

"Escort Pipp to her room, and take Mr. Trailblazer to wherever he's staying," she said. "Use the secret passageways to keep him out of sight. You understand?"

"It shall be done, Your Highness," Zoom replied with a salute.

Zoom and Thunder walked over to Hitch and Pipp just as the bride finished blowing kisses. When Pipp noticed the guards, she said to the crowd, "Okay, you guys, Hitch and I gotta go. Love you lots. Pipp, Pipp, Hooray!"

"Pipp, Pipp, Hooray!" Haven, Zipp, Zoom, Thunder, and the guests shouted.

"Uh, Pipp, Pipp, Hooray," Hitch said.

Pipp guided Hitch to the ballroom entrance from where they came with Haven, Zipp, and Cloudpuff. Zoom and Thunder walked beside the newlyweds. Ponies cheered again as they watched Hitch and Pipp leave with Cloudpuff jumping up and down and flapping his wings as he barked happily. The DJ started a new track, and ponies ran to the dancefloor. As Zoom and Thunder opened the doors, Pipp blew kisses one last time before she and Hitch exited the ballroom.

As soon as the doors closed behind Pipp, her face fell into a look of melancholia. Hitch felt a pinch in his heart as it hit him that Pipp had finally shown how she was truly feeling underneath her cheerful demeanor. He pursed his lips as he watched Pipp stare ahead as she walked as though Hitch, Zoom, and Thunder weren't there. Hitch grew uncomfortable and he bit his lip before saying the first thing he could think of to break the silence.

"Well, what a night, huh?" He said.

Pipp said nothing.

"I don't know about you, but I never would have expected that to happen," Hitch said.

Again, Pipp said nothing, and Zoom gave Hitch a warning glare. Hitch squirmed and decided to think of something more appropriate to say.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what to say. I mean, I assume that at some point you really loved that guy," Hitch said.

"I was literally minutes away from marrying him," Pipp finally said, not looking at Hitch.

"Uh, yeah, that's true," Hitch said. "On the bright side, he's going to age badly."

"No, he's not," Pipp said.

"Yeah, you're right. He's just gonna get better looking," Hitch said before adding with a small smile. "On the other hand, he might get so hated when he comes back to Bridlewood that he'll grow a gut and shave his head."

Pipp let out a brief chuckle before her dejected demeanor returned. Hitch tried to think of something else to say that might get a bigger laugh out of Pipp, but deep down he knew it was a lost cause. He let out a sigh and said what he really wanted to say.

"I'm really sorry this happened to you."

For a few seconds, Pipp remained silent. Then she turned to Hitch with a sad smile of appreciation.

"I'm sorry too," she said.

Hitch furrowed his brow at how Pipp was looking at him with hints of tears in her eyes and her mouth twitching. The next thing Hitch knew, he, Pipp, Zoom, and Thunder stopped in front of Pipp's bedroom doors. Thunder put his hoof hood on the pad beside the doors, and the doors opened. Hitch began to follow Pipp inside, not knowing it was her room before Zoom held her hoof in front of him.

"The queen has ordered that you be escorted to wherever you're staying in the city," she said.

Hitch's frown deepened, wanting to continue being there to comfort Pipp however he could, yet he accepted that Pipp should be left alone. He turned to Pipp who took off her crown and dropped it on the floor as she went into her room.

"Are you going to be okay, Your Highness?" Hitch asked.

Pipp stopped and turned to Hitch with another sad smile. Her eyes watering.

"Good night," she said.

Hitch's ears hanged low as he wished Pipp gave him a direct answer. He nodded in acceptance and said, "Good night," before Pipp closed the doors in front of him, Zoom, and Thunder. Hitch stared at the door until Zoom cleared her throat, and she and Thunder began escorting Hitch to the secret passageways.


A couple of hours passed and the guests began to tire after eating, drinking, and dancing, and so Queen Haven declared the wedding reception over. The guards escorted the guests out of the castle and to the elevator to the city below. Haven and Zipp smiled and waved as the guests left, thanking them for coming with Cloudpuff standing beside Haven.

When the last group of ponies went into the elevator, Haven let out a groan, drained from keeping up the act. She then raced back inside the castle with Zipp and Cloudpuff running behind. They took an elevator to Pipp's bedroom, and Haven paused before knocking on the doors.

"Pipp? Pipp, can we come in?" she asked.

Haven waited a moment to get an answer, and sighed before she put her hoof on the pad and the doors opened. Zipp and Cloudpuff went in first, and Zipp opened her mouth to call out to her sister until she realized the lights were off and the room was covered with wedding presents destroyed, racks of dresses knocked down, and Pipp's crown lying on the floor. As Zipp went further in, she found pieces of music paper torn to shreds and lying around Pipp's keyboard.

Finally, Zipp and Cloudpuff stopped a few feet away from Pipp's king-sized bed with Pipp still in her wedding dress, lying on her front with a pillow covering her face, not making a sound. Cloudpuff whimpered while Haven quietly closed the doors. She hopped onto the bed and sat beside her daughter.

"Pipp? Can I get you anything, sweetie?" Haven asked.

She waited a moment before Pipp shook her head with her face still planted on the pillow. Haven and Zipp looked at each other, and Zipp sighed before turning around, deciding to give her sister space. Haven glanced at Pipp and took a step to get off the bed until Pipp got up and wrapped her front legs around her mother. Zipp turned her head, and her heart sank at the sight of Pipp's eyes red and puffy, and her pillow drenched with the makeup running down her face with her tears.

"Mom, t-t-tell me that didn't happen," Pipp whined. "Tell me I wasn't betrayed. That I almost married a cheater for all of Equestria to see. My fans were counting on me to live this fairy tale marriage, and I…I let them down. I let everypony down."

Haven's heart broke, and she pulled Pipp into a hug.

"No, no. No, you didn't," Haven said, with a frail voice.

"Yes, I thought for sure I picked the right guy, and everypony believed me and…and…" Pipp sobbed.

Zipp hopped onto the bed and put her hoof on Pipp's shoulder.

"It isn't just you, Pipp. We all thought Presto was this perfect guy. No pony had a way of knowing," Zipp said.

"Then why did that article just happen to be published right before the ceremony?!" Pipp wailed. "Why couldn't I learn I was cheated on days ago, or weeks, or before he even proposed to me? Why did I have to give so much hope and then suddenly marry somepony I don't know, and…and…"

Haven pulled Pipp's head to her chest as Pipp burst into tears, and Zipp hugged her sister from behind. Cloudpuff hopped onto the bed and put his paw on Pipp's back leg, whimpering. Pipp smiled at Cloudpuff for a moment, before she let go of Haven and scooped Cloudpuff to hold him as she cried. Zipp sniffed as she and Haven fought the urge to cry with Pipp. All they could do was let Pipp let out her grief until she fell asleep.