• Published 1st Aug 2022
  • 4,526 Views, 441 Comments

Why not? Sure. I'll Marry You. - HAKDurbin

When princess and pop singer Pipp Petals discovered her fiancée has been cheating on her moments before their wedding, she decided to marry Sheriff Hitch who is holding a "Marry Me" sign in the crowd.

  • ...

Chapter 14

Hitch's journey to Zephyr Heights was calm but lonely. He enjoyed looking at how beautiful the land of Equestria was, which he didn't bother doing on his last trip to Zephyr Heights because his mind was wrapped up in leaving Maretime Bay when going to the city and on having gotten married on the way back. Still, apart from the occasional traveler passing by, Hitch felt lonely to the point that he wished he thought of having somepony traveling with him. At the very least, he wished he could listen to Pipp's music without worrying about his phone running out of battery.

On Sunday, just before noon, Hitch went up the mountain to Zephyr Heights’ front gates. Hitch took out his phone from his satchel and turned it on to call Pipp, but when he reached the top of the mountain, he stopped to find 12 royal guards blocking the entrance. At the center of the line of guards, a crimson-red mare stepped forward to Hitch, accompanied by two guards beside her carrying trumpets. They stopped a few feet in front of Hitch before all 12 guards saluted.

"Can I help you?" Hitch asked with an uneasy tone.

"Sir, I am Lieutenant Aurora. We're here to escort you to the bowling alley," the crimson-red guard said.

"The bowling alley? But I'm on my way to the castle," Hitch said.

"Orders from Her Majesty, the queen. She wants to ensure that you get there without any issues," Aurora said.

Hitch tilted his head, unsure if he heard Aurora correctly. He thought he needed to present himself to Haven in the throne room before she allowed him to spend time with Pipp in her kingdom. The bowling alley was a random choice for Haven and Hitch to talk.

"Maybe she has to be there for a get-together with important ponies, or perhaps she chose the bowling alley for a heart-to-heart chat while going a few rounds," Hitch thought.

"Excuse me, sir, but we're pressed for time," Aurora said. "The queen and the princesses are expecting you at the bowling alley right now."

"Oh, uh, right. Let's not keep them waiting then," Hitch said.

Aurora nodded and turned to her fellow guards.

"Entourage formation!" she shouted.

Without skipping a beat, the guards surrounded Hitch in a square formation. Aurora and the two guards with trumpets stood in front of Hitch. Three guards stood behind him, and three guards lined up beside Hitch on opposite sides. Hitch grew uneasy that Haven's guards were taking things so far to escort him to a bowling alley.

"Forward march!" Aurora shouted.

The guards began marching through the gates while Hitch walked at a regular pace. When they entered the city, Hitch was in awe of how lively Zephyr Heights was without a royal wedding to celebrate. Scores of ponies were shopping in clothing stores, and jewelry stores, and eating out in fancy restaurants. The jumbotrons advertised products like Amplify, Z-Heights, ZBS, and Zeus. Some of the citizens were former earth pony residents of Maretime Bay. Hitch smiled at the sight of old faces and was amazed at how the earth ponies had quickly adapted to life in the big city.

When Hitch and the guards had walked for about half a mile, the guards beside Aurora blew their trumpets. Ponies turned toward Hitch and the guards, and their faces lit up at the sight of Hitch.

"Make way for Prince Hitch!" Aurora shouted. "Make way for the prince of Maretime Bay!"

"What? I'm not the prince of Maretime Bay. I'm the sheriff," Hitch said.

But nopony could hear him. Ponies screamed in joy as they rushed over to Hitch and the guards. The guards raised their wings to ensure the citizens were kept at a distance while taking pictures and videos of Hitch. Hitch looked around, taken aback as ponies called out to him.

"Prince Hitch, over here! Look at my camera!"

"Oh, my hoofness, he's on his way to visit Pipp! I wanna see them kiss!"

"Prince Hitch, look at me! It's Beet Drop, remember? You used to visit my vegetable stand before I moved here?"

"Boy, I'm gonna get so many views on Ponygram."

"Long live Pitch!"

Ponies cheered and began chanting, "Long live Pitch!" The guards continued to play the trumpets, and Aurora kept shouting, "Make way for Prince Hitch," catching the attention of more ponies. Before Hitch knew it, the crowd was so big that it felt as though there was a parade in his honor. Newscast music played from the speakers all over the city, and the jumbotrons cut to the ZBS news anchors, Dazzle Feather and Skye Silver. Skye looked at the camera with a professional smile, but Dazzle struggled to keep her excitement.

"Good morning, Zephyr Heights. This is Dazzle and Skye with breaking news. Prince Hitch Trailblazer has finally come to visit his wife!” Dazzle squealed. “Everypony is coming together to give our new prince a royal welcome."

"Yes indeed, Dazzle," Skye said. "And it looks like some ponies are taking out banners from their apartments to welcome Hitch."

The jumbotrons cut to an extreme wide shot of the main street, showing Hitch and the guards passing by a 15-story-tall apartment building. An earth pony and unicorn couple stood outside their balcony from the sixth floor holding a rolled-up, 40-foot banner of Hitch and Pipp kissing after being made husband and wife. Below the picture was a heart with black and white outlines, an arrow piercing through it, and the words "Pitch forever" in cursive.

The couple was soon followed by other residents in the apartment building taking out homemade banners and posters. On the second floor, two pegasus fillies squealed as they held out a 36 by 72 stick figure drawing of Hitch and Pipp with the words "Pitch OTP" made with glitter in Hitch and Pipp's colors. A scrawny unicorn stallion held up a poster with the words "Welcome home," written with Sharpies and markers. Two neighbors held a massive poster, with one holding a side from their respective balcony that said, "Long live Prince Hitch Trailblazer." Hitch was bewildered by the passion and creativity the citizens put into expressing their happiness.

"Turn right!" Aurora shouted.

The guards turned right at a crosswalk, and the ponies on that side of the crowd backed away to let them and Hitch through. Citizens looked at each other in confusion as they realized the guards weren't taking Hitch to the castle.

"Hold on. Is it my imagination, or is Hitch diverting from the direction to the castle?" Dazzle asked.

"It's not your imagination, Dazzle," Skye said. "Perhaps Hitch is taking a detour to see more of his new subjects?"

"Subjects? Nopony is my subject," Hitch said.

The crowd surrounding Hitch and the guards continued to grow as more ponies found out Hitch was in Zephyr Heights either through their phones or from watching ZBS through the jumbotrons. Eventually, Hitch saw a bowling alley at a distance, and his eyes widened to see Haven, Pipp, and Zipp standing before it. Above the front entrance was a sign that said, "Pitch Bowling Alley" in neon lights with a logo containing the Blue Shield in Hitch's cutie mark, Pipp's cutie mark at the center of the shield, and two bowling pins coming out behind the shield diagonally on both sides. There was a red, grand opening ribbon held by two poles in front of the entrance. Standing in front of the ribbon was a tall, muscular, grayish-green pegasus stallion wearing sunglasses and a bowling jacket.

Pipp gave Hitch a cheerful wave while Zipp smirked, and Haven looked at him with a professional smile. The guards stopped in front of the royal family, and Aurora and the guards with trumpets backed away, allowing Hitch to walk toward his wife. Pipp hugged Hitch, leaning her head against his with her eyes closed and a bright smile. The affection melted the hearts of the citizens still recording with their phones.

"Pipp, what's going on? Why did your mom order the guards to take me here?" Hitch asked.

"I'll explain later. Right now, smile for the camera," Pipp said.

Pipp took out her phone and pulled Hitch for a selfie. Hitch forced a smile a split second before Pipp took a picture. Pipp took two more pictures for safety and then planted a kiss on Hitch's cheek before taking one more. The crowd whooped and took pictures of Hitch looking away from Pipp, flustered, and Pipp giggling. Haven and Zipp looked at each other unamusedly before Haven stepped forward, holding a mic.

"My beloved subjects, it gives me great pleasure to welcome your new prince, who has come to visit our beloved Pipp," she said.

Ponies stomped their hooves in applause.

"It also pleases me to announce that today is the opening day of Kegler Hambone's new bowling alley, named after the pairing of our dear prince and princess," Haven continued.

The muscular pegasus with the sunglasses and bowling jacket sheepishly chuckled and scratched his head as the crowd applauded again.

"And so, to celebrate these two occasions, Prince Hitch and Princess Pipp will have their first date as a married couple bowling in our new bowling alley," Haven announced.

"Wait, what?" Hitch asked.

Ponies roared with thunderous applause. Pipp waved to the crowd and elbowed Hitch to join. Hitch hesitated before waving with an uncomfortable grin. When the cheering died down, Kelger Hambone handed a large pair of scissors to Pipp. Pipp opened the pair of scissors and held it up to the ribbon by one of the scissors' bows. She gestured to Hitch with her head to join, and Hitch paused before holding the scissors by its other bow.

"On three," Pipp said. "One, two, three."

Hitch and Pipp cut the ribbon, and the ponies cheered again. Kegler squealed in a high-pitched voice, thrilled to have witnessed the new royal couple open his bowling alley.

"Let Hitch and Pipp's first date commence," Haven declared.

Ponies cheered again as Kegler held the front door open for Hitch and Pipp. Pipp offered her front leg to Hitch, and he hesitated before he took it, and they walked in together. They were followed by Haven, Zipp, and Kegler. The inside of the bowling alley was in the colors of Hitch and Pipp's cutie marks. On the far left side of the bowling alley, a picture of Hitch and Pipp sharing their first kiss was painted on the wall. A large painting of Hitch and Pipp having their first dance at the reception was painted on the right wall. Hitch's ears hung low, growing uncomfortable to the extent that Kegler's business was themed around his and Pipp's marriage.

"So… when were you going to tell me about this?" Hitch asked.

"Yeah, I'm sorry you had to find this out now," Pipp said. "It was something Mom decided to do yesterday. She found out that Kegler was opening his new bowling alley with us being the theme. Without consulting me, she decided to use your new fame to grab everypony's attention at the bowling alley and declared us playing to be our first date. I swear, I would have called you about this if you had any reception while coming here.”

"I see," Hitch said. "I'm surprised your mom would take things so far as to refer to me as a prince. Last I checked, she and your sister haven't accepted me into your family."

"Oh, they still haven't. I assure you," Pipp said. "But the rest of Zephyr Heights looks at you as their new prince. Apparently, ponies have been wanting to see you return so they can officially welcome you to our kingdom as the new member of our family."

"Well, that explains why some were prepared with banners, " Hitch said.

"We really lifted the spirits of the ponies of Zephyr Heights when we got married," Pipp said.

"Oh? I haven't noticed," Hitch said sarcastically.

Pipp giggled while covering her mouth. Kegler escorted them to a lane at the very center of the alley. Two bowling balls were waiting for Hitch and Pipp in the colors of their manes. Hitch and Pipp chuckled awkwardly, growing more uneasy from how far Kegler was going with the theme. They looked back to find scores of ponies coming in, filling the main hall to its capacity. Haven stepped between Hitch and Pipp and the crowd and turned to the crowd, still holding her mic.

"Let the first game in Pitch Bowling Alley begin," she declared.

Ponies began live streaming through their phones, waiting for Hitch and Pipp to start playing. The countless phones and the large crowd made Hitch feel this was less of a date and more like a major league sports game. Pipp took the light blue ball and held it to Hitch, silently telling him to go first. Hitch took the ball and took a breath to get his head in the game before he rolled it toward the pins. Four pins were knocked down, and ponies politely stomped their hooves. Hitch rolled again, and the last six pins were knocked down. The audience cheered, and Hitch proudly shook his hoof in the air.

"Yeah. That's how it's done. The sheriff still got it," he boasted.

Pipp and Zipp smirked, amused with Hitch celebrating. A new set of pins were set up, and Pipp picked up her ball. She rolled the ball toward a few pins on the left side, making Hitch chuckle. Then, suddenly, just as the ball was halfway down the lane, it curved and knocked down all of the pins. The crowd cheered louder, and Pipp turned to a stunned Hitch with a smug look.

"A strike is better than a spare. Right?" she asked.

Zipp snickered, and Haven lowly chuckled. Hitch stood stupefied for several seconds before giving Pipp a competitive glare.

"Beginner's luck," he claimed.

"Oh, really? You think just because I'm a princess who writes and performs music and hangs out on social media, I can't be good at bowling?" Pipp asked.

"Er, well, I didn't mean that exactly. It's just not every day somepony gets a strike on the first round," Hitch said.

"Granted, but I'll have you know Zipp and I used to go bowling with our dad a lot when we were little," Pipp said. "In fact, I totally humiliated you-know-who when we went bowling once."

It took Hitch a moment before he got that you-know-who was Presto.

"Yeah, well, I've done my fair share of winning bowling tournaments back home, so if you think you're gonna humiliate me, you're mistaken," Hitch said.

"Is that so? Wanna make a wager?" Pipp asked. "Loser after the best two out of three games has to do what the winner wants."

The crowd "oooo"ed and looked at each other, grinning. Their livestreams gained multiple hooves up from ponies staying at home to express their excitement. Hitch raised his eyebrow and smirked as he took a step toward Pipp.

"That's a risky thing to bet on, princess. I'm just getting warmed up, and you have no idea what I could come up with if you lose," Hitch said.

"Keep talking, buddy. I like my opponents shooting their mouths off before I humiliate them," Pipp said. "I'd be more concerned about what I might think of. I've got a head start with a strike."

"Spares can technically be worth more points in the long run," Hitch said. "You can't get strikes forever."

"And you can't get spares forever," Pipp countered. "Now, are you going to talk a big game our entire date, or are we going to play?"

"Yeah, come on, Sheriff. Quit stalling and prove you're not all talk," Zipp said.

Ponies in the audience exclaimed words of agreement. Hitch looked between Pipp and the crowd and scoffed. He picked up his ball and rolled it, knocking down all the pins. The crowd "oooo"ed again as Hitch held his hoof to a surprised Pipp.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," Hitch said.

Pipp remained baffled momentarily before her shock turned into a competitive smirk. She shook Hitch's hoof, then took her ball. She rolled the ball and turned to Hitch, not bothering to watch her ball land another strike.

"Bring it on, tough guy," she said.

For the next several rounds, Hitch and Pipp were getting strikes and spares and boasting to the other each time one of them took the lead. Ponies cheered for every strike or spare, growing anxious over who would win the first game. Some began betting on who would win the whole thing. Zipp cheered Pipp on, while Haven kept a calm demeanor to look unbiased despite wanting to see Pipp win.

On the 9th round, Pipp took down four pins on the left on her first roll. She rolled again and smiled to see it move toward the front pin. Unfortunately, the ball curved left at the last second and only hit one pin. Seeing his chance, Hitch used the last round to get a spare and knocked seven pounds on his final roll. Pipp made a spare and took down several pins on her final go, but she was ultimately 10 points behind Hitch at the end of the game. The ponies rooting for Hitch cheered, and he posed for them as they took pictures.

"So, princess, are you scared yet?” Hitch asked mockingly.

"Yeah, yeah, build your ego up, handsome. Winning the first game will make it even more humiliating when I win the whole thing," Pipp said.

"That's the spirit, Sis. Put him in his place," Zipp cheered.

The ponies rooting for Pipp cheered in agreement. Pipp giggled and blew kisses at her fans while Kegler set up the system for the second game. Hitch made a strike on the first round with a cocky grin, expecting to discourage the Pippsqueaks, but Pipp rolled a strike right afterward, showing that she was not backing down.

The second game continued with Hitch and Pipp going back and forth with who took the lead. In the 7th round, Hitch rolled his ball, expecting it to hit the pins right at the center, but all but the two pins at the very far sides were knocked down. His supporters winced while Pipp's fans laughed at Hitch hitting a goal post-split. Hitch tried to knock out at least one of the remaining pins, but his ball missed the right pin by a foot. In the 9th round, he knocked down six pins and missed the remaining four on the second roll. In the final round, Hitch's first roll led to his ball falling into the gutter, making him nervous. Ultimately, Pipp used Hitch's mistakes to beat him by 17 points. Her fans cheered, and Pipp took a selfie with the score in the background.

"A one-way tie. Now, things are getting interesting," Haven said.

"Come on, Sheriff. Don't hold back. Your citizens are probably watching this on their phones, too," Zipp said mockingly.

Hitch gave Zipp an unamused look as Kegler set up another game. His supporters cheered, and he waved his hoof with a grin in appreciation. He turned to take his ball, only to find Pipp blocking his path.

"How about I go first this time just to shake things up?" she asked.

"Suits me fine," Hitch said.

Pipp smirked before she took her ball and rolled, hitting a strike. Hitch huffed, annoyed with Pipp already starting off strong. He reached for his ball only for Pipp to step in front of him again, making Hitch uneasy with their faces only inches apart.

"Want a kiss for good luck?" Pipp asked.

Hitch blushed and looked away, and the audience cheered and chanted, "Do it." Haven frowned, not wanting to see Hitch and Pipp kiss, while Zipp enjoyed seeing Pipp easily make Hitch blush. Hitch shook off his blush and put on a brave face before facing Pipp.

"You're the one who got lucky with the second game. Even with that strike, you'll need a kiss for luck more than I do," Hitch said.

Pipp giggled and said, "Place your bets."

She wrapped her leg around Hitch's head and pulled him toward her for a firm kiss. Hitch's eyes widened, and his face turned beet red, ignoring the crowd cheering. When Pipp let go, Hitch was in a daze for a moment before he shook his head and slapped his cheeks. He took his ball and rolled, knocking out 7 pins, then finishing with a spare. Pipp pouted, hoping her kiss would take him off his game. Simultaneously, she was glad Hitch kept the game interesting and expected the last game to be as big as the last two.

But, the strike at the beginning was the only one Pipp made. In fact, Hitch and Pipp each only hit a few spares throughout the final game. The cheering began dying as ponies realized the competitors were beginning to tire. Hitch and Pipp would knock down a handful of pins on the first roll, and in the second roll, the ball either missed the remaining pins or ended up in the gutter. Pipp had a head start with her strike, but Hitch was slowly catching up throughout the game.

Finally, in the last round, Pipp knocked down four pins, and her ball ended up in the gutter in the last roll. Hitch looked up at the TV, and his face lit up as he saw that the score was 105 to 100, making Pipp in the lead by only 5 points. On his first roll, Hitch knocked down 4 pins, raising the score so he was only off by 1. The ponies rooting for him cheered as the other six pins were close to each other. All Hitch needed to do was roll the ball in their general direction, and victory was assured.

Pipp's ears hung low, Zipp bit her lip, and the edge of Haven's lip curled down despite trying to keep a calm demeanor. With a smug grin, Hitch rolled the ball toward the last six pins, but halfway down the lane, the ball curved away from the pins. Hitch's eyes widened, and he mouthed, "No" repeatedly while Pipp's face brightened and her wings perked up. Hitch's ball missed the pins by a couple of centimeters.

"No!" Hitch cried out.

His cry of defeat was drowned by the deafening cheers. Zipp laughed hysterically while pointing at Hitch, and Haven chuckled with her mouth closed. The ponies who rooted for Hitch begrudgingly paid their friends and family members they betted with. Pipp cheered while raising her front hooves in the air and flapping her wings ecstatically. She bowed to the crowd like a prima donna who had just completed a performance while ponies chanted, "Pipp Pipp hooray!" Pipp then turned to Hitch, who hung his head in defeat and bumped his side with her knee to get his attention.

"Good match, Hitch. It was pretty close," Pipp said, holding her hoof to Hitch.

Hitch sighed before he forced a smile and shook Pipp's hoof.

"Yes, indeed. Congratulations, Your Highness," he said. "So, uh, how do you wish for me to uphold our agreement?"

"Yeah, Sis, what are you going to make him do?" Zipp asked with a smug grin.

Ponies in the crowd exclaimed words of agreement. Hitch's ears hung low as he grew worried Pipp would make him do something humiliating. Pipp, however, scratched her chin, pretending to think about it before looking at her audience with a pout.

"Sorry, everypony, but I honestly have no idea what to make Hitch do," she said.

Ponies "aw"ed in disappointment.

"But I'm gonna think of something eventually. And when I do, I'm gonna livestream it so you all know what I ultimately won," Pipp said

The crowd applauded, satisfied with Pipp's promise. Haven hummed and nodded in approval before turning to her citizens and holding up her mic again.

"With that, I declare Hitch and Pipp's first date concluded. Those who wish to bowl in Kegler's bowling alley may do so now," Haven announced. "The newlyweds, Zipp, and I shall go to our castle, where Prince Hitch will settle down in his new home."

Haven's citizens cheered even louder, and the guards made a square formation surrounding Haven, Zipp, Hitch, and Pipp. Pipp offered Hitch her leg again, and they walked together with Haven and Zipp behind them. When they exited the bowling alley, they found ponies crowding the entire street, taking pictures and livestreaming the royal family. Pipp waved to the citizens with glee, and Hitch hesitated before he joined her.

They were halfway down the street heading back to the main street when half a dozen ponies wearing ties and holding microphones ran toward Haven, Zipp, Hitch, Pipp, and the guards accompanied by cameraponies. Aurora and the other guards raised their wings in defense as the reporters stopped 10 feet before them.

"1000 pardons, Your Highness, but can we have a moment to interview Hitch and Pipp?" the leading reporter asked.

"Sure. We'd love to," Pipp said. "Right, Hitch?"

"Er, right," Hitch said begrudgingly.

The crowd cheered, with some of them taking out their phones again to record the event. Zipp huffed, and Haven reluctantly smiled in approval, both eager to return to the castle. The reporters called out to Hitch and Pipp simultaneously, and Pipp pointed at a pegasus reporter standing far left.

"Hitch, Pipp, how did you enjoy your first date?" the reporter asked.

"It was loads of fun. I'm glad we could go out and play in Kegler's new alley. Right, Hitch?" Pipp said.

"Yes. I must admit I didn't peg the princess as the competitive type," Hitch said.

"How would you compare this to your other first dates, Hitch?" a unicorn reporter asked.

"Uh, well, actually, that was the first date I've ever had…ever," Hitch confessed.

Ponies gasped in shock. Hitch's ears hung low as he looked at everypony, wondering if he had said something to offend them. He turned to Pipp, who gave him a look of shock and confusion.

"You never had a date before? How is that possible?" the unicorn reporter asked. "From what I've seen on the Canternet, you have so many admirers in Maretime Bay that wanted to date you before you married."

"What? No, I don't," Hitch said. "I'm adored by all of my fellow citizens, but I'm sure I would know if any of the mares at home thought of me that way."

The unicorn reporter tilted his head, befuddled. The ponies from Maretime Bay were even more astounded, for they knew very well how obvious mares like Mayflower, Dahlia, and Primrose liked Hitch. They whispered among their fellow ponies, expressing their concern for many of the mares in Maretime Bay. Their hearts were already broken from Hitch marrying Pipp, but Hitch revealing his obliviousness might have added salt to the wounds. Haven was unsettled by how ponies reacted and cleared her throat to catch their attention.

"Well, whatever the case may be, we can all agree that Prince Hitch lucked out with his first and only relationship being with our beloved Pipp," she said.

Ponies stomped their hooves and applause, their spirits instantly lifted again by Haven's words. The reporters took a moment to call out to Hitch and Pipp again, and Pipp pointed at an earth pony reporter. The earth pony hesitated before asking her question.

"Prince Hitch, if you don't mind me asking, how does it feel knowing that you're married to one of the very few pegasi in the world that can fly?" the reporter asked.

The city grew silent in the blink of an eye. Many citizens glared at the reporter, either loathing her for saying something they considered insensitive or suspicious that she was a pony against the unity of all pony kind. Others thought about it and grew curious, having never thought of it or forgotten it since before the wedding. Haven, Zipp, and Pipp's faces fell with Haven wishing she thought of telling Hitch what he could and could not say about the royal family flying. Hitch, however, took a moment to think about the question and shrugged.

"To be honest, I haven't given it much thought," he said. "When I think about the princess, my mind is on who she is as a pony and whether we will work as a couple. I forgot that she, her sister, and her mother could fly up until you mentioned it."

"You didn't mind seeing her fly when she performed the night you married her?" the reporter asked.

"Of course not. I thought Princess Pipp was amazing flying during her performance. Made her stand out from any concert I've gone to," Hitch replied with a smile.

"You don't think about what life will be if you decide to stay married and have foals who could be pegasi that can fly?" the reporter asked. "I imagine Presto Tetrachord did, but considering how you two happened so suddenly, some ponies can't help but wonder, especially when there are still ponies against your marriage and the unity."

"Alright, that's enough," Haven said. "We really must be off to welcome Prince Hitch to his -"

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, but please let me handle this," Hitch said.

Haven turned to Hitch and saw the calm but serious look in his tangelo eyes. She hesitated, knowing what Hitch would say could make or break her citizens' view of him as Pipp's husband. After a moment, Haven lifted her hoof to give permission. Zipp looked at Hitch with a glare that said, "Choose your words carefully." Pipp watched Hitch turn to the crowd, with part of her confident that he would give a good answer and the rest of her afraid he would say something irreparably damage the royal family's reputation.

"Historically, according to Argyle Starshine's research, earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi intermarrying was not uncommon in Ancient Equestria," Hitch began. "It didn't matter whether somepony could fly or levitate objects. All that mattered was how those ponies felt about each other. Were there any challenges regarding ponies having abilities that the other doesn't or whether their foals would have said abilities? It's possible, but I don't think it was a big issue in the long run. After all, romantic relationships between ponies of different races are only a topic now because we have fallen so far from the equality that our ancestors had, for goodness knows how many moons. And who knows how long it will be for interracial relationships to stop being a topic and become something we don't think about in relationships any more than we focus on whether or not a pony is pink, orange, blue, or lilac?"

Hitch turned to Pipp and smiled.

"Now, as for me and Princess Pipp, the idea of us having foals is the last thing on my mind as we just had our first date. Still, I think I can speak for both of us when I say that if we do raise a family, we will love our foals, whether they're earth ponys, pegasi, or, somehow, unicorns. We will love our foals if they can fly, and we'll love them if they can't. It can't be any simpler than that.”

The city was silent for a moment after Hitch spoke before it was filled with thunderous applause. Ponies vigorously stomped their hooves, cheered, and whistled. The earth pony reporter looked at Hitch baffled, then she smiled and nodded in satisfaction. Hitch smirked and held his chest up, proud of his accomplishment.

Then suddenly, Pipp wrapped her legs around Hitch's neck and pulled him to a kiss on his cheek. Hitch's cheeks heated up the moment he felt Pipp's soft lips. Ponies in the crowd cheered louder and followed it up by chanting, "Long live Pitch!" Haven sighed with her hoof on her heart and smiled at Hitch approvingly. Then she cleared her throat.

"Alright, if that’s all, I declare this interview over. We must get to the castle to show Hitch to his new room," she said.

Ponies cheered once more, and the reporters backed away, allowing a clear path for the guards and the royal family. Pipp and Hitch walked together in front of Haven and Zipp, with Pipp blowing kisses to their citizens with her free hoof. When they turned to the main street toward Zephyr Heights Castle, Pipp rested her head on Hitch's shoulder, smiling blissfully.

"Oh, Hitch, you were incredible," she said.

"Er, well, I don't know about that," Hitch said, shyly scratching his cheek. "I just said what anypony should have said."

"Don't sell yourself short, Sheriff," Zipp said, rushing to walk next to Hitch and Pipp. "Likely all of Equestria was watching you, including ponies who either are against the unity or still want Pipp with you-know-who. I can think of several ways you could've made one wrong move, and everything went up in flames, but you kept your cool and spoke the truth without faltering. Not many ponies can do that. I'm impressed."

Hitch's eyes widened as Zipp followed her words with a smirk. She backed up so she could walk next to Haven, who was waving to her citizens and stopping every few seconds for somepony to take a photo. Hitch stared at Zipp momentarily before turning to a pleased Pipp.

"Did your sister just compliment me?" he asked.

"She did," Pipp said matter-of-factly. "And it's about time, too. Zipp and Mom are overdue giving you more credit in my book."

"Well, I mean, I think so too, but I was under the impression I'm supposed to be getting credit based on how I behave as your husband rather than how I talk about us publicly," Hitch said. "Does it really mean a lot to your mom and your sister that I make your subjects happy?"

"It means a lot to me," Pipp said.

Pipp backed up her statement by moving closer to Hitch and nuzzling her head against his. Goosebumps appeared all over Hitch's body, and he looked down to see Pipp smiling with her eyes closed as she walked. His heart pounded rapidly, unable to take the constant affection the angelic mare was giving him. Hitch resisted the urge to let out a bashful whimper while countless ponies filmed him and Pipp from their phones.

And yet, as Hitch tried to keep it together, he saw how merry the citizens of Zephyr Heights were. They weren’t happy simply because they were fans of Pipp and her marriage to him, but they were full of hope. Hope for a future beyond what ponykind had accomplished within the past several moons. It was a kind of happiness Hitch had never seen anypony experience before, and ponies in Maretime Bay might also be experiencing it, having watched what he said on their phones.

With this realization, Hitch smirked and held his chest up as he walked as though he had rescued his town from a terrible monster. If his wife wasn't leaning her head against him, Hitch would have waved to the ponies recording on their phones as though he was directly looking at the citizens of Maretime Bay. It may not have been intentional, but Hitch felt a strong sense of pride that, even when far away from home, he was fulfilling his duty as sheriff.