• Published 28th Nov 2022
  • 687 Views, 28 Comments

Elden Ring: The Deaths of Tirek - Blackdrag-rose

Tirek, following his defeat at the hooves of Twilight and her friends, is transported to a world unlike anything he could imagine, filled with large trees, violent creatures, and danger around every corner.

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The Fell Omen

As Tirek returned to the ruined church, and found that the Tree Sentinel was still outside one of it's entrances, he had a change of heart, he was going to ignore the lake for a time and see what sort of dangers or obstacles he might find over by where he met Melina. With that in mind he summoned Torrent once more and rode over to the Grace in question, though as he did so he made sure to take down the couple of Soldiers that were in the way, granting him a few more Runes to add to his growing power in the future. It was far better than staying in the corrupted area he had been teleported to, as he was able to fight back and actually defeat foes, instead of being killed by everything or being worried about being slain in a single hit, hence why he turned into the ruins in front of the gate. Sure, some of his enemies were still hard to take down, as in the Knights, but they weren't as bad as the Pests were and allowed him to feel as if he was accomplishing something with his time, instead of fighting a brick wall over and over again.

It was annoying to leave behind the dragon and some of the other undiscovered powerful creatures that might be in the area around the lake, but right now he was more interested in seeing if he was able to progress or not, hence why he came to a stop at the Grace and used his Runes.

Once that was done he got up and glanced at the path he wanted to take, where he found that there were some Soldiers and Hollows guarding it, some with bows and crossbows, though standing on a stone archway was a Troll, like the one he had found earlier. Tirek realized that it would likely jump down and try to crush him, or anyone who dared to use this path to get to the castle, and that he either had to take his time approaching the end of the path or just blitz passed them with his steed, since stopping might be fatal. Given what he had seen so far he decided not to take any chances as he called Torrent to his side once more, where he carefully sized up the enemies that were in front of him before his steed moved, dashing up the hill that his enemies were guarding. True to his earlier thoughts the Hollows and Soldiers fired at him as he approached, causing him and Torrent to move out of the way to avoid being pelted by arrows, not to mention when they got close enough the Troll jumped down to crush the area around it, though Tirek was able to slip through without being crushed by it's weight.

Thanks to Torrent's speed Tirek was able to get to the top of the hill, even if he had to run over a few Hollows to do so, but as he did so he found two things, the first being a golden sapling of some kind that also had a golden seed on the ground for him to take, while the second was a Grace right outside a shack.

"I'm shocked that this is up here, but I'll gladly take it." Tirek remarked, where he ignited the Grace and let it mark his new location to be revived at when he died, though his comment was because there was one so close to the one that he had encountered Melina at, not that it mattered since there was no one else in the area.

With the new Grace discovered Tirek turned around and headed back down the hill, where he carefully used his magic to wipe out each and every foe he had rushed by a few moments ago, blasting both the Hollows and Soldiers down while he kept an eye on the Troll. The larger foe would no doubt take a good portion of his mana, hence why he made sure that an open area was ready for him before he bothered to engage it, though like the last one it was tough and tanked his spells for a time, until it got annoyed and drew it's sword. After that he made sure to use the Troll against the rest of the couple of Hollows and Soldiers, allowing Tirek to wipe out the rest of his enemies before dealing with the massive monster that was trying to crush him. Once he was sure that all of his foes were taken care of Tirek picked up a couple of items, as he had spotted a few discarded Runes on his way up the hill, before returning to the Grace and resting as he channeled all of his new Runes into his body.

After that he realized that he had more choices to pick up, he could either check the shack, he could head up the hill and make his way to the castle, or he could investigate something to the southwest, where he picked the last option and rode out without delay.

What he discovered surprised him instantly, there were worm shaped stone objects that looked like they were made from the ruins and had been given life in some manner, though as he approached one Tirek found that it didn't care, rather it just ignored him as it moved along the ground. In addition to that there were a lot more of them positioned around what looked like a a circular indent, a percent circle that went down into the earth a little, which emitted some strange magic as he came to a stop near the outer perimeter. As he stared at it, however, he realized what sort of magic this was, this was sealing magic, meaning something of great power was likely contained in this place and it might give him a boost to tackle whatever he found inside the castle. His reasoning was because some things got weaker as they spent, just like what had happened to him after he was initially drained of the power he had stolen from Equestria's many magical races, to which he climbed off Torrent and approached the center, touching the sigil that would allow him to enter the prison.

It seemed like the area that the prison was in was also in the sealed space that he appeared in, like a separate reality or something, and as Tirek glanced around the area he found that some of the air shifted as the prisoner appeared, a heavy armored figure with a shield that had a horn on it, a powerful looking greatsword that he carried in one hand, and had what appeared to be antlers on it's helm.

"Okay... what are you supposed to be?" Tirek inquired, as it seemed like he had discovered another type of Knight, what he had no idea since this was the first time he had encountered a figure such as this, in what appeared to be dulled crimson armor that had an interesting design on it.

Of course he wasn't expecting the Knight to say anything, next to no one in this world answered his questions on what he encountered, though the figure slammed the base of his shield into the ground, likely because he noticed that Tirek had a staff and this was to counter his magic, before rushing right into his chest. By that Tirek meant that the Knight rushed at him at speeds faster than what one would expect from a heavily armored figure like this, and swung his shield at him, the horned tip piercing his chest before he even had time to move, with enough force to knock him into the air. As he landed Tirek found that the Knight seemed to pause for a few seconds, no doubt to check if he was dead, where he got up and quickly backed off, putting enough distance between them so he could pull out the crimson flask and heal. While Tirek was able to get off the heal he also discovered that his foe wasn't as far away as he assumed, as the Knight was nearly on top of him as he thrust his sword forward and crushed his chest, before delivering a powerful downwards slash that ended up cutting him in half.

As such Tirek reappeared outside the prison, back in the actual world, causing him to sigh for a moment as he picked up his marker, called Torrent, and got out of there as he vowed to come back here at one point, as he had discovered yet one more powerful creature and couldn't beat it, but he'd be back later.

With that in mind he headed up the hill and found that four wolves dropped out of the sky and tried to attack him, where he blasted them before they could do anything to Torrent, though they didn't seem too tough as he wiped them out with a few spells. Even the pair of Soldiers with a few Hollows that he encountered further up the hill couldn't stand before him, so he was able to reach the main path that lead right to the entrance he was looking for, where he found a fair number of Soldiers, some armed with crossbows and another manning a ballista, waiting for him. As such he had to plan out how to attack this place, given the forces that were guarding the entrance, though he found an area that was weakly guarded, he just had to approach this area from the western side and carefully take one or two down while sneaking. Tirek knew that he didn't have the skills to do this without being seen, in fact he was sure that some of the other Hollows or Soldiers would find him at some point, but, to his amazement, they didn't seem to notice him and allowed him to blast those who were in the ballista's area.

After taking out those three, and finding that none of the others noticed what was going on, he entered the tunnel that had to lead to the castle, or even a bridge, and near what seemed to be the end he discovered a little area that a Grace was in, one he activated and sat at to spend his Runes, before heading out onto the ruined bridge.

"Foul Tarnished, who searches for the Elden Ring," a loud voice said, where Tirek turned his head towards the other side of the bridge, discovering a large figure who seemed to have horns growing out of his head, in a way that endangered his own life, and wore rags while also having a walking stick that looked like it was taken from a tree, "and emboldened by the flame of ambition."

In that moment the unthinkable happened, the figure heaved himself up into the air and dropped down on the area right in front of Tirek, showing him that he had found yet another strong figure, making him wonder just how many there were for him to discover in such a short period of time.

"Someone must extinguish thy flame... let it be Margit the Fell." the figure stated, showing Tirek that the jump had done nothing to him, he was able to stand up with ease and even lifted his staff like it was an actual weapon, in fact he was sure it was a weapon for the imposing figure, meaning another fight was likely going to happen.

He discovered that Margit was capable of jumping into the air, grabbing his staff with both hands, and using the edge in a way that made it look like he was trying to crush Tirek into the ground, though at the same time he found that his foe had a tail of some kind, thick like a scorpion's. Margit was also pretty fast, swinging his staff around like it weighted nothing at all while also jumping from one area to another to avoid his spells, something that caused Tirek to summon his wolves to aid him, since he was clearly at a disadvantage. Doing so allowed him to understand something else, his foe had another type of weapon that he could call upon, he could create what looked like golden knives to slash at the wolves, or him if he got close enough to the figure, and if Margit jumped backwards he could throw the weapon at him. Even then Tirek had a feeling that there was more he wasn't seeing, another hidden power or ability that would really screw him over, though at the moment he found that it was hard to actually hit his foe, as Margit moved to move around and make him waste mana, so he had to be careful in how he approached this fight.

In the end Tirek found that Margit slashed him to pieces with ease, despite his attempts to actually avoid taking damage, causing him to sigh as he reappeared at the Grace right outside the ruined bridge, as another route was blocked and that meant it was back to the lake with him, just to see what else he had missed and what he might die to next.