• Published 28th Nov 2022
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Elden Ring: The Deaths of Tirek - Blackdrag-rose

Tirek, following his defeat at the hooves of Twilight and her friends, is transported to a world unlike anything he could imagine, filled with large trees, violent creatures, and danger around every corner.

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A New World

Tirek was having the best day of his life right now, as it easily trumped the day he had escaped from Tartarus and was able to remain hidden without Princess Celestia or Princess Luna discovering his existence, because he had toppled both of his targets and the princesses who had risen to power during his imprisonment. The Solar and Lunar Princesses had, with the help of his traitor brother, beaten him before he could drain the magic of Equestria's various races, sealing him in the realm of Tartarus as punishment for his 'sins' as they called what he had done. After his escape Tirek had been sure that it would have taken him too long to gain the power to drain more than a single pony at a time, though he had a fortunate encounter with Discord, a chimera creature who was the most chaotic being in the world. Discord, despite siding with the ponies, came around to his side and helped him regain his power in record time, targeting the earth ponies, pegasi, and the unicorns that lived across the land, allowing Tirek to gain enough power to challenge those who beat him in the past.

Little did he know that Celestia and Luna, along with the Love Princess, an alicorn called Cadance, had given their powers to another to keep it hidden from him, in the form of an alicorn mare named Twilight Sparkle, and while they had been evenly matched he had the upper hand, he took her friends hostage.

The only reason he considered that such a thing might work was due to the fact that there was a stained glass window of her and several other ponies defeating evil, located in Canterlot during his assault and discovery of the third alicorn, and it had been a risky move in the grand scheme of things. He even captured Discord, who he had a feeling was going to betray him at a critical moment, and his plan worked far better than Tirek could have ever imagined, as Twilight was willing to trade all of her power, and the power of the other Princesses, to him if he freed her friends. That even counted Discord, though after he agreed to do so he drained her of everything she possessed, just as he had planned, before doing the same to her friends and even Discord himself, just to ensure that no one held the power to stop him from taking over the rest of the continent, maybe even the entire world. That was why this day was the best in his entire life, because he had overcome all of the obstacles that had been in his way, bested the alicorns who trapped him in Tartarus, and now had the power to do whatever he wanted with the world that was beyond Equestria's borders.

He knew there was more to the world than what he had seen so far, more power for him to collect and hoard, and lands to conquer until everything was under his rule, though Tirek also knew that he could just wait for someone to come here to try and fix the sky, since he had taken out the princesses who controlled the sun and moon.

What he wasn't expecting, however, was for there to be another surge of magical energy in the town that Twilight and her friends lived in, though this time he found that it was a rainbow beam of energy and that it was aimed right at him, as his large centaur body was an easy target for his enemies. He knew what it was the moment he laid eyes on it, the magic of Harmony, supposedly the strongest force in the world with no equal, hence why he had been gathering power so he could steal it and become god of this world, or whatever followed the destruction of this one. With no one to move the sun and moon there was a chance that everything in this world would perish, save for him since his power would keep him alive for some time, meaning a new one would replace it in due time and he would repeat the process until he had the power to leave for the stars themselves. With that idea in mind Tirek raised his hands, something he possessed unlike the races of Equestria, since they were ponies and he was a centaur, and gathered all of his power as he intercepted the attack, as it would allow him to steal the power of Harmony for himself, granting him untold and unimaginable power.

That was his plan, though what actually happened was that the energy smashed through his spell and started to gather all around Tirek, lifting him off the ground as he realized something he had missed, the energy was still being directed, likely by a pony, and not sent out by his target. In the following seconds he noticed a gathering point of energy and found that it was none other than Twilight Sparkle and her friends, having, against all odds, figured out how to get more magical energy so summon forth the power of Harmony. He had no idea how it was possible, since he had stolen every drop of magic from all six mares, and yet here they were, channeling a power that they shouldn't have access to, and while he could have blamed Discord for doing this he knew it couldn't be the Spirit of Disharmony, as he had stolen his power as well, just in case such a thing happened. Still, Tirek fought against the energy that was around him, trying to steal and tame the power of Harmony for his own desires, yet it remained elusive as the unthinkable happened to him, all of the power he had stolen from those who lived in Equestria was being pulled out of his body, causing his body to shrink as he lost his stolen power.

As he considered how unfair all of this was, that victory was being ripped out of his hands, the light of Harmony wrapped around him for a time before he could no longer see anything around him, before searing pain coursed through his body and knocked Tirek out, whose last thoughts were that he was going to wake up in Tartarus before he remembered nothing more.

Tirek moaned for moment as he finally regained his senses, though as he opened his eyes he found that something was very wrong, or it could be good given the alternative, as he wasn't in his cage in Tartarus, nor was he anywhere near the realm in question, rather he was in a massive cavern under what he assumed was a large tree, given the roots he spotted off in the distance. As his eyes adjusted to the area he had appeared in he discovered another problem, his body had been altered, as he was no longer a centaur, the mighty four legged creature with a more humanoid upper body, rather it seemed like he had been reduced to a more human form. Tirek found that his legs looked more like a satyr's, like a cross between a horse's legs and what a human was supposed to have, while also finding that his chest was still black colored and his lower body was dark gray, leaving his arms the red color he was familiar with. He then found that his horns were still intact, even if they were slightly smaller than what he possessed in his final form while still being pointed, and he also had a small white beard, a usual thing to see when it came to his form, before he noticed that he was wearing brown robs with a white hood and scarf, which he definitely hadn't been wearing previously.

In addition to all that he found a few other items on his person, those being a short sword, a staff that had some power to it, a round shield, interestingly enough, and two spell pages that, when he stared at them, disappeared and he understood the words that had been on them.

"Glintstone Pebble and Glintstone Arc... not spells I recognize." Tirek commented, where he had to wonder if this was some sort of dream he was having, and if so it was incredibly realistic and not what he preferred to have, or if he had been moved to another world entirely, which was an odd idea when he considered it, "Whatever. Let's see if this is just some elaborate dream I'm having, or if I've been sent to an entirely different world."

Tirek carefully picked himself up and found that walking was going to be troublesome for a while, he was so used to four legs that he never considered what it might be like with two legs, while finding that his tail was still present, though that hardly helped since he wobbled a little as he finally stood up. As he did that, however, he found that the roots seemed to gather in one spot to form a humanoid form, or part of one anyway, though it sure looked like something had been removed from it at some point in the past, carved out of the material in question. He also discovered that there was an opening behind him that was sealed by some sort of golden mist, in fact he had landed near it and raised a hand to it, finding that it wouldn't let him pass at all, meaning he was likely trapped in this area for the foreseeable future. Tirek guessed that this gave him the best chance to learn how to walk with his new body, which he did so since there seemed to be no one else in the area, so it was just him and the sounds of his hooves as he started to walk around the area, even though he did find a small pool of water in the center of the cavern.

As he did that, however, Tirek realized that he wasn't alone, rather there was someone sitting in a chair on the other side of the cavern, resting near one of the massive roots, a lady, based on her form, who was resting her left hand right on the root in question and seemed to be wearing some sort of armor. As he stared at her Tirek found that the figure had red hair and several of her limbs looked like they had been replaced in some manner, as it looked like most of her left leg had been taken from her and replaced, half of her right leg, from the knee down, was the same, while her left arm had been replaced from the elbow down and her right arm was missing entirely. It was interesting to see that this world had the ability to produce prosthetics, since the replacements for her limbs seemed to be made out of some golden material, or maybe some other material since he wasn't familiar with what this world had, and were artfully crafted to resemble actual limbs, meaning the maker had some skill doing this. If Tirek was being honest it looked like someone had died recently and had asked that they be buried in this area, surrounded by roots and even a field of flowers, which surrounded the pool of water, so he turned his attention towards figuring out how to get out of here.

As he considered that, however, a small gust of wind entered the cavern and the lady actually started to move, meaning he had been wrong to think that she was dead, as she started to move her legs closer to her chair so she could pick herself up and likely talk to him in some manner.

"I dreamt for so long. My flesh was dull gold... and my blood, rotted." the lady said, where she knelt in the flowers for a few seconds and Tirek discovered that her other prosthetic arm had been dropped whenever the lady had returned to this area for her slumber, which she picked up and attached to her right shoulder, before picking up a helm that she placed over her head, "Corpse after corpse, left in my wake... as I awaited... His return. Heed my words: I am Malenia, Blade of Miquella, and I have never known defeat."

As the lady talked Tirek discovered something he had missed previously, the prosthetic right arm had a long blade attached to it, likely her weapon of choice when he considered what was going on right now, though her words informed him that she saw him as an enemy. For a moment Tirek wondered if he could actually talk with her and convince her that he wasn't here to do her or her master harm, as he guessed 'Miquella' was either the tree or was someone inside the roots, but, based on how Malenia was approaching him right now, he had a feeling that talking wouldn't work. In that moment he had two rather bad options, he could either try to fight her with his meager magic, as two spells and his current mana reserves were next to nothing when compared to what he had previously, or he could run around and search for an opening to flee through so he could escape with his life. Unfortunately the decision was made for him as Malenia leapt into the air like she was spinning, all while readying her blade for some sort of attack, which she followed up by rushing at him and unleashing a flurry of swings in rapid succession, cutting through his body like he was nothing.

As his world went dark Tirek could only hope that this was a terrible dream and that he'd awaken in his cell, or maybe back in Equestria so he could continue with his quest, though the last thing he remembered was something tugging at him as he slipped into unconsciousness.