• Published 25th Mar 2022
  • 246 Views, 1 Comments

Feeling the Rhythm: A New Beat - DougtheLoremaster

Years have passed since Twilight saved the world and Chrysalis with her dancing prowess. Now a new generation must step up and show off their moves. The harmony of instruments and dance steps come together as a shadow threatens the pony way of life.

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Chapter 3

Twinkle found himself being led, blindfolded across the school grounds; under the glow of the moon and stars. Behind him, he could hear the encouragements of Feather Dance as his captors steered him towards an unknown destination.

“Stay calm, Sparkles, you got this!”

Okay, if you say so.

One moment he was on the sofa and the next he was bound up in rope with a gag and a blindfold, being levitated through the air. What this was, exactly, he didn’t have a clue. After a few minutes of the cool night air, he heard the sound of a door being unlocked, and moments later he felt his bonds loosen and his hooves touch down on the wooden flooring. As his blindfold was lifted, the world came into view, revealing a peculiar sight.

He counted fifty or so mares in a semicircle before him. Each looked excited and somewhat somber at the same time. And in the middle was Lemon Sherbert. Was this a mob? Was he going to be beaten? He wasn’t sure what to think until he notice Feather Dance standing, though the look on her face portrayed reluctance, beside Lemon Sherbert in silence. The gag still in his mouth, Twinkle quietly watched as Lemon stepped forward and placed her hoof around his shoulders, gesturing to the other mares as she spoke.

“Mares of Twostep Academy, this…is Sparkle. Sparkle Stardust here has taken her first steps into the world of dancing. Now, like you, I feel it is quite disrespectful for some riffraff off the street to join our ranks, however, today my mother has accepted her into our school. So I will treat her like any other student. It is traditional that new students have a dance-off against the senior members of the student body as a rite of initiation and as President of our Academy, I request that seniors, interested, step forward, now and carry on this fine tradition.”

Twinkle watched in surprise as four mares stepped forward; the three from earlier and Feather Dance, herself. Before he could say a word, however, Lemon continued.

“To start us off, she loves to swing. Oh, and she dances pretty well, too. Let's hear some applause for the one, the only Diamond Charity!”

The Unicorn from earlier stepped forward amidst the stamping applause of those present. Her eyes narrowed as she spoke in a sultry voice.

“Well aren’t you a cute one? Don’t disappoint me, now, darling.”

Holding out a hoof, she gave a low curtsy as a bass-filled bumping rhythm soon filled the air. Looking startled, Twinkle clumsily reach out his hoof and placed it on her own. She smiled kindly and said.

“Oh don’t be nervous, sweetie, it’s all in fun, just show me what you can do. Let the music play!”

He stood there in confusion as she looked at him, expectantly. But still, he didn’t move. After an awkward moment of stillness, as the crowd looked on, Charity smiled sweetly.

“You’ve never Swing Danced before have you, darling?”

Nodding, he felt her grip tighten as she nodded.

“That’s alright, as the Instructor of the Swingers Club, allow me to give you some free pointers.”

Twinkle was suddenly pulled in close as Charity’s silky voice filled his ears and the sounds of the audience fell away.

“This is the typical starting movement, grab your partner and the leader pulls their partner in close. When close enough to feel their breath-”

Charity flicked out her hoof, causing him to twirl outward. Suddenly at forehoofs length and just barely in reach, he heard Charity say.

“You twirl them outward, now this-”

Pulling him forward, Charity side-stepped as he swung wide, deftly swapping sides with him before pulling him in. Grabbing both of his hooves, she swung down, causing him to slide through her hind hooves, before turning and stepping over him and yanking his hoof lightly, causing him to leap into her embrace, once more feeling the warmth of her breath on his neck as she whispered in his ear.

“Is how Swing got its name.”

Breathless, he found himself in an instant back at the starting position, as she called out.

“Now, show me what you’ve learned, darling.”

As Twinkle unsteadily tried to use her teachings, and Charity gave encouragement, Lemon Sherbert frowned.

“She is being far too nice to the commoner. Most mares would kill for a dancing lesson from her.”

The rainbow-maned Pegasus next to her chuckled.

“That’s my Charity, for you. Always so generous.”

Her eyes narrowed in malice.

“I, however, have no such predisposition. Call me up.”

Lemon’s eyes went wide, as she stammered out.

“Rainbow, you don’t have t-to go that far.”

“Just call me up.”

“Erm- right. Ahem! Everypony, give a round of applause for the Generous Swinger, herself, 3rd Year, Diamond Charity, Instructor of the Swingers Club. Thank you, Miss Charity.”

Charity turned away from Twinkle giving a wink.

“I do hope we can dance again, Miss Sparkle.”

Pausing as she passed Rainbow, who was already on her way towards the two, she hissed.

“Don’t scare her away. This one’s different.”

Different? Stepping in front of Twinkle, the Rainbow-maned Pegasus waited as Lemon introduced her, taking her time to look Twinkle up and down.

“You know her, you love her. Famous all over Equestria for her How-To-Dance series, it's the one and only 3rd-year instructor, Rainbow “Junior” Dash!”

It’s always the same with these newcomers; stars in their eyes and they think they know it all. The same answers to the same questions, no humility, any of them. Rainbow called out to Twinkle.

“Hey you, tell me. Why did you enroll here?”

“To learn to dance.”

“So looking to be famous, is that it?”

Shaking his head, Twinkle replied.


With her hooves on her hips, Rainbow asked.

“Then why do you want to learn to dance?”

“Because it makes me feel so alive.”

Taken by surprise at the honest answer, Rainbow’s eyes softened. Shooting a sidelong glance towards her partner, the young adolescent Pegasus understood. I see what you meant now.

“Do you know who I am?”

He nodded. Even as a teenager, Rainbow’s How-To-Dance was well known throughout Equestria. Alongside the Sing-a-longs his grandmare bought him, he had been gifted with every holo in the Dance Series by his moms. He had spent countless hours watching and rewatching them.

“I’m a huge fan.”

She gave him a pitying smile and said.

“Dancing isn’t all fun and games, you know, it’s a lot of hard work. Years of it. You think you got what it takes, Sparkle?”

Noticing the tone shift, Twinkle nodded enthusiastically.


“Alright then Pegasus, show me what you got.”

“Y-you want to see my style? But I don’t have-”

Lemon rolled her eyes.

“We’re waiting, new girl!”

Panicking and not wanting to disappoint, Twinkle closed his eyes and took a deep breath. A slow, almost regal song began to play; a fifty-piece orchestra was heard giving it all as he let the rhythm take him. All present watched, in utter astonishment, as Sparkle held out her hoof and the golden outline of a mare in a flowing ballgown was seen placing her own on it.

His eyes still closed, he began to dance with the outline taking the lead; 1,2,3, turn, 1,2,3 turn. Twinkle felt the mare’s breath on his neck as she slow-danced with him. His heart pounded in his chest and his pulse quickened. He heard the golden mare give a soft laugh as the two turned and swayed to the rhythm.

Charity gave a low whistle of excitement. Rainbow’s jaw dropped in complete shock. In all of Equestria, Ballroom Dancing had only ever been performed by the Royal Family, many had attempted to learn the simplistic yet elegance of the slow dance; said to be the dance that magic began with. And here was a virtual unknown performing the coveted Waltz.

A gasp arose from the crowd as Feather Dance made her way towards Twinkle; using the unfurling of her wings to push Rainbow aside. Feather Dance never tested newcomers, Lemon couldn’t believe it, just who was this Sparkle to amaze the best the academy had to offer? The crowd took notice as well, murmuring about how Feather always said it wasn’t worth her style and would never dance with new mares.

Ignoring the sputtering of dismay from Rainbow, Feather Dance held out a hoof, locking eyes with Twinkle as she spoke softly.

“Whatever happens, I want you to know, I’m proud of you.”

Twinkle had just moments to hear the sounds of the jungle, and see a flash of movement as he took her hoof; before the world faded to darkness amidst shouts of disbelief from the crowd.

Lemon’s jaw dropped. What had she just witnessed? Feather Dance meanwhile, picked up her unconscious roommate and said gently.

“Seems Sparkle is all tuckered out, let’s call an end to the night’s initiation. What do you say Lemon?”

Almost incoherent with shock, Lemon Sherbert just muttered.

“Right, I say she belongs here.”

Alongside her, Rainbow and Charity nodded, as did the blue-maned pink Earthpony from before. They all agreed quietly.

“Indeed, darling.”


Feather Dance calmly sauntered out of the gymnasium carrying her roommate, the crown behind her still muttering and whispering in shock.

“Did you see that?”

“No way, that’s impossible.”

“What just-”

“Were those actual snakes?”

A small smile graced Feather Dance’s muzzle as she trotted down the path, thinking to herself. Curse you, sweetie. You made me enjoy dancing again.