• Published 25th Mar 2022
  • 246 Views, 1 Comments

Feeling the Rhythm: A New Beat - DougtheLoremaster

Years have passed since Twilight saved the world and Chrysalis with her dancing prowess. Now a new generation must step up and show off their moves. The harmony of instruments and dance steps come together as a shadow threatens the pony way of life.

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Chapter 2

Trudging through the door, Twinkle threw himself down onto the bed. His hooves and teeth were aching like crazy.

“Ungh, that was awful.”

“You were told you didn’t have to help, you know.”

Walking through the door, Feather Dance looked worn out. For the crime of public indecency, the Dean had condemned Feather Dance to pulling all the weeds in the courtyard sans magic:

“Your friend wasn’t a student at the time, but you Miss Dance, you should know better; not to do what you did. What you do in private is your own business. I was young once, I get it, but I will not tolerate it in my school where other students can see. No more public displays. Got it?”

Grunting in exhaustion, Twinkle laughed.

“You helped me, why wouldn’t I help you?”

Feather Dance shrugged and headed towards the bathroom.

“That’s fair, I suppose. I’m gonna hop in the shower, make yourself at home Sparkle; the fridges are stocked by magic in case you are hungry.”

With that she closed the door and the sound of running water could be heard. Walking over to the fridge, Twinkle pulled out a crisp apple and walked over to the bathroom door before leaning against the doorframe. Taking a thoughtful bite, he called out.

“Hey, Feathers?”


“Why did you help me?”

There was a silence amidst the running water for a moment, before she replied through the wooden door.

“Because I know what it’s like to want to be somepony else too.”

Twinkle was silent in thought for a moment before a loud knocking was heard at the front door. Heading over to the door, Twinkle took a deep breath before opening the door and saying in a flowery voice.

“Hello, how can I help-”

He paused at seeing Lemon Sherbert standing red-faced before him. Without missing a beat he smiled and gave a practiced curtsy.

“Hi again, sorry about earlier.”

Lemon just stared at him for a moment before muttering.

“No problem.”

Clearing her throat she read off cue cards held by the Unicorn beside her.

“Ahem- As President of the School, I am here to welcome you to our Private-”

She glared at Twinkle, before continuing, ignoring the cue cards.

“Institution. It’s a very prestigious honor that not every mare receives.-

Through gritted teeth she nearly spat out.

“Treasure it.”

Taking a deep breath, as her friend placed a hoof lightly on her shoulder she said.

“I-I’m fine, Sugar. I’m fine. Look- um what’s your name?”

“Says here her name is Sparkle, Lemon.”

“Thank you, Sugar. Look Sparkle, this is a very well-known school of dance. Every student has spent years practicing and going through grueling training to attend here. I don’t know why my mother allowed riffraff like you from off the street but you are one of us now. We don’t give up, we don’t stop, and we are the best. Don’t drag us down. Come Sugar.”

Closing the door, as the two walked off, Twinkle felt bad. Like the taste of soured milk had filled his mouth. He did not like that Lemon Sherbert. At all. Still he couldn’t help but wonder, just why did the Dean let him in, especially if it was as prestigious a school as Lemon had said?

On the Dean’s desk sat a letter, marked with a royal seal. On the parchment was a perfect calligraphy written in exquisite ink, that read:

To the Dean of Melodious Twostepping Academy,

It has come to my attention that my daughter wishes to attend your establishment. There will be no background check and no papers to sign. By royal decree, I insist you make allowances for her as a student. She is a bit shy, and has no experience, and I, in no way, am asking for special treatment in her education. In fact, I want you to push her harder than any other mare to surpass any limits she has on herself. She goes by the name of Sparkle Stardust, and is adept at ballet; how could she not be? Dancing is in her blood.

Oh, and it has become known to me that she has made a friend with whom she resonates, a Feather Dance; the daughter of my good friend Fluttershy, you are forbidden from expelling her under any circumstance.


Chrysalis Sparkle, Queen of Equestria

The Dean sat sweating profusely, staring at the letter, reading and re-reading it, still in disbelief that the ruler of Equestria, herself, contacted her. The Queen’s daughter. At my school. Fantastic, but she wants me to put pressure on her? I can do that. Alright then, here’s what I’ll do. Reaching for the loudspeaker button, the Dean pressed down on it before calling into the microphone:

“Will Diamond Charity, Rainbow Jr. Dash, and Bop Pie report to my office, I need to have a word with you three.”

Chrysalis sat on her throne looking rather satisfied with herself as she slowly sipped a goblet of red wine. Next to her, her wife, Twilight Sparkle sat on her own throne, gently nibbling on a hayburger from McHaybales; her favorite.

In front of both of them, a portal showing Twinkle Starbrite as he talked to Feather Dance through the bathroom door about how singing just never felt right to him. He spoke about how he loved to dance. And both Twilight and Chrysalis shared a knowing glance; it was in his blood, and they expected something like this to materialize sooner or later.

“I’m glad to see this side of him, though I had wished he would have told us.”

“Agreed, though the lengths he went through, that passion is to be commended. And you know how your mom is.”

“True, she had high hopes for him being a rocker, didn’t she? I guess he didn’t want to upset her. After all, stallions don’t dance, they say.”

“Ha. But our lovely ‘daughter’ will show them, won’t she?”


“Did you send the letter?”

“Taken care of.”

“Well, the rest is up to him.”

Neither said another word, but both read the other’s thoughts. Their son, the first Alicorn born a male, was compelled to dance, and they couldn’t be prouder. Quietly, they continued their dinner both beaming at their young heir.

Feather Dance stood before the oven and closed her eyes as a soothing melody began to play; like the sounds of a flowing waterfall and bird calls in nature. Ribbons appeared in her hooves as a leotard appeared on her body. Slowly she turned her forehooves causing the ribbons in them to spiral and float in the air before her eyes snapped open.

Twinkle could barely follow her movements as Feather Dance whipped and twirled her ribbons at such speeds that it almost appeared like the ribbons were spinning and whirling on their own. Moving around like snakes as Feather Dance whirled and flipped in and out of them, the ribbons made an almost hissing sound adding to the flowing ambiance of the melody. Finally coming to a halt, Featherdance reached out and grabbed the still writhing ribbons, throwing them around her neck as the music faded.

At once, the oven and microwave lights flickered excitedly as though in applause; as two plates of steaming carrots on whole wheat buns alongside sweet potato fries appeared on the counter. Twinkle was floored as he exclaimed in his mare voice.

“That was amazing!”

Feather Dance gave a light smile as the clothes vanished once more, and her cheeks turned bright red from embarrassment. She muttered shyly.

“Thank you, sweetie, dinner’s ready.”

“Where did you learn those moves?”

“It’s a style known as ribbon dancing. My dad taught me to bring objects to life with my movements and my mom taught me how to dance with snakes; Wildstyle Dances are a family specialty. Anyway, it’s nothing to fuss over just a rudimentary cooking spell, really.”

“It was brilliant. Your parents must be very proud.”

Feather Dance sighed, as though in distress.

“Yeah, probably…Anyway, let’s eat up.”

Sitting there nibbling on his carrot, Twinkle noticed how quiet Feather Dance had become and asked.

“Are you alright? I didn’t mean to upset you or anything.”

After a moment of silence, Feather Dance took a breath as though mentally preparing herself as she responded.

“It’s nothing you did. Twinkle, do you remember earlier what I said about knowing what it’s like to want to be somepony else?”


“Well…maybe I should just show you. Stay here.”

Getting up, she went to her bedroom, leaving a confused Twinkle waiting. Moments later, Feather Dance re-emerged carrying an acoustic guitar, slung over her back. Twinkle looked on in silent shock as Feather Dance unslung her guitar and began expertly strumming it before a microphone suddenly appeared before her. Taking a breath she opened her muzzle and the most beautifully gravelly voice dripping with honey came forth:

“~The colors fade away,

And storm clouds are on the way,

Some things aren't worth fighting over,

There are weeds in our bed of clover,

And still,

You're asking for me to stay.~”

Strumming the guitar, Feather Dance slowly opened her eyes, staring into Twinkle’s as she continued.

“~We’ve known each other,

For many yee-ars.

We drank our wine,

And cried salty tears.

And now the twilight’s come at last,

We leave behind our past,

But our future is still uncer-tain.~”

Tears filled Feather Dance’s eyes as she seemed to be recalling a memory, and still she strummed her heart out as she continued the haunting lyrics of her sweet song. Twinkle’s eyes went wide from shock as a massive burst of dark pink magic exploded forth and he clapped his hooves together excitedly; His hind hooves moving to the rhythm. Slowly he rose to his hooves and kicked out his left one before alternating to the other.

“~And then again,

When the rainbows

Start falling too,

Fade away,

Losing all their hue.

Be it in the night or day,

I’ll stay with you,

My some-pone-ay~”

He felt the music take control as his body performed a dance style he had never done, and one of his mother’s favorites. Hip-hop. Spinning around on one hoof and stopping before Feather Dance, who watched eagerly as she continued her song. Twinkle slid one hoof out and caught himself on the other; kicking his hind hooves in the air before springing off his forehoof and performing a flip into a hoof stand.

Both were sweating profusely as the song produced by Feather Dance became the rhythm to which Twinkle danced to, the influences of Chrysalis evident in his movements as the song came to an end and Twinkle found himself finishing on one hoof, knelt in front of Feather Dance. A bright splash of Purple and dark pink light intertwined before exploding outward in a blinding flash.

Both panted in utter exhaustion, as the world came back into view; revealing dozens of culinary dishes of various restaurant qualities lay on the floor, the counter, and the dining table. Both smiled sheepishly at each other; both had been acting purely on the instinct of the moment.

“I never would have guessed you were the Falling Rainbows stallion, that is so-”

“Weird right?”

“Cool! Did you write the lyrics yourself?”

Looking surprised, Feather Dance inquired.

“You don’t find it weird?”

Raising an eyebrow, before gesturing at the layer of freshly applied foundation spread across his body, and even moving his dyed mane to reveal his horn he laughed, rolling his eyes.

“Oh yeah, because this is totally normal for a stallion, right?"

She laughed as she watched him rustle his wings.

“Right you are, Missus Sparkle. I’ve been meaning to ask you about that horn-”

A loud knocking on the front door caused Feather Dance, to halt mid-sentence. Getting up, she made her way to the door and opening it revealed three mares; an Earthpony with cotton candy blue mane and tail, a Unicorn with a scarlet and amethyst mane, and a Pegasus of cyan fur with a rainbow-hued mane and tail. The Pegasus pointed a hoof at Twinkle on the sofa and grinned.

“Time for your initiation.”