• Published 30th Nov 2021
  • 506 Views, 9 Comments

Queen Chrysalis' Pony School, For Little Girls - Kentavritsa

Once through the Portal, Princess Twilight Sparkle had kept open for me; I had ended up on Earth, among Humans. I own the skeleton husk of a Hotel. It was up to me, to produce the workforce. She never told me, the limit of my operation though.

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A Sassy Pony Ride: 7

Author's Note:

Ms. Sazzy Saddles's POV

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Previous Chapter: Introduction in Ponish:

Next Chapter:
A Class, A Ride Offered


“Ping!” is heard, as the next service request had been entered.

“A Sassy Saddles is requested to the new School for little Girls..” the operator is announcing.

“Sassy Saddles?” I inquire.

“Yes..” the operator responds; “on the count of her sporting a Saddle, even at work!” she continues to explain.

“Curious..” I point out; “I take it!” I respond, as I am acquiring her Persona and Human form.

I can walk over to where I am needed, as a Human; a Pony trotting around, could not be inconspicuous enough for me right now!” I ponder.

One of the first things I notice; is my light blue to teal complexion, but the garb is quite on the nose too.

“This should be fun.” I am mumbling to myself as I am walking towards the door out of the room.


I had arrived to the location, most timely; stepping into the stable on the back, at the ground level.

Yes, this is most certainly the stable I had been requested to be at..” I ponder, picking up the distinct scents associated with a stable.

Of course the floor is a distinctly grey Concrete; just lacquered, then coated with an inch of squishy and crystal-clear Silicone for that comforting soft and squishy feeling under my feet. I note the grey stones of the wall, with white window-panes in even intervals. Thankfully, the light is bright, shining down from overhead, almost as if natural Sunlight.

Not that I could possibly see the sun, overhead; if I fell for the trick, looking up. I just have the impression, of a bright day; illuminated by the sun, Celestia’s Sun.

I walk up to the stall I had been designated, stepping into the cramped space; a mere four foot wide; just enough for the girl to stand beside me, once I have taken on the Pony form I had signed up for.

Once I am standing in the stall, facing the inner far wall; I lean over and transform into the Pony form of my Character.

I hope the girl likes Unicorns..” I ponder.

While the floor outside the stall had been grey, the floor in the stall is black, as if trying to imitate the peat litter, one would have been expecting underfoot. However, the scent of Hay and straw is fairly heavy on the air.

“Click, clack; click, clack..” is heard, as the girl I had been designated for is stepping into the stable, walking over the floor to the stall in which I stand.

“Pretty Pony, pretty pretty Pony..” she exclaims, as she steps into my stall.

I can’t help, but snicker at the simple speech; I do understand what she said, perfectly fine. Even if she did not know it; just as I fear, she does not understand me either.

Of course; this is her first day, of her first year here. She has not learned enough Ponish to make out what I say right now.

“Blue..” she exclaims; “like the sky on a fine summer’s day!” she concludes.

I just snicker at her responses, leaving her with a few neighs and whinnies. Perfectly incomprehensible to her.

She is standing on my right, just as she had been instructed to. These instructions had been quite clear, in both text and images like a cartoon. Even the young girls, age five or six could understand what they mean.

Of course I had seen the girl, even before she had entered my stall; I had heard her speak to me as she entered my space. However, I only acknowledge her, as she is stepping up to stand beside my saddle; looking up, to offer her a critical look.

”The local fashion is weird!” I ponder, looking her over; “but alas, I guess it is not half bad?” I inquire, leaving her puzzled over my comment in Ponish.

Naturally, I had to pronounce these words in proper Ponish, working for Rarity and all that. Even if that is in Manehattan.

I noticed how she is wearing a metallic bloody red riding helmet, just as the code of riding-safety dictates. Should I even permit her into my stall, if she had not been wearing it?

She is wearing a jacket and pants, matching the helmet; all in metallic bloody red, indicating her being a girl. As if I had not known it? This is a school for young girls. No boys permitted. Period.

On her hands, I can see the riding gloves; matching the wears her suit is comprised out of. Pretty, if I could say so myself. Not that she would have understood a word of what I say.

Well, maybe she will understand it one day; she would snicker to herself, as she recalls my words, when she does understand it all.

Naturally, the suit she is wearing is skin-tight; as this will not permit her suit to get stuck anywhere, leaving her embarrassed or worse. If her pants or jacket get caught and stuck somewhere; she could hurt herself, and quite seriously so. We do not desire this, it would be a blemish to our good name and reputation. Safety issues are taken seriously, we strive to teach these girls entering our domain safety and the concerns associated.

As she had stepped up to my right, she stands fairly still; just petting me, stroking my neck and body while I look her over. She had put the suit on correctly, from what I can see. With that, I permit her to go forward and continue.

I had enjoyed her presence, she seems to be such a nice little girl. Soon to be a Filly among us; for as long as she is with us, at this fine school.

For a moment, I snicker at the design of her suit. The jacket is putting emphasis on breasts she does not yet have, just as her boots are putting an emphasis on the hooves she does not have. The suit is linking her to me, to us. Even if in a strange way I find bemusing.

While I had been known to wear my saddle in public; but this saddle had been redesigned, for the purpose of me carrying the girl on a ride. A very safe ride, at that, mind you. Her safety is after all my responsibility, as the Pony carrying her.

I am teaching her to ride, safely; but even if she does not understand what I say, she needs to learn how to properly ride. Not just a Pony such as myself, but a feral Horse such as you expect to ride. We had never, and can not reveal this fact. Why? Why should we? However, we do teach these girls how to ride, safely and how to behave both in the saddle and beside the Pony or Horse. To her, this is not just play and fun; it is an investment, in her future.

I'm only too happy, to oblige. I enjoy the job. I had after all chosen to take this place; teaching the girl how to ride.

As she is prepared, I look her over and nod to indicate she is to proceed. I stand in for the teacher, playing the role of both the Horse and her Teacher in this position. Why she does not know, may never know or understand this. Just as this is something she can not apply to a Horse she may choose to ride in the future. It is just convenient for me; since I can not be in two places at once, and I do not require a second person to be in the room right now.

Just as a Horse does not wear a collar like your Dog; neither does a Pony, and thus neither do I. I require a halter, with a bit to go into my mouth; just as you expect to use, for your Horse.

The halter she is to use, for my benefit is hanging before me; just waiting for her to find it, so she can help me putting it onto my face. I am looking meaningfully at the halter before me, indicating for her to pick it up.

After a moment, she seems to be picking up on what I am trying to tell her; as she is following my gaze, even if she does not grasp what I am telling her.

Just as her eyes falls upon my halter, she giggles; as it is dawning upon her, what I had tried to tell her all along.

”You want me, to put this halter onto you?” she inquires.

”Halter, yes..” I respond, snickering, “Please, put it on!” I then continue.

”Your halter?” she inquires; “You ask me to put it on you?” she concludes, even if she had not made out the words.

Well, what had I been expecting, of course she does not have a sufficient grasp of Ponish. However, she seems to grasp, what I am trying to tell her.

”Yes, my halter..” I respond, inadvertently giving her an extra lesson in Ponies while I am at it; “I need you, to put it on before you can proceed!” I conclude, nodding at her.

She is very eager, for me to ride her..” she considers; “Such a clever Pony!” she puts forth, almost as if she had pictured me to understand what she is saying.

Well, why not? You can teach a Dog vocal commands. I can't accept being less than a dog.

Once she accepts what I am instructing me, she is reaching for the halter before me; slowly moving it towards my muzzle, as she is about to put it onto my muzzle. I slowly open my mouth, parting my lips just enough to take the bit in between my lips; before I bite down, to hold the bit into place.

I can feel the strap sliding behind my head, before she is tightening up in the process of securing my halter onto my head. Once she secured the strap behind my head, she is tightening up the straps over and under my muzzle respectively. Once these are on, the halter is tight and secure onto me.

I just snicker. I had felt the warmth in her hand as she was caressing my body and neck, just as I am feeling it as she is putting the halter onto me.

It is hard to open my mouth, with the bit in and the halter tight around my muzzle..” I ponder; “but I can still part my lips, enough to speak..” I continue; “I can still give her the instructions she needs!” I conclude.

Not that she is understanding what I am saying, yet; but I can give her the guidance, she needs.

I am looking directly at the leach, intended to be strapped onto my halter; neighing, and nodding to indicate for her to connect it onto my halter before she can lead me out of the stall in which I am currently standing with her by my side.

”Oh..” she just giggles, as she is picking up on what I try to tell her.

Of course, she had memorized the instructions; understanding the core, of what she is supposed to do. These instructions are easy, made easy to make sure she will do it right the first time; the finer nuances can be explained, at a later time when she has learned the first step.

This will be enough, for her to take me out of my stall safely; even if she only has a rudimentary understanding, of what she is doing and why.

Keep it simple, stupid; no point in making it complicated, it will only lead to mistakes to be made and injuries sustained. Nothing to gain from it. Who loves to be ridiculed, to make to look silly or stupid. None, that's who.

All she can hear from me, is neighs, whinnies and snickers; but somehow it comes in increasingly more familiar packages, almost on the point of recognition. Of course, she only had her first class in Ponish; since this is her first day here.

She is learning. Picking up bits and pieces, learning to recognize a spoken language out of the rough.

While she is enjoying herself, she is finding herself highly motivated; thus learning far quicker and much easier than the case would otherwise had been.

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