> Queen Chrysalis' Pony School, For Little Girls > by Kentavritsa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chrysalis, Queen and CEO > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . I am the Djinnie; Fulfilling your dreams, it's what I do. Now, be grateful for my gift? Just don't bother me, with any of the details. You couldn't comprehend? It's simple, I made the wish my own, you're just the Pawn! I am the Demon; the Destroyer of worlds. This is what I do, complaints only feed my fancy! Are these diametrical opposites, you say? As we're one and all the same, the sides of the same coin! I am; therefore, you suffer. Isn't that safe convenience? I am the Muse; Creator of all your dreams. Moaning about your Nightmare? I haven't even started with you yet! Should I go on? As I said, I haven't even started yet. Isn't that the beauty of the tale. Considering, you just grew a tail? < --- --- --- > > Prologue: 00 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . I had been enjoying a solid success, establishing the hotel. Should I have been expecting anything less? Of course, I would like to think it had been well earned; even if I know Twilight had given me a prime location, with the support of all her friends too. I had put in hard work. Not just in producing the initial, and extended workforce required to establish and maintain the business; but in managing the workforce and implementing the ideas I had been given. Management, is hard work; both the business itself and the workforce requires my presence. However, once the workforce is in place; knowing their place, they perform most of the work required to maintain my business. I do not mind. My staff is performing admirably, I'd have to admit. They greet and treat all the customers and guests; pleasing each and everyone, well beyond expectations of course. It is all, in the tipping system implemented. Since I accept anyone and everyone to book a suite, at my hotel; I get guests of all ages, including children and elderly. With a strict dress-code being enforced, I have not encountered any issues or complaints to this effect as of yet. I intend to keep it this way, of course. My Changelings are more than capable, to maintain order. In the interest, of my business; I am establishing a school for the children, and in particularly the girls. Girls are such delightful creatures, at least; in my opinion, they are. Maybe, I am biased; based on previous experiences? If so, so be it. I can do nothing about the past; I have no means, to affect, or change it. Should I have? Either way, I am here to stay. I am now the proud Owner and CEO of the Royal Twilight Inn Hotel. I intend to make it just as successful as is possible. I am eager, to build up this hotel. To make it into an Empire, I can be proud of. Just as I was fiercely building up my former hive, back in Equestria; I am building up this hotel, with the help of the Changelings under me. Though I guess they largely are over me; on the account of my position in the lowest of the sub-levels. I produce the eggs, that will hatch and be tended to by workers; tending to and nursing each of them into productive workers. This far, I am well fed and tended to; able to maintain my workforce, in prime condition. To the best of my information and understanding; they are quite content, happy with the work they are performing. Just as I live and work underground, they live under the surface of the city above us; while they work above ground, in order to serve and please the customers and guests to the best of their abilities. In serving the guests, they are fed. . I am Rarity, for all intents and purposes; I am maintaining the fabulous standards of the hotel, just as the Pony the name belongs to would demand out of me. I live up to her standards, as best I can; earning the name, in the process. Now, at the school; I am dressing up all the students, the girls attending to the school about to open. I am proud, of the honour; to take the role at the school, to help each of these girls to become the best Ponies they could possibly be. My job, here at the school; is to guide the girls, into the line of fabulous fashion. Just as Rarity would be demanding out of herself; thus me in extension. Both the Pony and the Human; both the Mare and the Woman; known as Rarity, she is the Patron Saint of Fashion and making oneself presentable in fabulous fashion. I could do nothing less. Just like Rarity, my skin is an unblemished, pristine white. I have blue eyes. My hooves are electric metallic blue; as are my inch-long, semi-square finger-nails. How could I do anything less? While I had been hatched, as a Changeling, I grew up to become an Anthropomorphic Pony in body and mind. It is, who I am; who I had been been groomed into and what my education has taught me. As Rarity, I will be presenting all the girls under my care with the options provided and the garments that will be their uniform, during the time of their education. I am Rarity, and proud of who I am; understanding, not everyone is me. I guide them, to choose their appearance as best I can; with the equipment provided, so they can be proud of who they are growing up to be. I will bring them style and finesse; bringing fabulous women to the fore, no brutish ruffians or unsophisticated brats will graduate under me. Rest assured, I will not stand for it. . I am Aloe, I work in tandem with my sister Lotus. With the Assistance of Sparkler; we make everyone feel relaxed, so they can be on their toes; performing their best, in every situation. Manicure, Pedicure, hooficure; massage and make-up are means at my disposal. When you can smile at the world, because you have a face you can proudly present; it is always easier, to present yourself at your very best. Hands, feet or hooves deserve the same treatment. At least, to me; they do. If you are tense, or on edge; pain is sure to follow, and you are slipping out of the game. We can not have that, not as long as I can prevent it. I am the one you ask for, when you feel the need; if you feel stress, or just need a touching up. I make absolutely certain, you can step out and do your best; looking your best, so you can be as proud of your looks as your work. . My name is Cheerilee, and I am your teacher. I am here, to see you learn everything you need to know; so that you can thrive and blossom, as you grow up. This is my life's dream, my life's goal; to see you become the best you can be, by providing you with the building-blocks. I teach the basic subjects like English, Ponish, Mathematics and so on. I will be here, for you; each and every day, helping and guiding you as you grow and develop. Keeping the classroom quiet and orderly, offering you rest and keeping the yard safe for you to play. To see little girls, or fillies play and have fun; as well as learn what they need for life, is my pride and joy. It is who I am, the mare I became; raised and groomed to be the perfect teacher. I am looking forwards, to the day you graduate; so you can leave room for the next class, ready to take your place in society. I will leave you to the next teacher with joy; once I can sign of on your success. Sorry, if I did not ask for an Apple; but your Love will do just fine, when you enjoy my class and learn all you need to thrive in your life to come. What more could a Mare and Teacher ask for, than to see her students, charges and girls grow up into the Mares and Women they were meant to be. . I am Pinkamena Diane Pie, known as Pinkie Pie; but just call me Pinkie, all my friends do. Your joy is what I live for. I am here, to welcome you to this school; to celebrate your every success and make sure you are happy no matter what. Just do not break a promise, or I will be haunting you worse than the meanest Ghost you can ever hear of. I am planning your every party, throwing parties left and right; all to see you smile and cheer. Is it too much to ask for? Or, am I putting too much effort into it? Though, it is not as if throwing parties is all I do or think of; I bake cookies cakes and every confectionery you can dream up. I was known as an Earth Pony, back in Ponyville where I came from. But, why should that hold me down? When you get to know me, you will learn that I am so much more. If you need a friend, or someone to cheer you up; you will find me there. Rest assured. Baking, partying, flying, pranking and everything in between; I could do it, just to see you smile. Hay, I even turned Twilight Sparkle into a Rapidash. Oh, but I guess that was a Doozy. . I am Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship and a young Alicorn. If you need one more friend, I am here. When you need a book, or help with your studies, I am waiting for you. I may not be much of a flyer, but I know my Magic like nothing else. When you need me, I live in the library; on the second floor, just behind the door with a star. Now I just hope, you are not afraid of Dragons; because my Assistant is one, and he is mighty helpful. On that note; you can always ask Starlight Glimmer, about complex and complicated spell-work. . I am Rainbow Dash, the fastest Pony to ever live. I am the athlete to look up to, the musician to drool over on stage and the friend you know never lets you down. Well, I guess Pinkie Pie is still faster than me; but she does not follow the rules and refuses to let anything hold you down, even something as trivial as Gravity or such silliness. She even filled Twilight's Royal kitchen with baked goods; erm, baked bads. I performed the Rainboom, play the guitar and most recently joined the Wonder-Bolts. Of course, I am the captain of every team on campus at Canterlot High. D'uh, but you already knew that. Or, you should have known. Well, now I am here to teach you everything about sports and athletics, music and guitar-playing, aside from loyalty and how important it is to stand up for your friends and hold up your word. . Sorry, she is too shy to appear on stage. However, she is great with animals and critters all around. She does live with a bunny named Angel. Maybe this bunny should have been more aptly named Daemon instead? He can be very mean and demanding. In another instance, he got known as Doom Bunny. Beware the white Bunny named Angel. Take caution. Only Pinkie Pie is more dangerous, do by no means piss her off; she will give you all the time in the world to regret it. Don't fear or threat, not even death is keeping you safe here. Slipping past a poor Cerberus is no challenge to her. Just a heads up, so you know. < --- --- --- > > First Class: 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . I had been signed up for class, in the new boarding school linked to the hotel. As a young girl, age five, I am welcome to sign up and I had accepted. Well, why not? A white girl clad in a green uniform is guiding me to my new room or suite. "Clip, clop; clip, clop; clip, clop.." is heard, as she is trotting along the hall beside me on our way to the door to my new home. "She is a bit peculiar.." I ponder; "Not just that she is looking exactly like the rest of the staff; but she has hooves, aside from that Animesque coiffure!" I continue. As we reach the door, she is lifting up her right hand demonstratively; "this, is how you open the door to your room." she explains; as she is extending the palm of her hand onto the hexagonal plaque by the door; spreading her fingers wide in order to open the door. "Right this way, please.." she exclaims, as she is stepping into the room just as the door is sliding up. She is extending her left hand, indicating for me to follow her into the room and I follow; only for the door to quietly slide shut behind me. The floor is laid with white oak parquet, while the walls are laid with Linden wood, covered with a four foot tall picket-fence of pink Cherry. The ceiling is coated with mate, black Silicon; holding the LED Pin-Prick star skape into place, in order to illuminate the room. Before me, I have the shoe-rack; aside from a jacket-hanger and a hat-rack above the shoe-rack. On the left, I have the doors to the Girl's room and the shower respectively; while I have the door to my living room on the right. Since she clearly is bare hoofed, she stops before the shoe-rack, indicating for me to take my outdoors clothes off, waiting for me, patiently. I slip my shoes off of my feet, placing them onto the shoe-rack; my shoe-rack, before I continue. I unzip my jacket, before I am hanging it up over my shoes; leaving the outdoors clothes in the cloaking-room, looking back at Rarity. The Rarity. "Now, step up to the door; show me, you can open the door by yourself.." she suggests. Oh, okay.." I respond, as I am stepping up to the door quietly and stop a foot from the door. I am lifting up my right hand and extend the palm onto the plaque, spreading my fingers as wide as possible in order to open the door; the door slides up before me and I step into my new living-room with Rarity in tow, only for the door to close quietly behind her as she had cleared the threshold. "Good, good.." she offers; "at least, you can open the door without help!" she points out, as I am scanning the room. "Yes, Rarity.." I respond; "I can open the door by myself.." I continue; "would have been very embarrassing, if I couldn't?" I finally inquire. "Since this is your home, at the school; you will be able to open the door, right along with every door you are permitted to open.." she explains; "if you are granted access, to the room behind the door; you will be able to open the door, all by yourself!" she points out. "So if I can open the door, I know I am supposed to be there?" I inquire. "Yes, exactly.." she merely responds, with a courteous nod, snickering. "And this, is all mine?" I inquire, as I examine the room I had just stepped into. The floor, the walls and the ceiling identical to the once in my cloaking room. Though I have a three seated cinematic sofa on my right, leaning up against the wall; with a full-size LED screen covering the entire wall, opposing the screen. There is a table before my sofa, stainless steel and chromed to perfection, aside from the sapphire-glass table-top polished to perfect sheen. The wall behind me is clad or decorated with a book-case, separated in two foot wide sections. For now, they are empty and barren; no doors in wood or glass either. Though I had noticed, how the ceiling of each bookshelf has an inbuilt lighting. Before me, is the door to the balcony outside. I have indeed an entire balcony of my own, something I had never had; we had in fact never had a balcony, in my home before. Behind the sofa, there is one final door; leading into my bed room. I step up to the door and lift up my right hand; extending the palm of the hand onto the hexagonal plaque and spread my fingers out over the glossy and black rubbery surface in order to open the door to my bed-room. I step into the room with Rarity in tow, the door quietly slides shut behind her just as she had cleared the threshold. Naturally, the decoration of this room is the same as the previous rooms of my new suite, just as the entire suite. The white oak-wood floor, the linden-wood covered with the four foot tall pink cherry-wood picket-fence. I have the same mate black Silicone coating the ceiling to hold the LED pin-prick night-sky lighting the room. My bed, already made; glossy black Silicone-sheet and Pi inch thick, crystal-clear Silicone quilt. The quilt has a border on the upper end; a cerise six-cornered star over an identical white star, accompanied by six diminutives stars in a decorative pattern. Of course, two such marks had been spread out on the right and left of the one in the middle in identical spacing. I have a squishy, crystal-clear Silicone pillow on the head end of my bed. By the side of my bed, I even have a night-stand. On the foot end of the room; I find two pairs of twin-doors, to what is to be my wardrobes. The right, for nighttime and the left, for daytime suits or ensembles. "Since it is your first day; I will need you to change into your ensemble, but I am afraid you will have to slip out of your old clothes first.." she points out. "Oh, okay.." I respond; "the right, or left wardrobe?" I inquire; as I am walking up to my wardrobe, behind the bed. "Your nighttime clothes are in the right wardrobe!" she points out; which is where you leave the clothes you are currently wearing, too!" she explains. "Thank you, Rarity!" I respond, as I open the door to my right wardrobe. "They are all red.." I exclaim; "metallic bloody red" I continue. "Everyone wears red, in bed.." she explains; "and since you will be alone in bed, none will be the wiser; even if they can guess, based on what they themselves are wearing.." she continues. She is stepping up to my wardrobe, on the right; "clip, clop; clip, clop.." is heard, as she is walking over the floor; before she is stopping before the door beside me. She is taking a step to the left and I am opening the door to the indicated wardrobe; scanning its content, finding the ensemble I had been intended to wear. A pair of panties, a top, a pair of stockings and finally a pair of gloves. All in the same metallic bloody red, glistering in the light in my wardrobe. Oh.." I mouth; noticing the mirror covering the entire wall in the back of my wardrobe, both in the back and to the right and left. Including the floor and ceiling, apparently. She is standing beside me, smiling, "these, are your clothes; what you will be wearing in bed, all night!" she is explaining. "Uhm, is everyone wearing these?" I inquire, indicating the suit before me, with an extended right hand. "Yes, everyone is wearing these.." she explains; "consider it a pajamas uniform, of sorts if you will.." she continues; but, it is surprisingly comfortable to wear; once you have slipped into it.." she concludes. With that, I am pulling my shirt up over my head, depositing it onto the floor of the wardrobe; just as she had told me. Next thing, I am slipping my hands in between the skirt and my hips and slip the skirt down; watching it fall; before I kick it up to catch it and drop it onto my shirt. "They told me; not to wear anything too fancy, even if I had to wear something as I go.." I ponder, giggling at the thought. I had not even touched the suit, I am expected to wear; but somehow, it is already exciting me just to look at it. I could not help myself, as I start to feel excited and sport a slight blush. She barely even glance at my white cotton panties or the lack of anything under my shirt. Of course; she is a woman who has already seen everything, and I am far too young to pique her interest at any rate. Had she been interested, I would have screamed; then I would have run, in the hopes I had a shadow of the chance to escape. As it turns out, she does not even raise an eyebrow. Of course, I have nothing to hide under a bra or brassiere; I am not old enough, to even show a sign of that for years. At least; that is, what I think. I lift up my right foot, pulling the white cotton stocking off of the foot and leave it onto the pile of my clothes; before I put the foot down onto the floor and lift my left foot up, only to pull the sock off of the foot and leave it onto the pile. Now, I am slipping my panties off of me; picking them up from the floor, only to leave them onto the pile. I am nude, as I am looking back at the ensemble I had been promised. I extend my right hand, grasping for the metallic bloody red panties before me. The glossy panties feel slippery and smooth; made out of Silicone as they are. Out of options, I grasp the proffered garment; lift my foot up and step into the panties before me, putting the right foot down only to lift up my left foot and step into the garment. Now I pull the smooth material up my legs and afford the garment a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. The liquid elasticity leaves the panties to look as if they had been painted onto me. I feel a slight hint of pressure; just enough, for me to know I am in fact wearing the panties. "Rarity" the label reads; "Tail Panties" the subtitle reads; "B Cup" the second subtitle reads. I pick up the top, slipping it down over my head; affording it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. The top eagerly slip into place, leaving my still flat chest covered. "Phew, that feels better!" I exclaim. "Rarity" the title reads; "Flat" the subtitle reads; "A Cup" the second subtitle reads. "Yes, much better.." she agrees; "a girl needs to cover herself, at all times.." she continues. "In the girl's room, and in the shower too?" I inquire. "Technically, neither of these places.." she confesses; "but if you have to go, you have to go; now you are prepared, you don't need to worry about that now!" she continues. "I guess I could save the shower, for tomorrow?" I inquire; "besides, I do not have to go right now!" I continue. "However, you may continue, I am sure you will enjoy to slip into the stockings and gloves too.." she explains; "even if you don't need to wear either; if not for the fact, that they are part of your uniform!" she explains. "Full-Length Toe-Stockings" the label reads; "Ballerina - Size 33" the subtitle reads; "Diminutive Hooves" the second subtitle reads. "Wait, Ballerina?" I breathe. "Lends you a graceful posture.." she explains; "you do want to be pretty and cute?" she inquires. "I am five.." I respond; "but still.." I continue. "You will be five, only for a few more months.." she suggests. "Agreed." I respond; "I guess.." I continue. I lift up my right foot as I am picking the corresponding stocking, slipping my foot into the stocking and pull the stocking up my leg; only to afford the stocking a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. I put my foot firmly onto the floor and lift up my left foot, as I am picking the second stocking; slipping the foot into the stocking and pull it up my leg; affording the stocking a few tentative tugs as I set my foot down onto the floor. As I look down, I can see my toes, feet and legs as clearly as if I had worn nothing; each detail clear and distinct, or even more well defined than they had been before I had slipped the stockings on. However, I feel a slight hint of the pressure the stockings are asserting onto my skin. "Full-length, toe-stockings?" I mouth. "Made to measure, based on the initial scan!" Rarity explains. "Looks, as if they had been painted onto my legs.." I suggest. "Looks good, though; wouldn't you agree, yes?" she inquires; "my very own, complimentary design; ensuring that every female can look her best, proudly showing herself in public!" she explains. "Are, are, are you saying; you designed these stockings, to enhance my appearance?" I inquire, with an initial stutter. "You are a girl, about to grow up to become a beautiful woman in a few years; you need to feel confident to go out, before you get used to hide in your own, private closet!" she points out. I tentatively place my right hand on my hip; "While it is considerably smoother than I am used to, it still feels as if it is me.." I concede. "That is the point, Darling; I don't want you to feel, as if it is not you I am looking at.." she pushes forth. "Well; that would have been creepy, if I had felt as if it had not been me!" I respond, with a nervous giggle. "Even if I had not been a Woman or Mare; I do not Objectify, I just enhance what is already there to make you into the best you there is!" she explains. "Ah; thank you, Rarity!" I respond, now stealing a fresh glance into my wardrobe. "If I am in need of an object, showcasing my wears; I would have acquired a Ponequine or Manequine, to serve the purpose.." she prompts; I don't use a Woman or Mare, in this way!" she continues, lecturing me. "That is, what a Manequine and Ponequine is for; to mindlessly showcase?" I inquire. "It is a decorative piece, I place in the window or in the boutique; in order for customers to see, what I have to offer.." she suggests; "then you can see the wears, at all times; without worrying, to offend the model showing the wears!" she proclaims. The Manequine, Ponequine; the Doll or Dummy has no modesty to protect, in order to be embarrassed.." she explains; "they are merely plastic, in the form of the body they are supposed to represent; in order to showcase wears, one wants to show for sales!" she continues. I am extending my right hand, extracting the right glove; before I am slipping the hand into the glove, only to afford the glove a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. Once the glove is on, comfortably; I repeat the process, of slipping the left glove on. "There.." I exclaim, with the entire ensemble on. What I am wearing, is like a complete cat-suit; just missing a hand's width of midriff, but covers both hands and feet. "Perfect, now you are ready; but you would put the skirt and top on, before you leave the room!" she points out. I scan the wardrobe, for the garments she had just mentioned; only to find the wardrobe empty, short of the pile of clothes I had dumped on the floor a few minutes before. "These are in the left wardrobe.." she points out; "since these are considered daytime wears.." she continues; "but none would raise an eyebrow, if you were to wear these in bed too!" she concludes. "I doubt, I would like to wear them in bed; but I will reserve the judgment, until I have tried them on!" I respond. With that, I take a step to the side, as I am closing the wardrobe; opening the other wardrobe, in order to see what I have to work with. What I have to wear. "Sapphire blue?" I inquire, as I can see what I have in the wardrobe. "Of course.." she responds, as she is extracting the knee-long pencil-skirt; this deep Sapphire blue should be just right!" she explains, handing me the daytime garment. "The same material.." I ponder, as I am accepting the proffered skirt. I step into my skirt, pulling it up over my hips; affording it a few tentative tugs: once twice and thrice. "Feels tight, but so long as I can walk; while wearing this, I will be fine!" I declare. "It is tight, but should go well with your feminine figure.." she offers. She is extracting my blouse-top, handing it to me; I am accepting it, as she is helping me to put it on and button it all the way up. "The jewel-neckline should be just right.." she points out. "It is tight, but is not feeling restrictive; so I guess, I can get used to this!" I respond. With that, she is closing the wardrobe; turning her attention towards me, as she indicates for us to step out of the bed room. On the way, she is indicating the night stand; "You have a book in there, explaining everything; just in case, if and when you need to know!" she points out, on her way towards the door. I am lifting up my right hand and extends the palm of the hand gently onto the plaque, spreading my fingers wide in order to open the door; stepping out with Rarity in tow as the door slides up, only for the door to quietly slide shut just as Rarity had cleared the threshold. "Have a seat.." she offers, indicating for me to take the central seat on my sofa. "Oh, okay.." I respond, as I step over to the seat and plop down. "While I am here, I could as well explain a few items.." she offers; just pull up the pad over the right armrest.." she continues. "Sparkle Cola." I exclaim, as I find the bottles of Sparkle Cola in the fridge. "It was indicated, that you would be enjoying this cooled beverage.." she offers; "but if you prefer another, or just want to try the options.." she continues; "You can opt in whichever beverage you prefer, from the available options!" she explains. "I assume, I am free to drink as much as I like; while I am here, on my room?" I inquire, extracting one bottle of Sparkle Cola. "But of course, Darling!" she coos. "Furthermore; every meal are free, in any of the available restaurants!" she points out. "Oh.." I mouth. Now I uncap the bottle, lifting it up to my mouth; before I lean back, taking a leisurely sip and enjoy the beverage. "Aah!" I exclaim. "I thought, you would enjoy this taste.." she agrees. "Yes, I love the Sparkle Cola; every time, I have the chance to have it.." I concede. . I step into my bed room, folding up the quilt; before I sit down onto my bed and slip my feet in under the quilt, lying down and slip my head down onto my pillow. I close my eyes, as I lay my head onto the pillow; soon falling asleep, enjoying a restful slumber for a full eight hours. A full night's sleep is doing me a world of good; including the promised changes, the ensemble had offered me. The room is dark, so I can't see anything; everything feels right, this far. I slip my right hand up, out from under the quilt; folding the quilt up against the wall, as I lift my hand up before my eyes. Curiously enough, the light starts growing brighter, slowly and just enough for me to see my hand before me. Aside from being red, my hand looks as it had the day before. Of course, short of the hand's breath of midriff; I am metallic bloody red, from the neck down. Smooth and slippery, but it felt good, and I have been sleeping all night. I slip my feet out, from under the quilt, finding myself sitting up on top of my bed; before I push myself forwards to slip out of bed, finding myself standing comfortably on my own two feet before the bed. I turn around, folding the quilt down after myself; leaving the bed, fresh as if I had never touched it. "I should probably just change into the day-wear?" I ponder; "as comfortable as the nightwear was.." I continue, stepping over to the wardrobe. As I open the door to the right, the floor is empty and void; while I can see a new ensemble hanging there, waiting for me to try them on. I slip the gloves off of me, right and left; leaving them onto the floor of my nighttime wardrobe. Now I continue, slipping the stocking off of me; right and left respectively. Only to leave them on the pile on the floor. It is, how Rarity had explained I should do. The Maid knows to take the ensemble to be washed and cleaned, for me to use tomorrow. At least, this is what I recall of how Rarity had explained it. Inserting the word Darling, a few times of course. I slip my panties of, sliding it down; before I am picking it up, in order to leave it onto the pile. "Almost there, almost there.." I ponder, giggling to myself. I pull the top up over my head, before I leave it onto the pile. Now I close the wardrobe, stark naked; turning my back on the wardrobe, as I am walking over to the wardrobe to the left. I open the door, scanning the wardrobe's content. "Why does it look, as if these panties had been crafted out of Vinyl?" I ponder, as I am extracting the preferred garment. I step into my panties, only to find them just as slippery and fluidly elastic as the once I had just stepped out of. I pull them all the way up, feeling the material grace my mound; before I afford them a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. "Oups; why does my mound feel slightly larger, than it was yesterday?" I ponder, before forgetting it. As I am looking down, I notice my bare feet; just that my toes had changed, in order to accommodate for my nails changed into diminutive hooves. Equine hooves, such as one is expecting to see on a Pony. "Curious.." I ponder, filing it away for later. After a moment of contemplation, I move on to extract the matching to in a glistering black; pulling it down over my head, only to afford it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. "Rarity will want me, to put the stockings and gloves on; but I am sure, these could wait until I go out to have my breakfast.." I ponder. "I still have time enough, to slip on the skirt and blouse; before I go out, to have a Sparkle Cola!" I conclude, as I am extracting the knee-long pencil-skirt. Of course, it is the same black and glossy finish as the garments I had already slipped into. What had I been expecting. I afford the skirt a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice; just as I had stepped into it and pulled it all the way up, to my waist. Now I extract the blouse-top, slipping my right and left arms in; buttoning it from the first to the last button just under the jewel-line neck. "There, should be just fine, for now!" I pronounce, as I turn around, closing the wardrobe; before I walk over to the door to my living room. I lift up my right hand and extend the palm of my hand gently onto the plaque, spreading my fingers wide in order to open the door; stepping out into my living room, only for the door to quietly slide shut as I had cleared the threshold. I walk over to the sofa, plopping down into the preferred seat; opening the fridge and extract the Sparkle Cola, closing the fridge after myself. Now I uncap the bottle and take a sip, enjoying the fizzy beverage in quiet solitude. < --- --- --- > > A New Day - A New Class: 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Just as I am about to swallow the last of my cola, the door to my living room is sliding up. No, this is not Rarity; but Aloe, whom I guess I should have been prepared for. I cap the now empty bottle, before I am placing it into the cup holder and lean back, relaxing. "Greetings, Miss; I am Aloe, I am here for your first appointment!" she exclaims, just as I put the now empty bottle away. "Greetings, Aloe.." I respond. "Since you are relaxed, just lean back and place your hands, on the table so we can start your lesson, while I handle your treat!" she explains. "Yes, I do relax right now; thank you, Aloe!" I respond; as I am placing my hands, on the table before me. "Just spread your fingers, so I can get started!" she offers. "Oh, okay.." I respond, as I am spreading my fingers. "This is easy, but I guess it is good to start up slow!" I ponder, as I am watching her work. "Since you are fresh out of bed and your night wears, this should be pure fun.." she explains, as she is lining up a set of hoof-gel vials. "Yes, I just changed into my day Uniform, short of the gloves and stockings!" I respond. She is producing a comfortable cushion, plopping down before me; prepared to perform, for me. "Aloe" the Label reads; "Hoof-Primer Gel" the subtitle reads; "Level Four" the second subtitle reads. As I am watching, she is uncapping the first vial; applying the gel to each of my nails, or hooves. From the center, starting at the root of the nail; she draws the brush all the way down over the tip, before she starts over: right and left, right and left. Covering and coating the nail of my thumb. Once she had applied the thick gel onto the nail of my thumb; she continues and repeats the process nail by nail: index, fore, ring and pinkie finger in turn. I can clearly see each nail growing shinier, as she is applying the gel. Only then the gel sinks in and cures the nail; before leaving a fairly mate surface. While perfectly mate; it is smooth as if polished; hardening into a proper, yet diminutive hoof. Once she had finished the nails of my right hand, she is repeating the process of applying the gel to each of my fingers of my left hand in turn. Only to cap the vial. Once she had slipped the first vial aside, she is picking the next vial; uncapping it and pulling the brush out. "Aloe" the Label reads; "Hoof-Primer Gel" the subtitle reads; "Level One" the second subtitle reads. She is repeating the process, outwardly leaving much the same appearance; only this time, the effect is to prime my nails for the lacquer or hoof-gel polish. Once she is done, applying the gel to each of my hooves, she is putting the second vial back into place; before she is picking the third vial, uncapping it in preparation. "Aloe" the Label reads; "Base Coat Gel" the subtitle reads; "Base Gel-Bond" the second subtitle reads. With the third vial selected and uncapped, she starts to apply the gel onto the nail of my thumb; repeating the process nail by nail until each and every one of my fingernails had been polished. This time, the gloss is not fading away completely; leaving each of the diminutive hooves with a hint of a polished gloss, even after they had all been cured. She is selecting the fourth vial, uncapping it before me; pulling the brush out of the vial, in the process of preparing for the next coat. "Aloe" the Label reads; "Thick Hoof Gel" the subtitle reads; "Clear Sapphire Gel-Lacquer" the second subtitle reads. Before my very eyes, she is applying the thick gel onto each of my diminutive hooves; coating each and every one, in turn. As she is done, she had applied a millimeter and a half; adding to the thickness of my hooves, thus making them harder and more durable than they could have been otherwise. Of course, the gel will add a measure of gloss to the surface of each of the hooves, as a side-effect in turn. Once she had coated each of my nails, ultraviolet light at the specified frequency is hitting the surface of each of my hooves for the stipulated time; thus curing the gel into the hardness of Sapphire, in the process. "Ooh, ooh; ooh, ooh; ooh, ooh!!" I exclaim, as I see the effect of her fine work. "Beautiful, isn't it?" she inquires, as she notices my reaction. "Yes, it certainly is.." I respond; "Thank you, Aloe!" I add, complimenting her on her efforts. "You are quite welcome, Miss!" she responds, winking. She is producing a three by two foot mat: crystal-clear, squishy and half an inch thick; putting it onto the table before me, rolling it out onto the table. Place your feet on the squishy towel.." she instructs me, and I comply; "placing your feet directly onto a table or table top would have been a breach of protocol; but in this case it is recommended, on the basis of making my work easier and more comfortable!" she explains. I lean back, up against the sofa; lifting the pad and extract a bottle of cola, before I slip the pad back down. "Her squishy towel is surprisingly comfortable, to rest my feet upon.." I ponder, as I realize just how relaxing it is to place my bare feet upon the mat she had provided for the purpose. I open the fridge, extracting another bottle of Sparkle Cola; before I close the fridge and uncap the bottle, while she is working. I had seen the process once, so I am not focusing on seeing it again. Though I guess, I could spare a glance at my feet; in order to see the result, once she is done. For some reason, I can't quite pick up any scent from the gels she is using; but I guess, that is just fine by me. Since the brush is so soft, I had not even felt it the first time; I am not exactly expecting, to feel it now. While she is working, on my pedicure; I am focusing on the bottle of cola in my hand, as I am leaning back. Just opening my eyes, to see the bottle on and off. While I had seen the hooves, once; as I had just woken up, before I had stepped out of my bed earlier. Only now, these hooves had been polished; smooth and glistering in the light of the room, as I am glancing at them as I am drinking. Smooth and glossy, the equine Pony hooves are beautiful; not the flat nails I had been expecting the other day, but rounded into curves. I hear Aloe, as she is working; but since I am focusing on the cola in my hand, I barely notice when she is done. This is comfortable. Once she is done, with her work; she stands up, packing her equipment for the next girl she is about to see. She is waiting, until I cap the bottle and place it in the cup holder; before she is speaking up, announcing that she is done. "Okay, Miss; I am done here for the day, so you can put your gloves and stockings on now!" she points out, before she walks over to the door out of my living room. "Clip, clop; clip, clop.." is heard, as she is walking over the floor. She is lifting up her right hand and extends the palm of the hand onto the plaque, spreading her fingers wide in order to open the door; before she is stepping out of the room and out of sight, only for the door to quietly slide shut behind her as she had cleared the threshold. "I guess it is time, for me to change into the rest of my uniform.." I ponder, as I raise to my feet. < --- --- --- > > Third Class: 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Just as I am raising to my feet, the door is sliding up; Rarity is stepping into the room and the door quietly slides shut, while she walks up to me. "Greetings, Miss!" she exclaims. "Greetings, Rarity!" I respond. "If you don't mind, going back to your bed room; so I can help you, preparing for the new day." she coos. "Okay, Rarity!" I respond, as I am following her over to the door to my bed room. "Clip, clop; clip, clop.." is heard; as she is trotting a step before me, on her way to the door. She is lifting up her right hand and extend the palm of the hand elegantly onto the plaque, spreading her fingers wide in order to open the door; stepping into my bed room with me in tow, only for the door to quietly slide shut behind me as I had cleared the threshold. "While it is a beautiful blouse-top and pencil-skirt you put on, in the honour of Miss Aloe; I fear I will have to ask you to take them off for me, before I can perform for your current class!" Rarity explains. I unbutton my blouse, without a word; before I am pulling it down and hang it up. Then I slip the skirt down, feeling it slide down my legs; before I am picking it up, leaving it on my bed. "There.." I respond. "While it is true, you could put the stockings on; before or after, but you could as well have it done now.." she points out. "If it does not make a difference, I guess I still prefer to try them on first, before we continue.." I respond. With that, she is walking up to my wardrobe, opening the twin-doors; before she is extracting a pair of light pink, skin-tone toe-stockings for me. "At this stage, since it is your first year; your daytime stockings are skin-tone in your light pink hue!" she explains, as she is handing me the right stocking. "Thank you, Rarity!" I respond, as I am accepting the full-length stocking. "You are quite welcome, dear Miss.." she responds, indicating for me to slip into the daytime stocking. I am accepting the proffered garment, naturally; it is after all part, of my uniform. Now, I am lifting up my right foot and slip it into the stocking; pulling the stocking up my leg and place my foot onto the floor, as I am feeling my toes eagerly sliding into position; only to afford the garment a few tentative tugs in order to acquire the ever so elusive perfect fit: once, twice and thrice. Just as the stocking is making contact with my black panties, I am repeating the process; soon finding myself standing comfortably on my own too feet. "Oh, oh.." I mouth; "Comfortable?" she inquires; "Most certainly.." I conclude. "No label, on these stockings?" I ponder; "but I am fairly sure, these are all of Rarity's very own design!" I ponder. While I am standing still, contemplating; Rarity is extracting my gloves, for the day. Once she has my attention; she is offering me the glove for my right hand and I am accepting. Not as if I had a choice, if I want to be in class, but still. I had accepted it. Full-length gloves, just like the once I had worn all night, but the daytime variety. I am slipping my right hand into the glove and pull it all the way up; only to afford it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. Once I am satisfied with the fit of my right glove, I am repeating the process; slipping my left hand into the second glove, making sure I have the fit just right. "Why do the gloves and stockings make me feel more exposed; than I had felt, before I slipped them on?" I inquire. "Oh, these are making you feel nude?" she inquires. "Yes, I guess you could say that." I respond, giggling. "On the account: on them being both skin-tight, and skin-tone?" she inquires. "Well, I guess that would make sense?" I inquire. "Sounds reasonable enough, when these are intended to give the impression of being your natural skin.." she concedes; "However, now it is time for you to place yourself on the bed; lying on your belly, for me to help you with the next step.." she continues. "Oh.." I respond; "oh, oh.." I mouth, as I slip onto the bed, lying on my belly. "I hope you are relaxed.." she offers, as she steps up to the side of the bed; leaning over, extending her right hand. "Yes.." I respond, without a single thought. With that, she is extending four fingers; placing the tips of her fingers between my toes, gently drawing the hand all the way up over the soul of my right foot. I feel the muscles of the foot relaxing; as my foot slowly stretches out, in order to acquire the intended pose for the desired posture. Of course, she is repeating the process; placing the tips of her fingers between the toes, of my left foot the next moment. "Oh, oh.." I mouth, as the tips of her fingers are caressing the soul of my right and left foot respectively. "That.." I mouth; "feels good.." I concede. "Then, you would not mind; if I did it again, once or twice?" she inquires. "No, by all means; please, do it again.." I just respond. The next moment, I feel four fingers between the toes of my right foot; sliding along the soul of the foot, all the way up. She is repeating it, right and left: once, twice and thrice; just applying more pressure with each application. "There, I hope you enjoyed it.." she proclaims; "but alas, now it is time; for you to slide out of your bed, so you can stand on your own hooves!" she points out. I am turning around, finding myself on my back; before I slide my hooves off of my bed, soon sitting up on the side of my bed. I push myself towards, slipping out of bed; only to find myself standing by the bed, on my own hind hooves. "Clip, clop." is heard, as my hooves are hitting the floor in a pair of twin-thuds. "Oh, oh, oh.." I mouth, as it is hitting home. "The Ballerina stockings, remember?" she inquires. "Oh, oh.." I mouth. "The Ballerina-stockings help me to offer you the preferred stance and posture.." she explains; "thus, you were offered to wear them, all night!" she concludes. "So this, is why you offered me to wear the Ballerina stockings?" I inquire, giggling; as I had found myself standing on my hooves. "Yes, Miss; of course it is, or you could never become a proper Pony!" she explains. "But, but.. but.." I ponder; "it just feels so natural to me, now; just to stand up on my own hooves, almost as if I had been born with them?" I realize. "Oh, and before I forget it; I had one more item for you, before we are done here!" she explains, as she is producing a crystal-clear oral tube for me. "Rarity" the label reads; "Filly Voice" the subtitle reads; "Light Gloss - Slight Lubrication" the second subtitle reads. "Thank you, Rarity!" I respond, accepting the tube; "But, how do I use it?" I inquire, a moment later. "Close your mouth, part your lips slightly; before you slip it in between your lips, slowly!" she explains. "Oh, oh.." I respond; "okay!" I conclude; closing my mouth before I am parting my lips, slipping the tube in between my lips. I feel the crystal-clear and slippery Silicone-tube slide in between my lips. The tube slowly propagates inwards in order to coat my lips, my mouth, my tongue and continue down my throat. There is a ripple effect propagating inwards; but beyond this, I don't even feel it. "There.." she exclaims; "If you can hold this expression; facing me, so I can conclude the process.." she instructs me. "Oh, okay!" I respond; snickering, as I am turning my head to face her. She is producing a crystal-clear lip-liner. Drawing a line along my upper lip, from the right to the left; and along my lower lip, from the left to the right. Just as the circuit is closed, I feel a new ripple flowing from my lips, through my mouth and over my tongue, then down my throat. "There, perfect!" she exclaims. Though I notice, how she is using the other side of the lip-liner; repeating the process: once, twice and thrice. "How does it feel?" she inquires; "ready, to go out to your living room?" she continues. "Good.." I respond; "Wait, what?" I ponder; "and now; I sound, as if I had been breathing Helium!" I exclaim. "You sound like a Filly.." she explains; "which is perfectly expected!" she continues. "Oh?" I mouth. She is stepping over to the door, to my living room; "Clip, clop; clip, clop.." is heard; lifting up her right hand and gently extending the palm of the hand onto the plaque; spreading her fingers in order to open the door, stepping into the living room with me in tow; only for the door to slide shut quietly behind me, as I had cleared the threshold. “Well, what had you been expecting?” she inquires. “I don’t know..” I ponder; “but not, what you just made me sound like!” I point out. “Oh, you silly filly..” she snickers; “at least, you will not have to be embarrassed in class; considering, everyone is a filly in class. “Oh?” I inquire, as I find myself snickering at the thought. “Not, because you are alone in class; but because each girl has enjoyed the same the same favours, as you are currently enjoying!” she is offering. “Oh..” I exclaim; “oh, oh..” I then continue, snickering at the absurdity of it all. “On that note, I do have a gift for you..” she offers, producing a wrapped gift box. “Thank you..” I respond; curtsying as I am accepting the thoughtful gift, even if it stands to reason all the other girls or fillies are given the same. For a moment, I am just staring at the gift, excited and confused; then I notice how the box has no string, so I just pull the paper off of the box. With the box revealed, I lift the lid off of the box; only to find a small, diminutive muzzle in my colour. “Oh..” I exclaim; “WoW..” I continue; “Whoa; she is dead serious, about the filly she mentioned?” I ponder, making huge eyes, as I continue to stare at the item before me. “You do want to look the part, don’t you?” she inquires. “Uhm, yes..” I respond, meekly in confusion; is this like the school uniforms I see in the Animé shows?” I inquire. “While I know nothing of the Animé; I do know it is a long-standing tradition for Nipponese and Neighponian schools to have a stylish uniform for their students!” she responds. “Oh..” I snicker. “I have been told, these can be quite comfortable to wear..” she points out; “and you will know instantly, if anyone is out of place, too!” she adds. While she was explaining, I had picked up my muzzle; tentatively putting it onto my lower face, covering my mouth and nose in the process. Of course the Muzzle is crafted out of the same skin-tone Silicone as the garments making up my uniform; sleek, slippery and smooth, aside from its fluid elasticity. I had initially felt the oral tube slipping in between my lips, just as a pair of thin tubes touch my nostrils; but after that, I can not feel it on my face. It blends perfectly with my skin, bonding to me at first contact; after that, it is effectively part of my face. Just as I don’t notice the muzzle, on my face; I fail to notice how its material spreads out to cover my face, in the process. Just as I fail to realize, how my ears had been moving up to the top of my head in the process of the initial change. My eyes are growing larger, as they move out an inch from their respective original position; leaving me with the intended Equine face, she had intended to lend me all along. “There, beautiful!” she points out, complimenting me genuinely. Well; she is Rarity, after all. What had I been expecting? “Now, you are a Proper Filly..” she concludes; “my work here, is done; enjoy the rest of the day!” she offers, explaining why she is leaving. “Thank you, Rarity!” I respond. “I expect to see you in class, tomorrow..” she points out, as she walks over the floor of my living room. “Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard. I notice how she is lifting up her right hand and extends the palm of her hand onto the plaque, spreading her fingers wide in order to open the door; the door quietly slides up before her, before she steps right out and the door slides shut behind her as she had cleared the threshold. I am alone, once more. It is quite. I start to feel lonely. “At least, I will see the other Fillies in class, by tomorrow!” I promise myself, to reassert my calm. I sit quietly, for a moment; before I pick up a bottle of Sparkle Cola, uncapping it and lift it up to my mouth and take a good sip. I feel the fizzing soda pouring into my mouth, flowing over my tongue; before it flows down into my throat. I do feel the bottle touching my lips, without even thinking of it; even if the bottle merely tough the lips of the muzzle, I had slipped on a few minutes prior. “Aah..” I exclaim, enjoying the refreshing beverage. I swallow the rest of the Cola in a few gulps, before I put back the bottle; only capping it, in order to clear the space on my table. < --- --- --- > > Introduction in Ponish: 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . I had drawn the pictures of three Ponies on the board: an Earthpony, a Pegasus and a Unicorn; only to write Pony over the three, then the respective tribe's name under the respective Pony depicted. Naturally, I had added the plural form of each name, by the side of the respective names, in Singular. This is, how I had been taught; to hold my class in Ponish, before I had been accepted to hold this class. Of course, this is a new class; a new experience, and not just to me personally. We never had dedicated teachers before, and we never were teaching Ponish either. Yet, it is interesting and exciting to me. We Changelings thrive on new experiences and new places, in which to test ourselves, for the Hive. Being a Changeling, means to be able to change and adapt; into whichever form is required to manage a task, in the name of our Queen and Hive. Just because Changelings had been quadruped, does not mean we have to be quadruped to the end of time; we could change to adapt to this Human form, as bipeds just as easily. Of course, I had been hatched in this form; so I guess it is not all that new to me, now as a teacher. While being a biped, and in my bipedal form; I still retain a few things, from our quadruped origin. I have hooves and a tail; but I have neither a horn, wings or a muzzle. In this semi-human form, I have hair in a fashion similar to the mane of a Pony; largely, in order to blend in better. I like blending in with the crowd, almost to the point where I am losing myself; as opposed, to being the outcast we sometimes are seen as. At least, here; we are accepted, as we are. We are working hard, for our honoured and distinguished guests; delivering anything and everything, to the limits of our abilities. Just as, if you need anything; we are sure, to find a means to satisfy you. It is after all, what we live for; in the name of the Hive and our Queen, to gain the sustenance we require. Today, I am the teacher, teaching you Ponish; it is the role I had been given, the purpose I had been selected for. Now, as the room is prepared; I open the door, in order to invite the class. I open the door, scanning the room outside my class room; "Fillies, class is about to begin!" I exclaim. Several Girls, or Fillies are sitting and waiting for me. I notice, how they all brighten up; just as they see the door slide up, before my face appears before them. "Come, my little fillies, right this way, so we can get the class started.." I offer, taking a step back and to the left, bidding them all to enter the class room. Each, raising to their hooves; slightly unsure of themselves, and on their hooves. Slowly following me into the room in a measured gait; eager to enter, but worried to trip on their hooves and embarrass themselves before the entire class. As the last Filly had cleared the threshold, the door quietly slides shut behind her; leaving the room behind quiet, desolate. Of course, a new herd of fillies may gather there, in a few minutes, eager to start their first actual class. "Whoa.." one girl exclaims; "this is our class room?" she then inquires. "Of course; neither of these girls have been to school, before" I ponder; "Yes, this is our class room; for the first beginners class, in Ponish!" I explain. "Ponish?" one girl snickers, nervously; "Where does people speak Ponish, and who?" the next girl inquires. "Well, we are, of course!" I point out. By now, I had stepped up to stand behind my desk; standing before the board. "Ponish is a very old language, spoken by Ponies; and everyone else, who lives in Equestria.." I then explains. "Since this is the beginners' class, I am teaching you just as much of culture and ideas, as I am teaching you the language of Ponish!" I point out. They all stand up, looking at me; curious, with confusion still on their faces. "Oh, and take a seat, one Girl or Filly per desk.." I offer. Now, the girls slowly orient themselves to the nearest desk, before me. "Why do my desk look, like the counter in the lobby.." one girl inquires, looking critically at her desk. Of course, the desks had been arranged in a Crescent Moon formation; giving each of the girls a clear view of me and the board behind me. I do not wish to have girls sitting in the back, hiding behind the bodies of their fellow students. Each seat, made out of deep blue tinted Sapphire glass; with a squishy crystal-clear silicone cushion on each. Place open for a tail, as well as a sturdy back-rest to lean back against behind. "Oh, and start from the middle, and fill out to the right and left; one girl to the right and one to the left.." I instruct the girls. I watch the girls spreading out, right and left, right and left. One girl at a time, until the last girl had taken her seat. “There, much better..” I pronounce; as I am watching the girls, now comfortably seated before me. “Since you have all taken your seats, it is time for me to present myself, so that we can start the class!” I point out. “I am your Teacher, and my name is Cheerilee..” I begin, only for some of the girl to snicker at the unusual name. “Since I am an Equestrian, I have an Equestrian name; since I know you are not Equestrians, I will just have to get used to your strange and unfamiliar names!” I point out; demonstratively stifling a snicker of my own, just to make the point. As I am standing by the board at the front of the classroom, with my back up against the board; I turn slightly in order to point at the words I had written onto the board. “Now; if you all read after me, please..” I pronounce, instructing the girls; “Pony, Ponies; Ponish, the official language of Equestria..” I read; “Pony, Ponies; Ponish, the official language of Equestria..” they chorus, after me. Some of the girls may stammer or stutter; unsure of themselves and how to pronounce the words even after I had just read it for them. Since they are new and this is the beginner’s class, I make allowance for the pronunciation. I will be repeating the introduction, with the next and several consecutive classes; until I feel they have a reasonable grasp of pronunciation. “Pony..” I pronounce, pointing at myself; “Earthpony..” I continue, reiterating and deliberate; “I have no horn, like a Unicorn..” I explain; just as I have no wings, like a Pegasus..” I continue explaining. I expect them to have a reasonable grasp of what the winged Pegasus and the horned Unicorns; even if I will have to explain the concepts in Equestria society for them later. Now, as I had introduced myself, to the class; I continue and draw a picture of a Human, “Human” I pronounced I draw a picture of a Man and a Woman; “Man”and “Woman” I pronounce, pointing at the respective picture as I pronounce the Ponish word for the respective. “Boy” and "Girl” I write, under the picture of the respective image, pronouncing the words indicating the not fully mature male and female in turn. While I am at it, I draw an image of a “Stallion/Colt” and a “Mare/Filly” between the Human version and the Pony, pronouncing the words. I point at myself, as I enunciate the word “Mare” and at the girls, as I enunciate the word “Girl” as well. With the respective pictures lining up, I had explained the relation of gender to the girls; all in the prim and proper Ponish of Equestria, in the process. “Adult” I write, pointing at myself; “Child” I write, pointing at the girl in the middle of the crescent formation of my students. A moment later, they all chorus, what I had just explained to them. “Teacher” I write, pointing at myself; “Student” I write, pointing at the girl in the middle of the group; only for the group of girls to chorus, what I had just pronounced to them. Word by word, I build up their vocabulary; building up a common frame of reference, for us to understand one-another. “I am your Teacher!” I write, as I am pronouncing each word while I am writing them, only for the girls to chorus what I had just said. “I am your Student,” I write; “but” I continue; “We are your students!” I conclude, only for the girls to chorus the latest insertion I had writen. I had not yet explained the grammar, but apply it into a few simple examples in modern Ponish. Right now, I want to draw them into the subject; before I alienate them, with boring stuff like Grammar. By introducing them to the subject, bit by bit; I hope to ease them into the subject, so that they can start to grasp how it works by themselves. I will just be correcting them, if and when they need it. I am waiting, for them to implement what I am teaching them; for them to experience the subject, in order for them to invest in the subject at hoof.(or, at Hand; as you may have said?) “These children, these girls; are so excited and enthusiastic, it’s fun to teach them..” I ponder. “If this is school, I wish I had been permitted to go here earlier!” a girl mumbles. “I heard that..” I snicker, pointing my left hand at my ears standing on top of my head. “Wait, you heard that..” another girl exclaims, snickering; I heard it, too..” she continues; I guess, this is something I just have to get used to!” she concludes. “The word ‘Super-Human’ comes to mind, considering the enhanced senses and sensations you are experiencing here..” I point out. “Super-Human?” the first girl inquires. “Yes..” I respond; “Superhuman” I write; “referring to something above Human capabilities!” I explain; just as I know you experience more acute hearing, sight and sense of scents right now; than you are used to, from before you arrived at my school!” I point out. “So you suggest, Ponies have more acute senses than Humans; thus depicting them as having superhuman senses?” a girl inquires. “Exactly!” I respond; “You will experience this, throughout your stay here; giving you ample time to explore its strengths and weaknesses..” I explain. “However; I think this is the time, for you to present yourselves!” I point out. “Cheerilee” I write on the board, while pointing at myself; both in English and Ponish, of course. Once I had repeated my name, for the purpose of the introduction; I am turning to the first girl on my right, asking; “Your name” “Marlene Insignia Fisher” the first girl responds, and the name appears in front of her desk; both in English and Ponish underneath. “Hitomi Takagashi” the second girl continues, as I am pointing at her, in turn. “Consuela Ramirez” the third fills in. The respective names appear on the lineup, both on the board and on the screen on the respective desk of each girl in turn. Tumultuous snickers spread in the room, as they are reading the names of the girls as they present themselves. On second thought, there is a third line, reading in perfectly crisp Kanji for the names. It had been unexpected; but with Hitomi in mind; this should have been perfectly obvious to me, something I realize in hindsight. “Anna Sheridan” the fourth girl pronounces, as she is presenting herself. The girls continue to present themselves, giving their names for the benefit of the entire class. Once the presentation is concluded, I can continue with the class. Of course, I had a class of girls with various distinct ethnic backgrounds; nothing I pay too much attention to, aside from the aspects that plays into my profession. I do not need to care, beyond who they are. These are the Girls or Fillies that makes up the body of my class. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine students; I count; “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, nine, ten..” I pronounce, counting the numbers for the benefit of my students. “One plus nine equals ten..” I point out; ” there are ten of us in this class; should be perfectly fine!” I announce. “Ten minus nine equals one!” I conclude. “With the presentation out of the way, I guess we can get into the meat of what I have been prepared to teach you. < --- --- --- > > A Sassy Pony Ride: 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . “Ping!” is heard, as the next service request had been entered. “A Sassy Saddles is requested to the new School for little Girls..” the operator is announcing. “Sassy Saddles?” I inquire. “Yes..” the operator responds; “on the count of her sporting a Saddle, even at work!” she continues to explain. “Curious..” I point out; “I take it!” I respond, as I am acquiring her Persona and Human form. “I can walk over to where I am needed, as a Human; a Pony trotting around, could not be inconspicuous enough for me right now!” I ponder. One of the first things I notice; is my light blue to teal complexion, but the garb is quite on the nose too. “This should be fun.” I am mumbling to myself as I am walking towards the door out of the room. . I had arrived to the location, most timely; stepping into the stable on the back, at the ground level. “Yes, this is most certainly the stable I had been requested to be at..” I ponder, picking up the distinct scents associated with a stable. Of course the floor is a distinctly grey Concrete; just lacquered, then coated with an inch of squishy and crystal-clear Silicone for that comforting soft and squishy feeling under my feet. I note the grey stones of the wall, with white window-panes in even intervals. Thankfully, the light is bright, shining down from overhead, almost as if natural Sunlight. Not that I could possibly see the sun, overhead; if I fell for the trick, looking up. I just have the impression, of a bright day; illuminated by the sun, Celestia’s Sun. I walk up to the stall I had been designated, stepping into the cramped space; a mere four foot wide; just enough for the girl to stand beside me, once I have taken on the Pony form I had signed up for. Once I am standing in the stall, facing the inner far wall; I lean over and transform into the Pony form of my Character. “I hope the girl likes Unicorns..” I ponder. While the floor outside the stall had been grey, the floor in the stall is black, as if trying to imitate the peat litter, one would have been expecting underfoot. However, the scent of Hay and straw is fairly heavy on the air. “Click, clack; click, clack..” is heard, as the girl I had been designated for is stepping into the stable, walking over the floor to the stall in which I stand. “Pretty Pony, pretty pretty Pony..” she exclaims, as she steps into my stall. I can’t help, but snicker at the simple speech; I do understand what she said, perfectly fine. Even if she did not know it; just as I fear, she does not understand me either. Of course; this is her first day, of her first year here. She has not learned enough Ponish to make out what I say right now. “Blue..” she exclaims; “like the sky on a fine summer’s day!” she concludes. I just snicker at her responses, leaving her with a few neighs and whinnies. Perfectly incomprehensible to her. She is standing on my right, just as she had been instructed to. These instructions had been quite clear, in both text and images like a cartoon. Even the young girls, age five or six could understand what they mean. Of course I had seen the girl, even before she had entered my stall; I had heard her speak to me as she entered my space. However, I only acknowledge her, as she is stepping up to stand beside my saddle; looking up, to offer her a critical look. ”The local fashion is weird!” I ponder, looking her over; “but alas, I guess it is not half bad?” I inquire, leaving her puzzled over my comment in Ponish. Naturally, I had to pronounce these words in proper Ponish, working for Rarity and all that. Even if that is in Manehattan. I noticed how she is wearing a metallic bloody red riding helmet, just as the code of riding-safety dictates. Should I even permit her into my stall, if she had not been wearing it? She is wearing a jacket and pants, matching the helmet; all in metallic bloody red, indicating her being a girl. As if I had not known it? This is a school for young girls. No boys permitted. Period. On her hands, I can see the riding gloves; matching the wears her suit is comprised out of. Pretty, if I could say so myself. Not that she would have understood a word of what I say. Well, maybe she will understand it one day; she would snicker to herself, as she recalls my words, when she does understand it all. Naturally, the suit she is wearing is skin-tight; as this will not permit her suit to get stuck anywhere, leaving her embarrassed or worse. If her pants or jacket get caught and stuck somewhere; she could hurt herself, and quite seriously so. We do not desire this, it would be a blemish to our good name and reputation. Safety issues are taken seriously, we strive to teach these girls entering our domain safety and the concerns associated. As she had stepped up to my right, she stands fairly still; just petting me, stroking my neck and body while I look her over. She had put the suit on correctly, from what I can see. With that, I permit her to go forward and continue. I had enjoyed her presence, she seems to be such a nice little girl. Soon to be a Filly among us; for as long as she is with us, at this fine school. For a moment, I snicker at the design of her suit. The jacket is putting emphasis on breasts she does not yet have, just as her boots are putting an emphasis on the hooves she does not have. The suit is linking her to me, to us. Even if in a strange way I find bemusing. While I had been known to wear my saddle in public; but this saddle had been redesigned, for the purpose of me carrying the girl on a ride. A very safe ride, at that, mind you. Her safety is after all my responsibility, as the Pony carrying her. I am teaching her to ride, safely; but even if she does not understand what I say, she needs to learn how to properly ride. Not just a Pony such as myself, but a feral Horse such as you expect to ride. We had never, and can not reveal this fact. Why? Why should we? However, we do teach these girls how to ride, safely and how to behave both in the saddle and beside the Pony or Horse. To her, this is not just play and fun; it is an investment, in her future. I'm only too happy, to oblige. I enjoy the job. I had after all chosen to take this place; teaching the girl how to ride. As she is prepared, I look her over and nod to indicate she is to proceed. I stand in for the teacher, playing the role of both the Horse and her Teacher in this position. Why she does not know, may never know or understand this. Just as this is something she can not apply to a Horse she may choose to ride in the future. It is just convenient for me; since I can not be in two places at once, and I do not require a second person to be in the room right now. Just as a Horse does not wear a collar like your Dog; neither does a Pony, and thus neither do I. I require a halter, with a bit to go into my mouth; just as you expect to use, for your Horse. The halter she is to use, for my benefit is hanging before me; just waiting for her to find it, so she can help me putting it onto my face. I am looking meaningfully at the halter before me, indicating for her to pick it up. After a moment, she seems to be picking up on what I am trying to tell her; as she is following my gaze, even if she does not grasp what I am telling her. Just as her eyes falls upon my halter, she giggles; as it is dawning upon her, what I had tried to tell her all along. ”You want me, to put this halter onto you?” she inquires. ”Halter, yes..” I respond, snickering, “Please, put it on!” I then continue. ”Your halter?” she inquires; “You ask me to put it on you?” she concludes, even if she had not made out the words. Well, what had I been expecting, of course she does not have a sufficient grasp of Ponish. However, she seems to grasp, what I am trying to tell her. ”Yes, my halter..” I respond, inadvertently giving her an extra lesson in Ponies while I am at it; “I need you, to put it on before you can proceed!” I conclude, nodding at her. ”She is very eager, for me to ride her..” she considers; “Such a clever Pony!” she puts forth, almost as if she had pictured me to understand what she is saying. Well, why not? You can teach a Dog vocal commands. I can't accept being less than a dog. Once she accepts what I am instructing me, she is reaching for the halter before me; slowly moving it towards my muzzle, as she is about to put it onto my muzzle. I slowly open my mouth, parting my lips just enough to take the bit in between my lips; before I bite down, to hold the bit into place. I can feel the strap sliding behind my head, before she is tightening up in the process of securing my halter onto my head. Once she secured the strap behind my head, she is tightening up the straps over and under my muzzle respectively. Once these are on, the halter is tight and secure onto me. I just snicker. I had felt the warmth in her hand as she was caressing my body and neck, just as I am feeling it as she is putting the halter onto me. ”It is hard to open my mouth, with the bit in and the halter tight around my muzzle..” I ponder; “but I can still part my lips, enough to speak..” I continue; “I can still give her the instructions she needs!” I conclude. Not that she is understanding what I am saying, yet; but I can give her the guidance, she needs. I am looking directly at the leach, intended to be strapped onto my halter; neighing, and nodding to indicate for her to connect it onto my halter before she can lead me out of the stall in which I am currently standing with her by my side. ”Oh..” she just giggles, as she is picking up on what I try to tell her. Of course, she had memorized the instructions; understanding the core, of what she is supposed to do. These instructions are easy, made easy to make sure she will do it right the first time; the finer nuances can be explained, at a later time when she has learned the first step. This will be enough, for her to take me out of my stall safely; even if she only has a rudimentary understanding, of what she is doing and why. Keep it simple, stupid; no point in making it complicated, it will only lead to mistakes to be made and injuries sustained. Nothing to gain from it. Who loves to be ridiculed, to make to look silly or stupid. None, that's who. All she can hear from me, is neighs, whinnies and snickers; but somehow it comes in increasingly more familiar packages, almost on the point of recognition. Of course, she only had her first class in Ponish; since this is her first day here. She is learning. Picking up bits and pieces, learning to recognize a spoken language out of the rough. While she is enjoying herself, she is finding herself highly motivated; thus learning far quicker and much easier than the case would otherwise had been. < --- --- --- > > A Class, A Ride Offered: 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . School is fun, and exciting; but I had already been expecting it, even if I could not have foreseen just how fun it is here. It is not just all the new things I see and learn, of course. This school even have a blue Unicorn, a Pony I can ride. How cool is that? Just wait until I can tell my friends. Maybe I should hold back on my excitement; not mentioning the Pony is blue, or a Unicorn. This is already fantastic enough, as it is. Don't stretch the limit beyond what they can believe. I had just put the halter onto her, before I had been instructed to take her out of the stall. She is eagerly following me out of her stall and towards the classroom. Whatever manner of classroom, prepared to hold Ponies and riding. Even if I struggle to understand her, not really making out anything of what she says; but at least I can follow her body language, interpreting her based on the instructions I had been given before I entered the stable. I had been told what to wear, for the sake of my safety. Then I had been given further instructions on what to look out for, how and why it is important. I had been told, not to surprise or startle the Pony I am leading out towards the new classroom. Ponies react poorly on these things they had told me. I do not question these instructions. The clothes I had been handed are quite comfortable to wear, so I can only picture them comfortable to wear as I am riding my Pony too. Why shouldn't it be? This pony had been instructed in what to expect and how to react on me as I enter her stall. She is privy to the class I am going to have. Well, she is my teacher, of sorts. Just curious, to have a Pony as teacher. Isn't it? Though I guess it is no stranger, than to have a dog lead a blind person. As I am reaching the door, to what is to be the classroom for this class; I am abruptly pulled out of my ponderings, as I need to react upon the door before me. While she could have opened the door, engaging her magic; but I am supposed to open the door for the Pony I am leading, not the other way around. Examining the wooden door, I find two bars on the twin sliding doors before me; I pull at these handles, making the doors slide apart in order to grant me entrance. I let go of the handles and lead the Pony into the room. She stands still, sniffing the air and snorts a few times; before she promptly follows me into the room, guiding me towards the center of the room. This room seems to have the same peat litter as the stall she had been waiting for me in. Just that it had been covered with the same inch thick, crystal-clear squishy silicon for the comfort of her hooves too. It is a curious sensation, walking over this squishy floor; hearing her hooves squeak with each step, accompanied with the squeaks of my foot-falls as I walk by her side. However, I now realize my steps sound almost identical to her hooves hitting the floor. Just a different cadence, on the account of her trotting on four hooves where I have only two. I could not even picture myself moving on four legs, stepping over the floor with four hooves. How? Why? I just can not stretch my imagination to the point. While it is true, I am a little girl; my imagination is quite vivid, but even my imagination has its limits. I am aware of it, and have accepted this as a fact. No point in struggling against it. Why? Why bother? What is to gain from it? Nothing. That's what. Having a blue Pony isn't a problem, I can see her and feel her stopping beside me as I am reaching the given position at the center of this large room. The room is large, obviously; but it had to be, for the pony to trot freely and comfortably in the room. A smaller room would merely be a pointless obstacle. She nods at me, indicating for me to take the leach off of her halter and I do as I am instructed. Even if I can't understand the words she had spoken in Ponish. I have not reached the level of proficiency in Ponish yet. However, I will learn; given time, if I am permitted to stay with the class long enough. I hope I will; because I enjoy this school; hoping I can learn, all they have to teach me. Well, why not? I am a little girl. I am curious, eager to learn. My teachers are nice, to me. I love them all to bits. Sounds funny, when you stop to think if it; but it is how I feel, and I love my teachers very dearly. What's so strange about that? I am a very curious little girl, loving to learn and explore; my teachers are very kind and helpful, guiding me to learn and experience. Should I suspect something? Should I suspect them of having ulterior motives to my detriment? I just could not make myself, even if I had tried. I am just too young and innocent for this? I guess I am a bit too trusting. Only now, I had been offered a Pony of my own, a Unicorn for me to ride. She is such a nice Pony I could not resist her. Maybe she is a bit too smart for a Pony, following my lead a bit too close even for my most enthusiastic expectations. Should I be bothered, should I fear her for that? How old is she? I can't recall them mentioning her age, or what training she had been submitted to in order to teach me to ride. Either way, she had agreed to teach me how to ride. I had accepted her offer. Okay, so my teacher is a Horse. Okay, technically she is a Pony. Though they never explained the distinctions. I had opened the door to the room, where I was to ride her: Sassy Saddle today. Curious name, but all these Equestrian Ponies have these strange and curious names. While she was already wearing her saddle, as I entered the stable and walked into her box. She is a fairly dainty Pony, with a sassy personality from what I could see. Only once I had opened the door, leading her in; closing the door behind us, I follow the instructions I had been given as I am leading her to the center of the large and very open space. She follows me, by my side; only stopping as we reach the center, facing the wall the instructions dictates for me to face. I am standing by her right side, facing the wall; standing on the right and left side of the center of the room. I hear her snicker, then she is neighing at me, indicating for me to mount her, as she nods knowingly towards me. Turning towards her, I am lifting my foot up; placing the tip of the foot in the stirrup, before I lift my other foot up and soon find myself sitting up in her saddle. Now I find myself sitting up comfortably, my feet on the right and left side of her belly in a very comfortable position; gripping the reins, pulling them in to leave just enough slack for her comfort before I give her a sign for her to start moving forwards. I notice how Sassy expectantly starts to look to the right; “We are supposed to go in this direction!” I hear her neighing, even if I don't understand her words or even make them out as speech. As we approach the wall; I lightly pull at the rein, indicating for her to turn to the right. A moment later, she slowly turns in the indicated direction. With that, we are heading in the correct direction. I direct her to turn, as we reach the corner. Even if I know she should be turning, rather than just going into the wall; which I would not want her to do. The lesson is for me to direct her in the correct direction, for a comfortable right. If I want her to turn off earlier, or prefer a softer bend in the path; I could always give the signal earlier, than I would have done otherwise. The short wall comes to an end, and I indicate for her to turn once more. Once we are on the long side, I make her stop. I count; “One, two, and three!” before I urge her to continue. I stop on the middle, and just before I was intending to turn to the right once more. Just after the turn, I urge her to speed up a bit; only to have her slow down, just before the bend. The short wall was perfect for speeding up, or so I had been told earlier. “Good girl, good girl..” I exclaim, as she slow down at the end of the short wall. “I want her to know, how much I am appreciating her attention; just as I would have done, had she been a regular Horse. While it feels a bit silly, to say it; but I had been told by the instructor, this is how to handle a Horse. She had gone into some detail, as she was explaining the particulars; I had listened attentively, nodding my understanding at the time. While some of the details may sound silly, but this is how I had been told to handle Horses. She had said it in a way, making utterly clear she has long and extensive experience handling these majestic Equines. While they may look different, they largely react in the same manner. One may be stubborn, another bright and quite intelligent; but deep down, they still follow the patterns of their equine nature. If one fail to realize this, taking it into account; one is prone to suffer greatly, never realizing how or why they do what they do. Every twenty minutes or five laps, I have her crossing the room from the beginning of the long wall; to the end of the long wall on the other side, in order to make sure neither she nor I got dizzy. Maybe I have her move slowly today, but in the future, she will be trotting and galloping much faster. Even if this may be months and years in the future. It is just good practice, to start this particular habit from the beginning. Lest one may forget one's-self and go the entire class in the same direction and suffer the uncomfortable consequences. I notice a large clock on the short wall, indicating the time of the class. As it is just two minutes left, I indicate for her to turn back to the middle of the large space. Once she had stopped, I pull my feet out of the stirrups; before I lift my foot up and jump off of her. Once I once more am standing on her right side, I attach the leach to her halter; before I lead her out; only stopping by the door, sliding the door up to permit us to exit. From there, I walk her back to the stable; leading her back to her box. Only once I am inside her box, I stop; removing the leach; before I pull the halter off of her head, leaving her to rest up before the next class. Naturally, I had to unfasten the halter, before I could pull it off of her head. Before I leave, I hand up the halter outside her box. As a beginner, I had been instructed to leave the complicated actions to someone else. A girl appeared by the side of the box, just as I had walked out. < --- --- --- >