• Published 29th Nov 2021
  • 2,157 Views, 29 Comments

The Pony Guard: Equestrian Girls - MXCDarkHorse2020

Kion, Bunga, Spike, and Twilight Sparkle all find themselves in a world where they meet their human counterparts while working together to get back Kion and Twilight's magical crowns back from the ambitous and scheming Sunset Shimmer.

  • ...

Kion meets Sunset, Fluttershy, Twilight and decides to run for Fall Formal

Kion meets Sunset, Fluttershy, Twilight and decides to run for Fall Formal

While they were all walking down together they suddenly heard a familiar voice from the corner.

“Oh, I'm really sorry. I-I just found it, and-and I thought I should give it to her. I didn't know you had dropped it.” Fluttershy’s voice spoke to someone just as timidly as pony Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy.” Kion gasped upon recognizing her voice.

The trio peered through the nearby corner to where they see Fluttershy’s human counterpart, who has yellow skin and pink hair, with a white tank top, green skirt, and green and pink knee length boots and socks talking to a girl confronting her. Said girl had on a black leather jacket, purple shirt, orange skirt with yellow and purple streaks on the side, and black knee length boots with purple streaks on them, and red and yellow hair similar to Sunset Shimmer's. Both girls also had long hair that stretched to the back of their waistlines.

Kion then narrowed his eyes upon recognizing the girl harassing Fluttershy here. “And Sunset Shimmer.”

“Well, I did! And I was about to get it before you swooped in and ruined everything! You shouldn't pick up things that don't belong to you.” Sunset harshly reprimanded.

“It... doesn't really belong to you, either.” Human Fluttershy softly retorted in a hushed tone while moving the loose strains of hair out of her face.

“Excuse me?!” Sunset yelled in her face as she slams her hands onto the locker she was backed up against.

“N-n-nothing...” Human Fluttershy stammered as she cowered onto the ground sparking the trio’s anger at her treating Fluttershy like that.

Both Kion and Spike even growled in response to the girl’s bullying of her.

“That's what I thought. It's as good as mine, and you know it. You really are pathetic. It's no wonder your best friends are all stray animals.” She further taunted rather smugly with a pointed finger in her face.

Kion was very furious seeing this to the point he couldn’t stand by and let this happen anymore and appeared from the corner he and his friends were hiding behind.

“Hey!” Kion fiercely shouted after having seen enough of her ill treatment of an innocent girl. “That’s no way to speak to someone!”

“What did you say?!” Sunset angrily questioned the pre-teen while turning to face him.

“You heard him!” Bunga backed him up while joining his friend in approaching and facing off against the girl glaring down at each other. “Leave her alone, you mean red head!”

The students witnessing this quickly scooted away and fled the scene ducking the nearby corners and lockers just when the three get face to face just inches apart from each other.

Sunset’s initial reaction of fury turned into a smug smirk while literally looking down at the two since they are around five feet tall with Kion having a few inches on his friend while she herself on the other hand has six to eight inches over the both of them.

“You must be new here.” Sunset told them as she effortlessly picked them both up each by the shirts.


“Let go!”

The two struggled while trying to free themselves to no avail. This girl is strong and impressively so on Twilight’s level.

“I can speak to anyone any way I want.” Sunset added while quickly eyeing one of the nearby witnesses who immediately retreated to inside a nearby open locker before turning back to her newest victims ready to give them a beating by slammed the duo's head's against the back of the lockers right next to Fluttershy. “I can even take down those who dare get in my way. Even brave tough guys from their schools.”

“Oh, boy.” Spike cringed while half-watching the scene with one eye, preparing himself to partially watch a potential painful beating the two about to face.

But before that could happen the four all heard another voice speak to Sunset, Kion, and Bunga and it was a very familiar voice too. “Hey! How dare you treat them that way!” The four all turn their heads towards the one addressing Sunset.

“Twilight?” The three all said in unison trying to understand what is really happening here.

The girl herself had the same long black hair with pink streaks in them, still sporting the horizontal pink gash over her left eye. She was also sporting a black leather jacket with a few dark purple streaks on the shoulders, a purple short sleeved shirt with a black bow tie, a purple pleated skirt with her pink star cutie mark on it, along with pink knee length socks and black boots.

"What did you say?!" Sunset angrily demanded.

“I said how dare you treat them that way and let them go!” Twilight demanded of them while slowly approaching her.

“Or what, tough girl?” Sunset questioned and dared the girl trying to call her bluff with every passing and advancing step she takes getting to them. “You’ll make me?” She smirked while hoisting both boys with one hand so she can prop her free hand on her side. "Hey! Let go of my arm! Ow, ow, hey...!"

Twilight didn’t say anything but quickly made good on her warning by swiftly twisting her open arm to force her to let them go. Both Kion and Bunga dropped to the ground and joined Fluttershy on the ground along with the terrified students watching with astonished expressions when she moves to push Sunset into the ground to pin her down.

“Ugh! Let go!” Sunset groaned and demanded in pain.

“No problem.” Twilight obliged but not before looking at the girl closely in the eyes to level with her this icy-cold tone threat. “Consider me letting you off with a warning should I ever catch you harassing these three again. That clear? Good.”

“Hmmph!” Sunset relented with a huff before moving to walk away with her head up high and casually brushed the dust off of her jacket before shooting dirty looks at the nearby students that dare to get any ideas just because she is facing a tougher girl that can actually back herself up.

They all move to quick either drop their heads to their books, retreat to nearby lockers again, and looked aside pretending that never happened while turning the corner. All while her new rival watches on with a fearless look until she left.

After Sunset had left, Twilight turned back to Kion, Bunga, and Fluttershy while approaching towards them with her sights on Fluttershy.

The frightened girl already intimidated by her appearance was left having her back up against the corner unsure of what she was going to do to her now feeling her life is still in danger.

Kion quickly got up and got in between the two in a protective stance quick to think she’s going to harm her. “Not a step closer!” He warned.

Twilight ignored his warning while gently pushing him aside before turning her attention back to approach the whimpering and shaking Fluttershy who is feeling terrified and begging for mercy.

“What are you going to do to me?”

Twilight said nothing in response before offering her hand to help her up while kneeling down to her eye level. “It’s okay.” She gently and sincerely assured with a smile. “She’s gone and you’re safe.” Fluttershy was still scared inside feeling that’s just a ploy to trick her into further humiliation and Spike, Kion and Bunga all understood what she was feeling right now. “Go ahead.” She urged her to take her hand so she can help her on her feet. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

It took a good second for her to decide, but remembering that she did come to her defense and felt sure she wasn’t trying to trick her, she moved to take her hand so she can get up. “Now…” She then said while placing a hand on her shoulder. “…Are you okay?”

“Yes.” She admitted yet astonished with what she just did while the others are still both on guard and wary of her. “It’s just, I can't believe you did that!”

“I couldn't just stand there.” Twilight simply replied with a shrug.

“Well, it's just that nobody ever stands up to Sunset Shimmer.” Fluttershy explained.

“Is that so?” Twilight asked to which the girl nodded. “Well there’s a first time for everything.”

“True that.” Bunga spoke up knowing that is a truthful fact in life.

“You've heard of her?” Fluttershy referring to the girl she just stood up against a minute ago.

“Just recently...” Twilight truthfully replied.

“And boy is she a mean girl all right.” Bunga vouched more on Twilight’s behalf. “That’s all I can say right now.”

“And I don't think I've seen you or your friends around before.” She noted as she looked at her Kion, Bunga, and Spike who all exchange surprised and uncomfortable looks particularly in regards to Twilight since she doesn’t know what happened between them. “Did you all just transfer to Canterlot High from another school?”

“Yes we did.” Twilight smoothly answered as she turned to face and introduce herself. “My name's Twilight and this is Kion and Bunga.” She introduced while gesturing to the others.



The two greeted with Kion still feeling awkward of being around Twilight for reasons he can’t explain to her.

“I'm... Fluttershy.”The shy girl softly voiced.

“Sorry, what was that?” Kion asked again.

“It's Fluttershy!” Fluttershy repeated even quieter this time.

“It’s okay, Fluttershy.” Kion attempted to calm her nerves down. “There’s no reason to be afraid of us.”

During this, Fluttershy spots Spike the dog which sparked up a sudden energy burst inside of her. “Oh, my goodness!” Fluttershy affectionately ran up to him while nearly knocking Kion off of his balance. “Who's this sweet little guy?”

“That's Spike! My dog!” Twilight answered.

“Oh, he's so cute!” Human Fluttershy affectionately held Spike up by the muzzle and then offered him a dog treat. “Go on, eat up, little pup!”

Spike takes a small bite out of the treat as he tastes it. “Huh?” He spoke as he really enjoyed the treat then ate the rest of it whole.

Bunga took a keen interest on the dog treat Fluttershy had offered Spike while thinking if he can sneak a treat and get a sample of what it tastes like. But just before he could sneak over to her bag with an open jaw and drooling mouth, Kion quickly snapped him out of it.

“Bunga!” He chided while shaking his head against doing that.

“Oh, wouldn't ya just give anything to know what they're really thinking?” Fluttershy told the others.

“Depends on who you ask.” Twilight replied that it’s up there.

“Oh, w-what do you mean?” Fluttershy wondering what she meant by that as Spike barks like a dog thinking that the truth is going to be exposed right there.

“Just maybe if you put your heart and soul into reading their minds. That’s all.” Twilight answered otherwise before moving forward with what she needs from her. “Enough said and I’d hate get back to mentioning her but Sunset Shimmer said you picked something up. Something she claims that belonged to her.”

“It wasn’t a crown or two by chance was it.” Kion asked.

“How did you know?” Human Fluttershy asked looking surprised with how spot on they were.

“Uh, lucky guess?” Kion shrugged with a nervous chuckle. “And judging from what we heard you did something with them?”

“Mm-mm. “ Human Fluttershy nodded before remembering what happened back then just before school started. “This morning, I was passing out flyers for the animal shelter like I do every Wednesday.”

“That sure sounds something you would do.” Kion noted.

“It is.” Human Fluttershy said in response before continuing. “Only that no one else has the heart to even lift a finger up for them.” Human Fluttershy then sadly recalled the memory of her crying depressed when no one would help her until the crowns fly into her head to which she picks it up wondering what they are.

“Aww!” Bunga said with sympathy. “That’s too bad!”

“I know.” She sadly sighed upon thinking back at the memory and how rough she has it at times. “But I have no idea how they got there. But I didn't want anything to happen to them, so I decided to give it to Principal Celestia.” Human Fluttershy honestly explained while petting Spike on the head and then moving to do the same to Bunga much to his friend’s eye rolling dismay.

“Principal Celestia? As in, in charge of the school?” Twilight inquired.

“You could say that. Technically, I guess she and Vice Principal Luna do make the rules.” Human Fluttershy answered.

“Where is she now?” Twilight asked.

“Probably in her office.” Fluttershy answered before pointing out the directions. “Third door on your left.”

“Thank you!” Twilight kindly thanked and waved after her before running off ahead.

“Oh, wait!” Human Fluttershy called out to the others just before they turned the corner. “You're not really supposed to have pets on school grounds.” She informed while pointing to Spike. “Might wanna tuck him into your backpack. That's what I do.” Human Fluttershy added as she briefly showed them all of her animal companions in her backpack. “They just get so lonely when I'm in school all day.”

“Really? Aww!” Bunga gushed his eyes and face at them.

“That’s pretty sad.” Kion commented taking pity on them and her. A sweet animal lover like her can’t bare going a whole day without leaving them behind at home. He moved to place Spike into his red saddle-bag turned backpack. “But anyways, Thanks, Fluttershy!” He smiled in return for the advice.

The school bell suddenly rang signaling class is about to start. “Oh, no! I'm late for class!” She exclaimed quickly scooping up her animal companions before running off in the direction of her next class.

Just after Fluttershy runs off, Kion and Bunga run the opposite direction towards the principal’s office to where Twilight’s headed. They managed to catch up to her just when she was about to knock on the door.

“Twilight!” Kion called after her who turned to face them. “What are you doing?!” He questioned like he is demanding an answer and reason for defending them all just a few minutes ago.

“Um, about to meet up with Principal Celestia, so we can figure out how to retrieve those crowns she has.” Twilight nonchalantly replied.

“No, I mean just earlier with us and Fluttershy.” Kion corrected before moving to interrogate her. “Why did you defend us from Sunset Shimmer back there?! I thought you were against us!”

“Yeah!” Bunga stated with crossed arms.

“I am.” She calmly answered. “I’m still am.”

“But why?” Bunga asked for the motive behind it.

“Because what Sunset Shimmer is after goes up against my interests.” She explained.

“And that is?” Kion inquired while motioning his hands preferring to hear more details to go on about it.

“The crowns that she is after and is now here in this school.” She said while pulling out a white colored book from her black backpack and flipping it open to a specific page. “The crown of Magic and the crown of the Roar. Created by the combined magic of the alicorn’s magic along with the power of the Lions of the Past to install great power that’ll bestow the leaders of the Lion and Pony Guard the ability to channel the Roar and the Elements of Harmony together. With these crowns alone in the case where I can’t get to the elements or you can’t use your Roar in a time of need.”

“What?” Kion was surprised to hear and see that she already knows and the question in regards to how already answered when she showed him the contents of the book she had.

“Wait?” Spike quickly interrupted. “Isn’t that Celestia’s personal diary of her specially advanced spells and magic that only masters of alicorn magic are able to handle?”

“It is.”

“You stole the Princess’s diary!” Bunga gasped while dropping his jaws. “No way!” He acted like what she did was terrible before sporting an eager smile seeking to take a further look at it. “What else does it have?” Twilight grinned and chuckled before shutting the book right away. “Aww! But I want to see!”

“Maybe for another time.” She then dropped the smile before continuing to explain her reasons. “Anyways, should Sunset get her hands on them, she’ll discover and unleash a dangerously dark and powerful magic that she can’t control and will utterly consume her. She’ll cease to exist.”


“Oh. That wouldn’t be good.”

Both Bunga and Spike reacted feeling horrified at the thought.

Kion however was feeling very wary of whether they should trust her or not due to having strong feelings against the girl that nearly had her killed and made him cry in terror of her. ”And we should take your word for it why?!”

“Because with all feelings aside, there is no question that Sunset doesn’t understand the dangers of the power she is after. She doesn’t know how to yield it.” She answered seriously to assert she is telling the truth this time. “Both this world and our world would fall into chaos should she cross back through that portal.”

“Right.” Kion was still unconvinced with resentment targeted at the alicorn turned human. “You’re just saying that just so Scar can have control of our worlds back home and doesn’t even think about coming here.”

“No, I am telling the truth and this has nothing to do with him.” She asserted. “You know what both Celestia and Simba told you.”

“And how would you know that?” Kion argued still furious with her previous treachery. “By spying on them? On us? On top of stealing and reading the princess’s diary along with betraying and lying to her, to me, to all us, how do you expect me to believe a word you’re saying?!”

Likewise, Twilight wasn’t in the mood to argue with time and the fate of the multiple worlds in the essence here even when clearly hurt inside of the fact that Kion is refusing to hear her out due to his slightly blind anger taking over.

“I don’t.” She responded not trying anything to dissuade him. “Point being, we need to get those crowns before Sunset does.”

Without another word of heated tension between the two to which both Spike and Bunga had the misfortune of having to witness with uncomfortable glances towards each other.

Sure, she has been cruel, dishonest, sneaky, and manipulative lately, much like Sunset Shimmer before her, but everything she said about everything related to the situation on hand is completely accurate. Should Sunset obtain the crowns it could lead to a devastating catastrophe that could leave both not only this world but their world too.

“Kion…” Bunga tried to speak the fuming redhead.

“…maybe we should listen to her…” Spike added.

Kion simply growled at them both clearly balking at the idea which had them both wincing in fright of his temper before the red-headed boy turned back to the door to Celestia’s office. “Let’s just focus on getting the crowns back.”

“Come in.” Celestia called out to her visitors when Twilight knocked on the door. Both Twilight and Kion came inside with the latter suddenly having the urge to walk in with a bow. Twilight with a deadpan expression got him to stand up straight and to stop bowing.

“Really?” Twilight whispered still eyeing at him with that expression before turning his attention back to the principal when she addressed them.

“How may I help you?” She asked as she read from her folder without noticing the young boy’s entrance leaving him to slightly blush and feeling thankful that she didn’t see that.

“Oh, hi.” Kion quickly greeted feeling slight anxiety in addressing her. “Um, uh... Whew.” He stammered a little in his introduction to which Celestia did notice and gestured him to speak up. “My name's Kion. We're uh, new here.”

“And my name’s Twilight Sparkle.” The girl spoke up while getting straight to the point. “We’re here because it has come to our attention that Fluttershy found two crowns this morning and gave them to you.”

“Yes. I've had Vice Principal Luna put them somewhere for safekeeping.” Celestia stoically answered while standing up to place the folder in her filing cabinet. “No idea how they ended up in the front lawn. Were you two interested in running for Prince and Princess of the Fall Formal this year?” She asked with a smile.

“Uh, no. Not exactly. The truth is... Well, the truth is I... You see, the crown is actually...” Kion struggled to find the right words to her before speaking up at what she had asked. “Prince and Princess of the Fall Formal?“

“It's Canterlot High's big Fall dance.” She explained as she moved to write something on a calendar she had on the wall.

“Like the Grand Galloping Gala.” Kion asked with a confused expression.

“Uh, Grand Galloping Gala?” The principal asked confused likewise of what she meant by that while Twilight shakes her head at the boy’s rambling.

“Oh, uh, it was a big deal at my old school.” Kion quickly explained while awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

“And was there a prince and princess?”

“Yes, but they weren’t exactly students.” Kion half-truthfully answered.

“Smooth.” Twilight sarcastically whispered in his ear before eyeing the portraits of the previous three princesses of the Fall Formal. Or more accurately, the previous defending three time formal winner, Sunset Shimmer.

She observed them year by year. She saw that the first year she won the honor while wearing a white dress for her portrait, she looked enlightened and pleased that she earned her victory. It was like she experienced something that had her feel more humble and welcoming at first.

But throughout the following two years, time could tell that the honor of being treated like a princess went to her head. She went from sporting a simple tiara and a sincere smile to a more elaborate-decorated and gold crown with jewels, along with her sporting a more malicious and mean smirk turned into a maniac laugh relishing in her victory.

And had Twilight thinking what happened that led her to feeling this way and what created her rift with Princess Celestia.

“Here at Canterlot High, the students select one of their peers to represent them. He and she receive their crowns at the Fall Formal.” The principal further explained of how it works. “And since we are now having some students from another school over for a potential transfer here, we are trying out the tradition of having a prince crowned alongside with a princess starting this year. Should it work out then we’ll do for the years to come and said students will start learning here more.”

“New transfer students.” Kion asked to which Celestia nodded in response to confirm it. “Hmm.” Kion then thought to himself trying to figure out how to ask for their crowns back.

But before he could speak his question, Twilight spoke up and asked while they both walked out of her office. “You asked me if I was interested in running for Princess. Can anyone run?”

“Yes. You just need to let the head of the Fall Formal planning committee know you'd like to be on the ballot.” Human Celestia answered as she prepared to close the door. “Was there anything else?”

Kion was about to try again to tell her until Twilight placed a hand over his mouth. “Nope! That was it!” She answered feeling satisfied with what they have been told.

“Well, if you do need anything else, my door is always open.” Human Celestia warmly offered before gently closing the door behind her.

As soon as the two regroup with both Bunga and Spike, Kion wasted no time questioning Twilight for another explanation. “Any reason, you didn’t let me tell her the crowns were ours…and ask for it back?”

“I was but then when I thought about it I thought to myself, would she believe us if we told her we came from an alternate world where we walk on four legs and are really ponies and various animals from Equestria and Pride Lands?” She explained as she moved her arms and legs around. “People here will think we’re crazy."

Kion opened his mouth to come up with a counter-argument before realizing he can’t because of how true that assessment would be should they have actually tried it.

“Hmm. You make a good point.” Spike admitted.

“It looks like if we want our crowns back, we'll have to become Prince and Princess of the Canterlot High Fall Formal. So that's what we’re gonna do!” Twilight declared with determination.

“And how exactly do you plan on doing that?” Spike questioned.

“By finding the head of the Fall Formal planning committee to let he or she know we'd like to be on the ballot.” She answered with a confident smile.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Kion stopped her there while waving his arms. “What’s this "we" stuff?”

“We…” She started with emphasis on that word. “…are going to work together to run for Prince and Princess of the Fall Formal so we can get those crowns back.” Kion was about to protest once more but she wasn’t finished yet knowing of his objection’s to wanting to have to work with her friend turned enemy. “And regardless of whether you like it or not and I don’t expect you to nor understand my reasons but if we want to stop Sunset Shimmer and get those crowns back we’re going to have to work together. So therefore, until we get back home, I am proposing a temporary truce during our stay here.” She presented her hand for a handshake with Kion still skeptical feeling this is just a trap to double-cross one way or another.

“Kion…” Spike whispered to the boy for a quick word while placing a paw on him. “…as much as I hate saying this, but I think we should listen to her.”

“Why?!” He demanded of him still vehemently against working with their enemy while shaking the dog’s little paw making him nearly fall out before Bunga quickly caught him before he could fall over.

“Probably because she knows about the situation just as well as we do.” Spike answered.

“And not to mention should that happen, there wouldn’t be a Lion and Pony Guard anymore.” Bunga added. “And what about that talk about that there might be some good inside of Twilight.”

“That was before and after learning of what she’s been doing ever since she got scarred and decided to turn on us.” Kion bitterly replied with crossed arms.

“True, true…” Spike acknowledged as he shook his head. “But surely she didn’t really mean it deep down at the time and just needs to really to look into her heart a little more to find out how much she really means to us. Plus…” He added in a between you and me manner. “…the fate of our world and this world depends on it for the time being.”

“No question about that…” Twilight said to them having heard every word of their conversation with her hand still raised to cement their truce. “…so…” She asked. “…do we have a deal? I don’t pull any tricks on you in exchange for dropping your grudge for the time being in exchange for total cooperation during our stay here?”

Kion was still visibly hesitant to trust her for the feeling it’ll happen in an unexpected manner someway somehow but at the same time with the fate of both worlds at stake, they have no choice. They work very well together and have never faced a challenge where they didn’t fail at when paired up together. So Kion moved to shake her hand.


With a firm handshake and a good understanding, the two have got themselves at an impasse with each other for now.

Just…when the school bell rings again to allow all students to walk through the hallways again with Twilight quickly taking Kion by the hand so they quickly get out of the way of traffic before getting run over. And before Kion was dragged off, he managed just enough time to grab Bunga’s wrist before they were all yanked off and away.

Author's Note:

In this part we have Kion, Bunga, and Spike all finally meeting Sunset in person is who currently berating the human counterpart of Fluttershy since she was the one who came across the two crowns they are all after.

Of course, two pre-teens versus a full grown teenager is still quite the gap in the latter's favor and it would have ended badly had Twilight not arrived when she did and taught her the lesson about bullying others the hard way.

Now one might think Twilight is going to harm them with everything that has happened, but instead she treats everyone around her like friends or allies or acquaintances to how she would call them given her value of friendship at the time.

With info on where the crowns were being currently held the four all make their way to the principal's office where of course Kion wastes no time in questioning Twilight's actions and motives since she knows full well by now of the truth of power behind those prized possessions they are all after.

Given that Sunset's actions will bring harm to everyone around them along with their world too should she get her hands on the crown's, Twilight is adamant on preventing that from happening and is actually moving to promise a truce with no double-crossing or strings attached in retrieving the crowns.

And before you judge her, you might want to consider that there might be good inside of her despite everything that has happened throughout the course of the previous season and her actions. Now I'm not saying this doesn't excuse her of anything, but the good inside of her might be there since self-centered villains would never make such deals without some kind of backstabbing involved. Though you might have a better idea later on in the story.

Anyways, with all things considered even with Kion's rightful anger towards Twilight, a truce between the two leaders of the Guard has been cemented with the one goal of stopping Sunset Shimmer in mind by deciding to run for Prince and Princess of the Fall Formal with more familiar faces they'll meet along the way.