• Published 29th Nov 2021
  • 2,157 Views, 29 Comments

The Pony Guard: Equestrian Girls - MXCDarkHorse2020

Kion, Bunga, Spike, and Twilight Sparkle all find themselves in a world where they meet their human counterparts while working together to get back Kion and Twilight's magical crowns back from the ambitous and scheming Sunset Shimmer.

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Kion at Canterlot High and A Strange New World

Kion at Canterlot High and A Strange New World

Kion groaned as he slowly opened his eyes going through the new world adjustments that have been placed on them.

“Uh, Kion?” Spike asked him.

“Huh? Spike!” He then sees Bunga too, at least his head which appeared really differently from what he’s usually used to seeing. “Bunga! You're not supposed to–?” Twilight was about to question them before seeing that Spike has the appearance of a dog that had the same purple colored fur coat, indigo colored collar, light green colored ears, and the small tuft of green hair that matches his dragon scales. “Are you a... dog?”

“I... think so.” Spike replied as he likewise looks at himself before looking at Kion. “But I have no idea what you are! Or you, Bunga” He added just when the two see that their paws are now hands.

“What?” Kion said in confusion before moving his fingers around while looking at the changes that happened to them. “Hevi Kabisa! What is this?!”

“I don’t know!” Bunga replied while looking at his body too and finding that he has light blue skin similar to his fur coat back at home along with the same slicked back yet messy white-colored hair, yet is able to stand on two feet and can wiggle his fingers.

He was also wearing clothes too, a naval blue T-shirt with matching dark blue short sleeves, matching colored gym shorts with white stripes on the side much like the sleeves, and matching sneakers with white socks.

“But this is so weird and so cool at the same time.” Bunga voiced already liking these changes while his partner is still trying understand what happened to him.

Kion like his friend had gold yellow skin, a yellow short sleeved T-shirt with red stripes on the shoulders and center of the shirt, khaki shorts, had a tuft of red hair on the center of his head slicked back similar back home.

“How are you feeling Kion?” Spike asked of him. “Doing okay?”

“Yeah…” Kion said still at a loss for words while slightly tugging his shirt and briefly grabbing his shorts. “I just wish I knew more of what happened to us and where did these clothes came from.”

“Me too.” Bunga understood completely of his friend’s confusion. “But since we’re here and on a mission, I’d say worry about it later. For now, let’s set out and find those crowns and get back here before that moon is no longer full.”

“I agree.” Spike for once spoke up in support but had some of Kion’s thoughts in mind. “But where are we?” He asked as they looked around their surroundings.

“I don't know. But that must serve as the gateway back to Equestria.” Kion answered as he placed his hand through the portal which briefly transformed back into a paw with sharp claws before pulling it back out. “We need to find my and Kiara’s crowns as soon as possible and get back there. I suggest we start searching here.” Kion said with determination before looking at the tall building in front them that strongly resembles a high school building.

“Works for me.” Spike agreed while Bunga lines up beside them.

“Let’s.” Bunga stated ready to start investigating and searching for stolen artifacts.

Both Kion and Bunga both headed towards the building walking on four’s which is a lot more awkward as humans until Spike got both of them to snap to attention when they see another human walking a dog staring at them.

“Yeah, I don't think that's how the new you is supposed to–“ Spike spoke up as the two immediately both got on their feet looking aside very embarrassed.

“Oops.” Bunga remarked now feeling very foolish.

“Uh, hey!” Kion waved at the man with a forced smile. “Everything’s fine, really!”

“Yeah! We were just rehearsing a scene in an upcoming movie where one of our friends does something exactly like this.” Bunga backed him up with this quick lie along with scratching the back of his head. "While I admit it's a work in progress, it's going to get better, really!"

The man just shrugged before moving forward while frowning at his happily panting dog when he found it entertaining and thought it would fun for him to do. The dog whimpered before obeying his master’s silent demand to move forward.

So since they walk on two legs as opposed to four legs, both Kion and Bunga made their way towards the building.

While Bunga having experience with walking on two legs before was able to make it there no problem like it was just a stroll through the Outlands on his most daring days. Kion on the other hand, had to make small steps on his way over feeling very careful in trying to maintain his balance.

“The sooner we find those crowns the sooner we can get out of here.” Kion said as he slowly made his way up the stairs.

“Exactly! Like I said!” Bunga stated feeling proud that he hasn’t said anything to sour the mood so far before turning their attention to the entrance to the building in front of them.

“Hmm!“ Bunga examined the door in question before trying to pull the door open. “Come on!” He strained and struggled to make it budge. “Open!”

Kion stepped forward to get a quick look before moving to push the door open, which ended up resulting in Bunga stumbling and falling face first onto the floor inside.

“There we go! Nothing to it!” Bunga proudly declared before brushing the dust off and then moved walk on ahead leaving his eye-rolling friends following after him.

“Nothing other than a head that’s clearly screwed on backwards.” Spike remarked in a snarky way.

“Oh, Spike.” Kion lightly chuckled before moving to catch up with their friend as they make their way through the building.

There they all see banners hanging from the walls and upstairs’ floors, with a hallway of lockers, and a glass case filled with trophies and pictures. A sight that had both Kion and Bunga both feeling this a big breath-taker since they have never seen anything like it.


“Hevi Kabisa! What is this place?”

“I don’t know.” Spike replied while being on the lookout for anything shiny and shimmery before spotting some gold trophies in a nearby enclosed glass case. “But I’m sure we’re not going to find the crowns here.” He added while looking at the nearby trophy cases showcasing many athletic achievements accomplished in this building.

“No.” Kion noted while taking a look at what Spike is seeing. “She must have managed to already obtain them when she got here.”

“Unless they somehow got intercepted by Twilight.” Bunga brought up. “Or of course somebody else.” He quickly added when he realized who he just mentioned. “Whoa.” He then gasped once he got a good look at his human self in from the reflection the glass produced. “Un-Bunga-veilable!”

Kion on the other hand was still very puzzled with his new appearance even after getting a good look at himself through the mirror. But before he could voice his thoughts on the matter the bell rings with multiple people walking outside from the multiple rooms they were in.

“Take cover!” Bunga shouted before quickly diving to the floor.

Kion on the other hand quickly picked Spike up to protect him from getting stepped on but ended up bumping into someone by accident and ended up falling down to the ground.

Bunga having already dived like Makuu and crocodile float did when they were nearly run over by Beshte’s family and friends already leaped down to the floor started crawling his way across the main hallway through the mass crowd.

The three were able to manage to retreat to a nearby open hallway where they would all be able to stand up properly.

“Phew! Talk about a stampede!” Bunga commented while treating it like it was nothing.

“Easy for you to say.” Spike remarked back finding his pride bordering on arrogance at times.

Kion moved to get up and walk around before accidentally bumping into a teenage girl causing her to drop her books by accident.

Said girl had a dark brown skin with matching brown eyes, wore a business-like and formal outfit. Said outfit consisted of a light brown sleeved dress shirt, a dark brown dress jacket with a matching pencil skirt, and wore matching dark brown slippers. Even by knowing little of her, she clearly has class and manners that her feel more eloquent than other students here.


“Oh, I’m so sorry.” Kion quickly moved to help pick up some of her books at the same time the girl herself picks up half of them before presenting them to her. “Here you go.”

The girl glared at him before snatching them away. “Thank you. Now please leave me alone.”

She then stormed off leaving Kion taken aback by what had just happened.

“Geez, What the heck was that all about?” Spike questioned her condescending and rude attitude.

“Yeah, all he did was accidentally bump into her.” Bunga added.

“I don’t know.” Kion replied after shaking it off before gaining a new mindset not finding it’s worth pursing and wasting time over. “But I’m not going to worry about that right now because we got two crowns to find and three days tops to do so.” He walked off ahead to continue his search while his two friends both follow after him.

The three then walked through the hallway in their search for the crowns. As they were walking Kion briefly lost his balance before managing to regain his ground. Once he managed to correct his footing he proceeded to move forward.

“I've never seen a place

That's quite like this

Everything is turned around

This crazy world is upside-down

Getting on my feet

It's the hand that I was dealt

But I don't have much time with them

Got to learn all that I can.”

Kion sang as he walked around the hallways.

As they looked around they saw the amazing differences of how humans do things in this world compared to their world as they one person playing hacky sack using his feet with his girlfriend watching, another male performing some acting scene while holding his book as two girls applaud his performance, and another couple walking together hand in hand.

Yet one thing they all have in common is that they all look and act similar to the pony counterparts they met in the world of Equestria.

All the while, Kion is the most interested of the trio and intrigued by all of this as she peers at a school teacher using her hands to lift up a book while writing on the chalkboard instead of using magic from their horns or using their mouths before turning to look at the clothes on his body before pressing forward.

“They don't use any magic or fly with any wings

I don't get these funny clothes, skinny legs or tiny nose

Everything's confusing when it seems so new

But I look a little closer and it starts to feel familiar too.”

Kion continued to sing as he walked around the hallways.

As they walked forward a human version of Scootaloo nearly ran into them while riding her scooter to which Spike quickly jumped into Bunga’s arms to avoid getting struck down, who likewise leaped into Kion’s arms leading to the boy and fall on his back from the force of the impact. Luckily she was able to dodge them with a little breaking before she moved forward and ahead with the human versions of Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle running after her. The three look at each in confusion of what they had just seen.

“Is it me or did that look like the Cutie Mark Crusaders expect like us right now?” Bunga questioned with a thumb pointed backwards in the giggling trio’s direction as they all ran down the hallway together.

“Looks like it.” Spike answered finding the discovery just as surprising to him as well.

Suddenly, Bunga got an uncomfortable urge in his lower region along with a growling tummy. “Oh, boy, I don’t what magic we went through but whatever it is, it’s now got me having an emergency.” He added while grabbing on his crotch before rushing off ahead in search for a bathroom.

He quickly managed to find one before managing to quickly relief himself in one of the stalls releasing a huge fart while he does so causing some of the girls in there to shriek as they all scream covering their noses in disgust.

“Oooh! Yeah!” Bunga happily said before flushing the toilet and pulled his shorts back up.

He then moved walk out of the stall, sanitized his hands, and walked out of the room wondering what was all the commotion about, until he ended up seeing the women he unintentionally had running out of the bathroom shooting furious glares at him while cringing their noises.

“Huh?” Bunga turned around to see the door to the bathroom he walked into. One that had a sign depicting a girl wearing a dress on it. “Oops.” He nervously smiled before quickly sprinting away before they could gang up on him. “Sorry!”

“What a strange new world (what a strange new world)

I'm trying to make heads or tails of this strange new world (what a strange new world)

Sorting through the small details of this strange new world

What a strange new world.”

Kion sang as the trio watched everybody walking through the halls before they pressed forward down the hallway.

Author's Note:

In this part here we have Kion, Bunga, and Spike all arrive in their new bodies as they reach the doors of Canterlot High from the portal from the statue before exploring the school itself in search of the crowns.

Without saying much, a took a little bit to try to get Kion and Bunga's characterization true to form and how they would react upon being transformed to human, but I think I managed to get it just right along with Kion managing to a meet a new face (for those who have watched Season 3 of the Lion Guard) who gets off to a bad start thanks to a little accidental bump into) who will play a pivotal role in this story.

And for those wondering in regards to Twilight Sparkle, she'll be coming in play in the next part at the same time the three boys come across Sunset Shimmer along the way to which I hope to have out by the weekend so stay tuned.