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I write about horses and other creatures kissing. The gayest of kissing


Days after returning from his (unintentional) grand adventure to reunite the pony races, Hitch Trailblazer is called to the home of Sprout and Phyllis Cloverleaf following an event in Maretime Bay.

Days after trying to harm the very ponies Hitch worked to help, Sprout finds himself stuck in his garden following a series of events mostly out of his control.

Now face-to-face, both stallions realize that they both need help only the other can provide.

Written for the M/M Shipping Contest! But let's be honest, I was just looking for an excuse to do Hitch/Sprout eventually.
Art by FraumFlug! Go follow them for more cute art.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 20 )

thank you so much for your entry into the contest!! this is the first hitch/sprout we have for it, which is very exciting!

It's a shame. These boys are pretty great (ignoring Sprout's warcrimes)

Deep #3 · Nov 6th, 2021 · · 3 ·

LOL at the idea of Hitch and Sprout hooking up.

Still gonna read this for best pony (Sprout) and 2nd best pony (Hitch).

I dunno, I just think they work. They do be cute together.

I hope you enjoy the story! :twilightsheepish:

i would not be able to support half my ships if i'm not allowed to ignore war crimes

Don't you worry. I'm sure 90% of shippers are with you there.

The adorableness of this story burns hotter than any pepper.

Aww you have no idea how happy I am to see another Sprout x Hitch story! Their interactions were so adorable.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! Hopefully I can spice it up further eventually. Maybe.

Personally, I'm surprised that there aren't that many yet. I figured it'd be the stand out M/M ship following the movie. Especially after Argyle's "disappearance" :fluttercry:

To be honest, I am legitimately surprised there isn't an gargantuan amount of art portraying these two as a couple already. It's to be expected - especially in this kind of fandom.

The moment I watched the first trailer I just knew that Argyle was gonna kick the bucket.

I was hoping he'd just go on a Forever Quest not actually fricking die

D'awwww, the fluffy loveeeeee!

Well, really, Sprout’s mother, Phyllis Cloverleaf, owned the house. Sprout was just living there until he could get back on his hooves.

so very much unlike HItch, who has a paid-off mortgage!

She wanted to go see that big buff guy to talk diplomacy.

oh, so that's what they're calling it these days!

Hitch gestured widely outward to demonstrate his point, though he ended up defeating his point by gesturing towards Maretime Bay itself.

haha, i can totally see this being a visual gag in the movie!

“Your gaydar may be impressive, but my Bi-Spy™ is absolutely immaculate.”


“Alphabittle is hella bi and you better be ready to call him daddy.”

phrasing! definitely agree tho

His chin found itself a very comfortable position against the side of his neck, and he sure couldn’t resist the urge to nuzzle and nestle against the comfortable stallion he had attached himself to.

very understandable on Sprout's part

I’m a creep.”

“You’re a weirdo.”

ha, i see what you did there! also fitting in with the musical references the canon movie did

“No, uh,” Sprout shook his head, his face flushing red again as he tried to hide himself against Hitch’s buff chest, “That’s… that’s what I was gonna name my new pepper. I thought it was fitting ‘cause you’re gonna be the first one to try it and all.”

aww! that really is just adorable. i loved this line!

Hitch laughed brightly as he nestled his muzzle against Sprout’s mane, nuzzling him gently. “Oh you’re so gay. And I love that about you, Sprout.”

and i am so glad Hitch agrees!

now this is a classic redemption-to-ship story! very adorable, with the feel of really being set in the canon. and it's just great to see a fic of this ship in particular. thank you for writing!

While I appreciate this whole comment, I am so very glad that you brought up me referencing Creep because it finally gives me a reason to link This Video of Ken Jeong singing it.

I had no recollection of any musical references in the movie when I wrote that line. That video just lives rent-free in my brain at all times.

Thank you again for the in-depth appreciation of my story :twilightblush:

finally got around to watching this, which was amazing. i can see why it lives rent-free in your head! also edited my comment to fix me quoting the same paragraph twice at the end lol

So glad I came across this adorkable floofy mess of a story of two adorkable floofballs being adorkable together.

I need more of this.

“Your gaydar may be impressive, but my Bi-Spy™ is absolutely immaculate.”

It's the little TM that got me. :rainbowlaugh:

“Alphabittle is hella bi and you better be ready to call him daddy.”

You might want to rephrase that. :raritywink:

All in all, a lovely little story. 11/10 would read again. :heart:

This is just cute

Sucks the actual show is wasting Sprout.

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