• Member Since 4th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Simultaneously able to type 94 wpm and still take five years to finish a story. If you're feeling generous, throw a ko-fi at me.


Shortly after the events of the movie, Sunny invites her friends to try a recipe she found. The conversation soon turns to wings.

Did you know pegasi lose theirs?

Now with a reading!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

Izzy: Taa-daa! Hi friends! I’m feeling much better now. Unicorns do not puke glitter, in case you were wondering. So! What did I miss?

Sprout: Hey, Izzy. Did you know pegasi have baby wings that they lose, like baby teeth?

Izzy: Whaaaat? No way! That’s another fun thing we have in common! We unicorns lose our horns and grow new ones every few years. This here is actually my third horn.

Sprout: Your what?

Izzy: "Wanna see what I did with the old ones?"

Hitch: "E rating! E RATING!"

Izzy: "...Why would backscratchers not be an E-rating?"

Poor Sprout! This was a really cute and funny story though. I loved all the character interactions.

Very cute work.

Good stuff!

This was really fun and silly, poor Sprout.

Or, rather, face him; the Pega-Periscope Goggles (with a ‘Pega-friend finder!’ sticker slapped on top of the previous logo) she wore was directing her vision upward.

It'll be fun to see what happens with Canterlogic once the G5 series gets going.

Sunny sighed. “Izzy got sick because she ate almost a whole bowl of raw unicorn cupcake batter,” she said pointedly. “As long as you wait until it’s baked, you’re going to have a good day.”

I’m curious about what the story is there.

Sunny had always wondered if a unicorn would like her dad’s unicorn cupcakes, and Izzy was all too willing to try.
Izzy didn’t quite understand why you could eat cookie dough but not cake batter, but she settled for licking the spoon.
Sunny loaded the paper cups in the tray (magic makes that much quicker!) and then looked over.
“Mm-hm?” Izzy said, trying but failing to hide the fact that her mouth was clearly full.
“Where’s the cupcake batter?”
Izzy swallowed. “The what?” she asked innocently.
So long story short, raw batter gives unicorns tummyaches, but Izzy still gave it two hooves way up.

I don't know what's dumber. Falling for this prank so hard, or laughing at the guy with super-strength who is angry with you over the prank you just pulled.

Only my second G5 fic, but very good at getting everypony's voice! If this is what their dynamic will be like in the series, it might even be worth the wait...

(Unfortunately, I doubt they'll correct the earthpony magic thing.)

We out here

My first G5 audiobook. Maybe even the first G5 fic I've read. Thanks for writing this story!

Haha! Glad to be the first! Thanks for reading!

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