• Published 28th Oct 2021
  • 312 Views, 1 Comments

Scootaloo's Very Spooky Ookie Nightmare Night - Spazz Kid

it's actually rather stupid. Why am I like this?

  • ...

You know what, I'm just gonna rant here for a second. Can someone please tell me why I need a chapter title? We all know that's it's a chapter, and there's only one, so why? Why put me through such torment? Why make me be creative for

Scootaloo exists.

Boom. There you go. Introduction over. Moving on.

She is walking down the street, as you do. She and her friends had just finished doing whatever the hell the pony version of trick or treating is, and her friends had headed home. But not the Scootlord!

She's heard stories, stories of an old house that sits on a hill. Which hill? I don't know, they didn't say which one.
Anyway, the stories said something about the house being haunted, or whatever, so Scoots was finna head on over, and...
Do something, I don't know.

So yeah, that's what she's doing; wasting her night away, making her aunts very worried for no reason.

So she started with the outskirts of Ponyville. Cause you know... no hills in town. I think.

She's making her way downtown, walking.. rather slow actually. Weird, you'd think she'd be ecstatic to do something this stupid, when it's the middle of the night, and she's the only pony outside.

After slowly shuffling down the street for like, ten minutes, she's on the edge of town, looking forward, her eyes following the endless dirt path. Well, seemingly endless, anyway. There's no way it's actually endless, that would be stupid!

Anyway, she spun to the right, and she began to circle the outside of the town.
Of course, she and her friends had gone around the edge of town before, but they had never gone outside at night before.

"Scootaloo." A voice said from behind her. "What the fuck are you doing?"

Scootaloo recognized the voice. It was Rainbow Dash.
She spun around..

To see nothing.

Nothing other than red eyes piercing the darkness, of course!

"W-ho.. Who's there??"

"Well, nopony you know, obviously." A different voice said, this one a male, but still coming from the same direction.

"Wait... why is it so dark? The moon's fucking huge!" Scootaloo asked.

"Don't question the power of horror cliches." The voice said, and the eyes disappear. Shuffling noises are then heard.

Scootaloo sighed, annoyance overtaking her short lived fear. "Oh my god dude, why the hell? Why isn't horror compelling anymore?"

The shuffling stopped, and a pair of green eyes appe. "What? Horror isn't 'compelling'? 'anymore'?" The voice from before asked her, sounding genuinely confused.

"Yeah! Nowadays it's always dumb, mindless murder! Blood, gore, random suicides! Everyone's depressed! IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE!"

The darkness suddenly lessened, and a changeling stepped out into the.. light? I don't fucking know, man. "Scootaloo, I think you're stuck in 2014. Fanfics are more focused on porn and romance and stuff these days."

Scootaloo suddenly gained a confused expression. "What? I was talking about horror films! They're almost always bad! Especially these days!"

"Oh. Well, you're probably just looking in the wrong place. There are tons of good things out there that have come out recently... hopefully." The changeling looked up thoughtfully

"What about the Invisible Mare remake? That had nothing to do with the original!" Scootaloo stamped her hoof angrily.

"Have you even seen the original?" The Changeling Looked at her with a bored expression.

Scootaloo's face faltered and she began to stammer."U-uh- No.. BUT! I have read reviews that have said so!"

"Okay? That makes the remake bad how exactly?" The changeling squinted his eyes.

Scootaloo didn't answer.

"You see, just because a remake is different than the source material, doesn't make it bad. In fact, if not an absolute bore fest, it can actually an enjoyable experience, and it allows you to see the stories you love in a new light! Even if a lot of them are bad..." The changeling walked forward, smiling slightly.

"...Yeah, I guess you're right." Scootaloo sighed. "I guess that makes me stupid.."

"Hey, no, it's alright! You were simply wrapped up in your own opinions!" The changeling put his hoof on Scootaloo's shoulder.

"Yeah, I probably shouldn't do that again.." Scootaloo said, still slouching.

"Well, that's not exactly what I was saying, but good enough." The Changeling frowned slightly, before perking up. "Wait, this is a Halloween story! I gotta do something scary..." He moved back half a step.

Scootaloo looked up. "What? Oh... Yeah." She straightened up. "So, uh, what did you have in mind?"

"Hm.." The Changeling rubbed his hoof to his chin. " I think... Maybe... AH!" His face stretched into a mischievous grin. "What if.. you ran away, and, uh, I take your place??" He looked at her, hopeful.

"Hm.." Scootaloo was the one rubbing her chin this time. "That could work.. Oh! How about that, but you could also put a weird, creepy spin on it? Like, randomly stare a ponies for no reason sometimes, and always keep a blank expression, no matter what?"

"Oh, that's good!" The Changeling praised Scootaloo's idea, smiling. "Oh! And next Nightmare Night, you can back, and we switch places again, like nothing ever happened!"

"Haha, yes!" Scootaloo laughed, pumping her hooves into the air. "That'll be hilarious! Just to come back and start acting like myself again, and looking at everypony's reactions!"

They laughed together, like it was the funniest shit in the world. Which it wasn't.

After a few minutes of them laughing loudly, and somehow not waking anyone up,they had calmed done, and were setting their plan into action, Scootaloo explaining her life to the Changeling, when Scootaloo realized something.

"Hey, wait! I don't I got your name." She asked the Changeling, who now looked exactly like Scootaloo.

"Oh. It's Ivory." They shook hooves.

"Wait.. again.. How did you know my name?" Scootaloo asked, pausing.

"Don't worry about." Ivory replied simply, looking at her with an innocent smile.

They stared at each other for a few seconds, before Scootaloo initially shrugged.

"Eh. Anyway, here take my costume." She gave him the hat she was wearing.

"Uh.." Ivory put it on, confused. "What is it?"

"It's a hat." Scootaloo answered.

"Uh, no, a hat for what?"

"A hat for me to wear for my costume."

Ivory sighed, realizing that this wasn't getting anywhere.

"Anyway, I better be off. So should you." Scootaloo began to walk down the road, away from town. "See ya, Ivory!" She waved back at him.

"See ya, Scoots!" Ivory waved after her, pitching and shifting his voice to sound like hers.

He turned around, and began walking toward her aunts' house.

He didn't even need to ask directions, because he knew where it was.

Author's Note:

I don't regret many things, but this is certainly one of those things.

I apologize, not to you, the reader, but to my brain, that had to think and write this stupid thing before Halloween.



Comments ( 1 )

Now that was, certainly something. The ending was mildly unsettling once the implications hit.

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