• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2022
  • offline last seen 19 hours ago


"Art is subjective" - Some guy who was bad at art. https://ko-fi.com/scotishbro buy me some "energy drinks"


Hear the soothing, but inspiring sound of the bagpipes, let it fill you with pride and courage! Scottaloo may be no unicorn, but she will not be deterred by her battle-brethren's harsh words. Her will to fight, and her unrivaled courage on the battlefield more than makes up for her lack of magical prowess! FEAR THE ORANGE RAGE!!!

Thank you for reading, and have a great day!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 65 )

Oh my god you actually wrote it.

You actual madlad.

Also holy hell that cover is freaking GOLD.

Scottaloo be praised. The moor will never be the same again. :scootangel:

They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!!! ALBA GU BRATH!!!

Okay, you have my curiosity and my interest. And given your indication of who is best pony, my respect. Let's see where this madness leads.

This is brilliant.

Scoots fits so well as a Scot (even though I tend to see the Apples as Scottish).

Thank you. I really enjoyed writing this first chapter. Have a great day!

I'm making a playlist of all the songs I'm going to link in the story. Really cool to see some bagpipe action in the MLP fandom! Thank you!

As an Englishman with a Scottish surname I was intrigued, I'm already completely confused and unsure whether to laugh or be offended by this.

I apologize if any of this is offensive to anybody. It's all in jest, no hate meant.

Sane with my comment, I meant it as a joke, this is pretty hilasrious.

Oh! Well I still stand by it. Thank you for reading!

"I, Haggis MacCallan, will not be disrespected in such a way! I demand a fight with Scottaloo! No Pegasus will take my rightful place as best pony!"

Yon numpty needs tae be skelped aroond the lugs.

Jings, crivens, help ma boab… :facehoof:

Right, let’s see what this nonsense is all about. :rainbowlaugh:

A most curious and interesting chapter

Somehow, I imagine Scootaloo talking like the Demoman in Team Fortress 2 and using the eyelander

I always forget about the Demoman being Scottish until somebody reminds me of it

Fooken scottish mate, brilliant story aye

The only thing we're currently missing is irn-bru :rainbowlaugh: I'm also wondering who their enemy is.

You say you will write more chapters, yet the "Complete" tag says otherwise.

I should probably put it on-hiatus.

:scootangel: I've come to slay the dragon!
:raritystarry: That dragon was subdued and no longer a threat
:scootangel: Show me what's left of the beast
:duck: He's indisposed at the moment
:unsuresweetie::applecry: What's that noise in the kitchen?
:scootangel: He's cooking diner?
:moustache: And making the bed, Sweeping the floor, Washing the windows, feeding the livestock, Tote what barge lift that bail...
:unsuresweetie: Poor beast
:moustache: Yea poor me
:raritywink: You didn't say that last night

This is a fantastically stupid concept.


This is going onto the list of hilariously dumb things I must read sometime.

-Drunk Sco(o)tish Cyclopes

Ha ha! Nice!
Some of these jokes really landed and I enjoyed parts of the zaniness of the fic (All of the CMC's actions, dialogue in particular). A lot of the jokes didn't land, and maybe we could chuck it out to it not being my general cup of tea (Particularly Asstley's demise) but I did feel some of them were just outlandish remarks made for the sake of being outlandish.
A few grammatical mistakes here n' there if you look for them, but nothing big that makes the story intelligible.

Thanks for writing this!

Scotland introduced an alcohol tax to try and curb the countries drinking problem, from what I heard it didn't work and the year after resulted in a record turnover of alcoholic beverages sold, so yeah, so far I'd have to say this story does have some truth behind it, the Scots do like their booze.

He was drunk off his ass when making eggs and then fell in the latrine tripping over his unfastened pants
He got a DFC for that....

Got to see what's next:rainbowlaugh:

Source: Dude, trust me

So... the same source as the government and CNN.

This is the second or third fic I can recall reading with characters that speak blas Albannach (thank you translation apps).

I'm just surprised I was the first to write a Fic about a Scottish Scootaloo. Took 12 years for somebody to put two and two together.

One of the writers, by the name Carabas, wrote a story involving Clans of Corvids that have that distinctive burr. The other wrote a series of detective novellas one which took place in Scotland. and finally while not Scottish per se, there was an old story where Lyra Heartstrings was not born of mortal ken, but was actually a member of the Sidhe.

Ooh.. No clue what any of that is but I could do well with a little more research.

Here are the stories if you want to check them out:
1) https://www.fimfiction.net/story/461999/legends

2) https://www.deviantart.com/ponyjosiah13/gallery/57402320/mystery-on-the-mareish-moors (part of a series of Sherlock-Holmes inspired fanfics). These stories were some of the original writings of the author, and in the years since, he has improved his craft and decided to remove all of these old dabbles from Fimfiction and replaced them with a darker grittier crime-noire series starting with:https://www.fimfiction.net/story/371960/ponyville-noire-tails-of-two-private-eyes

3) https://www.fimfiction.net/story/26192/mendacity


And given your indication of who is best pony, my respect.



Have a little inspirational music

Irridium by The Sidh is also pretty good

That's pretty good however I tend to go for something a little mor traditional. If the damn add shows just skip it, no duh

That's not a very sad song! But it is a great one. Thank you!

Great chapter - can't wait to see a full on battle scene

:scootangel: May the Scootish consort and her dragon protect you... Or make a fine Bar-B-Q
:rainbowhuh: Really?
:facehoof: I need a plumber with my pipes

:rainbowhuh: unload a brick
:rainbowlaugh: shit a brick
:moustache: built like a brick
:duck: Yes, A brick
:trollestia: Scottaloo the Brick!
:scootangel: Be forewarned the Brick comes
:unsuresweetie: Damn Scooten
:applecry: We are Wall

Oh, this has been glorious nonsense indeed. Looking forward to whatever else you may treat us with.

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