• Published 2nd Sep 2021
  • 1,927 Views, 76 Comments

World at War: Protectors of Harmony - TasteDaRainbow

Bravery doesn't mean you're not scared. It means you'll go anyway. Join Twilight and her friends' adventure in the middle of World War 2.

  • ...

Guns and Ponies

Parker slowly walked in with Reed's help carrying Wade into the shack. The ponies looked at them and saw the blood dripping from Wade's unfortunate ass.

"Oh dear." Rarity said while putting a hoof on her mouth.

"Put him down here." Parker ordered to Reed. Reed nod before gently laying down the wounded soldier and quickly inspect his wound. Wade groaned as they did.

"Got any bandages?" Reed asked.

"Who am I, a medic?" Parker retorted.

"Dang it."

"What happened to him?" Twilight suddenly asked right next to Parker. He sighed and looked at her.

"He got shot."

"Shot?" Rainbow asked while hoovering in the air. The ponies looked at Wade with worried looks.

They haven't seen anything like this before. That's for sure

"It's a long story," Parker answered, "Right now I have to find something that could patch the wound." He stood up while looking around the room.

"I demand an explanation after this." Reed said as he stood up too. Parker didn't respond as he began to walk around the room. He walked over to the old shelf and opened it. As he expected, dust greeted his face quickly, making him cough several times and closed his nose and mouth. As his vision's clear, he noticed some shirts were hanging in it.

"This should do it." He said as he grab the shirt out off from its place.

"Ya sure about that?" Reed suddenly asked next to him. "It's dusty. I'm sure as hell it will make the wound even worse."

"Why don't you just keep the pressure on the wound, Private." Parker asked.

"Right... sorry." Reed quickly ran to Wade, who was still unconscious and pressed his hand on the wound again. Parker looked at the shirt, then back to the shelf.

Ain't no way I'm gonna drag my ass back to that river just to clean this shit

Twilight seemed to notice Parker's concern and quickly offered a help. "I can handle it." She said as she levitated the shirt from his hand. Parker and Reed watched with wide eyes as she trotted off to the door and went outside like nothing was wrong; the shirt was floating in front of her.

"What was that?" Reed asked, still looking at the door.

"No idea." Parker replied.

"It's magic, darling." Rarity said.

"Magic?" Reed asked. Parker still have no idea how Reed could cope with this since he saw his expression at the first place.

"Here you go!" Twilight said as she walked in to the room with the shirt still floating with her. She then gave Parker the shirt and he inspected it. No dust, it's clean. As if she had already bought from a store several minutes ago.

"How did you-"

"Magic." Reed simply said. Parker put the thoughts away from his mind and quickly tear up the shirt. He walked to Wade and knelt down next to him, he was about to treat the wound when he stopped.

Reed looked at his sergeant in confusion. "What's wrong Sarge?" He asked.

"How the fuck am I supposed to wrap this thing to cover the wound."

"You're not a medic, just wrap it around his torso since he's unconscious."

"Mind giving me a hand?"

"Always have."

"Aight, here goes nothing." Parker slowly worked on the wound. First he gently wipe the blood so there wouldn't be any infection. Then he used the rest of the shirt he had torn to wrap it around Wade's torso. "Alright. He's good. We just need to get back to the others so the medics will fix him."

"Aye aye." Reed replied. Parker stood up and walked to the couch while placing his helmet on the table. He then pulled the couch and placed it at the door. Blocking it to prevent any unwanted visitors.

"We should do night shift if we're gonna stay here for the night," Reed suggest, "Those gun fires will probably alert more of them and they will come and search for us."

"You take some rest, Private," Parker replied as he sat comfortably on the couch, "I'm gonna do the night guard."

"Alone? Hell no, you're not doing it alone."

"That's not a suggestion, that's an order. You're my responsibility, Reed. All of you." He looked at the ponies. They seemed to be shocked at his statement. "It's my duty to keep you guys safe. To make sure you're going home in one piece. Even if it takes me a helluva lot blood and sweat to do so."

Reed just stared at him as he stared back. The private then let out a sigh and slumped against the wall. "Sometimes, I just wish you'd listen to me. You need rest Sarge."

"You know who I am." Parker chuckled lightly.

"At least you're still the Parker I know." Reed chuckled not long enough as it replaced by a frown. "You still owe me an explanation about this." He looked at the ponies.

"Ahh, yes," Parker said with a smile, "Private Cody Reed, meet these friends of mine." He pointed at them one by one while saying their names. "Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and that little dragon over there, is Spike."

They nod slightly at Reed, which was still confused. "They have names?" Which was replied by a single nod. "Well, pleasure to meet y'all, I'm Private First Class Cody Reed. You can call me Reed."

Just then, they heard a groaning sound. Parker looked at Wade, he was finally back to his consciousness. "Good to have you back, Corporal." He said with a chuckle.

"The fuck just happened?" Wade groaned, still laying on his stomach.

"You just passed out when you heard some horses could-" Reed was cut off by Twilight.


"Right... sorry. You just passed out when you heard some ponies could talk." He continued.

"Animals can't talk." He said as he looked at his two comrades. "And damn you, ponies doesn't even exist." But then, his eyes fixed on the ponies that's sitting around me.

"Howdy partner." Applejack tipped her hat.

Wade blinked his eyes, then looked at his sergeant. "Am I hallucinating things or I'm dead. 'Cause I pretty much sure I got shot at-" He looked to his wound. "My ass..."

Parker sighed. "Alright. Ponies, let me introduce you with..." And just like that, they all blend with one another pretty fast. Wade still couldn't cope up but Rainbow managed to calm him down. The unfortunate soldier still thought that he was dreaming but a slap from Parker told him otherwise.

It wasn't long enough for them to talk until Parker eventually yawned. He closed his mouth with a hand and looked at the window. It was dark outside, probably seven in the evening; he searched for something that could tell him the time but there weren't any clocks in the room.

"Alright," He said, getting their attention, "I think we can call it a night."

Reed shrugged but quickly lay down on his back and closed his eyes while crossing his arms. "Wake me up if there are any Krauts."

"I will." Wade quickly joined Reed as he lay down while facing the wall. Wincing a bit at his pain.

Parker then looked at the ponies. All of them were trying to get into a comfortable position on the floor. It was rude of him for sitting on the couch all by himself, so he decided to join them on the floor. Placing his Thompson on his lap, he leaned against the wall.

"Would be better if the light's off." Reed suddenly said, which Parker obliged. He stood up and reached the oil lamp and then blew the fire off. The ponies let out a small whimper as the room suddenly went dark.

"Don't worry," he chuckled while walking back to his spot, "I'm here when you need me."

"Say what you want Sarge, you're gonna sleep anyway." Reed said sarcastically.

"Will you please just shut up and sleep already?"

"I'll see you tomorrow then."

With that, the room fell into another silence. A blissful one. It wasn't cold in the room, it was quite warm. So Parker didn't have to wrap the ponies with blanket or whatever he could find in the room to keep them warm. He slumped back against the wall, and it wasn't long enough before he heard snoring noises. All of them must've been asleep. Especially the soldiers. They're all tired after running from those Germans since morning. His thoughts then went back to the ponies. He's still curious about the ponies he just met. How the hell they would get back home? Are they his responsibility now? Are they gonna be here like... forever? So many thoughts ran through his mind. These ponies have no idea what they're dealing with. He could only hope that the ponies knew about war or have seen one. Even though from their expressions he could definitely tell that they haven't been, or seen one. He then thought about their way back to the camp. How would the other paratroopers thought about these newcomers. Most importantly, how would the General react to this. He shook his head in an attempt to put his thoughts away. He didn't want to think any of it for now.

The dark room only made his eyes heavier, not to mention the sound of peaceful crickets everywhere. But Parker convinced himself to not sleep, he must stay on his guard and hear anything suspicious outside. He was afraid those Krauts came back to slit their throats. Gladly, only the singing of crickets could be heard. It was almost felt like they're in a mountain. With no war, no fight, no worry. He just hope that-

"Umm... excuse me, Parker?" Yep, other than that, he could hear some shivering noises before. He looked at the source of the voice and saw two big purple adorable eyes staring at him. Albeit, sleepy.

"Yeah Twilight?" He asked calmly, not wanting to wake up the rest.

"I'm a little bit... cold..." She said with a yawn escaped from her mouth. Parker chuckled and put his weapon next to him.

"You can lay on my lap here if you want." He said with a gentle tone. He couldn't help but curious about what ponies actually felt like. She hesitantly walked closer to him, but then crawled up onto his lap and curled like a cat.

Damn, she's so adorable!

Get a grip idiot, she's a pony

He wrapped her in his arms. His body heat seemed to be working as she let out a sigh of delight and closed her eyes. Parker put a hand and stroke it gently to her mane. It was incredibly soft than he expected.

"Parker?" Twilight broke the silence.


"What is this?" She asked while pointing a hoof to his weapon. Though, Parker could barely see through the dark but still, the full moon provided the room some more light.

"It's a gun."

"A gun?"

"Yep," He looked at her, those adorable purple eyes met his, "A gun, it's a weapon from which bullets or shell are fired through the metal tube." He pointed at the gun barrel. She looked at it while tilting her head.

"Why are you using this?"

Smart, yet curious pony she was. "If we're being honest, we used it to kill something."

She gasped and quickly turned her attention back to him. "Why would you kill something?"

"The simple answer is, we are at war, Twilight."

Parker surely could tell the expression Twilight had. Fear. She's looking at him as if he was going to hurt her. Bad. "War? You're killing your own species? I thought you're a good person."

"It's all right. I'm not going to hurt you." He hugged her close even more.

"But why do you want a war?" Her voice was slightly trembling.

"I don't," he replied, "Believe me Twilight, war isn't something that I want to see. I just did this because I had to do... and a part of me wants to see the world too. But this is what I get." Parker released the hug and looked at her straight in the eyes. "It seems like your world haven't fought in any war before?"

She shook her head. "No. Well... yes. But the war had over hundreds of years ago. We didn't have any war since then."

"So you didn't expect to see this coming."

Twilight shook her head again. "I'm... scared..."

Parker smiled warmly and put a hand under her chin. "Please... don't be afraid Twilight. I promise to keep you safe until you and your friends can find a way to get back home. No matter the risk is. If I had to die protecting you, then so be it. If that's the last thing I'm gonna do. I'll be always by your side when you're here. I'll protect you, and your friends."

She looked at him in disbelief. He guessed those fears have been washed away from her. "You promise?"

"I will prove it." Parker hugged her close again, which she returned. "So does that mean we're friends now, right?" He asked playfully.

She chuckled warmly. "I already see you that the first time we met." Then, a yawn escaped from her mouth. He released the hug and gently put her back on his lap.

"You should get some sleep. 'Cause tomorrow's gonna be a long day. And don't worry, I'll be here when you wake up."

Twilight chuckled again and rest her chin on his arm. He continued to stroke her mane until she fell asleep. Parker then looked at the rest of the ponies. They all seemed to be in the land of dreams. A peaceful one. They really didn't know what would happen. They haven't experienced war yet. How would they survive the hell he was in?

Guess it depends on me now, huh

I was wondering what will the General react to this shit

I did think about him treating them like a real animal

Mark my words, if he for real did that, lets shove our boots in his ass

I'll look forward to it

Parker remained silent while stroking Twilight's mane. With a low sigh, his mind went to his family. His sister, his brother, his mom and dad. Both his brother and dad served in the marines, invading Omaha Beach. Which he always pray and hoped for them to make it out alive. His mom and sister were alone in the house, waiting for their arrival. Parker would've written down a letter for them so they knew he's okay. He looked down to Twilight as something clicked in his mind.

She looks..

Just like her.. isn't she..


Parker looked up at the ceiling while letting out another sigh. "Father, even when things seem hopeless, we know that through You we are never without hope. We beg your intervention for a world on the constant brink of war. Beat the swords into plowshares and cause the lion to lie down with the lamb. May You bring peace to all lands. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen." Parker looked back down to Twilight. Her breathing was steady and a small smile plastered on her face. She seemed to be in a wonderful dream. He smiled, still stroking her soft mane.

"There's a lot of things that you need to know Twilight. I hope you and your friends are ready for those hell that will come."