• Published 2nd Sep 2021
  • 1,927 Views, 76 Comments

World at War: Protectors of Harmony - TasteDaRainbow

Bravery doesn't mean you're not scared. It means you'll go anyway. Join Twilight and her friends' adventure in the middle of World War 2.

  • ...






Parker rushed through the forest to the source of the gun fire and the shouting from his squad; along with the Germans could be heard screaming and yelling. He ran past the bushes and was greeted by a tree in front of him. But he managed to made his way to the left as he avoided the tree. Parker slide his way down when he saw a thick branch blocking his way. After minutes of running, he finally saw a river not far away. That's when he saw some grey silhouettes walking and running on the opposite side of the river. As Parker arrived at the scenery, he raised his weapon and started to shoot at the Krauts. They were caught off guard by him as he managed to drop two soldiers to the ground. The Krauts noticed his position and quickly aimed their guns to him and started to shoot back. Parker ran away and hid behind a rock.

"Fucking Krauts." He mumbled to himself as he shifted to a better position.

"Sarge!" He heard someone called his name and when he turned to look at it, Reed was there with Wade, who was laying on his chest. "Get over here!" Reed shouted again.

"Wade! What happened?" Parker shouted through the gun fires.

"They shot me in the ass, Sarge!" Wade replied.

Parker looked at the Germans before nodding to Reed. "COVER ME!!"

Reed nod and prepared himself to shoot. Parker took a deep breath before started to run to the others. Reed immediately came out from his hiding spot and quickly shoot at the Germans. Parker quickly slide down the dirt and hide behind the cover. Reed quickly hide too when he ran out of ammo.

"Shit!" He shrieked. Parker looked at him then to Wade, then to his wound.

"Woah. Enjoying the ride pal?" Parker asked with a smirk as he peeked and fired some bullets to the Krauts.

"Those Krauts better be paying for this," Wade replied, "DUDE, I WAS JUST GETTING SOME WATER WHEN THOSE PRICKS CAME OUT OF DAMN NOWHERE AND STARTED TO SHOOT US." He sighed as he looked at his wound. "I think it's probably from the gun fight we had earlier. The water's clear though." He chuckled.

"You lucky son of a bitch."

"I know right?"

"Well, we need to clear 'em off. Shall we?" Reed said as he ducked when a bullet wizzed nearby.

"Hell yeah," he said with a grin before he looked back to Wade, "You'll be all right?"

"I'll be fine," he replied calmly, "Just go and kick some asses for me, will ya."

Parker chuckle and pat his shoulder. "You got it."

Wade smiled at him as Parker backed away. Cocking his Thompson, Parker looked at Reed who was reloading at the moment. "Reed, I need you to run and take cover over there." Parker said as he pointed to a nearby large trunk. Reed looked at the trunk, then back to his Sergeant.

"You fucking kidding me, Sarge."

"No, I don't. You gotta do as I say, or else we all die here. We'll pinned 'em down from two sides."

"We're only three of us here god dammit!"

"At least we buy ourselves some time to escape, Private."

Reed looked at the trunk nervously. But then looked back at Parker and nod. "You better be right about this!"

"Trust me! I know what I'm doing!" Parker replied as he grip his Thompson and readied himself. Both of them nodded their heads and Reed ran at full speed while Parker was trying to get the Krauts' attention to him. He fired at least three bullets to each soldiers that was in his sight. He managed to get the Krauts to fire on him. He fired, ducked, reload, and fire his weapon again, he was doing it all in a quick motion. He finally saw Reed sliding down and quickly ducked behind the large trunk.

"What should I do now?!" He shouted. He pulled his feet closer to him as a bullet landed next to him.

"Do you need to fucking ask that?! Just hold them off!!" Parker shouted back while cocking his gun. He peeked from his hiding spot before started to shoot again. Desperately this time. He realized the number of Krauts were countless. They were more of them. He couldn't tell that they called a reinforcements or not, but hell they were a lot of them.

One o'clock


Two more on your left



Fuckin' mag

"WHERE THE HELL DID THEY COME FROM?!" Wade yelled through the gun fires.

"We can't stay here anymore!" Reed shouted from his spot as he started to shoot relentlessly.

"I know!" Parker shouted back, grabbing his fresh mag, he reload his weapon. "This river is big though, they won't be able to cross it!"

"So, what are we waiting for!" Wade chimed in as he groaned from the sudden pain. "Argh! Fuck! My ass!"

Parker thought for a moment before he came up with an idea. "Reed!!" He called out. The Private immediately took cover.

"What is it?!"

"We'll give Wade some covering fire!! Wade, go to the tree line, we'll cover you!!"

"Are you out of your fucking mind?!" Wade shrieked. "I got a hole in my ass here, Sarge!!"

"You have two holes now for Christ sake!! Now get to the tree line!! Just crawl, you're gonna make it!! We'll catch up!!" Parker shot down another Kraut.

"Fucking hell!" Wade said as he started to crawl to the tree line.

"REED!! COVERING FIRE!!" Reed did as he was told.


"QUIT WHINING YOU NIMROD!! GO!!" Parker literally yelled at the top of his lungs. A clicking sound realized him that he had ran out of ammo. Parker got into cover as he reached for another mag. While doing so, he saw Wade made it to the tree line as he crawled through a thick bush.

"'Bout fucking time." Parker mumbled before turned his attention to Reed. "Private!! Come on!! We gotta get outta here!!" He shouted as he was being bombarded by tons of bullets. Gun fires could be heard everywhere and Parker was pretty sure the ponies have blocked the door with any stuff they could find before he got back. Well, if he ever got back alive.

"On three?!" Reed asked while shooting with his Garand.

"One!" Parker shouted back while peeking his head. "TWO!!" Parker quickly ran from his hiding spot, back to the tree line.


He was expecting Reed to be with him the moment he helped Wade to get on his feet. But when he looked back, Reed was still holding the Krauts off. A grenade exploded in front of the young private, making him crouched down to take some cover. "REED!! GET THE HELL OUTTA THERE!!" Parker shouted as he started to run, but stopped when Wade suddenly crouched on his grip.

"FUCK!! SARGE, I CAN'T RUN!!" Wade yelled while gritting his teeth. "MY ASS SARGE!! MY ASS!!"

"We can't stay here any longer dammit! REED!! LET'S GO!!"


After blocking the door with lots of stuff they could find, Twilight and her friends sat around and wait for Parker to come back. They could still hear the screaming and loud noises from the forest. They began to think of what might happen to him.

"Should we go look for him?" Rainbow asked, breaking the silence.

"No, we can't. He told us to stay here." Twilight replied.

"Ah know, but we can't just sit our haunches here and wait," Applejack said, "He's probably in trouble right now. He probably need our help."

"I know girls," Twilight said, "But he already told us to stay. He knows what danger it is outside. And we don't even know who he's fighting with."

"But why would he care about us though," Rarity chimed in, "I'm not trying to be rude, but didn't it seems... odd? He didn't know us, and he didn't want us to get hurt?"

Twilight groaned. "Isn't it obvious? He's a nice stallion, of course."

Rarity put a hoof under her chin. "Hmm... I guess you're right."

"He's friendly." Fluttershy added.

"He's not a stallion, silly!" Pinkie said.

They continued on their rambling until they didn't notice that the gun fire has stopped. Rainbow was the one who notice this and quickly made up her mind.

"I'm going out there and find him," Rainbow said, "With or without you."

"Ah'll go with Rainbow." Applejack added.

"Me too!" Pinkie shouted excitedly.

"Rainbow Dash," Twilight said, "Don't go. We need to stay."

"While waiting for him out there in danger all by himself? No way I'm gonna sit here and wait."

"Rainbow's right, Twi," Applejack chimed in, "At least we know where he is and that he's safe."

Twilight frowned and narrowed her eyes. "You girls-" A sudden knock from the door interrupted their conversation. They all looked at the door for a moment until a familiar voice called out.

"Twilight! Open the door! We got a wounded here!"


"DUCK!!" Parker shouted as he put Wade behind a large stone. Wade winced at his pain. The Germans continued on to firing at them. Even though, the three of them were already far enough from the river. The Germans kept on pinning them down, as a result, they were forced to move from cover to cover.

"How the fuck they can still firing at us?!" Reed yelled next to Parker.

"How am I supposed to know that!!" Parker yelled back. He turned his attention to Wade. His friend was panting heavily whilst laying down on his chest. "Dammit. Come on! We need to get outta here and patch his wound!"

"Damn right we are." Reed replied. Parker helped Wade once more to his feet and they continued to run slowly back to the shack. They ran from cover to cover mostly because Wade couldn't stand the pain. It felt like eternity while the Germans continued on their bullet bombardment towards the paratroopers. Bullets flew past them but suddenly, the firing sound stopped; along with the bullets. Parker slowed his pace and looked at the wounded soldier next to him. Wade was clinging to his shoulder tightly while panting.

"Is it over?" He asked.

"I guess so..." Parker replied while looking back. "Yeah, they stopped firing all right."

"Sarge, I have an idea." Reed said. Before Parker could reply, Reed went off to a nearby trunk and dragged it to them.

"The fuck are you doing?" Wade asked.

"Look, you wanna walk or lay on this trunk. Me and Parker will drag you back."

Without hesitation, Wade released his grip from Parker and dropped his body to the trunk like a koala. Parker nod and they limply walk back to the shack.

The day was getting darker. Parker noticed the sun looming on the horizon, mere minutes from setting. And it's starting to get cold. However, a single thought ran through Parker's mind.

Fuck, how should I say about those ponies to these guys

Their expression will be priceless, I'm telling ya

I hate to admit it, but you're right

They finally arrived at the shack and stopped in front of the door. Parker had to make sure they did as he said, so he decide to push the door open. And just as he thought, he couldn't open it.

"Is it locked or blocked?" Reed asked. "Weren't you bust it open earlier?"

Parker simply nod his head and called out for the ponies. "Twilight! Open the door! We got a wounded here!"

"Twilight?" Wade asked. "Who the hell is Twilight?"

"They're friends."

"Friends?" Reed asked. "They? What the fuck are you talking about."

He was about to reply but was interrupted when they heard lots of crashing sounds behind the door. Finally, the door opened widely and stood the purple pony looking at Parker with a big smile.

"You're back!" She shrieked as she jumped up to Parker and hugged him tight. The sergeant was taken aback by the sudden burst but managed to regain his composure and hugged her back with an arm. "I'm so happy to see you." Twilight cooed.

"Hey, we only know each other for like five minutes and you miss me already?" Parker said with a chuckle. "Told ya I will come back."

"Sarge?" Reed interrupted them. Parker put Twilight down and looked at the other two. Just as he thought, they were flabbergasted.

Hah, losers


Parker chuckled as he looked at Wade. "We need to patch your wound. Fast." He then looked back to Twilight.

Just as he said that, Parker could feel Wade leaned his head to his shoulder and he felt heavier than ever. He looked back at him and noticed that he was already unconscious. Reed dropped his weapon and land flat on his ass. He took off his helmet and ran a hand through his hair.

"I didn't sign up for this." He groaned.

"Urgh..." Wade groaned as he went back to the living. "Tell me that was a dream."

"Nope." Parker replied while patting Twilight's mane. "It's not a dream."

"Right." His eyes rolled back for the second time and left unconscious on Parker's shoulder again. The sergeant sighed.

"I knew I should've told them to hide first."

Can't hide the fact that you're laughing though