• Published 7th Aug 2021
  • 1,501 Views, 59 Comments

Twilight Buys a Wand - Kentavritsa

Twilight is invited to take part in the education at Hogwart’s school of Witchcraft and Wizardry; she could not refuse the offer, taking part in a new and exciting experience of study. She had to acquire a few items, including a wand and robe.

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To Brush it Off: 5

Author's Note:

Rainbow Dash's POV

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Previous Chapter: A Charming Charm too Much

Next Chapter: Dumbledore


If you can brew Potions of this grade; you could make a living on it, Pinkie!” Snape points out, as Pinkie was walking past him on the way out of the class.

“As I said, like baking; though I used to plan parties, left and right..” she giggles on her way out.

Snape falls back, on the next Potion in hand; grading it, as he evaluated it. Hard work, grading Pink Potions; but a pleasure, grading top-notch Potions. It is why he is here, to see us learn how to do this right.

Of course, I had also walked out of the room, Broom in tow. At least, she had been quiet.

After the break, I arrive at the field; Madam Hootch waiting patiently. I had arrived in time, giving her no cause to complain. My broom, still loyally in tow, obediently as if she had been a well-groomed dog.

“Greetings, Dash; nice to see you, in my class!” she exclaims, as I approach the field.

“Greetings, Madam Hootch.

“The broom is still following you, I see; I had heard of it, but I could not take their word for it..” she concedes; “but since I see it, with my own two eyes; I can’t deny it, now can I!” she proclaims.

“It was a bit embarrassing, at first; but once I had entered Ollivander’s shop, I had managed to shake the tail of embarrassment!” I point out.

“Not everyone can even afford a brand new Fire-bolt; let alone, even dare approach it!” she explains.

“She is loyal, so I will trust her!” I point out, indicating the broom I have in tow.

“This, I will just have to see for myself; but I can’t give you anything, you have to follow the same rules..” she puts forth.

“I just hope; that does not include speed limits, or the likes!” I point out, matter-of-factly.

“Within reason, you can fly as fast as your broom can carry you; but you may have to be cautious, it’s dangerous if you reach racing speeds!” she points out.

“Ah, yeah; I did read up on the specks, should be safe..” I mumble.

“These specks are limited, by the impression of safe speeds!” she muses.

“I figured as much!” I merely respond, as I watch Pinkie bouncy towards the field.

A few minutes later, everyone is on the field; the clock is ticking, and the moment is approaching.

“Nice to see you all here, and I love to see all the new faces!” Madam Hootch puts forth, a minute after the last had stepped out onto the field.

“Yes, so many new faces!” Pinkie exclaims, in excitement.

“Now, if you could stand on a line; two feet between you, over there!” Madam Hootch offers, pointing her right hand to the indicated location.

One by one, each of them take their respective places. I had managed to wrangle a spot in the middle of the group, but for now, I am intent on sticking to her instructions, to the letter. Well, as best I can; with the broom I had been chosen by, in tow.

Place the broom to your right, then lift up your hand, over it!” Madam Hootch instructs.

I do, as she told me, even if the broom insists on staying a foot off of the ground; as if she could not bear the shame, of touching the dirt underfoot?

“I would have complained, and rebuked you Dash; but I know better, after your Incident the other day!” she merely points out, making the point before anyone could say anything.

I guess that is for the best, but I still feel a hint of a blush coming on. I could not quite hold it back, but what to do?

“That is a Wand to die for..” Rarity exclaims, in her usual dramatic fashion, and some of the Slytherin boys chuckle behind a hand.

“Make no mistake, this is a brand new Fire-bolt; so I could understand her sentiment, and I guess I can’t help but agree with you!” I inform them.

“A Fire-bolt, and a brand new one at that?” Draco inquires.

“Yes, and I imagine it will be the talk of the town for ages!” Madam Hootch points out.

“Oh, that incident?” Draco retorts.

“Unless you are blind, you can see the broom hovering on its own accord?” Twilight enlightens him, with a snicker.

Just then, the twig referred to as broom on Diane’s side decides to hover on its own, just about one foot from the ground.

“Awesome!” I point out; “But I know Diane is the girl beside the broom.

“Would it break the rules, if we formed our own team for the Quidditch cup here at the school?” Apples inquires.

“Be aware, you are a handful of first Years!” Madam Hootch informs us; “But I guess you could give you a preliminary go-ahead after the class!” she then concedes.

“Awesome!” I exclaim.

“On second thought; if you are anything to go by, it is the only fair option!” she now points out.

“What do you mean, by that; Madam Hootch?” Draco inquires.

“If my intuition is correct, and I fear I am underestimating her abilities; a team of her caliber would just demolish the competition, sweeping you right off of the field!” she responds, now laughing out like a loon.

“If you don’t believe it, just watch her broom?” Twilight points out.

“Yeah, what about it; she has a brand new fire-bolt, but so what?” Draco sneers.

“Our team will be consisting of nine girls; while I am not privy on the rules, I have some limited experience of what I think is a similar game!” Twilight points out, matter-of-fact.

“Since you have your right hand over your broom, say ‘Up’, and step up onto your broom!” Madam Hootch interrupts the debate.

In anticipation, Dashes and Diane’s brooms hover up to great the respective hands even before they had the time to pronounce the word. I step up, onto the broom, eagerly holding my weight. Diane’s broom easily holds the weight of her as well, as if she had been a feather. Well, maybe she is in the eyes of her broom. Even if she is not fortunate enough, to be blessed with a private Broom just yet.

Twilight’s broom follows suit, as does the broom of Flutters. Hermione has little to now problem. One by one, most of them manage to mount their respective brooms, with little to no problem.

“You know, Draco; my biggest problem, will be to stay within the speed-limit!” I tease him.

“Speed-limit?” he inquires; “What speed-limit?” he then continues.

“You really should not ask that question, Draco; you’re just asking her, to prove her point in the most embarrassing way possible!” Twilight Sparkle points out; “And when I say embarrassing; I am saying it to you, because you’re the one to be painted red!” she continues.

First now, I notice the two other girls, Twilight and her shadow Patronus on the right and left flanks respectively. Of course, they had pretended to struggle with their weary out of date brooms.

“I just read of the bats, the game includes in the set; does it mean, I can have one, and can I deliberately hurt Draco or any other Slytherin with it during the game?” Twilight inquires.

“That is one possible use of these, even if it is a bit outside the original intention in the game!” Hermione offers.

“If my experience is matching up, you would be the keeper, flutters!” Twilight Sparkle suggests.

“It was fun, in the end!” flutters intones in response “Even if I had been scared, initially; but I did make it, as the keeper back then!” she continues.

“You can sleep; most of the game, Dash..” Sparkle suggest; “That way, it will be a more interesting game for the rest of us; besides, some of us are dying for some batting practice!” she then continues.

“I guess I could, but where is the fun in that; I could as easily get myself a nice flight practice, with a steady breeze through my mane!” I point out.

“Flight-practice, sounds like fun!” Pinkie exclaims; “I guess a little practice would be good, for me too!” Flutters responds, hovering a foot over the field.

“Now, I want to see you just above the ground; but try to move forwards, slowly!” Madam Hootch points out.

Of course, I knew she meant it for me, but also for a few of these hot-heads.

Should I give them a scare, just for the fun of it!” I ponder, snickering, at the picture of their faces.

While I had started off slow; I am slowly picking up speed and altitude to keep out of the way of the others, while I continue to fly over the field.

“This is boring!” I exclaim, next time I fly by Draco.

“Boring?” he responds; “Too slow?” he inquires.

“it is, like watching paint dry, or watching grass grow!” I just offer him, with a grin.

“Oh, that sounds positively exciting!” he responds.

“Since I am not supposed to race you, you can’t follow me..” I explain, as I continue to pick up speed.

“No?” he responds, wondering what I had in mind.

“Well, you asked for it..” I respond; "you had better stay alive, so you can explain what happened to you; as they dig you out of the dirt!” I explain, as if it had been the most obvious in the world.

“These brooms have a limit, to keep us safe!” Draco points out.

“Yeah, yeah; I know, but I am about to show you how wrong you are..” I respond, suddenly picking up a hundred feet of altitude in a hurry.

That is impressive..” Draco ponders; “but I can’t just let her know that!” he continues; “Was that all?” he inquires.

“I haven’t even started to warm up!” I explain, as I start picking up more speed and altitude in a hurry.

“Show-off!” Draco mutters.

“First to the clouds, over there!” I point out, pointing at the cloud, with my right hand just to make the point.

I watch him, as he tries to keep up the appearance; following me, towards the indicated target.

“Oh, yeah; I forgot, you are not permitted to fly that far up?” I inquire, in a taunting voice, snickering.

He needs longer hair, so he can feel the joy of the wind through it..” I ponder; “but I can’t do anything about it, right now..” I consider.

“You two, what are you doing up there?” Madam Hootch cries.

“I will be back, on the ground; before the class is up, I promise!” I respond.

Of course, I am turning more and more upwards, almost as if I had been attempting a loop. Still picking up speed, with a steady acceleration.

“How are you doing, back there..” I inquire, affording to look back at Draco; “Slowpoke!” I then exclaim.

“If you max out, at this altitude; your broom will be ripped to shreds, and you fall to your doom!” Draco offers.

“In your case, yes; most certainly, but I am not you!” I snicker, in overtly obvious bemusement.

“No, because you are a poor nobody..” he snaps back.

“You think?” I inquire; “I guess; that was your best retort, Draco?” I inquire, as a further taunt, hoping he would be following me all the way up to the clouds and beyond.

“Well, you sure can handle your broom; I’ll give you as much, now as we are well out of earshot..” he admits.

“She is responding to Loyalty, and she can see awesome when it is before her eyes!” I tease.

I make a few teasing loops and loop-di-loops, to catch him in my wake; “How about this?” I inquire.

“I would have loved to say how lame these lops were; but something told me how much I will be regretting it before I can reach the ground.

“Yeah, I bet you are obligated to say that; Malfoy, being in the house of Slytherin!” I just observe, flatly, before I let out a peel of snickers.

“I hate to admit it, but you are right!” he responds.

“Let’s see, what this broom is capable of..” I respond, as I am pushing the acceleration, while still being on a vertical climb.

“Uhm, let’s not..” he mumbles.

“Just do not look down..” I point out; “while I guess; you should not look directly at the sun either!” I push forth.

“It is getting chilly, and my broom is starting to vibrate in a disturbing manner!” he points out.

“I forgot, you are not belonging up here!” I observe.

I feel his gaze, firmly glued onto the brush of my broom; as I continue the steady climb; as if it had been nothing, still in a step acceleration.

“Would you mind, if I slow down?” he inquires; “By all means, be my guest!” I respond.

The effect of the action, his broom slowly stop vibrating. However, he finds himself incapable of breaking off from my tail; as if he had been tethered, to me.

“I can’t seem to let go, but at least my broom does no longer vibrate!” he offers.

“Sorry, I forgot all about it; but as you are so close to me, you are pulled in!” I explain.

“W-w-w-wh-wh-what?” he stammers, now scared to ask.

“I don’t think you could pull free, even if you tried!” I point out.

With that, he is quiet, not even daring to utter a sound.

“I guess this should be enough..” I offer; “it was fun, but we have to get back before the class is over!” I explain.

With that, I level out and accelerate a bit more while still staying within the safe limit of my broom.

I circle around as I am zooming in on the center of the field and turn my nose down towards the ground.

“This, should be fun!” I exclaim.

“Oh..” he mumbles, after several minutes of falling towards the ground.

“Don’t mention it..” I respond, with a snicker; “particularly not to your father, Lucius!” I point out.

“Why?” he inquires; “Uhm, and why is the sky black?” he then observes, shivering.

“I think your teacher in Astronomy will be happy to explain it soon!” I point out.

“Why shouldn’t I tell my Father about this?” he inquires, now worried.

“Not because you chose to follow me on the dare, as such..” I offer; but what do you think he would say; if you explain, you saw what you are looking at right now?” I offer.

“Wait, exactly how far up did you even take me?” he inquires.

“Just look for yourself?” I offer, pointing out a Jumbo leisurely flying under us.

“If I had a camera, I could have snapped a shot?” he suggests.

“Just too bad, you did not bring one..” I tease.

“Since we are in free-fall, you can’t exactly fall off of your broom..” I observe; “Well, that is not entirely true; you are just a prisoner of my bubble, we’re still accelerating!” I then enlighten him.

“Are you trying to fly right through the planet?” he inquires.

“Naeh, why bother?” I respond.

“I am not sure, that is making me feel any better..” he responds.

“Well, if you had dared to look down; you could have seen the entire school-grounds..” I suggest; “but I would not encourage it; based on the speed and altitude we are currently on!” I point out.

“Wait, why could I still breath, up there?” he inquires.

“My guess is; I brought enough air up with me, close to us!” I suggest.

“I, we could ask around; what opportunities there are, for a flyer, aside from the Quidditch?” he suggests.

“On second thought, I will have to change my aim away from the school; unless you don’t mind, to see it demolished?” I inquire.

“We have more classes today; and I think we need the castle for these, you know!” he points out.

“Forget what I said before, I need you to look towards me..” I point out, while I am redirecting our brooms towards a safe target; “You would kill me, if I had not warned you!” I point out.

A moment later, the first sign of the Rain-boom is appearing before me; slowly developing, until it is blasting wide open. The rainbow appears with a loud thunderous crack, as I am breaking the sound barrier.

“We are officially flying mach one!” I point out.

“What was that, and what are you talking about?” he inquires.

“I hope you saw it; and we are supersonic, just so you know!” I explain.

“Are you insane?” he cries out; “The ministry will be on us faster than you can sneeze!” he points out.

“Well, too late!” I point out; “I just hope Dumbledore can keep the fort for a day or two..” I suggest; “Then I guess we could be of the grid, for a while!” I point out.

“I can’t feign ignorance, but I guess I could blame you?” he inquires.

“In a sense, I guess that would be your best option; I can’t even see Lucius complain, about that!” I explain.

“How would I possibly know, what you were up to?” he inquires.

“Exactly!” I merely respond, with a snicker.

“Then you would claim I challenged you?” he inquires; “Unfamiliar with your broom, you exceeded the expected speed!” he points out.

“Is it legal to sell a supersonic broom?” I inquire.

“Probably not!” he muses.

“Is it even possible to produce one, industrially?” I inquire.

“Highly doubtful!” he chuckles.

“Assuming it is possible to craft one by any means; who could, or even wanted to?” I follow up.

“Even based on such a wild assumption, I don’t want to know!” he offers.

“Sounds about right, I guess; just stand by that, if and when anyone asks you!” I point out, just as I am lifting the handle of the broom up to avoid hitting the ground, a mere yard above.

Now I slow down, before I turn back towards the school; only to find everyone awestruck, dumbfounded; gaping in awe as I make the final approach and hop off of my broom. Draco a few yards behind, as he had finally been free from the back flow.

“Where in Merlin’s beard did you go?” Madam Hootch inquires.

“Up..” I point out, pointing straight up into the sky.

“How far?” Twilight Sparkle inquires.

“Since it was black, I have no idea!” Draco points out.

“Oh?” she merely inquires.

“If I am permitted, I could take anyone who dares up to sample?” I offer.

“But dress up for cold winds at insane storm speeds!” Draco enlightens the others.

“Oh?” Madam Hootch inquire; “was it that cold?” she then inquires.

Draco just nods his head.

“Could you follow me, out of earshot?” I inquire; “I don’t think they should be cursed by this knowledge!” I point out.

“That does not bode well, but you managed to bring him back to the ground safely!” she responds.

She is following me away from the others, and with a flick of her wand; she is producing a soundproof shield.

“Okay, I am listening; but be warned, this has to be serious!” she points out.

“Well, I am certain you saw it; but we spotted airplanes far below us!” I enlighten her, with a serious expression.

“The best cover story would be; it was a meteorite!” she gasps.

“Then you are prepared to explain that they experienced it exploding before impact?” I inquire.

“Lacking a better explanation, that sounds like an idea!” she responds.

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