• Published 7th Aug 2021
  • 1,501 Views, 59 Comments

Twilight Buys a Wand - Kentavritsa

Twilight is invited to take part in the education at Hogwart’s school of Witchcraft and Wizardry; she could not refuse the offer, taking part in a new and exciting experience of study. She had to acquire a few items, including a wand and robe.

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Dealing in Twilight: 15

Author's Note:

Ms. Twilight's POV

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- Previous Chapter -
Apparition Initiative - Next Chapter The Crusade -

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In light; everything is known; and nothing new could be accomplished or learned.

In darkness; nothing is known and nothing will be accomplished or learned.

In twilight; everything is in doubt, thus everything can be accomplished. Each and every door, wide open, to new suggestions and ideas. This is the ideal for progress.


“Twilight; since you are going to be studying at Hog Wart's school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you will be needing funds over there!” Pinkie Proclaimed in her usual no-nonsense tone; “I have procured the funding for you; in the form of a chest of special magical gems, for you to trade at the Goblin's bank, in specific timed instances!” she then explained, as if it had been the most obvious thing, in the world.

Which, in her case; it just may have been, even if it comes out as utter nonsense to everypony else. But everything being equal; it is just Pinkie, being Pinkie. Going against her and her predictions and statements; only comes at a terrible cost, and I am not about to pay the price or face the consequences right now. The moment is far too important to me.

Not now, Pinkie..” I was about to snap at her; “Pinkie; did you say, that you had already selected and procured the required funds and resources for my excursion?” I then inquired, as what she had said, just dawned upon me; even if it had not quite sunk in, as to the enormity of the scope she had just done for me and Equestria at large.

“Yes, but of course, silly Twilliy; I have everything prepared, ready for you to use directly on your arrival!” she explained, with a hint of a slight snicker on her voice.

I could see the huge grin on her face, a grin wider than that of her pet Alligator: Gummy. A grin; that would have been scary on the face of any pony other than Pinkie Pie herself, of course.

I should have known; she would do something, just like this in the very last possible instance!” I pondered; “But this is just pinkie being Pinkie..” I realized; “Thank you, Pinkie!” I had put forth; “did you package and mark them, for easy use on the arrival, too?” I then inquired, with a sinking feeling of dread in my belly.

Trust Pinkie, to pull something like this off. At the very last instant, just for the fun of it.

Trust in Pinkie, list you want to suffer a new Rapidash Incident!” I had pondered; snickering manically, to myself.

“Time is of the essence, we could just as well be going!” Pinkie had informed me.

“Since you put it that way..” I responded; “do you want to follow me over?” I inquired.

I could see her entire form glowing, her mane's curls tightening up before my very eyes. It's a scary sight to behold, but since I know it is Pinkie Pie I need not threat.

“Right after you, Twilly; just charm the gate, and open it up so we can get through!” she pointed out.

I had trotted up to the gate, lighting up my horn; before I had cast the charm onto the gate, then pressing the frog of my right hoof onto the activation-key. The gate opened up, with the swirling event-horizon forming before my very eyes.

With the gate open, I had stepped in; Pinkie had followed me a step behind, with the chest hidden within the tight swirls of her mane. The journey through the gate had been short, yet confusing and disorienting; just as it had, when I walked through the gate to Canterlot High. The sensation largely the same, and the reaction on my part had followed suit. What had I been expecting?

As I step out onto the floor of the Leaky Cauldron, I am wearing the signature black robe and pointy had of a Witch in training. A student of the school of Hog Wart's.

The room had been quiet, and none had even batted an eye. The Wizards and Witches far too blase to react on a new arrival. The robe is bearing the name: Twilight Sparkle, embroidered on the front for all to read. How unexpected?


“Let me show you the way, to the Goblins' bank, Gringots!” Pinkie offered, as if it had been the most natural for her to know.

“Thank you, Pinkie!” I had responded; following her, as she claimed the lead.

“That is one confident Witch!” I had heard a voice behind me, as I had followed Pinkie out towards the seemingly blank wall behind the pub.

“Walk with purpose and dignity!” I mouthed, under my breath as I was following Pinkie towards the bank.

“Right this way, Twilly; we'll be there, in just a moment!” she enlightened me, while leading me forwards towards the bank.

I could clearly see the buildings, just as I could sense the magic on the air; striding after my friend, as she led me up towards the marble structure that is Gringot's bank.

The guards outside were all openly showing their toothy grins and sharp swards for everyone to see. I continued behind my friend, guiding me up the flight of stairs; almost as if I had been a dignitary, certain of myself and with a sense of belonging.

I could see the guards, and the people casting furtive glances my way.

Pinkie was leading me up towards the counter, as if she had been owning the place; with me half a step behind, as if she had been a body guard of great renown. Which she had been, back at home; but here, none know of either of us. I knew it, but Pinkie did not let it show even if she knew it too.

“Greetings, my name is Twilight Sparkle!” I offered; “How are you doing?” I inquired with a warm and inviting voice, in my most friendly manner.

“Greetings, Twilight!” the teller behind the counter responded; “I am doing fine, thank you for asking!” he continued.

“I would like to sell a few select Gems!” I offered, extracting a gem I had in my right robe-pocket.

I could see his eyes lighting up, as he saw the gem I had presented before him as way of explanation.

“I will also need two large, preferably adjacent vaults..” I pressed on; “and the best business advisor you can afford me!” I then concluded.

“Are you sure, you want two vaults?” he inquired; “She does know we are charging her an annual fee, for the vault?” he pondered.

“Yes, I am certain!” I had responded.

I could hear Pinkie snickering behind my shoulder as she stood behind me.

“If the Gem you are presenting is indicative of the value of your trade, I know you can afford the services you are requesting!” he proposed, shuckling to himself.

I could see him scribbling notices on paper slips, folding them; before shuffling them into a hidden slit behind the counter one at the time.

“This is a valuable client, I believe!” he realized; “Not to mention, one I will enjoy dealing with on a long-term basis!” he concluded.

“Grip Hook!” he exclaimed; “Follow the runner, to the appraiser, please; Miss Sparkle!” he now informed me, with a genuinely friendly smile.

“This Lady may very well be owning the Magical Britain before she is even graduating from Hog Wart's school of Witchcraft and Wizardry!” he mused to himself, permitting himself the rare indulgence and friendliness.

I had followed the runner, the clerk had introduced as Grip Hook; Pinkie Pie by my side, all the way to the room in which I had been told the Appraiser would be waiting for me. Just as we had arrived at the door, Grip Hook is knocking on the door; there was an eerie quiet, until the voice from inside had acknowledged the knocking; “Enter!” the voice offered.

The Goblin named Grip Hook opened the door for me and Pinkie to enter, running off as he saw us stepping into the room.

“Greetings, my name is Twilight Sparkle!” I had offered; “How are you doing?” I inquired.

”Greetings, Twilight; I am doing fine, thank you for asking!" he responded.

“Time is money, and time is slipping through my fingers like sand right now!” he then sneered, irritably.

“I can make this worth your while!” I prompted, as I introduced the gem I had presented as way of explanation earlier.

“How could you possibly get your hands on a gem like that?” he inquired, both eyebrows raised; suspicious, of something being fowl; “This is a Natural Treasure, before my eyes!” he had realized.

“I procured it for her, by perfectly legal means!” Pinkie interjected; “Though back home, that is trash!” she then explained.

“Trash?” he hauled in agony, as the explanation tortured his mind.

“You can't make jewelry out of it!” Pinkie pointed out; presenting another large gem and promptly crushing it in her bare hand for demonstration.

“Far too gaudy!” she pointed out; “These mere shards would be perfectly fine for decorating your suit!” she then explained.

“You just crushed a fortune, in gem in your bare hand?” he now whined.

“I brought that one for the demonstration, but you can keep the shards if you like; I have no further use of them!” Pinkie put forth.

His eyes twitched, then moved between the gem in my hand and the shards on the table where Pinkie had left them as if it had been nothing.

“So, Twilight; do you by chance have more of these, with you?” he then inquired, in the hopes of recovering his wits.

“I am prepared to offer a small set of similar value for sale!” I expressed, presenting a box and extracted a few more gems of various colours.

His eyes instantly went wide, as if I had been squeezing them like water-balloons.

“Is this by chance, why you requested a second vault?” he inquired, as his eyes finally locked on the first of the gems I had presented to him.

“I expect to get enough Gallions for my education at Hog Wart's school of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the first gem!” Pinkie pointed out; The first vault is to hold pocket change and investment funding; while the second vault should hold valuables and other objects we may choose to store for later use!” Pinkie explained, in a no-nonsense business tone of voice.

“These gems are at the 100 k Gallions level, but I will have to have a second opinion for the final tally; I will be sending you a notification, once I have the exact worth of your selection of gems!” he offered.

“That will be acceptable!” Pinkie offered.

“With this size of an account, I could offer you the Acromantula silk pouches for free for you and your friends and family!” the Goblin offered.

“Thank you, that is much appreciated!” I put forth; “So long as it covers my immediate expenses; other than that, all I expect is a fair deal!” I had then pointed out.

“Rest assured, there will be more than enough to motivate the added fee for the Investment Advisor!” he merely offered, with a toothy grin.

“These gems were selected, for you to see!” Pinkie pointed out; “Let me remind you, these are for your eyes only!” she then stated; “I personally selected each, and every single gem; to be as valuable as possible, in your eyes!” she now supplied; “Just as I packaged them, in sample containers; to give you a sample, of the wealth we stand to offer you!” she then concluded.

“Oh!!” he merely uttered, mouth agape.

“Do you know of any Wizard, or Witch; who is even remotely capable, of crushing a genuine gem in his or her bare hand?” Pinkie had inquired.

“Wait, what?” he had stuttered; “Are you joking, of course one can not crush a gem in one's bare hand!” he had pointed out.

“And yet, I did just that a mere moment ago!” Pinkie helpfully supplied, with a toothy grin on her face growing ever wider.

“Yes, you did!” he mouthed; “I just saw it, with my own two eyes!” he then added, as if to confirm the impossible.

With that, Pinkie had reached her right hand into the tight whirls of her mane; promptly withdrawing a muffin, before presenting it to the appraiser; "For you, eat it; you need it, and you will understand once you have swallowed it!” Pinkie then offered.

Shivering, he accepted the proffered muffin; chewing and swallowing, bite by bite.

“Thank you!” he stuttered, barely daring to mouth the words.

“You are quite welcome!” Pinkie prompted.

“Expect us back, in eight days!” Pinkie now proclaimed.

“Eight days, why exactly eight days?” he inquired.

“Why, indeed!” she intoned; “Because we will have a new sample for you to appraise!” she then added.

“Officially; refer to this account, as the Twilight Vault!” I had put forth.

“Yes, Miss Sparkle!” he responded.


Grip Hook had been waiting just outside the door to the appraiser, eyeing us as we exited the office.

“Right this way, please..” he had offered, as he led us towards the cart, intended to take us to the vaults I had requested.

“Thank you, Grip Hook!” I had offered; “You are quite welcome, Miss Sparkle!” he responded, indicating for me and my companion Pinkie to enter in the back of the cart.

Once I and Pinkie had stepped in, he stepped up to the front and stepped in; as he had assured himself, were were secured, the cart started to move forwards.

“Forwards..” Pinkie exclaims; “Towards the adventure!” she continued.

“Adventure?” he had inquired; “Yes!” he then added, as he was piloting the cart along the tracks under the bank.

“One speed, only!” Pinkie had put forth, with a bemused grin on her face; as if she had known, as if she had done this trek countless times.

He had just nodded his head.

“Such a pleasant ride..” I agreed; “no sudden halts or jerks along the way!” I mouthed, snickering to myself.

Even if I know Rainbow Dash would have been disappointed. But what the hay, this is not a roller-coaster, but the transport to my vault.

A few minutes later, the cart made a full and complete stop; just as we had reached the destination, my vault that is.

“This is the final stop; stop out of the cart, please!” Grip Hook offered.

He had just jumped out, opening the door on my side of the cart; I had stepped out with Pinkie in tow. He had stepped up to the door to my first vault in which my Galleons were to be stored; “The key, please; Miss Sparkle!” he had put forth and I had supplied him the key.

Once he had accepted the key, he unlocked the door and swiftly opened it up before me. There was a force-field glowing in an angry crimson hue, as the door is opened.

He was handing me the key to the vault back; Now, if you would please present the key to the vault!” he explained.

“But of course!” I had responded, reaching the right hand, holding the key forwards towards the surface of the field.

This vault had been empty, just a few minutes before; as I had stepped into the Goblins bank: Gringots, but now it is already filled with the preliminary assessment of gems of my first sale. The inner wall was already covered in gold, the Galleons worth of the select gems I had supplied for the first sale

Since I have my wand hidden in the sleeve of my right arm, it helpfully slid out to touch the now lavender field before me.

“I'm rich as a Troll!” I exclaimed; “this is sure to cover the year's education!” I had concluded with a wide grin of joy.

“I can as well show you the second vault you requested, Miss Sparkle!” he exclaimed.

I supplied him with the key and he promptly accepted it without hesitation. With the key in hand, he swiftly opened the door to my vault.

“Just present your key, to the field!” he instructed me, as he was handing the key back.

“Thank you, Grip Hook!” I responded, following the instructions to the letter.

Just as the tip of the key had touched the force-field, the field had changed from the angry crimson into a friendly lavender hue.

With the vault claimed, I stepped inside; depositing the chest on the floor, on the far right inner corner of the vault.

I closed the door to my second vault, walking back to the first vault and filled the pouch with the coins I had predicted to need over the day. Incidentally, the pile of gold had risen even further, just since I had entered the room.

I carefully filled up Pinkie's pouch, for her to have her funds on hand.

Pinkie had reached in, into the inner pocket of her robe; just to extract a single gold coin, one Galleon.

“You appear to have an exceptionally powerful wand, Miss Pie!” Grip Hook observed; “You can reach your funds, without going down to the vault; just by pulling it out of your pocket, or any other space large enough to hold the desired object!” he then explained.

“Like this?” Pinkie inquired, as she stuck her left hand into her exceedingly tightly curled mane, whereupon she pulled it back, holding a single copper coin in her hand.

“Yes, just like that; Miss Pie, even if that would be a bit on the unorthodox side of things!” he put forth.

“That is just Pinkie, being Pinkie..” I had offered; no point, questioning her!” I had elaborated; “at best, you will have a headache; at worst, you may experience a Rapidash incident!” I concluded.

Rapidash..” he was pondering; “Incident?” he then mouthed, shuddering.

Rapid Dash, Rapid Dash, Rapid Dash..” went through his mind, as he continued to shiver.

“Let me give you a picture, of what it is!” Pinkie offered, as she pulled out a picture of the event from inside the tight curls of her mane; “Rapidash, incident!” she pointed out, as she held the picture of my incident before the eyes of the Goblin.

For some reason, the image had altered on the crossing of the border; now depicting me in Human form, rather than my Pony form.

“Your hair burst into flames?” he then inquired.

“Her mane turned into flames, yes!” Pinkie pointed out, matter-of-fact.

“Oh!” he just mouthed, with a final shudder; before he pulled himself together, with a visible effort on his part.

“Since you claimed your vault, confirmed its content and deposited the chest; I assume, we can go back up?” Grip Hook inquired.

“Yes, Grip Hook; the business down here, is concluded!” Pinkie had responded.

“Since I can access the content of my vault, without going down here; you could as well take us up now, and expect to see us in eight days as promised!” I then supplied.

“Right this way, please!” he offered.

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