• Published 6th Apr 2021
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Eric Sparkle and the Crystal Caverns - Skywalker215

Eric Sparkle and his friends must solve the mystery of Canterlot’s Crystal Caverns.

  • ...

Chapter 15: To Where and Back Again

One day, Twilight, Starlight, Storm, Eric, and Spike were walking down some stairs while carrying some boxes loaded with heavy books. The others didn’t have to put much effort since their magic was holding the boxes, especially Eric with his wand. Spike had to use his natural dragon strength to carry his box. Suddenly, he lost his balance and fell forward down the stairs and yelped. But before he could hit the floor below, Twilight grabbed him with her magic and Starlight used her magic to grab Spike’s box of books before it could spill out its contents. Twilight then set Spike softly onto the floor below.

“Well, we don’t all have magical horns,” Spike said.

“True,” Storm replied as he used his magic to juggle several books above his head, “It is important that we unicorns, or alicorns, remember not to take our most basic magical skills for granted. Learning to find a balance between using magic and our physical strengths is what will allow us more flexibility in sticky situations.”

“Same goes for humans like me who can use magic, although we need wands for that,” Eric added.

“We’ve been meaning to move these older books to my reference section for a while. Got to keep the new books front and center! Thank you for your help.” Twilight said.

“Are you kidding? After all you, Storm, and Eric have done for me, this is the least I can do,” Starlight replied.

“Oh, please. We haven’t done that much,” Twilight retorted.

“Nah. You just taught me the value of friendship. Not much at all,” Starlight pointed out.

“We may have offered some guidance, but you are responsible for the pony you’ve become. I’m proud to call you my student and our friend,” Twilight replied.

“I’m also proud to call you my friend,” Storm added.

“I’m proud to call you my foalsitter,” Eric spoke up as he hugged her.

“Now we just need to get rid of these boxes. Spike, can you—? Spike?” said Twilight before turning to Spike.

“What’s that?” Spike asked.

“Is it a bird?” Twilight asked.

“Is it a parasprite?” Starlight asked.

“It’s...it’s...coming right at us?!” Storm exclaimed.

“It’s...it’s...incoming!” Spike yelled as they all ducked and covered.

“Hit the dirt!” Eric shouted.

The object then flew through the window at high speed and crashed into the boxes of books. The object soon recovered and revealed itself. It was Ditzy Doo, wearing her postal pony uniform.

“Oh, we usually get letters by dragon,” said Twilight.

“It’s the fastest way to get mail,” Spike boasted.

“If you don’t mind the smokey after-stench,” Storm teased. Starlight giggled as Spike gave the prince a raspberry. Twilight then went to take the letter with her magic, but Ditzy refused to let go.

“What’s up, Ditzy?” Storm asked, “Isn’t this letter for my wife?” Ditzy shook her head and walked over to Starlight.

“For me? Who’d be sending me a letter?“ Starlight asked.

“Maybe it’s a love letter from Sunburst confessing his long-time crush for you,” Eric replied, teasing her.

Stop it!” Starlight scolded in a playful tone. The lilac unicorn went to open her letter and quickly scanned the contents. Starlight was shocked at what she had read, “It’s... the ponies from my old village,” she said.

“Are they in danger?” Twilight asked.

“Are they upset with you?” Spike added.

“No...it’s worse!” said Starlight, “They’ve invited me to the annual Sunset Festival!” Starlight looked like she was about to have a panic attack. The rest of them all had puzzled looks, except Storm, who sighed at the others for them being clueless.

“I can’t believe Twilight would forget her own anxieties meeting our old friends in Canterlot,” Storm muttered to himself.

The day of the Sunset Festival had arrived. Starlight’s old village was busy setting up table, banners, food, and other things. Starlight had just arrived outside of the town area. She nervously took a few steps forward, took a deep breath, and walked into town. It was then she found Party Favor and Double Diamond were putting up a party banner. They immediately turned around to look at the lilac unicorn.

“Uh, hey there, everypony,” Starlight said.

“Uh...Hey, Starlight. What are you doing here?” Party Favor asked slowly.

“I-I...I was invited,” said Starlight timidly as everypony else started staring at her, “To the Sunset Festival?” Starlight then held out her invite letter with her magic.

“Uh, yeah. But we didn’t think you’d actually show up.” Double Diamond replied sternly.

“You didn’t think we really wanted you here, did you?” Party Favor added as Double Diamond sternly shredded the letter. Starlight cringed at the letter shredding.

“But...I...apologized. I thought everything was fine.” said Starlight.

Double Diamond and Party Favor started laughing at Starlight. The rest of the surrounding ponies then did the same. It wasn’t long before their faces contorted from laughter to make them all look totally insane.

“Please...! Stop...! Stop...!” Starlight pleaded with her eyes closed. Suddenly day turned into night and all the ponies surround her were gone, leaving the lilac unicorn all alone.

“What happened?” Starlight asked, “Is anypony there?” It was then a white fog appeared and it was then Luna appeared with a warm smile on her face.

“Princess Luna? W-What are you doing here?“ Starlight asked.

“Dreams are my domain, Starlight Glimmer,”, “I am here because you need me to be.” Princess Luna replied. Starlight blinked.

“Oh, it’s only a dream.” Starlight said with relief.

“It may only be a dream, but the feelings in it are real,” Luna replied.

Starlight sighed, then said as she lowered her head, “Great. So I guess I’m more afraid of going back to the village than I thought. What do I do now?”

“I have been helped time and time again by seven very special ponies. They helped me overcome my past. You’re fortunate to have them as friends. I suggest you share your concerns with them. I see much of myself in you, Starlight Glimmer, and I can tell you from personal experience that things do indeed get better,” Luna explained.

Starlight smiled as Luna headed into the moon and disappeared.

It was a few seconds later, Starlight found herself inside her bedroom and woke up with a start. Starlight looked out at the moon shining outside her window and pondered to herself.

The next morning, she had the Mane Seven gather inside the throne room so she could discuss her situation as well as her dream. Spike and Eric were also there as well since they cared about Starlight’s issues as well.

“...and Princess Luna said I should tell you all how I was feeling,” said Starlight, “So...there it is. I’m afraid to go back to the village for the celebration.”

“But why, darling?” Rarity asked, “You went back to apologize. They accepted. Everypony has moved on.”

“But have they? They don’t really know how much I’ve changed. Or even worse, maybe I haven’t changed as much as I think I have!” Starlight said.

“Trust me. You are a totally different pony now. I mean, you were pretty awful,” Rainbow replied.

“Rainbow Dash!” Applejack scolded.

“What? She was! It’s a compliment!“ Rainbow said in her defense.

“You seriously need to watch what you say, you know that?” Eric remarked.

“I don’t think they would’ve sent the invitation if they didn’t want you to come. I’m sure they’d be happy to see you!” Fluttershy pointed out.

“And getting an invitation to a party and not going?! That’s like... I-It’s like...! Well, I don’t know what it’s like, but it is definitely bad,” Pinkie remarked.

Starlight winced and gave the pink pony a skeptical look.

“Just be honest with them. I’m sure they’ll understand where you’re comin’ from,” Applejack said reassuringly.

“I understand how hard this is for you. Maybe if you took a friend along, it might make things easier. Somepony you trust who would look out for you?” Twilight added, giving a large smile and batted her eyelashes to give Starlight a very obvious hint. Spike, Eric, and Storm all rolled their eyes at her.

“Way to be subtle, Mommy,” Eric muttered to himself. Starlight then pondered for a moment and smiled.

“Actually, I can think of two friends that I would like to take with me,” Starlight said confidently.

Several hours later, Starlight, Trixie, and Eric arrived at the mountainous area where the lilac unicorn’s old village could be seen at the bottom of the valley.

“So that’s your old home,” Eric pointed out, since this was the first time he had actually seen it. Until now, he had only heard stories about it from Starlight and his parents.

“There it is! The town where you—” Trixie tried to say before being interrupted.

“Magically stole everypony’s cutie marks, replaced them with equal signs, and forced them all to hide their natural talents? Yes,” Starlight said shamefully.

“I was going to say where you came from, but yours is a more... emotionally traumatic answer,” Trixie replied.

“I just want to... blend in. Be just another pony in the crowd enjoying the Sunset Festival with my friends,” Starlight told them sighing.

“Sounds good to me! And if things get weird for you, just let us know. We’ve got your flank,” Trixie replied with Eric alongside her.

“Is that a promise?” Starlight asked hopefully.

“Not just a promise,” Trixie said as she stood on her hind legs, “A great and powerful promise!” Trixie then threw down a smoke bomb. She, Starlight, and Eric coughed until the smoke cleared.

“Well, I couldn’t ask for more than that. If we’re gonna do this, let’s do it,” Starlight replied.

With enough being said, the three of them headed to the village. It didn’t take long for the them to reach the main street where everything was decorated for the Sunset Festival. Starlight looked around nervously. Trixie and Eric gave her assuring nods to let Starlight know she would be okay. In the center of the street, the stallions known as Double Diamond and Party Favor were hanging up a banner when Starlight approached them.

“Oh! Starlight, you came!” said Double Diamond excitedly. Starlight just gave them a nervous giggle and waved in reply.

“We were worried you wouldn’t be able to make it! Are you staying the whole week? We have different events planned each day!” Party Favor added.

“How is living in a castle?” the mare called Sugar Belle asked as she and the mare called Night Glider appeared behind Starlight.

“It is so good to see you!” said Double Diamond as he clapped his fore-hooves excitedly. Starlight just smiled and bit her lower lip, despite the cheerful greetings, she wasn’t feeling much better.

“Oh my goodness, it’s Eric Sparkle!” Night Glider pointing to Eric.

“Oh, yeah. These ponies are terrifying.” said Trixie in a mock-whisper, giggling. Starlight just rolled her eyes and groaned.

“It’s good to see all of you, too,” said Starlight, feeling rather embarrassed.

“You got here just in time. We were having some debate about these banners. Which do you think feels more “sunsetty”?” Party Favor asked.

“O-Oh, you don’t need me to decide that. Heh. Whatever you think is probably best,” Starlight replied, backing up a bit.

“Uh, well, how about helping us with the routes for the relay races tomorrow? Can you take a look?” Double Diamond asked.

“Oh, I-I shouldn’t. You all go ahead. I-I just want to enjoy the festival,” Starlight said quickly.

“But you will be a judge for the baking competition, right?” Sugar Belle asked.

“We had a few questions about the order of the acts for the talent show,” Double Diamond said.

“And the unicorns have a fireworks show planned! We could really use your help!” Night Glider added as she hovered from above the lilac unicorn.

Soon the four ponies were all taking to Starlight as once. Starlight quickly felt flustered as everypony seemed to be getting louder and louder.

Everypony! Stop! You’re overwhelming her!” Eric pleaded. Even Trixie was looking very worried. Soon Starlight’s teeth were chattering, her brow got extra sweaty.

“NO!” Starlight screamed as she created a huge bubble to shove everypony away from her, except for Eric and Trixie. Once the magic bubble disappeared, the other ponies were dazed as Starlight crouched low to the ground, trembling heavily. Everypony else stood back up on their hooves, feeling rather weary from the sudden knock back.

“Trixie, get us out of here quickly!” Eric whispered frantically.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie would like to thank you all for being such an amazing audience. Sadly, it is time for us to depart. Good night, fillies and gentlefoals!” Trixie said nervously, then dropped a smoke bomb. Unlike her other attempts at this little trick, she actually was successful with it. When the smoke cleared, she, Starlight, and Trixie were gone. None of the ponies even noticed that Trixie had tucked Starlight under her cloak as they, along with Eric, ran away from the village as quickly as they could.

It was such a long trip to and from the village that it was late afternoon by the time the three of them arrived back at Ponyville a few days later. Everypony was just doing their own routines when Starlight saw what appeared to be Pinkie bouncing casually in the background.

“Hey, uh, Pinkie Pie!” Starlight called out to the pink pony.

“Hey...” ‘Pinkie’ froze for a moment before continuing, “you!” Starlight and Eric rushed up to her.

“So...you’re probably wondering why we’re back so soon,” Starlight said sheepishly.

“Where were you?” ‘Pinkie’ asked. Starlight and Eric gave Pinkie a funny look.

“We... went to my old village? For the festival?” Starlight replied slowly.

“Ooh, sounds fun!” ‘Pinkie’ answered, “How was it?”

“It was kind of a disaster. I came back early because I freaked out!” Starlight said.

“It’s wasn’t her fault. The other villagers overwhelmed her,” Eric added.

“Ooh, sounds awful! Bye!” ‘Pinkie’ replied quickly in an over the top tone and bounced away. Starlight and Eric were left stunned and puzzled.

“That was... strange,” Starlight remarked.

“Isn’t she always strange?” Trixie asked rhetorically.

“Yeah, but not like that,” Starlight pointed out before calling out to what appeared to be Applejack and Rarity walking nearby.

“Hey!” Starlight called out as she rushed up to them, “I’m back early.”

“Ah. Welcome back?” ‘Rarity’ said in a rather nervous tone.

“Have you two noticed Pinkie acting a little strange?” Starlight asked them as Trixie and Eric caught up with her.

“Pinkie Pie always acts strange,” ‘Applejack’ replied. Rarity nodded in agreement.

“Told you,” said Trixie smugly.

“Anyway, I wanted to talk to all of you. Things didn’t go the way I thought they were going to go at the Sunset Festival,” Starlight said.

“What happened?” ‘Rarity’ asked.

“I kind of freaked out and ran out of the village,” Starlight admitted shamefully. Then they were stunned when ‘Applejack’ and ‘Rarity’ started laughing.

“You freaked out and ran away from a festival?” ‘Applejack’ asked as she slapped ‘Rarity’s’ side, “Ha! That’s the funniest danged thing I’ve ever heard all day.”

“Oh my,” said ‘Rarity’, “Let me guess. The decorations were terrifying!” They kept laughing, leaving Starlight puzzled. The lilac unicorn looked at Trixie, who just shrugged her shoulder. Eric glared at them angrily.

“What is wrong with you two?! This isn’t funny!” Eric yelled. Applejack and Rarity ignored him and kept laughing. Just then what appeared to be Fluttershy and Rainbow flew down. ‘Fluttershy’ then whispered something to ‘Rarity’.

“...’Applejack’ for friendship business,” was all Eric could hear from the yellow Pegasus.

“Hello, ponies and biped,” said ‘Rainbow’ as she landed and rudely shoved Applejack out of the way, “We need ‘Rarity’ and ‘Applejack’. Very important friendship business.”

The four ponies then stomped off. Rainbow then turned around definitely, whipping her tail at both Starlight and Eric’s faces. Eric and Starlight were shocked, while Trixie was indignant.

“I have to say, I’m really not as impressed with your friends as the rest of Equestria is,” Trixie remarked.

“Something’s not right here,” Eric added.

“I need to talk to Twilight and Storm!” said Starlight. Eric then got on her back as she and Trixie rushed to the castle.

Starlight was surprised to see that the door was locked, as she tried to pull the doors open, but it was no good.

“Alohomora,” Eric incanted quietly, pointing his wand at the door.

“Twilight? Storm? Hello?” Starlight called out and knocked on the door. It was then a sliding peep hole opened with what appeared to be Spike glaring at them.

“I don’t remember a peephole on this door,” Eric said in a hushed tone.

“What do you want? Twilight and Storm are very busy!” ‘Spike’ said.

“Spike, I really need to speak with them,” Starlight replied.

“This is my home and I live here!” Eric added.

“I don’t care! Make an appointment! They are a princess and prince, after all!” ‘Spike’ retorted.

Starlight then tried knocking again and said, “What’s wrong with you? What are you being so-” It was then the doors opened and what appeared to be Twilight and Storm were there. Spike was shown standing on a chair.

“Rude?” ‘Twilight’ finished as she gave ‘Spike’ a glare, “I think a certain dragon didn’t get his nap today.”

“Yeah, right, whatever,” ‘Spike’ mouthed off as he jumped off the stool and pulled it with him as he walked away. Starlight and Eric looked more puzzled than ever.

“Sorry. He’s been acting a little off all day. I think he missed a meal or something,” ‘Twilight’ said bitterly.

“It could be that he both missed a meal and didn’t get his nap,” ‘Storm’ added in equal bitterness.

“He’s not the only one. Everypony’s acting a little strange today,” Starlight replied.

“Yes, it’s definitely been one of those days!” said ‘Twilight’ dismissively before saying in an overly cheerful tone, “How are you?”

“Not great, actually. You’re probably wondering why we’re back from the village so early,” Starlight replied.

“I didn’t want to bring it up, but yeah, it did seem strange,” ‘Twilight’ said, “Did it not go well?”

“The townsponies kept asking me things, like they expected me to be in charge again. But being a leader is the last thing I should ever be, so we left. Very suddenly. In a literal puff of smoke,” Starlight explained.

“Wow, you should definitely never go back to that village,” ‘Twilight’ replied.

“They’ll just crowd you again without rest,” ‘Storm’ added.

“What?” Starlight asked in shock.

“If you were worried about what they thought of you before, it’s probably way worse now. I’d cut my losses,” ‘Twilight’ said.

“That’s...surprising advice, coming from you,” Starlight remarked.

“Trust me. We’re the Prince and Princess of Friendship. You don’t need those ponies. You can always make more friends,” ‘Twilight’ replied, giving an over the top smile.

‘Rainbow’ appeared from a set of double doors and sternly gestured for ‘Twilight’ and ‘Storm’ to come.

“Ah! Speaking of friends, if you’ll excuse me, important business to attend to!” said ‘Twilight’.

“Smell ya later,” ‘Storm’ added in a very smug tone as they headed into the room.

‘Spike’ then gave them a “I’m watching you” gesture with his claws before rushing inside as well and slammed the door. This left Starlight and Eric alone in the foyer.

By nightfall, Eric was sitting quietly on Starlight’s bed with his plushie and dolls, while Starlight was pacing about alongside.

“Cut my losses? That can’t be right,” Starlight pointed out.

“I know, right?” Eric wondered as he let out a yawn.

“We’ll get to the bottom of this in the morning. Just try to get some sleep okay?” Starlight said.

“Okay...good night, Starlight,” Eric replied as he fell asleep in her hooves.

“Sleep tight, Eric,” said Starlight as she turned off her lantern and went to sleep.

In the Dream World

Starlight soon found herself back at her old village, but this time it was nightfall and the area was surrounded by ominous smoke. Starlight initially thought the village was abandoned, especially when two tumbleweeds rolled across the fore-ground. The doors to the houses then opened up as ponies walked across to the other houses across with stern looking faces. ”Hey, I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier,” said Starlight but found that all the ponies were ignoring her. She then smiled at Party Favor, but he took no notice of her, “Party Favor, can you hear me?” But there was no reply.

“I told you,” said a stern voice, “you can never speak to them again!” Starlight flinched. There before her was the Mane Seven. They were all looking at her with angry faces.

“What are you all doing here?” Starlight asked.

“Making sure you do what I said!” Twilight yelled as the seven ponies approached the lilac unicorn, “I’m your teacher, aren’t I? Didn’t I say never to come back here?!”

”Yes, but that just doesn’t seem right,” Starlight replied, “You aren’t acting like yourself! Storm, back me up here! Don’t you agree?” Storm just glared at her sternly without a word.

”Something is wrong!” Starlight and another voice shouted. An ominous wind blew past, making the other ponies disappear into the wind and leaving Starlight alone. She quickly realized what was happening.

“A dream?” Starlight said in realization, “This is another dream!”

“Starlight Glimmer...!” said a voice in a whisper.

“Princess Luna?” Starlight called out. It was then Luna appeared from the moon, but she was struggling to exit her portal.

“Starlight Glimmer!” Luna called out.

“Princess Luna, where are you?” Starlight said again.

“Starlight Glimmer, there is no time!” Luna pleaded desperate while trying to keep herself from being pulled back from her portal, “You must get help!”

“What? What are you talking about?” Starlight asked confused, “This is just a dream!”

“Not here!” Luna clarified, “In the waking world! They’ve taken my sister and I! It’s worse than the last time! Your dream called to me, and I was able to break through! You must find help!”

“What are you saying?!” Starlight asked, trying to make sense of Luna’s warning, “Who’s taken you?!”

”Be careful who you trust!” Luna warned, losing her grip on the portal’s edge, “You need all the help you can find! The changelings have returned and...GASP!” Before Luna could say anything more, she lost her grip on the portal edge and was sucked back inside of it.

“Princess Luna!” Starlight called out. She tried to pursue the moon princess, but fell into a bottomless pit.

Starlight shot up out of bed, sweating and panicking, Eric woke up as well.

“They’re back!” Starlight said.

“Let me guess, the changelings?” Eric asked.

“Yes, Luna told me in my dream,” Starlight replied.

“Queen Chrysalis and Glacio are working together and their armies have joined forces,” Eric said.

“Glacio’s back too?!” Starlight asked.

“Yes, and their combined armies are probably on their way to Canterlot right now,” Eric replied.

It wasn’t long before Starlight and Eric had managed to sneak out to the castle balcony. Starlight used her floating magic to get herself and Eric into a nearby bush. Starlight peeked out of it was quietly and quickly as she could. She then noticed that Trixie had parked her wagon nearby.

The two of them quietly approached Trixie’s wagon. Starlight then gave the door a light knock.

“Trixie?” Starlight called out in a soft tone, “Trixie, it’s Starlight and Eric! Are you awake?”

“Of course, Princess Celestia,” Trixie replied in a muffled and bleary tone, “...I’d love to perform for peanut butter crackers.”

Starlight knocked on the door a little louder, “Trixie, wake up!” she called out more firmly. It was then the wagon bounced about and several fireworks went off, startling both Starlight and Eric. Then some smoke can out of the window as Trixie opened it and stuck her head out, coughing from all the smoke. She was also wearing a starry nightcap on her head.

“Starlight? What time is it?” Trixie asked in a tired tone.

“It’s late,” Starlight replied, “But Eric and I think we figured out what’s wrong with our friends!” Trixie yawned.

“I have a whole list of things that are wrong with your friends, but we can go over it in the morning,” Trixie said, then closed her window and headed back to sleep.

“No, Trixie, we’re in danger!” Starlight replied as she used her magic to pull the cerulean unicorn out of the wagon.

“Okay, fine! Aside from lack of sleep, how are we in danger?” Trixie asked hastily with a sigh.

“I think the-” Starlight began but then stopped as Eric whispered something to her. Starlight then gave Trixie a fierce glare.

“What did you tell us never to tell another pony?” Starlight asked slowly as she kept glaring.

“Starlight, Eric, if you woke up me up to play guessing games-” Trixie tried to protest.

“After we left my village, what did you tell me to never tell another pony you said?” Starlight continued as she grabbed hold of Trixie’s shoulders.

“That even Trixie’s made mistakes,” the cerulean unicorn replied through very gritted teeth.

“Trixie, there’s no time for this! What did you say?” Starlight demanded.

“That’s even Trixie’s made mistakes!” Trixie blurted out, “Are you both happy?!” Starlight and Eric both sighed with relief.

“Yes, we are,” Starlight replied, “Sorry, I just had to make sure you weren’t...” she then continued in a hushed tone, “...one of them!”

“One of who?” Trixie asked in the same tone.

“A changeling! Eric and I think they’ve taken Princess Celestia and Princess Luna!” Starlight replied.

“Yeah, and they’re working with Glacio and his army,” Eric added.

What?!” Trixie exclaimed as she bounced nervously in her hooves, “Are you sure?! I mean, who do we-? We have to tell Twilight and Storm!”

“If Eric and I are right, then it’s too late for that.” Starlight said worriedly.

A few minutes later, Starlight quietly opened the front door, looked around, and gestured for both Trixie and Eric to follow her. They nervously followed behind Starlight. It was then they saw a small amount of light peeking from a pair of double doors. They quietly peeked inside of the room while trying to avoid being seen.

Inside was the throne room, the ‘Mane Seven’ and ‘Spike’ were just chattering about with rather stern and irritable looking faces. ‘Applejack’ had just eaten a banana and tossed the peel right behind her. Meanwhile, ‘Spike’ was drawing a mocking picture of Fluttershy on her throne. ‘Fluttershy’ glared at him and then slugged him back so he bumped into ‘Pinkie’s’ throne. ‘Spike’ yelped at being knocked back. Then ‘Pinkie’ grabbed his head and made him smack the cutie map table face first. ‘Spike’ groaned as he slumped to the floor. ‘Rarity’ laughed at him maliciously. Starlight, Trixie, and Eric were shocked. Inside the room, ‘Pinkie’ gave ‘Spike’ a raspberry as he glared at her. It was then that ‘Twilight’ arrived with ‘Storm’ at her side.

“It is ready?” ‘Twilight’ asked.

“Just one more,” ‘Applejack’ said as she set what appeared to be some sort of black seed on the table. The one seed then glowed as it shot a green beam of magic to each other seed, making it open up and glow. The four seeds then grow some ominous looking vines that joined together in the center, creating what looking like a video screen. There on the screen was the changeling queen herself.

“Queen Chrysalis!” Starlight exclaimed. The so called Mane Seven bowed before her, but all the changeling queen could do was roll her eyes.

“Ugh, I can’t take any of you seriously when you look like that,” Chrysalis remarked.

“Oh, right,” Fake Twilight replied. The eight changelings returned to their true forms.

“Much better. Now report!” Chrysalis ordered.

“Everything here is going according to plan!” said the changeling that posed as Twilight, “We’ve replaced the seven ponies and their dragon and have taken control of the castle.” The other changelings nodded.

“Excellent,” said Chrysalis, “And I’ve just received word that the princesses from Canterlot have successfully been replaced as well. Glacio is gonna be very pleased with us.” The eight changelings cheered. Starlight, Eric, and Trixie pulled away from the door a bit and winced.

“We thought too small last time,” Chrysalis continued, “One ponynapped princess wasn’t enough. With all the most beloved ponies of Equestria taken care of, nopony can stop us! All thanks to mine and Glacio’s planning!” Chrysalis than laughed evilly. The other changelings laughed as well.

“Once you’ve drained all the seven ponies’ and dragons’s love, kill them immediately! Along with Eric Sparkle and his friends once you have them! Leave my sisters to me, I’ll kill them myself!” Glacio said to Chrysalis as he appeared on screen.

“As you wish, Glacio,” Chrysalis replied onscreen.

With that, the video communication ended and the four seeds closed up. Eric gasped worriedly and began to shed tears at the thought of losing his family, his body was shaking heavily from fear. Starlight and Trixie both knew they need to leave and fast, especially for Eric’s sake. Starlight went to close the door when it suddenly creaked.

“HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!” the eight changelings hissed loudly before they went back to their disguises. They quickly burst open the doors to the main foyer.

The fake Mane Seven and Spike quickly split up to search, with the fake Twilight and Storm staying behind. Fake Twilight began to sniff about since changelings could sense love magic with their sense of smell. As for where the three ponies were hiding, Starlight had quickly used a vanishing spell to make herself, Eric, and Trixie invisible. Only a faint glow could be seen where they were hiding in the foyer, trembling fearfully with large eyes. Fortunately, Fake Twilight and Fake Storm didn’t see them. Then the three ponies felt their hearts drop to their stomach as fake Twilight and fake Storm stood right in front of them, leaned in, and they both took a sniff.

However, Starlight’s invisible spell also protected them from being detected because the changelings sensed nothing and walked off. Starlight waited until they were out of sight before making herself, Eric, and Trixie visible. Trixie and Eric gasped loudly since they had been holding their breath the entire time. Starlight quickly teleported them out of the castle and back to Trixie’s wagon before they could be heard.

Once they were outside, Trixie and Eric were still hyperventilating.

“I can’t deal with this! I’m just a performer! This is... This is princess-level stuff! But the changelings have all the princesses... We’re doomed!” Trixie said frantically.

“Maybe not. Uh, Queen Chrysalis only said they took Luna and Celestia and obviously Twilight, Storm, and the others... but maybe Cadance is still safe. Our best bet is to get to the Crystal Empire before the changelings do. That way we can—” Starlight tried to say before a voice spoke up, “There’s no help coming from the Crystal Empire.” The two ponies and boy turned to see some bushes rustling. It was then a familiar changeling appeared.


Trixie instantly started shrieking uncontrollably. Starlight quickly put her in a bubble of silence as the cerulean unicorn continued to shriek. Starlight and Eric recognized the changeling.

“Thorax?” Starlight and Eric said together.

“Your wings look...different,” Starlight pointed out.

“I guess they do,” said Thorax modestly as he opened his wings. Starlight and Eric smiled but then she put on stern look, making her horn glow brightly.

“How do we know you aren’t some other changeling pretending to be Thorax?” Starlight demanded.

“You two were there when Spike defended me to the ponies of the Crystal Empire,” Thorax said, “Princess Twilight said-” Thorax quickly changed into Twilight and quoted her, “As the Princess of Friendship, I should set an example for all of Equestria. But it was Spike who taught me-”

“Okay, okay. I believe you. We don’t need the whole speech,” Starlight replied. Thorax then returned to his original form.

Starlight noticed that Trixie was still cowered against the wall of her bubble.

“Trixie, this is, Thorax,” Starlight explained, “He’s a reformed changeling, he’s on our side. Understand?”

Trixie was still very tense, but nodded that she understood. Starlight then popped the bubble, making Trixie land on her flank and rub her head since it bumped the wall of her wagon.

“Hi,” Thorax greeted as he extended a fore-hoof to shake, “It’s a pleasure to...”

“If Starlight says you’re on our side. I believe her,” Trixie replied nervously, “But maybe just stay over there for now, okay?” Trixie bit her lower lip nervously. Thorax looked a little hurt, but did as he was told.

“What did you mean there’s no help?” Starlight asked him, “Did the changelings get Princess Cadance too?”

“They took Cadance, Shining, and Flurry Heart!” Thorax replied.

“Not my little cousin!?” Eric gasped in devastation.

“Sunburst and Captain Brawn sent me here to get Princess Twilight and Prince Storm’s help, but...but it sounds like it’s too late for that, too! So...what should we do?” Thorax asked.

“Yeah, Starlight. What are we gonna do?” Trixie added frantically.

“I...I don’t know!” Starlight replied as she walked away from them a bit, “There has to be somepony else who can handle this?”

“There is nopony else! Everypony with powerful magic is already gone!” Trixie said.

“Not everypony, Chrysalis didn’t mention Lord Emerald. Maybe he can help,” Eric pointed out.

“You know whenever ponies talk about powerful magic, they always leave me out. If I weren’t so evolved, I might decide to take it personally,” Discord remarked, “Well, isn’t this quite the combination of secondary characters? Where are Twilight and the girls?”

“First,” said Starlight defensively, “how do we know that you’re really you?” Discord glared and then snapped his fingers. Some nearby flowers jumped out of the ground and started dancing. Then a tree turned into a cuckoo clock, but the cuckoo bird was just a gloved hand holding a frightened squirrel. Then the ground the group was standing on turned into soapy water, making them all but Thorax lose their footing and landed on their stomachs. The rest of the world looked completely chaotic and Discord had even tuned Trixie’s wagon into a pumpkin.

“Shall I continue?” Discord asked.

“Chrysalis and the changelings are back,” Starlight explained, “They’ve ponynapped all of the most powerful ponies in Equestria! Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor, Flurry Heart, Twilight, Storm, and their friends.” Discord was looking rather bored as Starlight spoke, but something snapped when he heard that Twilight and Storm’s friends had been taken, “We need to-”

“They took Fluttershy?” Discord said in a low whisper.

“Yes!” Starlight replied.

“Did somepony say ‘Fluttershy’?” a voice spoke up. Just then, Spiracle (who was now light red with moderate cyan eyes), Forest Thunder, Jasper, and Smokey came up to them.

“Forest! Jasper! Smokey! You’re okay!” Eric said.

“We came as soon as we could, and we couldn’t help but overhear that our girlfriends were taken by the changelings,” Forest replied.

“Glad you’re here, boys. We could use your help rescuing them,” said Starlight.

Eric gasped in realization as his eyes widened and said, “Wait a minute! Somepony has to go over to Canterlot and slay the basilisk! I gotta go find Lord Emerald!”

Eric then took off on his broomstick to alert his friends. Spiracle quickly took flight following him.

A short time later, they reached Sweet Apple Acres and went into Apple Bloom’s room.

“Apple Bloom, wake up,” Eric said as he gently nudged her. She woke up and asked, “Is somthin’ wrong, Eric?”

“The changelings are back and they took my parents and their friends, including Applejack,” Eric replied.

“That’s not good,” Apple Bloom remarked.

“Let’s go find and gather the others,” Eric said.

Eric and Apple Bloom went to Sweetie Belle’s place, while Spiracle went to find Scootaloo. Eric pointed his wand at the door and incanted, “Alohomora.”

Once inside Sweetie Belle’s room, Eric kissed her while she was sleeping, then he whispered, “Wake up, Sweetie Belle.”

Once Sweetie Belle woke up, she asked, “Eric, what’s going on?”

He told her about the changelings’ return and their capture of Twilight, Storm, and their friends.

Soon enough, Eric had gathered most of his friends together.

“We need to go to Canterlot and find Lord Emerald, but first we need to spend the night at my grandparents’ house,” Eric said.

Eric got on his broom and Slapstick rode with him, while Marina carried Holly and Spiracle teleported Zuni, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo to Canterlot.

Once there, Eric led them to his grandparents’ house, then magically unlocked the door and Eric went to sleep in his mom’s old bed, while the three fillies went to his uncle’s old room, and the others went to sleep in the basement.

The next morning, Eric immediately woke up and crept downstairs to where his grandparents were.

“Morning, Grandpa. Morning, Grandma,” Eric said.

“Eric, why are you here and not at home?” Velvet asked.

“My friends and I came last night because the changelings are back and they took my parents and their friends, Princesses Celestia and Luna, along with my aunt, uncle, and cousin. We’re here to find Lord Emerald, and maybe Captain Blitzwing so they can help us kill the basilisk,” Eric explained.

“That’s not good,” Night Light remarked.

“Regardless of that, it’s always good to see you, Eric,” Velvet replied.

After having a good breakfast with his grandparents, Eric and his friends went over to Fancy Pants’ mansion to see Nightshade.

“Hello, Eric,” Nightshade said as he opened the door.

“Hi, Nightshade,” Eric replied.

“What brings you and the others to Canterlot?” Nightshade asked.

“The changelings are back and they’re working with Glacio and his army, they took my parents and their friends, along with my aunt, uncle, cousin, and the royal sisters. Starlight, Trixie, Thorax, Discord, Forest, Jasper, and Smokey are trying to rescue them. So It’s up to us to stop the basilisk, and we also need to find Lord Emerald and maybe Captain Blitzwing so they can help us,” Eric explained.

Nightshade nodded in agreement and went with Eric and the others towards the falls. There, Eric and his friends were looking out in a view of the plains and forest, whilst feeling a sense of doubt and he began singing, with his friends soon joining in:

(All credit for this song goes to Disney and Michael Bolton)

Soon enough, they were further outside the city hoping to find Lord Emerald. Just then, two familiar guards came up to them, Eric recognized them as Captains Blitzwing and Brawn, but he was unsure it was really them and asked, “Did you send Thorax to Ponyville last night to find my parents?”

“I did, me and Sunburst both. I fled the Crystal Empire as quick as I could,” Captain Brawn replied.

“Can you please tell us the last thing Princess Celestia told you before she and Luna were captured?” Nightshade asked Captain Blitzwing.

“She told me, ‘Find Eric Sparkle and his friends and keep them safe, for they’re our best hope at stopping the basilisk’,” Captain Blitzwing replied.

“We just had to make sure you weren’t changelings,” Eric said.

“Do you know where Professor Emerald is?” Nightshade asked.

“He should be on the opposite side of the mountain,” Captain Blitzwing replied.

“Spiracle, can you please teleport us to the opposite side of the mountain?” Eric asked.

“Maybe, but not all of us at once,” Spiracle replied.

Just then, Eric and his eight friends were teleported to Lord Emerald’s location. It wasn’t long before they found Lord Emerald, they also found Agent Shadow Lock.

“Professor Emerald, the changelings are back and they’re working with Glacio,” Nightshade said.

“Glacio and his army are likely on their way here right now. Do you think you and Shadow Lock can keep them busy while we slay Grimlock?” Eric added.

“Neither us us have run from a fight before, so why start now?” Lord Emerald replied.

He then teleported Eric and his friends, along with Shadow Lock to the outskirts of the city. Lord Emerald and Shadow Lock kept well hidden while keeping an eye out for Glacio and his army. It wasn’t too long before Glacio and his army reached Canterlot.

“If you changelings were able to deceive the ponies by disguising as my sisters and the guards, how could you not manage to find Lord Emerald! Where is he?!” Glacio demanded.

“Right here, Glacio!” Emerald said as he stood to face the ice prince.

The two were locked in a duel, while Shadow Lock dueled Frostbite.

“What’s the plan, Eric?” Apple Bloom asked.

“We’ll hide in Crystal Caverns, while Spiracle and Pincer lure Grimlock to us, and once inside, we’ll seal off the entrance and kill the basilisk,” Eric explained.

“We’re on it,” Spiracle replied as he and Pincer flew off to find Grimlock.

Eric and his eight friends, along with Captains Blitzwing and Brawn managed to enter the caverns.

“Do you think we were spotted?” Holly asked worriedly.

“I hope not, but in case they do and we get separated, we need a code phrase only we can memorize,” Nightshade said.

“How about one of us says ‘Marco’ and the other says ‘Polo’?” Eric suggested.

“Just who or what is Marco Polo?” Slapstick asked.

“He was a human explorer who lived long ago, but that’s not important right now,” Eric said.

“Good thinking, Eric,” Marina replied.

“No changeling could ever know that,” Zuni added.

“Nightshade, can you please cast the eye-protection spell on us?” Eric asked.

“Right away, Eric,” Nightshade replied, then cast the spell.

All of a sudden, some changelings disguised as royal guards spotted them and spoke up, “Halt! You’re coming with us!” The disguised changelings soon came towards them.

“Oh no,” Scootaloo said.

“How’d they find us?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Something tells me they were ordered to search literally everywhere,” Captain Blitzwing replied.

“What’re we gonna do, Eric?!” Sweetie Belle asked worriedly.

“We’re splitting up,” Eric replied before whispering, “Everyone, remember the code phrase, ‘Marco Polo’.”

Everyone nodded before spreading out. Just then, Spiracle and Pincer came back with Grimlock on their tails.

“Pincer, you go with the others, I’ll take care of the drones pursuing them,” Spiracle told his little brother. Pincer nodded, then Grimlock chased after him.

“Hey! It’s me you want, come and get me!” Spiracle yelled to the drones pursuing Eric and his friends.

He managed to divert the drones towards him, then transformed into a large bug monster and fought them off.

“How exactly are we gonna kill the basilisk?” Scootaloo asked.

“We’ll corner Grimlock and I’ll slay him with this sword,” Eric replied as he picked up a sword.

Just then, Pincer joined them with the basilisk behind him and said, “Marco!”

“Polo!” Eric and the others replied in unison.

Eric and his friends, plus Captains Blitzwing and Brawn managed to corner Grimlock. They dodged his every attempt to bite them. Nightshade fired multiple magic blasts at the basilisk, but they had little effect. Eric then drew the sword and faced Grimlock, he swung it multiple times, but then Grimlock lunged at him and he pointed the sword causing the basilisk to get stabbed through the roof of his mouth. Grimlock violently thrashed around as he was dying and slashed Eric’s face diagonally with his wing claws, but missed his eyes, until the basilisk finally collapsed to his death.

“Eric! You’re hurt!” Sweetie Belle said.

“Let’s go find Philomena, she can heal me,” Eric replied.

“What do ya mean?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Eric told me a while back that phoenix tears have healing powers, they can heal the most deadly of injuries and they’re also the only known antidote for basilisk venom,” Nightshade explained.

Soon enough, Eric and his friends, along with Captains Blitzwing and Brawn were out of the caverns. Just then, they rushed into the city and kept Glacio’s minions busy while Eric and Captain Blitzwing went to find Philomena. It wasn’t long before they found her perched in a tree, she flew down and noticed Eric’s scar, then she shed some tears and his scar was healed.

Eric and Captain Blitzwing rejoined the others and fought off Glacio’s minions. Just then, Twilight, Storm, and their friends, Shining Armor, Cadance, Flurry Heart, the royal sisters, along with Starlight and her group and some of the newly reformed changelings joined in. Glacio and his army were shocked to see their now former allies had turned against them.

“What?! Impossible!” Glacio exclaimed.

“Queen Chrysalis has been deposed, Thorax is the new king of the changelings, and you’ve lost, Glacio,” Starlight said.

“Who are you?!” Frostbite asked.

“I’m Starlight Glimmer!” the lilac unicorn replied.

“Your pet basilisk, Grimlock is dead, Glacio. My friends and I have slain him,” Eric said.

“This is not over, everypony! We’ll make you all pay with your lives!” Glacio cried out as he and his army fled the area.

“Mommy! Daddy! You’re safe!” Eric said as he hugged his parents.

“Hi, sweetie!” Twilight replied.

“You did it, sport. You and your friends solved a centuries-old mystery and defeated the basilisk, you’re heroes,” Storm added.

After everyone shared a few tender moments with their family and friends, they set off for Starlight’s old village.


Author's Note:

This is the last chapter. Stay tuned for more of Eric Sparkle's adventures.

Comments ( 3 )

You're finally finished

hay where did the sequel story after this one go? as i know there were 3 story's that are all linked together

I temporarily un-submitted them in order to make some improvements.

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