• Published 6th Apr 2021
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Eric Sparkle and the Crystal Caverns - Skywalker215

Eric Sparkle and his friends must solve the mystery of Canterlot’s Crystal Caverns.

  • ...

Chapter 13: The Times They are a Changeling

A train was making its way to the Crystal Empire. Twilight and Storm had decided to visit the Crystal Empire and had brought Starlight, Spike, and Eric along with them.

“I hope Shining Armor and Princess Cadance don’t think it’s too soon for us to come back to the Crystal Empire for a visit. But I just know Flurry Heart’s grown so much already. I wonder if we’ll even recognize her,” Twilight said.

“Twily, there’s no way we can forget a little filly who likes to snuggle into our faces all the time,” Storm replied.

“She’s the only baby they have, Twilight. I think it’ll be pretty easy to figure out who she is,” Starlight added. Twilight just grunted annoyingly at the both of them.

“Sorry. I know you two want to visit your niece as much as possible, and I’m excited to see Sunburst again. I just don’t wanna fall behind on my friendship lessons back home,” said Starlight.

“I figured that, ‘cause it seems to me that you like each other but are unaware of the other’s feelings. I’m mainly excited to see my cousin again,” Eric replied.

“No comment,” said Starlight as she blushed.

“Starlight, your work in Ponyville isn’t going anywhere. Besides, I think we all know you can learn about friendship anywhere. Right, Spike?” Twilight told her before leaning forward to look at a seat across from theirs.

Spike was sitting opposite of them wearing a trench coat and holding a newspaper.

“’Spike?’ Who’s ‘Spike’?” the dragon asked in a deep voice.

“Pfft. Uh, you’re Spike, Spike. And why are you dressed like that?” Starlight said.

“Guys, you’re blowing my cover!” Spike complained, groaning as he tossed the newspaper away and walked up to Starlight and Twilight. He was also carrying a small travel bag with him.

“Because you’re you... in a coat, hat and glasses. Also, we’re the only ones here,” Starlight pointed out.

“I could see through almost any disguise you have on,” Eric added.

“Right,” Spike replied.

“Spike, why do you need a disguise?” Twilight asked.

“Last time we came to the Crystal Empire, there was a lot goin’ on with the new baby and the Crystalling, but I still got mobbed in the street,” Spike explained.

“I wouldn’t say mobbed,” Starlight pointed out.

“And this is just a family visit. I wouldn’t want the presence of Spike the Brave and Glorious to turn it into some kind of circus,” Spike said smugly.

“We get it. The Crystal Ponies adore you,” Starlight replied.

“He did save the Empire. Twice. But still, I don’t think your presence will turn our visit into a circus,” Twilight added.

“Not if I find the right disguise, it won’t,” Spike said.

as he posed with a bright orange afro wig with his hat and sunglasses. Twilight, Starlight, and Storm just shared smirks with each other, while Eric burst out laughing.

“Spike, you look funny!” Eric laughed. Spike just blew a raspberry at him and rolled his eyes.

Once their train arrived at the station and had puffed away, the four ponies and Spike were surprised to see that the platform was empty.

“Uh, disguise or not, Spike, I don’t think you need to worry about being mobbed. Nopony’s here,” Starlight said.

The sound of the wind whistling could be heard as a tumbleweed drifted across the foreground.

“It’s like a ghost town,” Spike remarked as they headed to the Crystal Empire.

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Twilight said.

“Where have I heard that before?” Eric muttered, “Right, from Star Wars.”

“You’re telling me, Twily. Something’s up,” Storm replied.

Soon, they were walking down the streets of the city, which was looking just as empty and deserted.

“Yeah, this is weird,” Starlight remarked.

“I guess I don’t need the disguise after all,” Spike said as he removed his disguise. Not three seconds later, Spike was surrounded by crystal ponies.

“It’s Spike the Brave and Glorious!” Honeysparkle shouted.

“He’s come to save us yet again!” Sapphire Joy added.

“And look, everypony, it’s Eric Sparkle!” another crystal pony shouted.

“Spike! Spike! Spike! Spike!” the crystal ponies shouted as they tossed Spike up and down.

“Save you from what?” Spike asked.

“Yeah, what’s going on?” Starlight added.

“Why was everypony hiding?” Twilight wondered.

“How can we help?” Storm asked.

“Is Glacio’s army back here again?” Eric wondered.

Two crystal ponies, named Amber Laurel and Scarlet Heart, looked at them nervously.

“Oh, it sure looks like Princess Twilight, Prince Storm, their son and pupil,” said Amber Laurel.

“But how can we be sure?” Scarlet Heart remarked as they both winced.

“We can’t!”, “Either one of them could be the...you know!” said a third crystal pony named Golden Vas. She then cringed and ran off.

“What if this...isn’t...the real Spike?!” Amber Laurel gasped twice.

Everypony, run!” Scarlet Heart screamed. The other crystal ponies ran for their lives, leaving Spike hanging in the air before he landed hard on the street below.

“Okay. Something strange is definitely going on,” said Twilight.

“Ya think?” Spike groaned.

The group wasted no time reaching the center of the city where the crystal heart and the castle were. Two royal guards were standing nearby as they nervously approached.

“Who goes there?” the first royal guard asked.

“Um, you don’t recognize the Princess and Prince of Friendship?” Starlight remarked. The two guards just glared.

“Of course we recognize them,” said the first guard.

“But that doesn’t mean it’s really them,” the second guard replied. Twilight and Starlight shared looks with each other.

“It’s okay, guys. They’re with me, and any friend of Spike the Brave and Glorious is a friend of the Crystal Empire, am I right?” Spike said.

“Huh,” said the second guard, “It does look like him.”

“Well, it would, wouldn’t it?” the first royal guard replied and stuck his face into Spike’s, “I’m sorry, but we’ll need to see some sort of identification.” Spike just looked dejected.

“We’ll take care of things from here,” said Cadance as she, Shining Armor, who was wearing his military armor, Sunburst, and Flurry Heart, who was sitting on a floating gold baby carrier chair. Storm just breathed a sigh of relief.

“Oh, Cadance, thank goodness!” said Twilight, “What’s going on?”

“We can explain, Twily...if it really is you,” Shining Armor replied firmly.

“Sunshine, sunshine...” Cadance began.

“...ladybugs awake!” Twilight and Storm sang and danced with Cadance, “Clap your hooves and do a little shake.” Then they shared a happy group hug together and Sunburst approached holding Flurry Heart in her baby chair.

“Eric, is it really you?” Cadance asked just to be sure.

Eric nodded, then went up and hugged her, saying, “Hi, Aunt Cadance! Hi, Uncle Shining!”

“Hi, Eric. Good to know it’s actually you,” Shining replied as she and Cadance hugged him.

“It’s okay, everypony. It’s them.” said Shining.

“Of course it’s them! What’s all this about?” Starlight said.

“A changeling’s been spotted nearby,” Sunburst replied.

“A changeling?!” Twilight and Storm asked in unison.

“That’s not good,” Spike remarked.

“No, it’s not. After Queen Chrysalis took my place at our wedding and invaded Canterlot with her army of minions, we’re not taking any chances,” Cadance explained.

“Changelings feed off of love. And ever since Flurry Heart’s Crystalling, the Empire is filled with more love than anywhere in Equestria. It’s possible they’ve come for the baby,” Sunburst said.

“That’s why we posted the extra guards,” Shining Armor added, “and why we’re-”

“Checking everypony’s identity,” Twilight finished for him.

“I’m sorry for all of this. Flurry Heart’s really been looking forward to seeing you,” Cadance said.

Flurry Heart just giggled and cooed as Storm, Twilight, Eric, and Starlight gathered around her and smiled.

“Good to see you again, sweetie,” Storm greeted.

“Oh, she’s gotten so big!” said Twilight as Flurry Heart grabbed her fore-hoof, “My husband, Starlight, and I will do whatever we can to help protect her.”

“Hi, Flurry,” Eric greeted his cousin as she grabbed his face.

“To be honest, having you here is already a big relief,” Cadance replied.

“By the way, we have great news for you,” Storm said.

“Shining, Cadance, I’m pregnant,” Twilight added.

“Congratulations, Twilight,” Cadance replied.

“Mom and Dad will want to hear about this,” Shining added.

“The changelings have similar habits to creatures called dementors, which were from the world of my birth and they’re much worse. Just like changelings feed on love, dementors feed on happy memories, and they can also suck out one’s soul. That’s called the Dementor’s Kiss,” Eric explained, then shuddered.

“Valid point, Eric. And it’s a good thing we don’t have these dementors around here in Equestria,” Storm replied.

The second royal guard whispered something to Shining Armor.

“Hmm,” Shining Armor pondered before speaking, “The royal guards were wondering if Spike the Brave and Glorious would like to join in the search for the changeling.”

“Really?” Spike asked.

“Uh, I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, Spike. It sounds dangerous,” Twilight said worriedly.

“Come on, Twilight, this is Spike the Brave and Glorious you’re talking to. Have you ever known me to run from danger?” Spike boasted as he flexed his arms.

“Um...” Twilight tried to say slowly.

“I better go with him, in case there are more changelings out there,” Eric said.

“I think you should stay here, sweetie,” Twilight replied.

“They’ll both be safe with our guards,” Shining Armor said reassuringly as he leaned forward.

“Or will your guards be safe with me?” Spike bragged.

Twilight and Storm just smiled and rolled their eyes.

It wasn’t long before Spike, with Eric at his side, lead a large group of royal guard through the outer regions of the Crystal Empire. Since it was snowing, he had packed his winter coat, blue snow hat, pink scarf, and his pair of pink earmuffs for the trip and had put them on as soon as they reached the outer limits of the city. Captain Brawn was also accompanying them, as it was his duty to protect royalty, with Eric being a prince.

“Spike the Brave and Glorious, you’ve faced the evil changelings before. What can you tell us?” said the first guard.

“Care to fill us in?” Captain Brawn asked.

“Oh, uh, well, they are changelings, so they can...change,” Spike stuttered.

“They can also be stealthy as far as I’ve heard,” Eric added.

“You hear that? These monsters can look like any of us, so be on your guard, guards! Even more than normal,” the first guard told them others.

“And they could be anywhere,” Spike said as the other guards nodded in agreement, “So we should cover as much ground as possible.”

“Make it so,” Captain Brawn ordered.

“You, search that way!” Spike told one pair of guards, then they rushed away.

“And you, search that way!” Spike told another group as they took off in another direction. And other guards then took off in different directions as well. Spike then noticed that he, Eric, and Captain Brawn were alone.

“And...we’ll... just search... here, I guess,” Spike remarked.

“I hope you two know what you’re doing,” Captain Brawn said.

“Not many places to hide,” said Spike as he and Eric walked up to a rock, “Unless that rock is a changeling.”

“What?!” Eric exclaimed in disbelief.

“Okay, rock,” Spike demanded, “How do I know you’re really a rock?” The rock said nothing as Eric had a bored look on her face, “Hmm. Not talkin’, huh? We’ll you can’t fool me!” Spike then kicked the rock, cracking it in half.

“Uhh! Ow!” Spike yelped.

Spike and Eric walked into a patch of snow that caved in beneath them both, causing them to fall and scream. The cracked piece of rock Spike had chipped also fell down the hole and tumbled right after them. Spike and Eric were at the mercy of a steep ice slide and were unable to stop their momentum.

“Help! Help! Help! Help! Help! Help! Help!” Spike yelped as Eric held him for dear life. The broken piece of rock continued to tumble after them. It was then the two friends saw that their slide ended in a small bottomless ravine.

“Uhh!” Spike grunted.

He had smacked into a crag with Eric holding him for dear life from behind. Their chasing rock fell into the ravine. But they were safe.

“Phew!” said Spike as he kissed the crag that stopped their momentum. Eric just panted heavily for a moment before he sighed with relief as well.

“Okay. Maybe it’s time Spike the Brave and Glorious, plus Eric Sparkle, went back to, uh, protect those guards,” Spike said.

“Gah!” Spike yelped as he saw himself standing before him and then sighed with relief, “Just my reflection.” Spike and Eric turned to leave, but then the “reflection” of Spike remained.

“Huh?” said Spike suspiciously as he started doing poses and faces before the so called mirror, “Ha! Ha-ha!” The “reflection” managed to mimic all of Spike’s moves and poses.

“Hmm, just my imagination I guess,” said Spike as he walked away.

“Um, Spike, if that is an ice mirror...why can’t I see my reflection?” Eric said uneasily.

It was then they heard the sound of somepony tripping. They both turned around and saw Spike’s “reflection” dusted itself off. It then winced once it saw their act was revealed and exposed their true form.


Spike screamed and Eric took out his wand, then backed away.

“Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-changeling!” Spike stuttered.

“Stay back, monster!” Eric said pointing his wand.

“No, wait! Come back!” said the changeling.

Spike then ran into the crag and Eric kept backing up until he bumped into Spike. The two were left woozily and ended up wobbling right over the edge of the ravine just as they recovered their senses!

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!” Spike and Eric screamed as they fell into the ravine. But then their fall momentum was stopped when they found the changeling had grabbed both of them.

“This is unexpected,” said Spike.

“Yeah. But what if he only saved us so he could feed on our love?” Eric added wearily. The changeling set both Spike and Eric into the snow.

“The ice is pretty slippery. I wouldn’t want you to get hurt because of me.” the changeling told them. Spike and Eric were surprised.

“You...saved us?” said Spike slowly.

“And...he’s really nice,” Eric added in a rather stunned tone.

“It’s okay. I know you don’t wanna be friends.” the changeling sadly, then turned to hover away.

“Wait!” Spike shouted.

“Hold up! We didn’t mean to sound ungrateful. We’re just...surprised. We didn’t think a changeling could be as nice as you,” Eric said.

“He’s right,” Spike added, “I don’t understand. Changelings are supposed to be evil...right?”

“Evil?” the changeling answered, “Oh, not me. All I’ve ever wanted is a friend.”

“You don’t say,” Eric replied with a curious look on his face. It was then a flashback was shown featuring a dark cavern filled with several insect like eggs.

“From the moment I first split my egg in the nursery hive...” the changeling narrated as his baby self broke out of its egg. The other newborn changelings came out of their eggs hissing and glaring at each other. His baby self whimpered and cowered back into its egg. The other changeling babies crawled toward Chrysalis and started absorbing her love magic. She then nuzzled and smiled deviously at the baby changeling that represented himself, which the baby cringed fearfully.

“I was part of the attack on Canterlot during the royal wedding,” the changeling continued as the flashback showed him, now an adult, hovering about as he saw his fellow changelings attacking and fighting, at the time, the Mane Seven, “but I’d never seen true friendship like that. And I couldn’t just steal it and feed on its love. I wanted to share it!” It was then the explosion was seen that Cadance and Shining Armor had created, with the help from Storm and Twilight, sent the entire swarm flying away.

As the flashback ended, Spike was in the verge of tears. Eric’s lips were quivering as tears streamed down his face.

“After that, I knew I couldn’t live with my kind anymore,” said the changeling, “I set off looking for love to share. but...”

“But...what?” Spike asked.

“I’m starving!” the changeling answered, “And there’s so much love in the Crystal Empire right now. It’s what drew me here. But it’s drivin’ me crazy!”

“That would be from the royal Crystalling,” Spike explained, “It’s pretty much a giant outpouring of light and love from the new baby.” The changeling then hissed loudly, making Spike and Eric winced.

“Oh, sorry!” the changeling apologized, “I’m just so hungry! If I had a friend, maybe the love we shared could sustain me, but I don’t think the Crystal Ponies want to be friends.”

“What if I told you there was somepony they respect and admire so much, he could convince them to give it a try?” Spike offered.

“If only that were true,” said the changeling sadly.

“It is!” said Spike, “I mean, I am! It’s me Spike the Brave and Glorious? I’m sure you’ve heard of me.”

“Nope. But I was raised by an evil queen. Um...I’m Thorax. I can’t believe you want to help me.” the changeling replied.

“I’m Eric Sparkle and we wouldn’t turn away any...uhh...one...from looking for the magic of friendship,” said Eric, “Or in need of a friend.”

“Yeah,” Spike said in agreement, “Why wouldn’t we? Hasn’t anypony even just been nice to you?” Thorax gave another loud hiss, making Spike and Eric flinch.

“Uh! S-Sorry!” said Thorax, “Kindness like that kind of brings it out.”

“Is there anything you need to get off your chest?” Eric asked gently.

“Just that I’ve always been bullied for not being...evil...like everypony else,” Thorax replied, “And all I’ve ever wanted was a friend, but it seems like I never will. And it really hurts...alot. And I did admit I was part of the invasion during the royal wedding. And I regret it. Do you two still wanna be my friend?”

“Of course,” said Spike.

After a failed attempt to reason with Twilight, Storm, and the others about making friends with Thorax, Eric snuck out of the palace, following Spike back to the ice cave. Thorax was there waiting for them.

“So? So? Uh, what did they say?” Thorax asked excitedly, not noticing the glum looks on Spike and Eric’s faces, “How many new friends do I have?”

“Well, it didn’t go exactly the way I thought,” said Spike honestly.

“Yeah, our efforts to convince ponies that changelings could have good in them sort of...fell on deaf ears,” said Eric sheepishly. Thorax looked disappointed.

“I understand,” Thorax groaned, “Well, thanks for trying. I-I guess it’s not surprising. How can you expect ponies who looks like this...” He then changed into a light blue crystal pony, “...to trust something that looks like this?” He then changed back to his true appearance.

“It’s sad that we still live in a world where ponies still judge someone by their appearance. I know how you feel, Thorax. ‘Cause some ponies have judged me for being human, calling me ‘two-legged freak’, ‘flat-face’, or ‘rump-head’ even though everypony in Equestria knows who I am,” Eric explained.

“I think I might know!” said Spike. Thorax and Eric gave him a curious look.

Once the three of them left the ice cave, Thorax assumed his crystal pony disguise and they headed back to the Crystal Palace. Just then, a snowstorm was blowing and Eric put his arm close to his face to keep the snow out, he soon got separated from Spike and Thorax. He could barely make out some silhouettes coming toward him fast, Eric took out his wand, ready to defend himself. But then, he was tackled, causing him to drop his wand and it blew away, he looked up and noticed there were four changelings.

“W-Who are you? What do you want with me?” Eric asked in a frightened tone.

“We’re looking for the deserter Thorax, have you seen him?” the first changeling said.

Eric’s eyes widened as if he knew what they wanted with him, “I d-don’t know what you’re t-talking about,” he replied.

“Something tells me you have seen him but don’t want to tell us, Eric Sparkle,” the second changeling said.

“H-How do you know who I am?” Eric wondered, “Maybe I’ve seen Thorax, but I don’t know where he went.”

“Our queen has formed an alliance with Glacio and his army, and he told us about you,” the third changeling replied.

Just then, they wrapped Eric up in changeling slime and they flew off with him.

“Let go of me!” Eric demanded.

Soon enough, they reached a cave where they set Eric down and attempted to interrogate him. All of a sudden, Queen Chrysalis flew into the cave towards them with three more changelings, including a one not much older than Eric.

“My queen, we couldn’t find Thorax, but we did find Eric Sparkle,” the first changeling said.

“We think he might know something about Thorax’s whereabouts,” the second changeling added.

“Bring him to me. I’ll deal with him myself,” Queen Chrysalis ordered.

The four changelings nodded and gave Eric to the queen, she removed most of the slime, but kept his arms and legs bound.

“Eric Sparkle. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you. Now tell me, where is Thorax?!” Chrysalis said.

“My family told me about you, Queen Chrysalis. I don’t know where Thorax is and even if I did, I’ll never tell you,” Eric replied in defiance.

“You’re a feisty little one, but you’ll soon learn some respect,” Chrysalis remarked, then hissed.

“I could n-never r-respect you,” Eric said beginning to cry, “Please, Q-Queen Chrysalis. Please let me go. *sniff* I wanna go back to my parents.”

“Quiet!!!” Chrysalis yelled, “I will drain all your love and use it to gain enough power for me and my army as we help Glacio and his army conquer Equestria!”

Eric just sat there crying, then she teleported him and the other changelings back to her hive.

“Pharynx! Lock him in the dungeon,” Chrysalis ordered.

Pharynx nodded and took him to the dungeon, where he was locked up. Eric sat back against the wall and cried, as he never felt so scared since he suffered Mr. Horvath’s cruelty. He also whimpered fearing the possibility of having his love drained like a dementor feeds on one’s happy memories.

Meanwhile, in the outskirts of the Crystal Empire, the snowstorm began to die down. Spike saw something blowing to him, he caught it and realized it was Eric’s wand.

It wasn’t long before the two friends were back at the palace. Two guards walked past a set of double doors, before Spike peeked out of the doors to see if the coast was clear. Then the doors opened to reveal that Thorax was now disguised as a light blue crystal pony as they walked out of the room.

“Spike, if you’re done searching for the changeling, Starlight, Storm, and I could use your help. We’re working on a protection spell for Flurry Heart, and nopony takes notes like you,” Twilight said.

“Uh, actually, Twilight, Storm,” said Spike, “we, uh, wanted to introduce you to my friend, uh...uh, Crystal, uh...Hoof! Crystal Hoof!” Spike looked around at the wall of the castle hallway and then Twilight’s hoof before he chuckled nervously, “My good friend, Crystal Hoof!” Thorax, or Crystal Hoof in this case, just smiled sheepishly as the latter nervously hid behind the two ponies. Twilight looked puzzled while Storm just raised a skeptical eyebrow at them.

“Nice to meet you,” Thorax said timidly as he raised a hoof to shake.

“Oh. Well, uh, nice to meet you, too,” Twilight replied as she returned the hoof-shake.

“How do you know Spike?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, uh, Spike and I go way back,” Thorax said.

“To the Equestria Games!” Spike added quickly and also sweating, “That’s when we met. We’ve been pen pals ever since!”

“Pen pals? Spike! You could have been using my pen pal quill set! Why didn’t you tell me?” said Twilight as she leaned into Spike’s face.

“Well, I...I pretty much only write to him when you and Starlight are studying,” Spike replied.

“I like to brag to all my friends about my letters from Spike the Brave and Glorious,” Thorax said.

“Yeah,” said Spike with a nervous chuckle. He and Thorax both chuckled nervously.

“Well, I’m sure Starlight, Storm, and I can manage, if you want to spend time with your friend,” said Twilight.

“Hold on. Are you hiding something behind your back, Spike?” Storm asked.

Spike sighed as he revealed Eric’s wand.

Twilight and Storm’s eyes widened, then the former asked, “Spike, where is Eric?”

“He snuck out of the palace and followed me to look for the changeling,” Spike replied, sighing, “We must’ve gotten separated in a snowstorm.”

Twilight shed tears and began to cry at the thought of permanently losing Eric. Storm tried his best to comfort Twilight, he too feared the same.

Meanwhile, in the Changeling hive, the changeling Spiracle was having thoughts of leaving the hive like Thorax did, for he had enough of Queen Chrysalis, he then took his younger brother with him to the dungeon.

Once there, he went towards where Eric was being held, then two guards came up to them and said, “State your business.”

“Queen Chrysalis wants the prisoner immediately,” Spiracle replied. The guards nodded and opened the door.

They reached Eric’s cell and found him lying on the floor.

“Hey, Eric. Wake up,” Spiracle said gently nudging him.

Eric then woke up and was about to scream, but the younger changeling said quietly, “It’s alright, Eric. We won’t hurt you.”

“D-Do you h-have a name?” Eric nervously asked.

“I’m Pincer, and this is my big brother, Spiracle,” the younger changeling replied.

“We want to help you. Please come with us,” Spiracle added.

“Good to meet you, Pincer. You too, Spiracle,” Eric said as he got on Spiracle’s back.

Once the three of them left the dungeon, they were sneaking out of the hive, managing to dodge the guards until they were finally out of the hive. Spiracle, Pincer, and Eric were soon far enough away not to be spotted.

“How are we gonna get back to the Crystal Empire? That’s roughly more than a day north of here,” Eric wondered.

“I’ll teleport us there. I’ve been practicing after reading some magic books while I was undercover in Canterlot,” Spiracle replied.

Soon enough, Spiracle teleported himself, Pincer, Eric to the outskirts of the Crystal Empire. The two changelings immediately transformed into yaks, then Eric noticed a detachment of guards led by Captain Brawn and they went over to them.

“Thank you, Spiracle. You too, Pincer,” Eric said.

“No prob’, Eric,” Spiracle replied.

“Prince Eric, thank goodness you’re okay. We better get you back to the castle,” Captain Brawn said.

“I had help from these two yaks,” Eric replied pointing to Spiracle and Pincer.

The four of them made their way to the castle and then met up with Shining Armor.

“Prince Shining Armor, we haven’t found the changeling, but we found your nephew,” Captain Brawn said.

“Good work, Captain. Keep searching the city,” Shining replied.

Eric then hugged his uncle, then they went inside the castle and then entered the throne room.

“Eric! You’re safe!” Cadance said. Her smile turned into a frown as she noticed him crying. Eric then went over to his mother and hugged her.

“Eric, where have you been?” Twilight said sternly but she softened up as she saw the tears in his eyes. “What’s the matter, sweetie?” she asked concerned. Eric didn’t say a word as he kept crying.

“Perhaps yaks tell you. Changelings took him, but yaks free Eric from their clutches and brought him back here,” Spiracle said, trying his best to talk like a yak. Pincer nodded in agreement.

“Regardless of where you were. It’s a good thing you’re okay, Eric,” Storm said as he hugged him. Eric also hugged his aunt and his foalsitter.

Soon enough, Starlight noticed the guards searching literally everywhere in the castle and asked, “I know it’s bad that there’s a changeling around, but is all this really necessary?”

“If there’s one changeling, there may well be a whole army on the way,” Cadance replied.

“True. But Starlight has a point. This is getting a little out of hand,” Twilight said.

“I understand, but I don’t know what else we can do,” Cadance sighed.

“I do!” Spike called out.

Spike and Thorax entered the throne room. Everypony gasped.

“Eric, get behind me,” Twilight said to her son.

“Spike! What are you doing?! Get away from that thing!” Shining Armor said angrily as he and several guards rushed up to them.

“No. He’s not a “thing”! His name is Thorax, and he’s my friend!” Spike replied. The royal guards gasped, followed by Cadance, Sunburst, and then Starlight.

Spike leaned forward and began singing:

(A Changeling Can Change)

Shining Armor, the guards, Sunburst, and Cadance were still glaring at them. Spike gave them all sad looks, there was long silence as Shining Armor and the guards continued to glare. Then Twilight and Storm sternly approached Spike.

“Spike, we’re so proud of you,” said Twilight.

“You are?” Spike asked in shock.

“Of course,” said Twilight as she gave him a hug, “Spike, you’re a celebrity here in the Crystal Empire, and you risked all of it for a friend! I can’t imagine anything more brave than that.”

“We’re sorry we didn’t believe you and Eric before,” Storm added.

“As the Prince and Princess of Friendship,” Twilight spoke, “we try to set an example for all of Equestria. But today, it was Spike that taught us that a new friend can come from anywhere. I guess everypony still has things to learn about friendship. Even us! And if Spike says Thorax is his friend, then he’s our friend too!” Twilight then extended a fore-hoof to Thorax to shake.

“Oh behalf of the Crystal Empire, I would like to extend my hoof in friendship, and I’m sure all of my subjects are eager to do the same,” Cadance said. The guards all cheered in agreement. Thorax just gave them a teary smile. Cadance then presented Flurry Heart to Thorax. The changeling looked a little nervous at first, but then Flurry Heart cooed in her cute manner. This made Thorax relax and he found he could handle being near the baby without losing any self-control.

“Welcome to the Crystal Empire, Thorax. I’m sorry we didn’t take the time to get to know you. Maybe we can change that now.” Shining Armor added.

“That’d be so amazing! I want to know all about friendship, and maybe one day I can take that knowledge back to the Changeling Kingdom! If my kind learned how to create love for one another, maybe they wouldn’t have to take it from others!” said Thorax.

“To Spike the Brave and Glorious!” the first guard cheered.

The guard picked him up and started tossing him and Thorax into the air as they cheered for them. Twilight just watched the scene with an emotional smile on her face as Storm pulled her close and nuzzled her head affectionately.

“Looks like you were right after all,” Starlight said as she walked up to them.

“Right about what?” Twilight asked.

“Friendship lessons can happen anywhere,” Starlight replied. Twilight and Storm just smiled.

“Mommy, since Thorax has been accepted, there are two other changelings who want the same thing,” Eric said, turning to his new friends, “Spiracle, Pincer, it’s okay to show your true selves.”

Spiracle and Pincer then assumed their true forms, Twilight and the others were surprised at first.

“My brother and I rescued Eric from the clutches of Queen Chrysalis. We hate her as much as you do and we seek sanctuary.” Spiracle explained.

Twilight came up to the brothers and said, “Thank you for helping my son.”

“We’ll tell Princesses Celestia and Luna what you did here today, and I’m sure they’ll grant you sanctuary,” Storm added.

“Thanks, Prince Storm. You too, Princess Twilight,” Pincer replied.

Soon enough, it was time for Eric and his parents, plus Spike, Starlight, and the changeling brothers to take the train to Canterlot.