• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 23,319 Views, 1,124 Comments

Her Mother's Daughter - Nadake

Twilight, handmaiden to the Princess, is asked the impossible. And accepts.

  • ...

Chapter Three

A/N: Don’t think I’ll write many. See how long that lasted?

Bah, whatever. Okay, before I forget, again, like the horrible person I am, I would like to thank my editors, LastLight, and Sasha Nein. Thank you guys, I love your help. And a big special thanks to Genjen for all of your help. I’m sorry honey. I hope you can find a better way to spend your time.

PS: Kudos and umm, I’m running out of words which express gratitude, *insert word* to source1 for his unasked for, and very kind error spots on chapter 2. Thanks honey.

“Twilight, come on sweetie, time to wake up.”

“Too early. Go ‘way.” Twilight groaned, rolling over on the small bed. Her hooves came up, dragging the lavender blanket over her head as she struggled to return to her dreams. They had been lovely, quiet, happy things. It was just a white light, and a soft humming song that she could almost remember.

“Twilight, come on. Please?”

No. She is not using that tone this early. That should be outlawed. Nopony could resist her.

“Please Little One. For me.”

“Cadence, I hate you.”

“No you don’t. You love me. You hate mornings.” Twilight groaned into her pillow. Cadence was using her ‘I won’ voice, smug and content. She knew that Twilight would get up, now that she was moving. Besides, nopony could withstand her pout.

Grumbling and groaning, Twilight hauled herself upright, supporting herself with a hoof. The other hoof came up, rubbing at her eyes as the unicorn looked blearily about. It was just past dawn, only slightly earlier than when she would normally wake.

The bedroom she lay in was the same as it ever was, a simple bed lying in the small marble room. The walls were crammed with bookshelves wherever there was room. Actually, the only thing in the room other than books, and her bed was the small table resting by her bed. On the table were a few oddments. Just random miscellania she had collected over the years, such as a scale from a visiting dragon and a feather Shining said came from a cockatrice.

However, the most prized item there was a small candle. The same candle had sat on that small table for as long as Twilight could remember, an endless source of heat and comfort on the cold, dark nights. It had been a present from Princess Celestia, almost as soon as she had learned of Twilight’s nyctophobia. Considering the magical energy stored in those candles, it was one of the most valuable magical items in the Heart.

It was dearest to Twilight for another reason though. It meant that one more pony cared about her. Enough to notice her fear, cared enough to make her such a wonderful, powerful tool to fight back her terrors. She wasn’t the only pony to receive such gifts, she knew that. There had to be others. Princess Celestia was just so wonderfully kind to everypony. That was why she was so happy to be what amounted to little more than a servant. Princess Celestia was worth it, more than worth it.

“Come on, or do you want to miss it?” Cadence popped back into the room, bright and fresh as a daisy. Some ponies needed to learn that morning is not a time to be happy. But then, Cadence was seemingly an eternally effervescent unicorn, whom nothing daunted nor deterred. Something as minor as sleep would never factor into her world view.

“Miss what?” Twilight snorted as she rolled to her side, dropping off of the bed with a heavy clack of hooves on marble. Turning away from the bright smile of her friend, she slowly trudged to the window. Taking the curtains in her teeth, she dragged the heavy cloth closed, leaving only a sliver of light to illuminate the room beyond the small sphere lit by the candle.

“Well, breakfast for one. I can’t imagine what Princess Luna will be wearing today. Wasn’t she so pretty yesterday. Even Shining noticed. For a few seconds.” Cadence grinned, and flicked her tail through the air. It the hair slashed through the air with a quiet hiss, and Twilight was willing to bet that there would be a very colorful bruise somewhere on the stallion.

Twilight grinned. That was why she hated it when Cadence woke her up. No matter how determined she was to be discontent, Cadence always found a way to make her smile. Not that Cadence was any more of a morning pony.

Twilight tried not to shudder. Once, when Twilight was a filly, Cadence had been sick. Twilight had stayed up all night, afraid for her friends life, though it was only a passing flu as she later learned. What stood out most though, apart from the fear which sent her sobbing to the bedside of her friend, was what happened when Cadence had woken up. She had been terrifying to the small filly, opening one eye in a glare, and bodily tossing the small unicorn out of the room with a spell. Cadence was very much not a morning pony.

The difference was that usually Cadence woke far earlier than any pony in the Heart. At times Twilight wondered which woke first, Cadence or the Princess.

“Speaking of Shining, how is he doing?”

Twilight walked out of the room, and slowly into the small room adjoining it. There sat an impressive tub of water, already steaming in the shining copper basin. Taking slow steps up the small ladder leading to the rim, Twilight hopped in. The small wave of her entrance lapped at the sides of the tub, a small amount washing over the sides.

“Oh, well, he’s Shining Armor. He bumbles about, and can’t keep his eyes off of every mare in the Heart. But I know that his heart is in the right place. Would you like the water hotter?”

“No, thats fine, thank you Cadence.”

Twilight brought her hooves out of the water, pulling a bar of soap to her. She heard a splash as Cadence entered the bath as well, and sighed as the pink unicorn began to rub soap into her back with firm, hard strokes. Cadence had been trained by a pair of spa ponies in massage, a wonderful fact to which Twilight could attest. She would often return to their room aching after a long day of running messages throughout the Heart, or even more painful, of sitting hunched over a writing desk all day.

“Mmmm, harder please.” Twilight spoke in a throaty moan, moving so the copper sides of the tub pressed into her chest. Cadence moved to compensate, and now that Twilight was supported, her hooves ground into the tight knots of muscle in her friend.

“Little one, what were you doing yesterday? You are so stressed already, and I haven’t seen you this tight since that emergency Council meeting last year. Was Princess Luna making you do something stressful?” Her words came out hard, the bite of ice behind them as she worked the muscles loose.

“Ohhh, higher. Yes, there. Oh, don’t stop. No, she was wonderfully kind, she just -ow.” Cadence had changed position, and her hooves had pressed down on one of the heavy bruises hidden by the purple coat.

“Ow? Why ow? Did I hurt you little one?”

“Huh, oh, no, its just a bruise. Its nothing Cadence.”

“Bruise?” Cadence’s voice froze, her body ceasing its comforting rubbing along the back of the purple unicorn.

“I- Cadence, please. Its nothing. I’m fine, Princess Luna was just teaching me magic.”

“Magic? Luna is teaching you magic?”

Princess Luna is, yes. I asked her, since you are almost always so busy.”

“I. Twilight, I-. Twilight, if you ever need something, anything, you need to tell me. I love you little one, and I don’t want to see you hurt.”

Twilight turned grinning at Cadence. “It’s okay. Besides, look at what I can do now.”

The grin slid away into a frown of concentration. Slowly, the glow of magical energy encased her horn, before swirling out, curling its wispy tail about the small bar of soap. The bar lifted into the air, and Cadence’s smile spread.

“Oh little one, that’s so wonderful. You learned how to do this in just a day?”

“Yeah, but it was really, CADENCE!”

As Twilight spoke, the sheath of magic surrounding both the soap and her horn began to flicker. She could feel the weakening power of the spell, and she could see the bar begin to quaver in the air. She began pushing more and more power into the spell, desperate to maintain the display of power.

With her shout though, the soap shot out of her telekinetic grip, rebounding off of the wall beside the mirror. The bar sped through the air, until it stopped abruptly with a smack on wet fur.

“Cadence, oh Light Cadence. I’m so sorry. Please, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

“I, no. Its okay honey. I’m fine. Really.” Cadence choked out, her voice little more than a hiss. Her hoof came up, rubbing her eye.

“Oh Cadence your eye. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”

“Oh its nothing Twilight. I’m so proud of how far you’ve come though. Now, ugh, now just let me finish washing your back.”

Twilight came running up the corridor, her fur still wet from the bath she had left moments ago. She slowed her gallop as she neared the wide wooden doors, each covered with curling leaves and vines of pure gold. As she walked, the morning air chilled her fur, leaving her cold as she calmly neared the doors.Halting before the doors, Twilight calmed her breathing, before stepping forward.

“You wanted to see me Princess?” Twilight asked, opening the door just enough to slip inside, and pulling it closed behind her. She stood patiently by the door, waiting for her Princess’s permission to enter the room proper.

“Yes, please come here Twilight.”

Princess Celestia sat at her desk, the wide wall of glass behind her shedding morning light onto the papers still stacked in the neat piles Twilight had left them in the night before. Her quill was held suspended, while the letter she had finished rolled itself into a tidy scroll. The scroll floated away, landing neatly atop a stack of similarly perfectly wrapped scrolls, completing an elongated pyramid as they did.

“Good morning Twilight Sparkle. What brings thee here on such a fine morning? Should not such a young mare remain outside, enjoying the weather?” Luna smirked, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

“Oh, Princess Luna, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there.” Twilight slid into a hasty bow, keeping her eyes on Princess Celestia as she did. “I want to thank you again for all of your help yesterday.”

“It was our pleasure to teach what we have learned over our long years. We are simply here at the request of Celestia. In fact, we would quite like to know our purpose as well. Why are we here Celestia?”

“Oh, I wished to speak with you Luna, and I did assign Twilight to look after you. I would like her to keep a very close eye on you over the next few days. After all, with your speech to the Council, every eligible stallion will be chasing after you. You can’t seem to favor one accidentally, so Twilight will act as a chaperone, or a liaison if you prefer.”

Princess Luna smiled as she turned to Twilight, rolling her eyes. “This seems quite convenient does it not Twilight Sparkle? That our visit happens to coincide with one of thine holidays.”

Celestia only smiled at her friend. The white alicorn slowly rose from her cushioned seat, walking slowly and soundlessly over to the unicorn standing by the door. Once she neared the purple mare, she leaned down, her great wings spreading to maintain her shifting balance. She came close to Twilight’s ear, smirking as she whispered.

“Unless you have an objection Twilight? Some special somepony to spend time with today?”

“Wha- I, um no.” Twilight muttered, her voice strangled as her cheeks flame. Her head ducks to the side staring at the floor where her reflection blushed back at her. “I don’t have a special somepo- Princess? What happened to your eye?”

“Hmm? Oh this? I‘m afraid I may have had an accident, and bumped my eye. It’s nothing to worry yourself over.” Celestia dismissed the concern with a wave of her hoof. “So you have no qualms about watching over Princess Luna on Hearts and Hooves day?”

“I, yes, of course I will. If thats alright with the Princess.”

“Oh we have no objections. We do not even know the meaning of this ‘Hearts and Hooves’ day. Tis some holiday yes?”

“I think I’ll leave you two alone to talk before the flood of suitors appear.”

And with that, Princess Celestia turned, wings still held wide, and walked over to the back wall of the room. The magically reinforced glass shimmered as she touched the tip of her horn to it, molding itself around her as she slowly stepped through it. Behind her, Twilight and Luna turned to each other, eyes flicking back to the window as the Princess of the Sun dove from the balcony.

“Err, she likes to go flying in the morning. She says it helps her relax and concentrate.”

“Hm? Oh yes. We do much the same, though our flights are guided by the light of the rising moon, not the sun. It is a marvelous method for clearing one’s mind.”

The pair lapsed into an awkward silence, neither knowing what to talk about. After several minutes of shy glances and throat clearing, Princess Luna spoke.

“Tell us Twilight. What is this ‘Hearts and Hooves Day’ Celestia spoke about?”

Twilight looked away again, still blushing. “Huh? Oh, Hearts and Hooves Day is the day where you and your special somepony do something together.”

“Special somepony? Dost thou mean thee hast a holiday just for lovers?” Luna asked, her brow creasing as she turned to the unicorn. Her head cocked to the side, sending her mane cascading down over her shoulder, haloing her face in its ethereal glow.

Now that Twilight thought about it, both of the Princesses were surrounded by a glow. It was a light which pulsed slowly, barely visible in the daylight. She had long ago noticed the aura which followed Princess Celestia about. It was a warm golden light, almost like that of a candle, or a small hearthfire, tame, and tender. The light emanating from Princess Luna was a silver halo, cold and serene, almost swallowed by the light of the sun.

“Oh, well, yes. Hearts and Hooves day is the day when you can just be with the pony you love all day, without worrying about anything.”

“Yes, we have something similar in Selene, though we celebrate Nightmare Night in the autumn.”

“Nightmare Night. Somehow I don’t think its the same thing. But we need to get going. You’re going to have suitors breaking down doors in about an hour. You need to be ready to meet them.”


The shout was followed by a heavy ladle which clattered off of the wall behind Twilight as the unicorn ducked. The iron implement fell to the floor, leaving a trail of gravy sliding slowly down after it.

Following the arc of the ladle, Twilight dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding a second projectile. While not her typical reception, it was not one unexpected given the ruler of the fragrant domain. The Colonel glared at her in black fury as he walked towards her, his small body bouncing with each forceful step.

“What in the bloody blue blazes are you doin’ here? If you don’t like the damn soup, THEN DON’T DRINK IT! I, oh, its you lass. What do you want? I’m busy.” The small sheeps tirade faltered once she came into view of his failing vision. Twilight always had been one of the few ponies the chef actually liked talking to, probably because she neither laughed at his stature, nor stayed in the kitchen long enough for her lack of culinary talent to annoy him.

“Oh, I’m actually here to beg a favor.”

“Hm? Oh. One moment.” Leaving Twilight standing in perplexed silence, the ram turned, rummaging through the cabinets behind him. His small posterior waved through the air as he searched deeper and deeper into the wooden storage compartment, and as it did the young ponies throughout the room struggled not to laugh. Twilight was not immune to the humor bobbing before her, even if she was better able to conceal her mirth.

“I left it in here somewhere. Dammit, there were thirty of the blasted things earlier, so where in the name. Of. Light, did they go.” The Colonel grunted, followed by a heavy clanging crash as what sounded like the entire content of the Heart’s kitchen came crashing down in the small cabinet.

“Come here you little -OW!”

There was one final stentorian crash, then a shout of triumph. The Colonel emerged, and at once, every pony in the room resumed their tasks, striving to go unnoticed. It was quite a feat considering how many of them were shaking and biting their lips to contain their laughter.

In the rams mouth was a wicker handle to a large basket. Covered with a checkered cloth, the parcel was malformed in places where the bulges promised goodies to whomever looked inside.

“Aye, here you go. Last one, so you best not be wasting it.”

“Um, thanks?”

“What? Didn’t you come for a picnic basket? Every year on Hearts and Hooves we get all sorts of moonstruck foals coming in, begging me for a gift for their ‘special somepony’. I started preparing the bloody things early just so the wee gomerals stay out of my kitchen.”

As the ram explained, he shoved Twilight gently towards the door. The unicorn began to blush feverishly. She tripped over the ladle as they neared the entrance, stumbling the last few steps to the door.

“Now get.”

He butted her lightly on the rump, sending her a few shuffling steps out into the shining hallway, before closing the door with a sharp snap. Once it was shut, she heard his bellows resume, screaming at some poor pony to clean up his station.

Twilight shook her head, before turning to the side and picking up the basket. Still blushing like a candle, she set off at a brisk pace, trying to ignore the stares of ponies as she passed.

The wicker left a dry, woody taste in her mouth as she slipped out the great doors to the Heart, each manned by a burly pegasus in golden battle armor. The guards nodded to her, almost a bow, and opened the thick oaken barriers.

The evening air was cool on her fur after the brisk walk to the doors. For a moment the purple unicorn simply stood there, letting the gentle breeze play across her fur. But as ever, duty calls. She shook herself and turned, passing through a small hedge arch.

Twilight slid through a small gap in the manicured hedges, stepping onto a winding path which lead away from the Heart. The path lead, as she had found to her delight as a filly, to a small pond rimming the northern edge of the Heart itself. In the center of the pond, rearing in majestic power was a carved statue of an alicorn.

The few ponies who ever found the small trail, and followed it to the pond thought that the statue was Princess Celestia. According to Cadence though, it was in fact Terra, the ancient ruler who had controlled both where Helios and Selene now stand, and more beyond. The alicorn was bound to the earth just as Princesses Celestia and Luna were bound to the sun and moon respectively. She was rumored to be more powerful than both Princesses together, able to forcibly rout the joint assault of ancient Ryais and Gryphonia.

It was Princess Celestia who had originally shown the pond and its silent guardian to Twilight in her youth. Ostensibly, she had been simply going for a walk, and wanted Twilight there to take note of the letters she was still dictating. The Princess had glanced about her as she left the Heart, and waited while the last pony passed out of sight. Then, before any more arrived she slipped onto the path, whispering to Twilight to follow her.

That had been a wonderful day, one of the few times Twilight had been left alone with Princess Celestia while not pressed for time before an appearance to her nobility. Now though, it was a different alicorn resting on the soft grass edging the pond.

After the last suitor left, Lord Blueblood of course, Twilight had approached the black Princess. She had looked ready to scream in frustration, something Twilight could well sympathize with. She had quietly asked the Princess if she would like to have dinner outside, alone.

“Princess?” Twilight called out, her voice drifting through the warm evening air, setting the basket on the ground. One black ear swiveled at the soft word, and Twilight could hear a small laugh. Luna lifted her head off of her crossed legs, showing a small smile to the unicorn, obviously exhausted.

“We thank thee for thine aid Twilight Sparkle. It was kind of thee to act thus.”

“Oh, um,” Twilight stammered, her cheeks burning as they so often did near the alicorn. “I just couldn’t leave you alone. I mean, I know what Blueblood is like, and the rest looked pretty much the same. I thought that you needed cheering up. Not that I could cheer you up! No, I just mean, I thought you would like some time alone.”

“Again, we thank you Twilight. You are most kind to us. It is not something we are accustomed to.” Luna turned, laying her head back on the cool grass. Her chest heaved a huge sigh, blowing out the hot breath over the grass. The small blades shifted under the force of the breath. They slid along against each other, rustling in the evening air.

“Would you like something to eat Princess?”

Twilight looked over the wicker handle. Princess Luna moved, turning her head just enough to see the attractive bulges distorting the checkered cloth draped over the mouth of the basket. She smiled at the sight, smoothly standing and walking over to the unicorn.


“Beg pardon Princess?”

Luna shook her head, smiling broadly at Twilight. “Oh, nothing Twilight. Come, let us eat.” Twilight found herself grinning in response, the infectious cheer of the Princess eliciting a smile from her as well.

“No, not like that.”

The stern voice froze Twilight. Her mouth hung open, barely an inch from the cloth. She had leaned in to remove the covering, and begin to lay out the dinner she had retrieved for the Princess.

“Use your magic Twilight.”

Her mouth shut with a small click as her teeth came together. She glanced back at Princess Luna, and found the mare smiling still. Twilight let out an exasperated huff, but the cool blue eyes were unmoved.

Gritting her teeth, Twilight concentrated. Her brow furrowed as she began to glare at the cloth, as if daring it not to move under her intense gaze. Slowly, a weak purple light began to surround the cloth, barely visible even in the low light of the evening.

It took several seconds, but gradually the light began to brighten. The rough edges of the spell, shown in the tattered extremities of the magical light, began to smooth out. until it flowed with gentle waves of power. Still the light continued to brighten, until it shed a pale light throughout the clearing, washing all colors in a delicate magenta.

The light surrounded Twilight as well, suffusing her face with the lavender glow. Her horn began to shine brighter, while the hue of the magic surrounding it deepened. Soon, a white light flared out, flashing bright into the cool air. The cloth lifted off of the basket, laying itself neatly upon the ground. It was followed instantly by the contents of the basket, all moving through the air gracefully, placing themselves in exactly the right positions, forming a neat little picnic.

“Very impressive. But you must remember not to waste power. You could have more easily and efficiently used your magic to move them one at a time.” Luna commended as Twilight let out the explosive breath she had been holding. The unicorn smiled a little, sagging with exhaustion.

“Thank you Princess, and I’m sorry, I’ll do better next time. Would you like anything else?” Her voice showed traces of the strain of moving so many things at once

“Only one thing. Would you care to join us Twilight Sparkle?”