• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 23,333 Views, 1,124 Comments

Her Mother's Daughter - Nadake

Twilight, handmaiden to the Princess, is asked the impossible. And accepts.

  • ...

Chapter Two

A/N: I don’t think I will be making many of these, I hope, but I think its needed. In this, Luna looks like Nightmare Moon, but has Luna’s personality. This is mostly because, lets face it, Nightmare Moon looks like she could kick a dragons teeth in. Luna... doesn’t. Anyway, there's really nowhere in the story to explain it, so there you go. And regardless of the countless discussions on the topic, we are assuming that ponies age and mature the same as humans.

PS: By the Light, please tell me what is wrong with it if you downvote. I want to fix problems, not let them revel in anonymity.

“Twilight Sparkle, what manner of shrews are thine courtiers? They see fit to garb themselves in such darp attire. Have they taken a vow of modesty, or some other such ilk?”

Princess Luna stood in the entrance to the Great Dining Hall near the center of the Heart. Framed by the heavy marble pillars garlanded with wildflowers, roses, and all manner of petaled dancers. While normally quite beautiful to behold, the creeping vines and magically maintained blooms now seemed to writhe, moving in an unseen breeze, only enough to draw the idle eye.

“What? Oh, do you mean their clothes?” Twilight paused just inside the door, frozen by the whispered query and the sudden knowledge that she had left her charge behind, if only slightly.

“Verily, what is the meaning of this oddity?”

“Well, its just what they wear. Nopony ever really gives it much thought.”

“Hast thine people never heard of fashion? Such mundane wear, do they not grow tired of the monotony?”

“I don’t think so, at least I haven’t heard anypony complain about it. Are the nobles of Selene different?”

“Quite.” Luna’s tone quirked up, like her small smile, the droll amusement evident. “They take their dress quite seriously. Thee would hardly know them to be the regal, powerful ponies they are, if thee were to see them quibbling over the latest attire as birds over a worm.”

Twilight giggled, then turned away from the Princess. “Please Princess Luna, follow me. Princess Celestia has asked that we join her for the morning meal, and I believe there she will make the formal introduction.”

The visitor stepped forward, following in the unicorns wake, her eyes wide as she stared about herself, looking over each and every face as they passed. Remembering herself at the curious stares of the nobility, Princess Luna paused for a moment, correcting herself. Proud and tall, the Princess of the Night strode down the long aisles between the long, polished wooden tables.

In their turn, the many nobles stared unashamedly back as she moved among them. After all, this was not only a visitor from the mysterious and beautiful Selene, this was the very Princess of the land herself, walking among them as if this were her own court.

“Ahh, my good friend. Welcome to our Court this bright day.”

They had reached the high table, the smaller table running perpendicular at the far end of the great hall. Lit from behind by the massive windows, the light of the rising sun seemed to sear through the windows themselves, sending spears of light into the room.

It may have been chance which sent these beams cascading into Princess Celestia at her seat on the high table. Twilight doubted it though. Now, in the brilliant light of ‘dawn’ as the sun cleared the high peaks to the east of Helios, she seemed to be little more than a vague shape.

As she rose from her seat to greet her guest, the light splintered, her elegant shadow flaring out throughout the hall, spread by the glorious light of the morning sun. To Twilight, and all those directly before her, she was a black shape surrounded by the white light, features lost amid the radiance of the moment.

Altogether, Twilight thought, too perfectly impressive. Twilight smirked.

There was little doubt in her mind that Celestia had engineered the entire event, and she could not deny that it was impressive. It was a perfect show both of power, and it was incredibly beautiful, to see the splintered patterns of light thrown on the walls. The light seemed to shimmer, rebounding from the stained glass lining the walls back into the room, filling the white splendor with a multitude of colors.

Then the moment passed and the sun truly rose, the spell broke. Slowly, the glare faded from the eyes of every pony in the room. As the light faded, each pair of eyes sought the source of the shadow, though there was no doubt in any mind who lay at the center.

Celestia slowly came into view, the white blur resolving itself into the regal body of the Princess of Helios, fully bedecked in the golden armor she normally reserved for formal balls and times of war.

“Princess Luna Nocturnus, I welcome you into the Heart, and into our hearts as well. We hold hopes that you find your stay both pleasant and productive. As the Sun rises eternally, I bid you to sit with me, and break your fast at my table.”

Princess Luna bowed her head low, a formal indication of both her thanks, and the respect given by one powerful ruler to another. “We ask you not to trouble yourself on our behalf, though we sit at your table, let no food leave the mouths of the hungry, though we lay by your hearth, let no subject go cold. May you find us a boon, not a weight, and spare us not from that which we deserve. Like any traveler, we ask that you treat us and no more.”

In her turn, Princess Celestia bowed her head, slightly less deeply, and smiled at her guest. “Then I must insist that you join me. I imagine that there is much you wish to speak of.”

Princess Luna nodded her head, and walked around the table, Twilight trailing along behind her. For the most part the young unicorn was ignored, just another servant. It was treatment which, by now, Twilight was accustomed too.

The one exception to her otherwise lackluster reception was a pair of baby blue eyes glaring at her from one of the long tables. Lord Blueblood sat on the gleaming wooden benches lining the tables, and fires burned in his eyes as he glared at her. Evidently, he not only remembered yesterday, he held her directly accountable for his disgrace.

As she sat to the left of Princess Luna, who in turn sat to the left of Princess Celestia’s own great seat at the center of the table, Twilight glanced at the platters. While they had walked the long line between tables she had not truly seen what lay beneath piles of food weighing down the tables. Now, confronted with the barren dishes, Twilight was momentarily stunned. Rather than the usual gold, the plates before her gleamed silver in the morning light.

The silver reflected the light perfectly, creating a mirror on the table of what almost seemed to be fluid metal. Looking into the polished surface, Twilight could see her own reflection, wide eyes and all as she leaned forward.

The face that stared back out of the plates was her own, though so altered that it bore almost no resemblance to her own face. Where her own face bore the remnants of filly fat, cute in an infantile way, this face was lean, hard edged, and beautiful. In the reflection, her horn was not the short, blunted protrusion like it was in reality, it was long, and narrowed to a razor point. Her mane lay long, thick and lustrous, cascading down her neck, bangs covering half of her face. From the other half, the eyes of the strange mare gazed calmly back at her, deep burgundy looking out from the violet coat.

Twilight jerked back, startled by the visage. The motion was so violent that she nearly toppled wholly off the bench. Her fall was halted by a strong black hoof which shot out from the side of the Princess next to her. Princess Luna pushed her back into her seat, without so much as glancing at her, allowing the unicorn to retain what dignity she might. Too the room at large, even the brooding stare of Blueblood, it seemed as if nothing had happened, save a twitch from the purple mare.

“Celestia, we think that your Mirror-ware has frightened your maid.” Princess Luna spoke, slowly selecting her own meal from the array before her, accepting with a nod the glass of red wine offered her by a passing waiter.

“Twilight, it is alright. These are enchanted, given to us by Ryais many years ago. They show what the future may hold to those who gaze into them. But don’t be afraid, the future is no more solid than the air itself. Please, eat, you will feel better when you do.”

Twilight shook her head, and reached a hoof out to place some of the salad nearby onto the silver platter before her, anything to block that image. As she did though, she saw the reflection of her hoof. The violet fur continued to her hooves, were suddenly it met shoes of a black metal which appeared to devour all light which touched it.

Shivering, Twilight grabbed for the salad, hastily covering the image. In her haste, several leaves of lettuce scattered, one landing on the plate of Princess Luna. There, the fresh green leaf quickly stained red as the thick curry sauce the Princess had drizzled over a steaming slice of bread a moment before.

“Oh, I am so sorry Princess, please let me clean that up. I don’t know what came over me.”

Before Twilight could reach out and clean the wayward leave, Princess Luna ducked her head, and ate it. Smiling at the petrified mare, she giggled. “Please Twilight, do not trouble thyself with such trivialities. The Mirror’s have done more than disturb many who see it. Do not trouble thyself, thee can change thy fate, never forget this. Now, what dost thou call this scrumptious condiment?”


Twilights soft call broke the spell which seemed to have lain itself over the room. The cozy bedroom appointed to Princess Luna was situated only a short way from the hall from where Princess Celestia rested, sleeping her afternoon nap.

The suit faced the west, letting the warm golden light of the setting sun shine into the small chamber, illuminating the lavish decor. The large bed dominated the room, thick and plush, the circular affair was almost half the size of the room itself. Down pillows lined the upper edge of the bed, while a large, deep blue blanket lay draped over it.

Twilight lay near the foot of the bed, resting on a large cushion, the book on pegasus anatomy propped open, leaning against her crossed hooves. Occasionally, the weak light of Twilight’s magic would appear, turning the page before her, the thin paper trembling as she struggled to maintain the simple spell.

Further back, resting in a lazy sprawl across the head of the bed, Princess Luna whiled away her idle time by by casting spell after spell, apparently oblivious to the occasional glances of the unicorn. Her spell sent the small objects in the room dancing above her in a complex, intricate routine, weaving about each other, dipping and rising, spinning and reversing direction, all in time with the soft humming tune to which the Princess gave voice.

The humming stopped after a moment, the quiet words slowly sinking through the peaceful morass of the daydreaming Princess’s mind.

“Oh, we beg thy pardon Twilight. What has thee asked of us?”

“Umm, yes. See, I was wondering, um. How do you do that?”

Twilight blushed a furious crimson. Luna froze, as did the twirling cascade above her, before they sped back to their original places. She twisted, turning her neck until she could see Twilight, her hooves hanging limp in the air above her.

“Did thine mother never teach thee?”

The words were spoken slowly, carefully. Since time immemorial, magic had been taught in the home, by the family. Often, the mother, thought sometimes the father, would set aside time each day to help the young unicorn harness and grow the gift of magic within them. They would nurture their latent powers, letting the small bloom become a towering tree. They would prune it, and tend it, ensuring that it grew straight and true.

Because if they didn’t, that power could drive a pony to madness. Bone Shard was one such, a unicorn of exceptional talent, and little training. Largely self taught after the early death of his father, his natural gift for magic began to bloom another way. It had become gnarled, twisting about itself, binding power into power, feeding on its own energy. He quickly grew from a gifted unicorn to one of the most fearsome magical talents in history. It had taken the cumulative effort of not only Helios and Selene, but of Ryais to stop the necromancer, and his army of the walking dead.

Like all things though, there was an element of good to his evil. Dragons had killed his father, the only family he had ever known. They were the heart of his madness, and they soon came to fear him more than any other. Bone Shard had been methodical in his early research on the dragons, and creative in his spellwork. He had created a spell which came to be known as Dragon’s Bane, one which not only crippled dragon, infecting them with a virulent disease, but upon the death of the wyrm, would ensnare their soul, resurrecting their corpse to add to his forces.

If Twilight were like him...

“My mother died when I was very young. I don’t have anyone else.” Twilight looked away, her voice soft and calm. As she did though, Princess Luna hear the pain so close the the surface. She knew what it was like to live without a mother, and it wasn’t easy, even for a pegasus filly. But to be a unicorn without any family, that had to be much worse than anything in her own foalhood.

“We are sorry for thee Twilight. Thou hast nopony to teach thee the use of thine magic?”

“Only Cadence, but she’s so busy already, I didn’t want to bother her. She’s always so busy. She has so many duties to attend to, and she’s always away on a diplomatic mission or something.”

Princess Luna paused for a moment, the name ringing a distant alarm in some far off corner of her mind. Brushing the thought aside, she looked at the mare on the other side of the bed. Should she try to comfort her? Or simply give her time to collect herself, to pretend nothing had happened.


“Shh, it will be okay, we promise thee. All will be well soon.” Luna murmured into the purple mane. Silently, she had slid next to the depressed mare and grabbed her, holding her against her own warm body. The feel of another body, of the gentle touch was too much for the unicorn. The tears stained the black fur of her chest, leaving small damp spot which would have become chill had more tears not kept them moist.

Princess Luna sat there for a short time, before Twilight began to pull away. She gave a gentle squeeze, before easing away from the unicorn. She rested her hooves on Twilight’s sides, staring at her for a silent moment, while the last of her tears dried on her purple face. Then softly, she pulled Twilight in and kissed her forehead, as her mother had always done for her.

“We promise thee. It shall be better. Wouldst thou wish us to teach thee?”

“Yes Princess. I... I need to learn. And I don’t know who else to ask.” Twilight shook herself, forcing the tears away. This was not a time to be crying, not in front of a Princess.

“We are not an easy teacher, thou may come to regret thine decision. Art thou certain?

Twilight nodded, and the last traces of sadness left her face, replaced by a fierce determination. Fire blazed in the lavender eyes, where Princess Luna could see her own reflection gazing back at her.

“Very well. Catch”

Without even the glow of magic appearing about her horn, Twilight saw a small marble lift from the counter, coated in a translucent coat of magic, flat and smooth, rather than the sloppy, wavey lbur she could create. The marble was made of metal, the iron ball heavy and dense.

“EEP!” Twilight yelped. The iron sphere had collided with her ribs, hard. It would doubtless leave a bruise, and Twilight glared at the ball as it rolled away as she scrambled to her hooves, stopping with a click as it struck the black hoof of the Princess.

“Catch the marble.” Princess Luna said, while the marble lifted once more into the air. The Princess was calm, her face expressionless as the ball began to move back and forth before her.

Once more it flew forward, hurtling at Twilight’s side. Eyes wide, the mare threw herself to the side, rolling off of the bed onto the marble floor. Behind her, the marble stopped abruptly in midair, whizzing back at Twilight. She squeaked as she felt it land a stinging, bruising blow to her posterior.

“Catch it.” Without waiting for Twilight to stand, Luna grabbed the ball once more in her telekinetic grip. Twilight rolled to her left, dodging the ball as it pinged off of the floor where she had been, ricocheting towards the wall. Sensing danger, she rolled again, dodging the return volley.

“CATCH IT!” The Princess roared, and suddenly light began to show about her horn, black energy which seemed to absorb the light that came near it. The ball too began to glow darker, energy pouring into it. This time, it sped at Twilight with enough force to reduce the marble floor it struck after her dodge to disintegrate into powder.If one of those hit her now, it would do more than bruise.

Luna raised three more marbles, each one glowing with that ominous light. They circled Twilight, spinning about her faster than her eyes could follow, leaving trails of darkness in their wake. The room grew steadily darker as the spun faster and faster about her.

Before, Twilight had been afraid. Now, as the room became truly black, she was terrified.

“CATCH THEM!” The balls hurtled at the blind mare.

With a burst of violet energy, the balls meet a wave of power emanating from the mare.. As they touched the energy, they iron disintegrated, falling apart into nothingness.

“Very good Twilight. We commend thee.”

As the Princess spoke, Twilight’s shield flickered, and died about her, leaving only a blackened circle on the marble where it had touched the stone. Twilight was revealed, panting, sweating, and looking as though she could barely stand.

“Now, catch.”

Luna tossed the last sphere gently to the exhausted mare, smiling as it stopped in midair, sheathed in thin purple energy, before it fell to the ground, landing with a click as it bounced off of the polished stone.

“Art thou certain that this is acceptable? There is so little, and we are not convinced that such plain accoutrements are befitting a meeting of this caliber.”

“Princess, I can assure you that they are adequate, if anything, they are likely too formal.”

“Too formal? Thine customs astound us once more. If that is so, then would we be better dressed in nothing at all?”

Twilight blushed at the puzzled Princess standing before the large gilt mirror. Princess Luna was twisting and turning, in an attempt to determine what exactly this dull dress was meant to accentuate. In Selene, as she had told Twilight several times, there were several ponies who did nothing but design and create clothing, from dresses to suits, for every occasion. In Helios, while it was not unusual for the nobility to don such formal wear at court, many ponies, Twilight included, wore little more than the neckpiece which denoted their position and rank, and the shoes which marked her as a personal assistant to the Princess. .

The golden band Twilight wore was bare of such idle decoration that flowered so many of the servant’s chokers. Instead, hers bore the small emblem of the rising sun, the heraldry of the Princess of Helios herself.

Even so, used as she was to wearing little more than her fur, Princess Luna’s talk of going bare seemed almost scandalous.

She shook her head, staring into at the mirror. “No Princess. You had better be dressed as formally as possible for your first meeting with the council. You need to impress them, or they will never listen to you.”

“If thou art sure. Would we be better suited wearing a Helian garment, or one of our own countries make?”

“Umm, well. I don’t actually know. The only other pony from Selene I’ve ever met was Chancellor Evergreen.”

“Oh, art thou friends with Chancellor Evergreen? No, she never was one to wear anything ‘too fancy’ as she called such garb. Well then Twilight, we insist that thee sees us in our best.”

Luna shimmied her hips, letting the thick woolen fabric slid down her legs to the ground, something Twilight tried not to watch too closely. Try as she might though, the sight of the moving rump was something a hormonal mare was incapable of ignoring.

Catching sight of the distracted mare, Princess Luna grinned, giving her rump another shake, flicking her tail to the side for an instant. “Dost thou find us... distracting?”

This time, Twilight’s blush was almost tangible, the heat radiating from her scarlet face. “I umm, I’m sorry Princess. I don’t know what, I just, I’m sorry.”

“We apologize as well Twilight, it was not kind to do that to thee. Though we must say, it was quite amusing” The Princess laughed as she spoke, eyes twinkling with mischief as she looked at Twilight in the mirror. Twilight, for her part, was fastidiously looking anywhere in the room, other than the Princess standing before her, almost flirting with her.

“If thou would prefer to leave our presence for a moment, we would not take it remiss.”

Jumping at the opportunity, Twilight bolted, fleeing the room as quickly as she politely could. It was all she could do to keep her pace steady and calm, and not the furious gallop she felt she needed. Her heart was pounding as she walked through the halls, panting breaths coming hard and fast from her lungs. Reaching the end of the hallway, she stopped.

Here, near the peak of the Heart, the walls were lined with colorful stained glass windows, magically reinforced against weather and impact. There was little to see outside, the glaring light of the sun drowning out any color that might have been on the ground. A few pegasi could be seen above the wispy clouds which circled the Heart in lazy grace, shapes which darted in and out, around and around as they whirled and spun.

Watching them, Twilight felt her pulse slow, her breathing even out. Suddenly, a shape flashed past the window, leaving only the faint impression of orange in blue as it flickered out of view almost before her mind could register its existence. Looking down, she saw the blur once more, leveling out at the end of a dive, shooting off to the south.


At the sound of her name, Twilight turned, searching for the source of the voice. When she saw Princess Luna, she froze.

The clothing she had worn earlier had been thick wool, black and warm. It was not something unseen in court in the recent months, in fact it had been one of the more popular forms of dress.

Compared with her current attire, that woolen dress was little more than a monstrosity. Soft and supple, her dress flowed about her as she walked towards Twilight. The fabric was glossy, and a blue so dark as to be almost impossible to distinguish from her black body. It lay smooth against her back, before cascading down her legs, hugging her body invitingly. Just before it hit the floor, the glossy blue cloth flared out, ending in a pool of deep red and violet which trailed behind her as she walked.

“Dost thou believe we are properly attired now?”

Twilight nodded, unable to look away from the Princess. The afternoon light flooded through the window behind her, landing on the Princess, taking the already beautiful appearance and making it something truly stunning.


“Oh, um, I’m sorry Princess Luna. Would you care for me to show you to the Council Chambers?”

“I would like nothing better.”

The interior of the council chambers where the select nobility of Helios met to discuss policy was stifling at the best of times. Those times where in the dead of winter, while matters of such tedium as the decision as to which fields in a certain lord or lady’s estate will be growing what crop. On such days, the warmth of the circular room was almost pleasant, indeed, it was a welcome relief after the walk through the chilly halls leading to the room at the very center of the Heart.

The council of Helios met in a large room situated in the center of the Heart. The room was set around a massive semicircular table, carved out of a dark red wood. In fact, the whole room carried a red motif, from the crimson silk curtains lining the walls, to the fireruby set into the back of the throne where Princess Celestia met with the council.

Normally, only Celestia, Twilight, and one or two nobles would attend a meeting in the early fall, most would be occupied with feasts and balls. Today though, the room was filled with nobles, as every pony who could concoct a reason was in attendance, waiting for the arrival of Princess Luna.

Twilight was sandwiched between the wall and General Stormfront. The old pegasus was a veteran of almost forty years, until Princess Celestia personally told him that she would no longer allow him to fight. An advisement he completely ignored, though he did accept that he would be better suited to training and strategizing, rather than leading the charge at his age. He was the greatest tactician and one of the best soldiers Helios had produced in the last century, a comfortable peer to such names as Lord Northwind, General Silent Night, and Captain Greenwing.

Normally, the grizzled pegasus would be given room, in honor of his many achievements, and sterling record. He sat counter to Twilight most days, just to the right of the Princess, while she sat on her left. Today though, all honor and respect were seemingly forgotten, and the two ponies were pushed into the corner by the crowd. In fact, Twilight was being crushed into the corner, her body pressed hard into the stone wall behind the curtain until General Stormfront saw her. Now, she stood in the small space he had carved out for her, huddled in the corner in the clear space protected by the armored flank of the soldier.

“Light damn them all.” The pegasus growled low, eyes glaring sullenly about the room. “Least they could do is be polite. Pushing you back here Miss Twilight. Just isn’t right. Lady like yourself is good as any of them, ungrateful rude little foals. Better, I’d say.”

The General turned his head, and smiled wanly at her. Twilight smiled back, blushing slightly at the compliment. No matter how often it was said, she always felt awkward when reminded that, even as a servant, she was the equal in rank to anypony here save the senior council. Indeed, for years she had suffered the slights and insults of both the ponies who desired her position and their families. All because of the close contact she had with the Princess..

The room was filled with a sudden hush which spread like a plague from pony to pony, along with a whispered “Here she comes.”

Twilight stretched her neck, just able to peer over the strong, armored back of the pegasus. “Hop up.” The gruff voice made Twilight jump, blushing as she came back down. General Stormfront turned his head, winking at the mare. Twilight blushed again, nodding shyly to the old pony. She reared back in the small space, hooking her front legs over the armor clad back, resting with a clear view over the crowd.

Princess Luna’s entrance was a spectacle, regal and slow. She had dispensed with the flowing dress, and now wore only her silver armor, which took on a bloody hue as it reflected the light in the red room. Behind her walked Princess Celestia, resplendent in her own golden garb. The ponies moved back, clearing a small pathway for the Princesses.

The pair slowly walked forward, Princess Luna in the lead, following the small path until they at last reached the head of the table, turning to face the crowd of anxious, reserved faces.

Princess Celestia stepped forward, smiling at the assembled ponies. Many of them relaxed, having known that smile since birth. If there was one thing that they knew, it was that they could trust their Princess. She was as sure as the suns rising

“Hello, my little ponies. Today is not a formal meeting of the Council, for one because with so many attending, the introductions alone would take all night. So instead of the normal monotony which you will doubtless pay little heed to, let us simply allow Princess Luna to speak.”

The Princess of the Sun stepped back, bowing slightly to her counterpart. Princess Luna stood, striding forward a pace, until she stood in the center of the room, where each eye gravitated to her as though by some archaic spell. Her wings came up to a half mantel, a regal cloak shrouding the proud mare.

“We bid you good tidings this day. We have spoken with Princess Celestia, and she has deigned to allow us to speak with the council.

“We do not come to you out of war, nor of need. Indeed, it is our hope that the end of this meeting will spell the end for any need, nay, end the very possibility of such conflict. Lords, ladies, we bid you to hear our proposal, and know that our hopes are high that you shall look upon it with favor.

“We come to you to ask that together, we form a treaty. Not a treaty of necessity, nor one of alliance in war. Those treaties stand as they ever have, strong and able. Yet they are weak. Should one nation seek their own solution, or ally themselves with the dragons or gryphons, then what? Her sister shall be left exposed, ripe and begging to be plucked.

“So we offer our solution. We will form a union between our countries, and to ensure this alliance, we shall follow the accords of our long ago forbears, and bind this treaty in the joined blood of our two great nations. We offer our hoof in marriage to one of your nobility, and take them as our partner, and rule over Selene with them.”

Princess Luna stepped back, letting her black wings fall back to her sides from their half mantel. She returned to her seat, resting on the soft cushion placed next to the one Princess Celestia sat upon. The room was silent, to the point where Twilight was quite sure that she could hear the rustle of the curtains as they moved in the breeze of the joint breaths of the assembled nobility.

After years of watching the sly maneuvers of the court, Twilight was not so easily fooled. Many of the ponies did seem surprised, and all affected to appear so. But a flick of the eyes of Lord Rum Runner, a twitch of Lady Chrysanthemum’s ear, all the little tells she had learned over the years. Most knew nothing of this plan. But some did. Which meant that some ponies were intercepting royal missives. Twilight made a careful note of who the ponies she suspected were, Princess Celestia would like to know later, she was sure.

“Well, I do believe that we shall have nothing else of merit to discuss today, so this council meeting is dismissed. And please, do not speak of this. I urge all of you to hold your confidences, and to think long about how we shall act in this matter.”

Later that same night, so late in fact that the moon was nearing the horizon, when time met in that strange light where all is still and time has stopped. The grey light of predawn was slowly creeping over the high mountain peaks, seeping into every home and house.

Those who rested in the Heart were no different. Ponies tossed and turned in the restless atmosphere, trapped by dreams vile or fair, until such a time. Then, their movements stilled, and at last, they drifted on that downy soft, the rest of the dreamless. Where before, lovers minds traveled separate paths, now they converged, joining each other as dreams had for time immemorial. Hooves sought mates, lovers, friends, family. Anything and everything nearby, for at such a time, something as pure as love could never be hidden.

High in the monolith, Twilight rested as well as ever she had, laying still, almost without motions, even breath, to stir her from her repose. For her, there was nothing, she was free from the terror which gripped her, forcing her to dance on the whims of her nightmares. Now, curled beneath the brown woolen blanket, she lay still, her mouth slightly open.

Not a thing moved at a time like this, not birds nor bats nor ponies. All sought their rest, or lay ensconced within those pillowy halls. Only one creature stirred at a time like this. In the shadows of Twilight’s small room, the figure paced forward. She looked down on the young mare, hardly more than a filly, and felt a soft smile tug at her lips.

Slowly, gently, she sat on the floor beside the slumbering mare, watching her breath slowly in and out. The smile widened, though the longing in her eyes was palpable. She loved her, the way nopony else ever could. It was unfair to her, to have done this, to have hurt her like this. She had tried to make amends, quietly, from the shadows. She had tried to be her friend, her confidant, even now was unable to stop herself from being a mother to the young mare. It hurt her to see the naivete in those soft purple eyes, to see the hurt and desire whenever she saw families together. To know that she couldn’t tell her, ever.

Slowly, she began to sing. The lullaby was soft, her voice sliding fluid over the syllables. Her own mother had taught her the song long ago, whispering it to her as she fell asleep every night. It spoke of soft things and kind things, of things past and things yet to come. There were no lyrics to the song, save those she made on the spot. That was not the point of a song so sweet, so tender. It was meant to come from her heart, not her memory, as it had so many nights before now.

The song slowly died away, the final words trailing off into empty space as she turned back to the sleeping mare. “I love you, Little One, my Little Star. Greet the day with a smile.”

On a level far removed from that of conscious thought, the filly heard her. Her face clouded, worry coming to the fore as she frowned. “Momma?”

The word cut her to the bone, tearing at her heart. The sadness, the longing in the slumbering voice hurt her. It was all she could do to stop herself from grabbing the little pony, wrapping her in hugs and showering her with kisses. But she couldn’t. It would put her in danger. And she could never allow that.

Tears slowly welled in her eyes, leaking one by one down her face, leaving wet trails through the soft fur. She leaned down, and kissed the mare, her daughter, on the forehead, just above her horn. Twilight’s face smoothed, the worry and sadness gone with the simple touch. The suddenly, as the light of true dawn broke over the valley, flooding into the small room, she vanished, just as Twilight opened her eyes.