• Published 31st Dec 2020
  • 4,165 Views, 66 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship Hearts - castillom2

After Sora abused the power of waking, he ends up in the world of Equestria. The keyblade wielder and the elements of harmony are ready for adventures together.

  • ...

Call the boast busters

Call the boast busters

Morning time in Sweet Apple Acres is something Sora has gotten pretty used to. It was a simple routine, wake up, eat breakfast, brush teeth and go outside to do whatever the apple family needed. Right now he was covering for Applejack and Big Mac, who went off to make a delivery at Ponyville. The Pegasus was left to buck the trees with Apple Bloom as company. "Wow, yer getting better and better at the job every day Sora." The filly marveled. She really started to admire him, seeing Sora as a big brother. She did have Big Mac but the pegasus just displayed a different effect. He was strong, brave along with his smile that could make any pony happy just witnessing it.

The job for Sora wasn't completely a cake walk though. Kicking a tree and pushing buckets full of apples for so long does something to a stallion. "Yeah, a little more time and I'll be just as good as Applejack." He wiped some sweat off his head and continued his job.

The curious filly asked Sora something, "I hope you don't mind me asking but what was yer home like." This struck a chord with him. Sora has been gone for a good amount of time, Equestria was a great place but he still misses his friends, his home.

The pegasus still remembers what he promised Celestia, he couldn't break it. "Oh, it's a small group of Islands. It's not that interesting though." He tried to buck some more apple's, this time Apple Bloom moved the buckets to the side with her head. "We do have something special, it's called a Paopu fruit. It only grows on our Island's." He then remembered that he still has one, the one he and Kairi were going to share, it came with him after he dusted away. The stallion put it in his room for safe keeping, maybe one day he will eat it, share it with someone but as of now no.

The filly was more interested in said fruit. "Wow, what makes it so special?"

The pegasus then told her the legend behind the fruit. "There's a story behind it. It's said that if two pe-, um, ponies share one, their destinies become intertwined. They will be a part of each other's lives forever."

Apple Bloom wanted to know, "Were you going to share one with any pony?"

"I was, but time fell short for me." Sora still couldn't get it out of his head. He had no way of going home or seeing his friends again. It was a pain feeling alone.

Apple Bloom looked at his face, it was starting to get somber. She suggested something, "Hey, why don't we call it a day. You have been working pretty hard." That did sound nice, maybe a break would help get his head off the subject. It was nice to remember while he had none of his old friends with him, his new ones are still here.

On a dirt road, Twilight along with Spike on her back, were on their way to Sweet Apple Acres. Spike felt the need to question his friend's decision. "Why are we asking Sora for help, I can be the test subject for you to practice magic on." The dragon suggested.

The unicorn, though, had a different reason as to ask the pegasus for help. "It needs to be Sora, Spike. He is a keyblade wielder, so therefore he most likely can take magic head on." That wasn't her actual reason though. The baby dragon knew for a sure fact that Twilight wanted to ask for Sora to gain something else.

"You want to study his Keyblade without telling him." Twilight put on a worried expression, the dragon knew exactly what her reason was. As soon as she was about to ask how he knew, the dragon answered her question. "You're as easy to read as the books you have back in the library. I still don't get why you can't just ask him like a normal pony."

Twilight let out a sigh, "Because if I do, he might say no and start to think I'm crazy or something close to it. The keyblade is an object I need to study, there's nothing like it from any book I read in my life that comes close to it. " Ever since after the day Nightmare Moon returned, Twilight has been trying to look for Information on the Keyblade and heartless but no luck. The baby dragon thought that just asking would be better but if Twilight thought this was the best way, then might as well let her try.

The two finally arrived at the farm. They walked over to the barn where Sora and Apple Bloom had been eating a few apples. Sora quickly took notice of his friends, he went over to greet them. "Hey guys. What are two doing here?" Twilight was the first to speak.

"Well you see, I have some magic spells I need to learn, since I am Princess Celestia's student." The stallion was paying attention to her reason with Spike just laying back. "And you have a keyblade, so I figured you would be the perfect pony to try them on." She let out a smile, Which was clearly being forced, as she was trying her best to keep up the lie, "Please?"

Sora thought about it. It couldn't be that bad, just helping a friend. "Sure, I'll see you later Apple Bloom." He waved goodbye as the filly did the same, waving back

"Bye Sora, take care now."

The pegasus along with Twilight and Spike began to make their way over to the Golden Oak Library. 'It can't be that bad', the pegasus thought.

"I take it back". Sora was now in the Golden Oak Library, being zapped by Twilight's magic with Spike sitting down, crossing out the spells Twilight had done in succession. For the pegasus the spells hurt a little, as If a bee has stung him over and over again. "Ah!" He screamed again.

The unicorn decided to ask what was happiness. "Sora, what's going on? I thought you would have some kind of magic resistance."

The pegasus accidentally spat something out, "I would if I still had most of my power left." At that moment he realized what he had said.

Twilight asked, "What do you mean 'if you still had most of your power left?" Her tone was very strict, she wanted to know as to why he thought it was something to not tell her or anyone else for that matter.

The pegasus decided it would be best to explain himself. "Alright, I didn't tell you because I thought you would act concerned about me. I used to have lots of other magic spells under my belt but ever since I came here I ended up losing most of them along with any other strength I had left." He scratched his head with his hoof.

"Sora, we would worry about you but keeping things like this a secret won't do us any favors." She was very disappointed that information wasn't told to her or any other of the six elements. This also made Twilight's mission in trying to study the keyblade without Sora's knowledge harder, seeing him trying to keep that secret reinforced her thoughts. For the pegasus he felt bad too, one of the things about friendship is honesty and he wasn't doing a good job at portraying it. "Is there anything else you're keeping from us." Her tone this time was concerned.

The pegasus hated lying, especially to his new friends, but he promised Celestia to not say a word. He started to think back as to his talk with the Princess in the garden. "I can't tell any of my friends about other worlds or who I really am."

The princess nodded her head up and down, "Indeed, I fear that if knowledge got out, then the consequences could be dire." Sora put his head down hearing this. "It's not that I don't trust Twilight or the other elements, but these kinds of measures must be taken until I can make this information public. I do hope you understand." Her tone was somber, as if she knew lying was wrong but Sora knew Celestia was right, meddling was forbidden for a reason.

He finally came back to consciousness. "No, I'm not keeping anything else. I'm sorry I kept it a secret." His frown was large, about the same as the day Twilight yelled at him. As fast as it came though, it went away as a smile took its place. "Oh well, guess I just need to gain it back again."

The unicorn looked at him, he really wasn't saddened that he lost most of his power. "You seem oddly happy for losing a majority of your strength."

Sora shook it off, "Eh, This happens so much, nothing really new for me." Both then laughed at it, he really was something. Twilight snorted a little, kinda like a pig. Quickly embarrassed she stopped, thinking Sora would find it weird but his face said otherwise, if anything he found it a little cute.

Spike had a smirk on his face. If he didn't know any better he would say they were falling for one another, but he knew that probably wasn't the case. At face value, both were just good friends. The baby dragon picked up his quill and scroll, ready to check off some more spells.

"Alright Sora, ready?" Asked the unicorn. He nodded his head up and down, giving Twilight to clear to begin. She let out another blast from her horn as it reached over to the pegasus. Her main goal was to secretly get Sora to bring out his keyblade in order to study it, by getting him to block a blast, it would be the perfect way to do so.

As soon as it hit, the stallion did not block it. Something then began to happen as he felt some tingling in his upper lip. A large bushy mustache then sprouted out, taking the shape of a pare of swishes. Spike crossed it out, "Wow, hare growth spell! Nice one Twilight." A soon as the baby dragon looked at Sora, he marveled at his manly mustache.

Twilight instead chuckled, thinking the pegasus looked silly with one. He quickly noticed this and felt a little bitter. "Hey, I think I look with a mustache..." He went over to see his new facial hair in a mirror, it was the opposite of what he envisioned. "... Though I guess it does make me look older than I really am."

The unicorn zapped him again, removing the mustache. She still wasn't able to get him to bring out the keyblade. The mare now decided to try something else, Overwhelm him with magic spells until he decides to bring it out. She went over to Spike and whispered him some orders. The baby dragon still wasn't amused at this plan but he couldn't really do anything about it.

"Alright." He whispered as the unicorn went back to her position with a pegasus in front of her touching his upper lip. "Rapid fire, ready Twilight?"


"Wait! I'm not ready!" Screamed Sora, it was too late as Twilight bombarded him with a bunch of magic spells, until he finally brought out the magical weapon.

Twilight kept on shooting out more and more spells at a rapid speed with Spike crossing them out. "Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice! Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake!" All of the things the unicorn had mentioned didn't pop out as they were blocked by Sora, he was holding his keyblade in his mouth while having his eyes closed.

A large amount of smoke was covering the stallions vision. "Warn Me next time you do something like that." As soon as it cleared though, he noticed a unicorn next to him, trying to view something on him. ".. Uh, what are you doing?" He was a little uncomfortable with the unicorn being this close.

Twilights eyes shrunk, she was spotted. As soon as she realized the situation she was in, the mare backed up quickly. ".. I, uh, was checking on you. I wanted to make sure you were alright after all those blasts." Her excuse was as bad as her lying.

Spike couldn't take this anymore. "This is too much. She was trying to study your keyblade without you knowing." The unicorn turned her head back, giving him the look a rage filled sister would give.

Sora decided to asked her, "Why exactly, and better yet why not just ask me?"

The unicorn let out a sigh of defeat. "I wanted to study your keyblade in secret since I figured you would say no or be weirded out by me. It's just so weird seeing something that let's a non unicorn use magic, and it's never been documented… "

The pegasus stopped her rambles as he placed his hoof on her mouth. "I know the keyblade is odd, even I don't know everything about it. If you want help with something just ask, I'm your friend after all. There isn't anything I wouldn't help you out with."

Twilight smiled at that remark. Spike had a smung grin though that just screamed 'I told you so'. "Oh, who could have possibly thought that." With a tone of sarcasm. The baby dragon checked the scroll, "Good news, were done, you managed to perfect twenty-five deferent spells!"

After the pegasus heard that, he was beyond impressed. "Wow, good job Twilight! Glad to hear today wasn't a wast after all."

The unicorn looked at him face to face. "It might be a little late but would it be fine if I could study your keyblade sometime?"

"Sure thing, as of right now maybe we should call it a day." Suggested the pegasus. The three then decided to make their way out the door. He had to be careful though, if he let anything out that he shouldn't, things could come spiraling down.

The trio were making their way through Ponyville. "Twilight. Twenty-five different kinds of tricks and counting. I thought unicorns were only supposed to have a little magic that matches their special talents!" praised that dragon.

The unicorn replied, "True, for ponies whose talents are for things like cooking or singing or math. But what if a unicorn's special talent is magic?"

"Like you, Twilight, and you know a ton of magic."

"Spikes right, after what I've seen so far, you're incredible at it." Praised the keyblade wielder.

The mare was a little flustered by the praises, "Oh stop, there are plenty of ponies here that are just as capable as me."

"Gangway! Comin' through!" Sora heard some yelles. He looked towards his left and saw two boy's, probably the same age as Apple Bloom. They came in running pretty fast, accidentally hitting Spike.

The baby dragon looked behind him with anger. "Augh! Snips, Snails! What's going on?"

"Those are their names?" Exclaimed Sora.

The two stopped and looked back at the trio, "There's a new unicorn in town! They say she has more magical powers under her than any other unicorn in Equestria!" Said Snips, at least Sora thought it was him condescending his cutie mark is a pair of scissors.

He didn't believe that this unicorn was all she was claimed to be. "I doubt that's true, Twilight deserves that title more." He by no means thinks any other unicorn is inferior, just that Twilight was on such a high level, that someone else stronger than that was beyond imagination.

The unicorn grew a little red on her face because of that remark but it quickly faded away as something else got in her mind. "Where is this unicorn?"

"Ho, she's in the town square. Come on!" Snips and Snails went off as the trio followed as well.

Over at the town square, ponies were everywhere, creating a large audience. The entirety of Ponyville seemed to be there including Rarity, Rainbow, and Applejack. Sora, Twilight and Spike made their way into the front of the crowd to see what this new unicorn was all about. In front, a little waggon was there, just lying around. It quickly then started to transform as it folded out, creating a small little stage.

It was all ready, a cloud of smoke appeared. As the cloud faded, it revealed a blue unicorn with a white mane and tail, dark blue cape and magician hat to finish the look. "Come one, come all! Come and witness the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" The audience 'Oohed' at the mares words. The mare continued her boasting, "Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!" As soon as she finished, fire works blasted off from the waggon, going into the air and exploding, leaving out large, colorful explosions.

Rarity wasn't into how self indulging the unicorn was being. "My, she seems to have a high opinion of herself."

"C'mon, no pony has more magical talent then Twilight." Said the baby dragon. He quickly realized that he was talking to the pony he was crushing on and started to stutter in his words. "..I- mean. H-ey, Ra-rity. The Mustache!" He then quickly ran off back with Twilight.

"Is there something wrong with a pony being talented?" Asked the purple unicorn. She started to feel worried about something related to that.

Sora tried to reassure her. "Well no, of course not. Though It doesn't give ponies the right to go around acting like it makes them the king, or in this case queen, of the world." He did feel the same way as the rest of his friends, Trixie is acting in such a way.
"Just because someone is good at something doesn't mean they're better than any other pony."

"Yeah, especially when I'm already better than everyone else." The rainbow mare was the one to say that. This phrase was what got Applejack to give her a disapproving look that Rainbow Dash noticed. "I mean…, Yeah, equality and all that stuff. Boo!"

Trixie overheard the ponies conversation. "Well, it seems there are some 'neigh' believers in the audience." She put extra emphasis on the 'neigh'. "Do they not know that they're in the presence of the most magical unicorn in all of Equestria?"

"Just who does she think she is?" Said Rarity.

Spike continued. "Yeah! Since we all know that Twilight here is—." The purple unicorn grabbed him with her hoof and dragged the dragon out of the crowd. "What? What's wrong?"

Twilight looked down, telling him her reason. "You see the way they reacted to Trixie? I don't want anyone thinking I'm a show-off." They both looked back and saw some fanfare play, along with more fireworks.

Rainbow Dash flies over to Trixie. "Pfft, what makes you so 'great and powerful' Trixie?" The magic mare was scoffed at the remark.

She then proceeded to tell her as to why. "Heh, why, only the Great and Powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded ursa major!" All the ponies gasped as to this revelation, all except for the keyblade wielder. Sora had no idea what and Ursa Major was, it did sound like it was a huge threat. Trixie continued her tall tail, as fireworks exploded into the air, with the Sparks morphing into characters to represent the scenario. "When all hope was lost, the ponies of Hoofington had no one to turn to, but the Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in, and with her awesome magic, vanquished the ursa major and sent it back to its cave deep within the Everfree Forest!"

All the ponies were left stunned by her supposed feat. Snip and Snails began to praise her, which the mare appreciated dearly. She looked back at the audience who all had a blank expression now. "Don't believe the Great and Powerful Trixie? I then challenge any pony from Ponyville, Anything you can do, I can do better." As soon as she finished, more fanfare and Fireworks came out from the stage, once again.

"How many does she have?" Questioned the caramel pegasus.

Spike went over and pleaded to Twilight. "Please! She's unbearable! Ya gotta show her! Ya just gotta!"

Twilight wasn't budging though. "There's no way I'm going to use my magic now, Spike. Especially since—."

Trixie looked around the audience, her eyes finally landed on Twilight. "Hmm, how about you?" The purple mare gulped. "Well, how about it? Hm? Is there anything you can do that the Great and Powerful Trixie can't?"

Twilight couldn't respond back, fearful of what the outcome would be. She didn't have to worry any longer as Applejack came in to accept that challenge. "That's it! I can't stand for no more of this!" She went up to the stage and brought out a lasso and proceeded to do her act. The cow girl had her lasso on her tail, spinning it around and around with the ponies 'ooing'. She then made the little opening bigger and jumped through them back and forward. Finally, the mare then lassoed a far off apple on a tree, she brought it towards her and ate it all up.

Every Pony cheered for Applejack's performance as the mare bowed. "Top that, missy." The cow girl said, thinking she outwitted the unicorn.

Trixie was not taken back in anyway, "Oh ye of little talent. Watch and be amazed at the magic of Trixie!" She then took off her hat, showing off her horn, with her magic. The mare then took control of a rope, wiggling around like a snake. It was…. Hypnotizing. Applejack could only look stare at it, and followed it's movement with her head. While this was happing, Trixie used another part of the rope to get down another apple from the tree. She then used the hypnotizing part of the rope to tie Applejack legs together and put an apple in her mouth.

The orange mare came back to her senses, seeing What has happened to her. The crowd laughed at her misfortune, causing Applejack to grown and jump off the stage, going back with Spike, Sora, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Twilight. The baby dragon tried to think off what to do about the blue unicorn. "We need another magic user to take her head in."

"Like a unicorn." Suggested Sora

"One that can show her who's boss." Rainbow Dash agreed while playfully shoving Twilight.

"A real unicorn on unicorn rumble." Finished off Applejack.

If it wasn't obvious, the group wanted Twilight to go up there and teach Trixie a lesson. Rarity on the other hand thought she was the one chosen for this task. "Enough. Enough, all of you. I take your hint, but Rarity is above such nonsense. Applejack may behave like a ruffian, but Rarity conducts herself with beauty and grace."

Trixie wasn't going to take no for an answer. "Ooo, what's wrong, are you afraid that you'll get that rat house of a mane messy."

At that moment, Rarity was going to lose it. "Oh, it. Is. On!" she went up to the stage to show her who she's dealing with. "You think that power is the only thing a unicorn can excel in. Well, wrong." Rarity used her magic and brought down a curtain, covering her up. She then appeared with a beautiful dark blue address with golden highlights along with her mane being all gussied up. "A unicorn needs to be more than just muscle. A unicorn needs to have style."

The crowd 'Oohed' once again at the beauty that was Rarity. As soon as the unicorn finished, Trixie zapped her with another blast of magic. All the ponies gasped at what had happened. "Quick! I need a mirror! Get me a mirror! What did she do to my hair? I know she did something terrible to my hair!"

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Sora all tried their best to not let her know what had happened to her mane, for the best.

"It's beautiful."

"It's majestic."

"It's alright."

"It's not bad." They all said in order until Spike said the one thing they tried their best not too. "It's green." This ended up with the four giving him a stern look, especially Twilight.

The unicorn cried as she saw just what had happened. Her mane was all but fine, it was horrendous. The mane appeared as If it was nothing but seaweed holded together by moss and germs. "AAAHH-!" Rarity screams her loudest scream, running off to avoid the embarrassment.

Spike tried urging Twilight to go up again. "C'mon Twilight. Show her what your made off!"

She did not budge again, her fear for her friends hating her for being the same as what Trixie was still held over her. "No Spike, I'm not better than anyone."

Sora came in to try and help out. "Yes you are."

It was brought to an end as Trixie intervened. "Hah! You think you're better than the Great and Powerful Trixie? You think you have more magical talent? Well, come on, show Trixie what you've got. Show us all."

Twilight was becoming more and more stressed, all the ponies in that crowd were looking at her, ready for her to jump in but she couldn't. In the end, the unicorn ran off, not able to handle the pressure.

The other unicorn laughed it off. "Haha! Once again, the great and powerful Trixie is unmatched! Was there ever any doubt." As soon as she finished, all the ponies began to leave, but they came to a stop when they saw a pegasus go up to the stage.

"Why don't you try me then." It was the keyblade wielder, Sora himself. After what happened with Twilight, he was ready to take on this unicorn.

Trixie wasn't interested. "Why, have you not seen what Trixie has done so far." She thought about it, and came to her conclusion. "If you wish to be humiliated then by all means, Trixie is willing to accept."

The pegasus was ready, he looked towards her and proposed his challenge. "How about a one on one magic duel, right here. First to be knocked off the stage loses."

This managed to get a laugh out of Trixie, "Really, I mean you're a pegasus."

"So, you scared you'll actually lose?"

Trixie was enraged by that little remark, getting her to accept his challenge. "Hmph, well then." She got her magic ready, as she lifted up some ropes, trying to catch the pegasus. Sora knew that flying wasn't going to help, still being pretty inexperienced. Along with losing most of his magic spells, he only had Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, Aero and Flowmotion. Hia best chance was to jump back, and so he did, avoiding the ropes.

Trixie then tried to catch him again, a little frustrated her first attempt didn't work. Sora saw them coming for him. He got out his keyblade and shot out a fire spell, burning up the ropes. The unicorn tried something else, she grabbed some wooden sword's with her magic and threw them at the pegasus. Sora just blocked them with his keyblade and retaliated with some thunder. The bolts didn't hit Trixie but they managed to put her in a closed space. At that moment, he let out a Aero spell, creating a vortex under her, but the unicorn just used her magic to bring herself down nice and easy. She still wasn't done, Trixie picked up some more rope, along with balls, Magic wands, fireworks and other things to try and hit him. Sora saw all the things around him, floating. The rope came in and tried to tie him up but he jumped out of the way in time. Fireworks came after him as well but he used some more wind magic to redirect them.

Mora and more objects came after him, which led to Sora shooting out a trail of ice. He sled across the stage near Trixie, surprised by this, she tried to grab him with her magic but Sora then started to bounce around with Flowmotion, making it so the unicorn couldn't catch him. "What's wrong Trixie, I'm going as slow as I can." He let out a quip, enraging the unicorn more. She finally managed to pick him up, leaving him defenseless. She finally threw him out of bounds, or so she thought.

When Sora was bear the ground, he summoned another vortex under him, bringing him back to the stage. As soon as he was he made the floor of the stage nothing but ice, leaving it to the unicorn to have trouble moving. The pegasus walked over to her, with Trixie slipping back, she was close to the edge but not out. Sora changed that as he tapped her a little, causing her to fall. "I win!"

The crowd cheered at this amazing display, as Sora bowed before them, enjoying all the attention. The unicorn was infuriated though, she got back up and pushed him off her stage, causing him to land on his flank while letting out a small "Ow." The while stage then turned back into normal as Trixie fled, riding off.

The ponies didn't care as they were happy to see what the pegasus just did. "Wow, Spikey! That, was, AWESOME!" Rainbow Dash said, coming in and shoving him playfully. The pegasus was proud of himself as much as the others were. The crowd all came cheered for the pegasus for his little show, as Snips and Snails watched from afar.

"I can't believe that spikey maned idiot up showed Trixie." Explained snips.

" She's supposed to be great and powerful. How do we get them all to see that?" Questioned the other.

"Hmm, I got it!" Snips then ran off as Snails quickly followed, going off to initiate the plan.

In the Golden Oak Library, Twilight was reading a book with Spike over to the side. "Twilight, would you put down that book and just listen to me?"

The mare did not, "Didn't you see how they hated Trixie's bragging, Spike? If I go out there and show off my magic, I run the risk of losing them as friends."

"It's not the same thing, Twilight. You'll be using your magic to stand up for your friends!"

Twilight didn't budge, deciding to not think about it.

Back outside in Ponyville, it was night time. After the whole thing with Trixie, Sora decided to go check on Twilight and see how she's doing. On his way over there, he felt the ground shake, and the sound of a roar. It was just loud enough that all the residence of Ponyville came outside to see what all the commotion was about. Twilight and Spike did so as well, looking for what was causing it.

The pegasus ran off too the edge of the town and heard something else, screaming? He looked if and saw Snips and Snails again being followed by something, a large, giant bear looking animal with dark blue fur that could easily be confused for the entire galaxy. "AHHHHHH!!"

They passed through Sora, who was left face to face with the creature. It let out another "Roar!" Which blew all of Sora's mane back, "You gotta be kidding me." He said as he and the creature locked eyes with each other, with Sora bringing out his Keyblade ready to take a swing at this.

Snips and Snails ran off to Trixie's waggon, with Snips knocking furiously on the door. "Trixie thought she said the Great and Powerful Trixie did not want to be disturbed!" She came out and looked them both dead in the eye.

"We have a- small, not big, problem." Snips said.

Trixie shook her head, it was late at night and she was being disturbed this late. "What is so important that you cannot wait until morning to disturb Trixie?" She looked off and saw the beast come into Ponyville. It was a dreaded Ursa! The beast started to rampage all over with Sora trying his best to keep it a bay.

Twilight and Spike were making their way over to see what the commotion was all about. "What's going on!" They both then took notice of Sora fighting off an Ursa Major, along with the rest of the town witnessing this battle.

"Great and powerful Trixie! Vanquished the dread ursa!" Yelled Snails, encouraging her to do so.

The unicorn wasn't doing anything though, Instead standing in fear. "Wait, you brought this here?" She questioned as she looked back at the two. "Why would you do something like that!"

Snips then said, "But, your the great and powerful Trixie, why don't you just vanquish it look before?"

She looked back at them and yelled, "I never defeated an Ursa! That's an impossible feat to accomplish! I only said that to try and make me look better!"

Snips and Snails stood there, taking all of it in. The pony they thought was the greatest and most powerful turned out to be nothing more but a fake. To make matters worse they brought an unstoppable Ursa to Ponyville!

Twilight came over to the two to ask, "What's going on here!?"

Snips replied in the exact way he would. "Oh we brought an Ursa over to Ponyville."

"You what!?" She screamed at the both, it was the most stupid, idiotic thing any pony could ever do.

Snails tried to bring some light into this though. "Don't worry, that sword key guy is kicking it's butt."

They all looked over and saw Sora swinging his keyblade around and landing some pretty good hits on the Ursa Major, with the beast just trying to swat him away with no succession. "I can do this all day." said the stallion, very proud of himself for being on the winning side. He ended up leaving himself wide open as the Ursa managed to land a good hot on him, slamming him to the ground, leaving him dizzy. "Though a breather…... might be …...nice." The Ursa slammed him again and again and again and again, and again. It finally picked him up and threw it far across, with the pegasus slamming through a bunch of trees, finally stopping after he hit a rock, cracking it. "Oh no….. my dress… Now no one will want to dance with me at the gala." He said, daisily, finally just lying down.

The others all saw what had just happened to the pegasus, fearing what could happen now. Twilight had to do this all on her own. She summoned a rubber goose so the Ursa could play with it, she then focused her energy into making a large chocolate shake, as the Ursa finally noticed it, grabbing it and chowing down. Every thing was setup perfectly for Twilight to carry the Ursa back to it's cave, this wasn't easy though as the unicorn had to use a ton of energy to do this.

All of the residents cheered for Twilight, Sora came back to join the crowd, still being a little dizzy by what happened to him. "Wow! That was awesome Twilight!" Spike praised, with Twilight looking back at Sora, she put her head down, do to still having her thoughts.

"That was the coolest thing I've ever seen! Would have been better if it wasn't knocked out halfway through it." Said the carmel pegasus.

The unicorn was a little surprised by his reaction. "You don't hate me? What about with Trixie this morning?"

"Why would I hate you? The reason we didn't like her was because Trixie was just a loud mouth." The unicorn realized what her mistake was, she felt a little dumb now, seeing what she could have avoided.

"So, it is possible to beat an Ursa Major." Spike was surprised that it could be done, more that his friend managed to do so.

Twilight cleared things up. "It wasn't an Ursa Major, it was a baby, an Ursa Minor." All the poinies were shocked, shocked, well not that shocked but it was still something to be surprised about. Sora was more surprised then the others because it ment that he got his tail kicked by a baby. "It wasn't rampaging, just angry someone woke it up from its nap." She looked over to Snips and Snails, the culprits off all this.

"Um … were sorry we woke the Ursa up " said Snails with Snips following it up.

"We deserve whatever punishment you give us."

Sora was the one to decide that. "If you are sorry, then you can show us by picking up the mess that Ursa made." They both went on to do just what they were told. "Now about Trixie…." He looked back and saw she was gone. "Why that little…."

"It's ok Sora, she'll learn her lesson one day." Twilight said as the ponies all went back to there homes.

A few minutes later, Twilight was looking up at the stars again, loosing her thoughts in the beauty of the sky. Sora came up in and sat near her. "Hey Twilight, looking at the stars again?"

"Yeah, they're just so beautiful tonight." Both of them sat down again. "How is Snips and Snails punishment coming along?"

"Their almost done." He looked up at the stars as well.

"Hey, I was wondering if you were free tomorrow? I would love to get started on studying that keyblade of yours."

"Oh, yeah. I'll have to check with Applejack though. Is that ok?

"Yeah, just fine." Sora then left, going back home to Sweet Apple Acres. His thoughts started to get cloudy as he began to remember of his last few seconds as a human, back in that little Paopu tree. His last moments with……. Her.


Author's Note:

This chapter was one I had a blast writing. It took long but I'm glad I got it done. The next chapter will be a completely original story, moving forward the plot when it comes to Sora and his emotions. Hope you all enjoy this chapter just like the others.