• Published 31st Dec 2020
  • 4,166 Views, 66 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship Hearts - castillom2

After Sora abused the power of waking, he ends up in the world of Equestria. The keyblade wielder and the elements of harmony are ready for adventures together.

  • ...


In the outskirts of the Ponyville, and by that I mean outside Fluttershy's cottage. The mare was attending to all her animals outside.

Her first task was gathering some fish from her river to feed the racoons with. Fluttershy jumped down and grabbed some fish with her hooves. She then tossed them to where the raccoons had been waiting, they started eating the fish up.

Next, she went up to the dirt and stuck her whole head under it to grab some worms with her mouth. Then after brushing aside all the sicknesses she would get by doing so, she tossed them to the baby birds on a nest, all who grabbed one and swallowed up whole.

The mare drank a little water from a cup, using her hoof to do so. As she relaxed, Fluttershy commented on her work. "Let me see. I fed the animals, cleaned out the chicken coop, refilled the water and did all the chores around the house. Now, what else is left-" she immediately stopped her train of thought as a small leftover carrot piece hit her in the haid.

She turned over to see who threw it, finding out it was her rabbit, Angel Bunny.

"Oh, I'm sorry Angel. I thought I fed you already." She flew over to where she had left the carrots, inside her cottage. After a few seconds, she came out with a pile of carrots and placed them next to her bunny. "Here you go, now I should be-"

Angel Bunny stopped her again, as he pointed up to try and show Fluttershy what he saw. The mare shocked by what she saw.

"Oh my goodness!" She yelled as she flew over there. "I had no idea the water was still running." She said as she closed it.

Angel Bunny was annoyed about it as he pointed again as to what he was seeing. Fluttershy looked over again, noticing something. "Angel Bunny, I already gave you enough carrots…" Angel got tired of her not seeing it, so he jumped and tackled her out of pure rage.

While on top of her, he grabbed her head and turned it himself. Fluttershy finally saw what Angel tried to show her. Fluttershy stumbled as she tried to process it, "Oh, a large cloud of scary black smoke is going over to Ponyville. Why didn't you say anything?" She said in her shy manner.

* * *

Over at Sweet Apple Acres, the Apple family was still in bed. Thankfully they didn't have many chores that day so they could afford to be a little more lazy. Though one member wasn't resting.

He was instead cooking up a meal for them all. If you couldn't figure out who it was, Sora was the one cooking. He was preparing something special for them all and he was giddy as to see everybody's reactions.

Apple Bloom was under her blankets, all snuggled up. She was turning and twisting in bed, smelling something incredible

A room over, Big Mac did the same. Granny Smith followed along with Applejack.

The filly got up on her four hoofs and walked downstairs with the rest of her family. Apple Bloom rubbed her eyes and yawned, "Hey, what' smells so' good?" She asked as she looked over to Sora.

"Good morning everyone, I hope you're all hungry." The pegasus grabbed a few plates and placed them on the table while the Apples sat down.

They saw that Sora had made them pancakes, with an extra ingredient they couldn't really make out. Apple Bloom was the first to try one. After one bite, she gobbled the rest as fast as she could. The filly locked her face along with the syrup on the plate.

"Mmm, yummy!" Sora got her another batch which she proceeded to gobble down on too.

The rest of the family deg in, and no surprise, they loved it. Granny Smith was very impressed, "Well ah'm stunned, how'd y'ah learn' ta cook this good?" She asked while continuing to eat.

"From a mouse, or was he a rat? He was blue and had a pink tail but some mouses…" as he rumbled, Granny Smith looked at him as if he was a crazy person.

She didn't linger on it any longer, being around as long as she had made things like this not as surprising.

Sora was happy to see them enjoying it. "Glad to see you all like it. It is the least I can do for you all."

"Mmm, what's in it?" Big Mac asked.

"Well the usual. Egg's, flower, butter and all that. I also added some cinnamon and applesauce to give it a bit more sweetness."

"Thanks' a bunch sugar cube, ya'h really outdid yerself'." Applejack complimented.

Before Sora could sit down and start eating, Someone showed up at the door, a familiar purple unicorn. The door slammed open as a determined Twilight Sparkle entered the house.

The family turned over and saw the unicorn, all wondering just what she was doing here.

"Sora, Applejack. I have urgent news from…" she stopped and sniffed something in the air. " *Sniff* *Sniff* Are those applesauce and cinnamon pancakes?"

* * *

Fluttershy was quickly rushing towards Ponyville. She had to warn everyone about the smoke coming over. She could probably have flown all the way over, though she doesn't usually use her wings due to her fear of heights. Ironic given she's a pegasus

"Hello, um…." She tried to get the locals attention but her quite voice made it so that no one could here her. "Everyone, please… there's…. Um… smoke coming…."

"Everypony, listen!" a loud voice said. Twilight had arrived with the rest of the of the mane six (I'm gonna start calling them mane six now since repeating there names every time they show up is going to get tiresome.) And Sora. "I have been ordered by Princess Celestia to warn everyone that a large cloud of smoke is coming to Ponyville."

This news caused everypony to start worrying. Mumbling and screaming started to fill Ponyville with the rest stuck in the middle.

"What… SMOKE!!"




"I am also afraid."

Sora tried his best to stop everyone from panicking but he had no luck. The keyblade wielder decided to try one thing, "EVERYBODY CALM DOWN!!" Surprisingly, it worked as everyone had calmed down.

Twilight was shocked that it actually worked but brushed it aside to focus on the rest. "Princess Celestia has told me that the smoke is not coming from any fire…" everypony was happy to here that, especially Fluttershy. "... It's coming from a dragon."

"I'm sorry, what?" Fluttershy said.

* * *

At Twilight's library, the unicorn was gathering things in her bag with the rest of the gang.

"A dragon, near equestria? I thought they lived farther then here." Rarity said.

"They do, but this one is here because it wanted to take a nap, not exactly stay. Still, if he keeps making smoke then…"

Rainbow Dash interrupted, "Yeah, yeah. We know, now what exactly is your great plan to kick it out?"

"Hmph, I was getting to that. We're going to travel to the top of the mountain and convince him to take his nap somewhere else."

"What? Are you serious?" The rainbow mare argued. "We should be kicking his tail out of there, not asking politely. You really think it's going to listen to us if we just ask?"

Twilight was putting her annoyance aside in order to try and provide a counter argument. "Not me, I'm planning on someone else doing the convincing. I'll give you a few points if you can guess who."

Rainbow Dash was pondering as to who Twilight was talking about. As soon as she thought about it for two seconds, her answer was "It's Fluttershy isn't it?"

"Wh-what!?" The pink maned mare screamed in terror.

"Your animal expertise is our best shot at convincing it to leave." Twilight Sparkle explained her reason. Before Fluttershy could try and speak up, she was interrupted by Twilight's orders. "It's going to be a long journey, so everyone go home and pack up anything we'll need. We meet up in a few minutes."

"Twilight… I…"

"Let's go." The rest of the group exclaimed

* * *

(A-team theme)


At the Apple farm, Sora strapped a saddle bag, containing apple's, water and rope onto himself. Applejack strapped one for similar as well.

In the clouds, Rainbow Dash paintied rainbow markings on her face, similar to war paint.

With Pinkie Pie, she grabbed tons of different pastries and confetti so she could stuff it in her saddle bag.

Rarity grabbed different clothes to pack for the trip. She looked at herself in the mirror in order to check on her outfit. It was perfect, except for the hat, which she swapped out for a more stylish one.

Finally, Fluttershy came out of her cottage with a football helmet, kneepads and pillows tied to her belly.

* * *

Outside of the Golden oak library, the team stood outside while staring at the large smoke filled mountain.

"Alright, everyone." Twilight said while taking out a map. "I would like to go over the path. We'll start off from here…"

Fluttershy wasn't listening though as her fear was taking over her mindset. She was terrified, scared of what she was going to face. A fire breathing dragon was just so… so big and mean and terrifying. How could she even convince something like that to go away?

"... And that's it. Anything else?" Asked Twilight to her team mate's, all whom nodded no.

Fluttershy was going to tell Twilight about her fear, though the unicorn didn't hear her friend. With that the team moved on.

"Wait." Rarity halted her friend's. "I actually have a couple of things I would like to give you all." The white unicorn passed over knitted beanies and scarfs, each in the color of the corresponding owner. "I made them for occasions where we would have to go somewhere colder."

All if them appreciated them. Twilight thanked the white unicorn for her gift, "Thank you so much, how'd you get the idea?"

"Oh, long story, you see it all started when…"

"Can we hear this some other time?" Rainbow Dash in her typical manner interrupted. "Smoke's still coming."

"I'm with Rainbow, we should get moving." Sora agreed.

Fluttershy tried again to stop her friends in order to get them to hear her out but it was in vein once again. "Wait…"

* * *

A couple hours have passed while the team continued to walk. Everything had been going well so far though the ponies' appetite was getting the best of them, with the exception of Sora and Applejack who had already eaten.

'rumble' "Oh, how much longer? I'm already regretting skipping breakfast." Pinkie said while rubbing her stomach.

"Didn't you pack food for the trip?" Asked Twilight?

"It was only little stuff, how am I supposed to fill up on only two muffins?"

Rainbow was getting annoyed. So to save her mind, she joined the conversation. "I keep telling you all, we should have taken the left by the dusty boulder."

"And I keep telling you that there is no way on Celestia's mane that I am getting dirt on my new outfit." Rarity interjected.

"It's just dirt!! You can wash it when we get back!!"

"If I do let dirt get on it, the color will start to wear off! Do you want my magnificent outfit to look muted and lifeless?"

"If it gets us to the mountain peak faster, then yes!"

While the others talked amongst themselves. Well except for Rarity and Rainbow Dash which could just be summed up as arguing, Fluttershy was keeping silent to herself. While nothing particularly new for her, Sora felt that something a bit larger was dwelling on her mind.

The pegasus went over to Applejack to discuss the matter. "Hey, Applejack, do you think something's going on with Fluttershy? She seems so scared."

"Ah'm sure it's nothin'. She's always been quiet." The cow girl saw that Sora was still worried for his friend. "Don't worry, if Flutters was worried bout' somethin', she'd tell us by now."

While Applejack walked off, Sora looked back towards Fluttershy.

He wasn't satisfied with what he knew, so he continued on to figure out why she was acting more frightened then normal.

"AHHH!" Fluttershy screamed as the ground beneath her cracked wide open. She started to fall down, but before she could hit the ground, Sora rushed in and grabbed her tail with his mouth.

He still has some ground to stand on but he was quickly being pulled by Fluttershy's weight. Both pegasus could do nothing at the moment, to stop their fall. Sora tried to flap his wings, though like most times he's tried to fly, it was for nothing. "Ohh, STUPID WIIIIIIINNggggssss!"

The two fell for a hot minute before landing on top of some slanted rocks. Both of them befan to slide further and further down, before Sora finally grabbed Fluttershy close to his chest as to shield her from the impact of the ground. Falling and possibly breaking something, for Sora at least, wasn't anything too bad. The path back up to meet with the others being blocked by the rubble would certainly be.

"Sora, Fluttershy!! Are you two alright?!" Twilight screamed, hoping yer friends are ok.

The keyblade wielder stood up, shaking himself to get the ruble off. "Yeah, we're fine. Just a couple bruises is all." He saw Fluttershy on the ground, so he naturally went over to help her up.

Rainbow Dash looked up, down, left and right for a way to get the two but nothing. Similar thing in the others end, though Sora and Fluttershy had another path to take. While it did lead a bit under the mountain, it was still better than then being stuck with no way out.

"Girls, Fluttershy and I have another road down here! Keep going on your end while we take this one! We should meet up soon!"

"Got that, y'all on the move." Applejack said. Though her accent made Pinkie think she said something else.

"Wait, who's Joel?"

"She's talking about me." Sora said, though for some reason his voice got a bit deeper. "C'mon Fluttershy, upward and onward right, I guess this would be downward and onward but that just doesn't sound right."

While he looked back, Fluttershy was trembling and shivering in fear though the pegasus was none the wiser as to why. Sora was a tiny bit confused though he tried to keep her on the move.

"Um, I said we should keep… moving?" She still wasn't going, what's up?

"You-you mean…. Go on the icy, slippery, shaky road? With.. nothing to catch us."

"It's alright, we'll be fine." Sora went behind Fluttershy as he tried to move her along. "You just need a little boost." As he tried to push her, he stopped as he bumped into her. He didn't even move her an inch.

The pegasus was shocked, stunned and other adverbs I don't know about. Sora then took a deep breath as he pushed her harder, and he made some progress, enough to get her to walk.

As the two pegasi went off, someone from afar was watching them. He was surprised the two actually survived. Should he send the heartless after them now? No, he thought, not yet at least.

"Ohh, great. Maleficent ain't going to be happy about this." Before he went on a tangent, he thought about the positives of the situation. "Emm, no matter. I still got the heartless and that dragon, and as long as those twerps don't get in the way, finding that key is going to be easier than taking candy from a baby. Hahahaha"

* * *

Sora and Fluttershy had been on the move. No sign of the others. The two hoped that the worst hasn't happened. Sora wasn't worried though, having faith that they could take care of themselves. However, the pegasus was worried about Fluttershy. She hadn't said a word the entire time they were down there.

Fluttershy was still very worried about the dragon. Her fears were growing and growing more rapidly, with every step closer to the dragon they took.

"Fluttershy, I hope you don't mind me asking but you've been really quiet this whole trip." Stated Sora. "Is there something on your mind?"

Unbeknownst to the two pegasi, a couple of dark creatures had been lurking from behind. One of them was reading it's claws, the others were preparing their weapons, the larger more round ones had been preparing for the perfect strike.

"Well, it's just that…." Before Fluttershy could answer, a small shadow tried to attack her.

"Look out!" Sora quickly summoned his keyblade and ran over to slash the heartless in half.

Fluttershy quickly gasped as to what had just happened. A brute came charging over and slid belly first at the two. Sora quickly blocked but the impact broke his guard. He quickly grabbed Fluttershy and jumped over the heartless. Sora then lunged his keyblade at the heartless' back.

He called it back and spinned it around, lunging it once again as in circled around sawing them all. More heartless came, these one's equipped with crossbows. Sora found a large rock to leave Fluttershy so she could take cover.

He quickly blocked the arrows, thinking of a plan. "Fluttershy, stay here! I'll handle them." While scared, the pink maned mare would at least try.

Sora leaped into the air and casted his thunder spell, striking the archer's. He missed a few, so he turned around and struck the ground, creating a shockwave to eliminate them. Sora casted a blizzaga spell which froze a brute as well as creating an ice rail to grind on.

Carrying the momentum, he slammed right through the remaining few finishing them off. More were making their way and Sora knew that he was going to need a good plan of attack.

He didn't get the opportunity though as the heartless had claimed and tackled him. He tried pushing and fighting them off but there were too many.

Fluttershy wished she could help. All she was doing was standing there, but she wished she could do more. Though fear was stronger and overwhelmed her. She wished she could help, she wished she could do something, but she couldn't.

Sora was going to do something stupid just now, even he knew it was stupid. He aimed his Keyblade near a rock on the mountain, casting a thunder spell. A rock slide happened and crushed some of the heartless, which allowed him to escape.

"Fluttershy! Run!" He jumped and used the rocks to get some hight while Fluttershy did the same.

Sora leaped and grabbed the ledge, though he was starting to slip. Moving his hoofs all around in order to try and grab something to hold onto but it was fruitless. Though before he fell, Fluttershy ran up to him and grabbed him, pulling the pegasus up.

The mare painted heavily. Both were out of breath, and needed to rest. Fluttershy looked over at her friend, "Sora! Are you ok?"

The pegasus spit out a bit of rubble and dirt while coughing a little. "Yeah I'm good." He stood up and dusted himself off. "We need to hurry, if that many heartless were here, there could be more with the others."

* * *

The other elements had been resting and waiting for a while for Sora and Fluttershy to make it back on the pash, but not a sight of the was near.
Pinkie had been writing in her journal.

'To whomever finds this journal.

It has been far too long since I have seen my friend of legend and friend of healing. I feel nothing but cold, fear and unending hunger. I have now learned to have never skipped breakfast. My back is cold, my nose is stuffy and this scarf is becoming itchy. I can no longer bear this injustice upon whick my stomach faces. To survive, I must sacrifice one of my friends, I must sacrifice the most marshmallowy one of us. Today, I EAT Rarity.'

"Pinkie, it's only been 30 minutes, are ya' really resorting to that?" Applejack said as she hopes to snap the pony back to reality.

Rarity was also put off, "And what was that about me being a marshmallow?"

Pinkie Pie was clearly joking when writing that, but she wasn't joking about her hunger. "I'm sorry. I just want to eat something. I can't even find a good rock to eat. It's times like this I wish I had my sister."

Twilight heard some footsteps, the sounds were getting closer and louder. Just as she hoped, Sora and Fluttershy had finally made it.

She rushed over to the two, "Sora, Fluttershy! I'm glad to see you two made it."

"C'mon, you didn't think a little ruble would get us down." The pegasus responded. "Though, we did run into a couple of heartless on the way here."

"Heartless! Last time they showed up was when Nightmare moon came back. What are they doing all the way out here?"

"I don't know, but we should stay alert."

He looked forward, and there it was. The cave of the dragon. "Can't believe we're here already." Rainbow responded.

"Now then, Fluttershy. It's time for you to convince him to get out." Twilight looked over to see the mare, but she was shivering in place. Her legs were trembling and shivering with fear. "Fluttershy? C'mon, let's go." She tried to push her along, but Fluttershy would budge.

Fluttershy decided to tell them the reason as to why. "Um, Twilight. I'm, I'm afraid, I'm afraid of dragons"

The others couldn't hear her at all.


"I'm afraid of dragons!"

All of them felt as if they were kicked in the gut. The whole reason they came up here, all the walking and danger they had to go through and now there are in the hole was too scared.

Twilight, out of all of them, was the most shocked. "What! But we need you too Fluttershy!" She kept trying to push her, but again, no luck. "We need- you too- or- or- ponyville will be stuck- in smoke- forever!"

"I- I can't!" Fluttershy screamed as she moved away from the unicorn.

Rarity was the first to try and convince the pegasus. "But I thought you were fine with all creatures dear, even horrific ones like that Manticore."

"And what about Spike? He's a dragon too but you were really excited to talk with him when the two of you first met."Sora added.

"Yes, because neither of them were large, terrifying, fire breathing, sharp teethed, long clawed, smokey and mean Dragon!" Fluttershy stated.

Rainbow Dash was annoyed at the circumstance. All that traveling and now they can't even do anything about the smoke.

Twilight decided that if they couldn't get Fluttershy to convince him then one of them would need to be the ones to try. "Ok, I understand. I will go in and try to convince him." 'He can't be to hard to convince… I'm sure he just didn't know that ponyville was near"

"Twilight wait!" Sora catched up to the unicorn. "I'm going with you. You don't know what could happen."

The two proceeded to make their way inside the large cave. As the two made it in, they took in the view. It was a huge area with purple stalactites and a huge pile of gold and jewels. Unsurprisingly, the dragon was laying on top of the pile, sleeping.

The unicorn composed herself, taking a deep breath in and out. She tried to make sure that nothing would slip her out of focus.

"Um, excuse me. Mr dragon? Hello!". The dragon did not respond as he continued to sleep.

"Um, hello! Mr dragon!" She raised her voice a tiny bit more. Thankfully, this woke up the large beast. "Oh, your awake. My name is Twilight-" she was interrupted by the dragons loud rumbling.

"-Twilight Sparkle. My friends and I live down here in ponyville, and-" she was interrupted again as the dragon paid her no mind. "-and we want to ask if you could go and sleep somewhere else. You see, your snoring has been causing lots of smoke to be heading deep into our village so most of our residents can't see it breathe and if it continues then Ponyville would be stuck in 100 in smoke. You understand?" She asked with a large, worried smile.

The dragon nodded yes.

"So you'll move somewhere else?" She hopefully asked.

The dragon responded by blowing a large amount of smoke and wind towards Twilight. Thankfully, Sora rushed over to catch her and used his keyblade to create and areo spell to move away the wind.

The dragon's eye catched the spikey mane. It seemed as if he was furious. As soon as he saw Sora, he stood up and tried to slash them with his claws. Sora managed to move out of the way but still got caught by a little bit of the dragon's finger.

The two ponies were blown out of the cave, tumbling and rolling. The group looked over at the two, with Applejack asking, "Did it work."

Her question was quickly answered as the dragon came out of his cave, busting through and shooting fire at the group. They all managed to move out of the way fast. The dragon continued to attack and fight them off but the ponies kept evading and trying their best to not get attacked.

Fluttershy was scared, even more so than when Sora was being attacked by the heartless. She saw her friends being attacked, and as if in something broke within her, fear was replaced with anger.

Fluttershy took a step down, and with fury, flew up to stop the dragon. "How dare you…. How dare you!!" The dragon stopped and was taken aback. "Listen to me you big meanie, you might be big, strong and scary but that doesn't mean you can come in and hurt my friends!!! You aren't going to stay and breathe smoke and fire on anypony anymore!! You got that?"

The dragon was crying. He was actually crying. Fluttershy managed to face her fear and stand up to him. The dragon kept crying and crying, before doing the unthinkable, apologizing. "I'm sorry… I'm sorry I'm sorry!" He continued to ball his eyes out as he cried, even covering his eyes with his arms.

Fluttershy did feel a tiny bit bad for what she did. "I'm sorry, your not a bad dragon. But you should know better than to attack my friends."

"But- but their evil."

"Wait what?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah, a big, large cat told me that the guy with the spiky mane was coming here to take me away."

Sora was tooken aback by that. He would never hurt anyone, well not anyone who didn't deserve it. The description of the guy who told the dragon that was what got his attention.

"Sora wouldn't hurt a fly." The pegasus said as to clear her friends name. "That guy was lying to you. We're not here to hurt you, but we do need you to move somewhere else. If you stay here and sleep, then ponyville will be stuck in smoke."

The dragon sighed as he said, "Ok… I'm sorry I attacked your friend."

"Hey, no worries." Said Sora. "No harm no foul, right." Of course he didn't mean it exactly. The hit from the dragon still hurt quit a bit.

As the Dragon left, the team cheered for a job well done. The rode was long, but they all had finally made it. Ponyville isn't going to be stuck in never ending smoke anytime soon. Though, something else was near.

The ponies could hear it. A bunch of tiny little steps and squeaks. Though the biggest sound was large and terrifying.


"Did any of you hear that?" Twilight asked.

"Well we did skip breakfast this morning, so." Pinkie said.

Suddenly, a swarm of heartless bursted through the mountain side. As if a whirlwind of nightmares had just appeared, the group of ponies knew that they needed to escape.

(Be cool, be wild and be groovy)

"AVALANCHE!!!" Pinkie yelled at a large hird of rocks was coming down, as well as the heartless hord.

Sora looked around and grabbed a piece of wood from a fallen tree. "Everyone grab a piece." He then hopped on and began to slide down the mountain.

The mares decided it was the best plan they had at the moment. Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie and Applejack grabbed a makeshift board while Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew down.

The avalanche was making it way closer so the ponies had to sled down with precision. Sora saw the heartless come up from above as they sent out small amounts to attack. Sora dodged them and used a ramp to get some hight, slashing the horde. He turned around, while on the board, and casted some fire spells in order to keep them of his back.

Twilight caught up and picked up some rocks and stones to use as projectiles. The heartless' attention was caught as they made their sites on the unicorn. Twilight was almost hit, but Applejack came to her rescue.

The cowgirl used her board as a shield in order to block the attack. She was quickly caught by Rainbow Dash, who flew up higher. "Few, thanks fer the help."

Fluttershy simply makes her best effort to not get caught by the avalanche. Sliding left and right in the air with lick doing the rest.

Rarity tried to blind the heartless by picking up some dirt with her magic and throwing it at the horde. Though it did make it so that she got a bit on herself. The creatures were not affected though. Sora quickly used another ramp to get himself in the air, performing a couple air tricks in order to catch Rarity from being squished.

He made it just in time and grabbed her. Placing her on top of his board. "Fantastic, I ruined my outfit for nothing."

"Sora, we can't shake it off!" Twilight yelled as nothing they did worked, besides maybe chip a couple off.

"I know, we need to hit them with something!" The caramel pegasus said.

Pinkie Pie caught up and suggested an idea. "Ohh, ooh! I have an idea!" She pointed downwards to the left. "Does every pony see those trees down there!"


"If we take that route, those meanies will slam into them!"

"Great idea Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "But how the hey are the rest of you going to get passed them!"

Applejack thought up off an idea. "Ah got it!" She reached into her saddle bag and tossed a lasso so the every pony could grab a hold onto it. "Rainbow, take the best route yah' can't find!" The pegasus did just that, swifitnibg past all the trees, pulling the others along with her.

The group was either having a blast passing through the trees at spectacular speeds, or holding onto dear life and hoping they wouldn't hit anything. The plan was working however. All of the heartless had been crashing into the trees, turning into black smoke as small pink hearts popped out.

The crew cheered and laughed at nearly escaping being crushed by an avalanche or losing their heart to a heartless.

"Woohoo! Take that you yellow eye beaded losers!" Rainbow Dash yelled. The girls and Sora stopped and got off their boards and fly down from the air.

Pinkie Pie caught hear breath, "That was the best, escape, EVER!!" Celebration their victory.

"You know, just because we made it out alive. I'm going to let you have that one." Said Twilight.

"Ooooh. No, no, no!!!!" The ponies heard a growly voice come behind.
A large, big cat with a purple and red jumpsuit. His ears were pointy, along with a large jaw and two teeth sticking out. "You all should've been crushed! Maleficent's going to have my neck for this."

"Yeah, that's great to hear cat boy." Rainbow Dash retorted. "So I'm guessing you're the guy who caused that avalanche."

"Pete, what are you doing here?" Sora asked, knowing this guy all too well. Of all the people he's known for the past few years, he had to be the one he saw again.

"Well, my reputation precedes me. Yeah it's me, Pete! Now then.. wait. How do you know about me? Me and Maleficent just got…" he stopped himself as he looked at the pegasus' mane. A spiky brown set of hair. It finally came to his mind just who he was. "Wait! You… you're that twerp who works with the king!"

"Glad to see you too."

"Sora, you know this guy?" Twilight asked.

"Him and me have a complicated history." The caramel pegasus walked closer to Pete. "What are you and Maleficent doing here?"

Pete wasn't going to let him know that easy. He may be stupid but not completely stupid. "Humph, wouldn't you like to know. All I'll tell you is that when we're done with this little world, our job is going to be so much easier."

Sora wasn't taking that for an answer. "What are you two doing here!? I'll go easy on you if ya tell me."

"Ha! You!? You ain't any stronger than the last time we met. You have a bad habit of losing everything you get. You're nothing but a joke and without those other goobers, you got no chance in beating us!"

Sora was planning on retorting but he knew he had a point. He had lost all his power again, and he would need time to get it all back.

"That's not true!" Fluttershy stated as she stepped up. "He may not be as strong as before, but he's not alone. He's had us the entire time. Even if we're scared, we're never going to leave each other's side. So your going to take your heartless and leave!"

Pete was a little impressed, but not intimidated in the slightest. "And why would I do that?"

Before he could even react to what had just happened, Fluttershy came up to him and bucked him in his stomach, sending flying across.

Fluttershy answered his question. "Because I'm not asking you to."

Pete was scared, but being his usual self, he tried everything in his power to not show a single sign of it. "Hmm… you'll see. When we find that key, you'll all see! It was great catching up twerp, but I need to get going!" He then snapped his fingers to open a corridor of darkness and proceeded to leave.

"Wow, that was amazing Fluttershy!" Said Sora.

"When I heard him say that about you, I wasn't going to let him get away with it."

"While I'm happy we're all still alive, what did he mean about finding a key?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know, but knowing Pete, it's not any good." Sora responded. "But at least we have a clue."

Still, Maleficent was back. Looks like hoping for an easy journey is out the window. The Elements of Harmony and the Keyblade wielder must now prepare, for one of their greatest challenges is near.


Back at ponyville, the group was enjoying their time, playing a nice game of hood ball while Twilight was writing a letter.

'Dear Princess Celestia

The dragon has agreed to leave and find a new place to sleep. Fluttershy was able to overcome her fear and convince the dragon to leave. Through this adventure, I learned that I should never lose faith in a friend as they can be and help you overcome any fear

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle.'

Sora was thinking about what had happened. While he was happy that the dragon left and that they could go back home, Maleficent was now in Equestria and that woman brings nothing good with her. She has the tile of Mistress of evil for a reason.

Though while they were enjoying their time, they now needed to be on alert with this new threat on the horizon. The Elements of Harmony and the Keyblade wielder must now prepare, for one of their greatest challenges is near.

Comments ( 13 )

Welcome back:pinkiehappy:
I am happy that the story has continued, (and I would say that it was worth the wait :raritywink: )
And I can't wait to read how history will evolve
Keep it up:twilightsmile:

Is there going to be a chapter about maleficent knowing Sora's in equestria and other things as well and is sora and twilight going to be more than friends. I just can't wait I am soo excited for it. 😄💗

I have a question do u know when the next chapter is coming out?

I can’t stop re reading this story it is sooo good I don’t want it to stop I love it :heart:

I love the Sora x twilight ship in this story can’t wait for the next chapter to come👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏❤️🤩😆🎶

Hope your doin ok Man U haven’t been on for a while hope you r doin ok

Happy thanksgiving/harvest and hugs everyone

Hey I re read the chapters so I can be ready for the next one that will come on here hope to see it here

I still love this book even re reading the chapters in it.

Hope to see this get done soon I am still patient to see what you make.

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