• Published 26th Mar 2022
  • 2,628 Views, 278 Comments

Bakugan EQG - Banshee531

Bakugan, the most popular game in the world. But there's more to it then meets the eye. Now, a group of teens must work together to save both their world and another.

  • ...

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Double Up

"Ability, ACTIVATE!" Flash yelled as Leonidas unleashed his Alpha Blaster, slamming into a Ventus Fly Beetle and knocking it back to ball form whilst his opponent's points dropped to zero.

"Gate Card, OPEN!" Lyra screamed as the field glowed and was suddenly filled with geysers, this powering up Nimue enough to slammed her foot into a Pyrus Griffon and knocking it back. It reverted back to ball form as its owner's life gauge was depleted.

This image along with the one before were being shown on a TV in the main lobby, the one focusing on them both being Twilight. The girl was sat at a table watching as the announcers praised the two young brawlers. "And that was a rerun of the final rounds for the Brawls that just ended moments ago. Flash and Lyra are quickly raising through the ranks of the stadium, with their talking Bakugan by their side. It doesn't look like anyone's gonna be able to beat these guys."

"OH YEAH!" Twilight heard, turning to see Flash and Lyra walking towards her after leaving the stadiums they had been battling in. "Another win for us!"

"Was there any doubt?" Lyra asked as they sat down at Twilight's table, their Bakugan jumping down onto it. "I mean, who could possibly compete with us since our Bakugan can talk and plan with us."

"That does seem to give us a tactical advantage," Nimue agreed.

"Plus," Leonidas laughed, "it doesn't hurt that you and I are so strong. Against us, normal Bakugan don't stand a chance."

"You do remember you lost to me and my Spikenoid, right?" They all turned to Twilight, who was giving them a look as she drank a soda she had.

Leonidas turned to her, a look on his...plastic face showing he was thinking back to that moment. "Well...back then me and Flash weren't in sync. If we faced off again, I'm sure we'd wipe the floor with your." Flash saw the ticked off look appearing on Twilight's face and quickly covered Leonidas up.

"What he means is, we've grown a lot since then."

Twilight nodded, "I'll admit that's true." She took a sip, "but don't think that means you're suddenly the best Brawler in Canterlot. There's still a lot of people that out class you. Phantom being one of them." Flash and Leonidas frowned, remembering the beating they had gotten from that shades-wearing weirdo.

"Alright," Flash nodded, "so I'm not the best Brawler in the Canterlot. But I don't think it'd be a stretch to call me the best...Haos Brawler in Canterlot."

"And I'm Canterlot's best Aquos Brawler," Lyra agreed. "I mean, nobody I've met even comes close to using that attribute as well as me." Twilight rolled her eyes before the lot heard a voice call out to the Brawlers in question, both of which turned to see a pair of teen asking if they wanted a match.

The two happily obliged and rushed off to the nearest empty stadiums, Bonnie rushing after them. This just left Twilight, who was still a little upset about the two's suddenly overconfidence.

That night, Twilight was in her room at her computer.

On the screen were five girls. The white and pink girls she had been seen talking too, along with a blue skinned girl with rainbow coloured hair, a yellow skinned girl with pink hair and an orange skinned girl with blonde hair.

Currently, she was complaining about what Flash and Lyra had said earlier. "Seriously, they get a few wins under their belts and they suddenly start thinking they're invincible."

"Geez," the orange skinned girl said, "these two are startin ta sound like Rainbow Dash."

"Hey!" The blue skinned girl cried.

"I'm sure they're just excited about doing so well," the pink hair girl replied.

"Maybe," Twilight frowned. "But if they're not careful, they'll start getting overconfident. And if Phantom or one of this goons show up." The girls all frowned, clearly knowing who Phantom was and what might happen. "There has to be a way to make them see they've still got a long way to go. Or at least knock them down a peg. Flash even went as far as to call himself Canterlot's greatest Haos Brawler."

"Greatest Haos Brawler?" The white skinned girl replied, "that's a bit of a stretch."

"Exactly," Twilight nodded. It was then she had an idea, making her smirk and lean forward. "Rarity, do you think you could lend me a hand?" Rarity looked intrigued by this whilst Twilight turned to the pink skinned girl. "You to Pinkie. I could use your insane style of brawling. What do you say?"

Pinkie smiled, "I'm in. This sounds fun."

"I'll assist you too," Rarity nodded. "Now what's your plan, darling?" Twilight went on to explain the plan, the rest of her friends all smiling as they listened.

The next day.

When Flash, Lyra and Bonnie left school, the Aquos and Haos Brawlers suddenly got a message on their BakuColars. "Huh?" They looked down at their watches, "what's this?" Flash asked as they accepted the message. "It's from Twilight."

"Same here," Lyra told him. "She says to meet her at the colosseum and be ready to brawl."

"That's my message too," Flash nodded before the pair shared a look. "Wonder what she's up to?"

"Not sure," Lyra shrugged. "But I'm sure it's nothing the best Aquos Brawler can't handle." Flash laughed and said something similar before they both rushed off towards the battle arena, Bonnie rolling her eyes and following after them.

They soon arrived at the colosseum and looked around, not seeing Twilight anywhere. They did spot Derpy at one of the counters, the girl looking upset. "Derpy!" Flash called out, "you seen-...problem?" He noticed her expression.

"I'm fine," Derpy told him. "I just learned my shift got pushed back an hour. Wish they'd told me that sooner. Anyway, what's up?"

"Have you seen Twilight?" Lyra asked, "she told us to meet her here."

Derpy was about to answer, then noticed something. "Isn't that her over there?" They looked around and spotted the girl in question walking towards them, with Rarity and Pinkie walking besides her.

"Hey Twilight," Flash turned to the two others. "Who are your friends?"

Twilight smiled back before gesturing to them, "these are two friends I made online a while back. This is Rarity."

"Charmed," Rarity nodded as Twilight gestured to the other girl.

"And this is-" She didn't get to answer as the girl leapt forward and grabbed Flash and Lyra's hands.

"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie!" She started shaking them eagerly, "it's great to meet you. I hope we can be friends. Isn't this place the best. It's just so much fun." She was talking so fast the three barely managed to figure out what she was saying.

Rarity then cleared her throat, making Pinkie let them go and jump back. "Anyway," she turned to Flash. "Twilight here tells me you think you're the best Haos Brawler here."

Flash gave Twilight a look, "yeah."

"Well, you can't really say that unless you beat every Haos Brawler here. And it seems you missed one." She then took out a Bakugan, which was Haos. "So let's fix that."

Lyra quickly realised were this was going and turned to Pinkie, who smiled and took out an Aquos Bakugan. "So you wanna Brawl me?"

"That's right," Twilight nodded. "And not just any Brawl. A Tag-Brawl. You and Flash against Rarity and Pinkie."

"Why?" Flash asked.

"A few reasons," Twilight retorted. "The most is that you haven't had a Tag-Brawl yet. It could help you a lot."

"I guess," Flash nodded before turning to Lyra. "What do you think." The girl thought for a moment whilst Leonidas and Nimue leapt up onto their shoulders.

"I say we go for it," the dragon told Flash. "If Twilight thinks these two are worthy to challenge us for being the best, they must be good."

"I'm with Leonidas," Nimue agreed. "If we want to prove ourselves, he need to challenge ourselves." Flash and Lyra then shared a look before nodding with a smirk, then turned to their opponents.

"Alright then," Flash pointed at Rarity. "You're on. Winner gets to call themselves the colosseum's best Brawler."

"Yay!" Pinkie clapped her hands. "This is gonna be so much fun!" She turned to skip towards the arena, with the others following. A few minutes later, the crowd of stadium B was cheering as they awaited the start of the next Brawl. And with two of the competitors being so well known, they knew it was gonna be good.

"Welcome Baku-fans!" The announcer cried as the four of them arrived at the battlefield, whilst Twilight, Bonnie and Derpy watched from the seats above. "We have yet another exciting brawl here today. Flash Sentry and Lyra Heartstrings, who wield the mighty talking Bakugan, will be facing off against Rarity and Pinkie Pie. These two have a very respectable win record at the moment. Will they add beating these two to their list of accomplishments?"

"So how does this work?" Leonidas asked, "we just battle side by side?"

"Basically," Lyra nodded. "Just think back to your first Brawl against Garble. His Bakugan fought side by side. The only difference is your G Power won't combine with Nimue's."

"And the point deduction is based on the Bakugan that lands the final blow," Flash went on. "Even if you're five hundred points higher and have done most of the damage, if Nimue knocks it back into ball form then it's her points that get calculated."

"Got it," Leonidas nodded before turning to Nimue. "Try not to get in my way."

"Ha!" The Aquos Bakugan quipped, "I was about to say the same thing to you."

"Let's see where our Brawlers will be facing off against one another today!" The announcer cried. It was then that the floor below them began to glow before constructing a kingdom made entirely of sugar. Everything was made out of some kind of treat, with gingerbread houses, lollipop trees and even lakes of ice cream. It was a dentist's dream. Multiple power ups were also floating there. "It's Candyland!"

"Candyland?" Leonidas asked as Flash crouched down and tapped the ground, realising it was mad of solid chocolate.

"Talk about a weird battlefield," Flash told them whilst Pinkie stared at it in wonder.

"WOW-WEE!" She cried, "this is the best battlefield EVER!" Rarity chuckled at her friend's excitement whilst Flash and Lyra got battle ready.

"Be careful," Nimue told them. "Twilight considers them the candidates for the best of each attribute. No doubt they have a few tricks up their sleeves." They nodded as the announcer spoke up.

"Are all you brawlers ready?" They all nodded back to him, ready to prove they were the best. "Then without further ado. Bakugan...BRAWL!" With that, their BakuColars beeped to signal the battle's start with both showing their current life gauges.

Lyra: 100%
Flash: 100%
Rarity: 100%
Pinkie: 100%

"Me first!" Pinkie cried as she pulled a Gate Card out of her hair. She then span around several times on the spot. "Gate Card..." She threw it, "SET!" The card hit the ground and exploded into green light, which spread across the battle field. Pinkie then rushed forward and leapt up onto a lollipop and bounced off it. "Bakugan," she threw her Bakugan, "BRAWL!" The ball managed to hit three power-ups before landing on the chocolate road. "Bakugan," it popped open, "STAND!" The ball exploded into a tornado of water, with a shadow appearing within it. "Its playtime, Aquos Gumigator!"

The tornado exploded with the water evaporating, revealing a humanoid alligator. It looked similar to a Bakugan they knew as Hammersaur and Anchorsaur, though this one didn't have any armour. It's entire body was blue, most of it being dark blue with a light blue chest and lower jaw. Its eyes were bright purple and it had a purple gem between the pecks of its chest. It open its mouth and they saw it was lacking teeth, a bunch of pink gums in their place.

Gumigator: 390Gs

The Bakugan glowed as its power began to rise.

Gumigator: 540Gs

"Never seen that Bakugan before," Flash stated before looking over at Leonidas. "Ready partner."

"I am," Leonidas rolled up and Flash caught it. But before they could jump into action, Lyra stepped in.

"Hold it!" They turned to her, "she the Aquos Brawler. That means I'm the one who's gotta take her down." She turned to run towards a giant donut, which she used like a springboard to leap up and land atop a candy cane. "Bakugan," she threw Nimue, "BRAWL!" The ball flew through the air, hitting three out of the four power-ups she was aiming for before hitting the ground. "Bakugan," it opened, "STAND!" Another water tornado exploded and quickly exploded, revealing Lyra's ace. "Aquos Nimue!"

Nimue: 350Gs
Gumigator: 540Gs

Nimue landed on the ground as the power-ups kicked in, bringing her closer to Gumigator but not getting her quiet there.

Nimue: 500Gs
Gumigator: 540Gs

"Greetings Gumigator," she told her opponent. "Though you can't talk, I hope we can have a battle to be proud of." Gumigator simply stared at her, looking more mindless then any other Bakugan. "Huh...Lyra."

"Ability, activate!" She held up a card that glowed as Nimue brought her hands together, "Vapour Blast!" Nimue created the mist and fired, hitting Gumigator and making it stagger back as its power was depleted.

Nimue: 500Gs
Gumigator: 340Gs

"Not bad," Pinkie then pulled a card from her hair. "Ability, Activate!" Gumigator charged out of the mist as it opened its mouth, which filled with mist. "Glacial Fang!" That mist solidified into a punch of icicle teeth, which it fired out of its mouth and struck Nimue.

"Augh!" She cried whilst staggering backwards.

Nimue: 500Gs
Gumigator: 540Gs

"Alright," Lyra held up another card. "Ability, Activate!" It glowed as Nimue held a finger straight up, a dark cloud appearing above it. "Draining Rain!" Nimue pointed the finger at Gumigator and the cloud flew towards it before unloading its rain, which struck the Bakugan and caused whatever was struck to smoke like it was acid. "This ability steals fifty Gs from your Bakugan every five seconds.

Nimue: 550Gs
Gumigator: 490Gs

Nimue: 600Gs
Gumigator: 440Gs

Nimue: 650Gs
Gumigator: 390Gs

"That's the way!" Flash cheered whilst Rarity turned to Pinkie, seeing she wasn't worried.

"You are good," she told her Bakugan as she took out another card. "But not good enough. Ability, Activate!" It glowed, "Blank Stare!" Gummy turned to glare at Nimue, its eyes glowing and causing her to glow too.

"What?" She asked as she felt herself getting weaker, Lyra turning to her BakuColar and seeing their points return to normal for a second before Nimue's dropped.

Nimue: 400Gs
Gumigator: 540Gs

"Not good!" Lyra realised as Gumigator charged and tried slashing at Nimue, who barely managed to avoid the attacks. "Alright then," she held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Nimue leapt up and raised her arms, "Overflow!" A ball of water appeared in her hands and she threw it to the ground, it hitting and exploding into a tidalwave. The Brawlers leapt behind the houses so as to not be hit, as the water flew out and struck everything else.

That included Gumigator, who was pushed backwards.

Nimue: 400Gs
Gumigator: 270Gs

"Hold on Gummy!" Pinkie cried as she pulled herself up onto the top of a cake house, "Gate Card OPEN!" As she said that, the ground beneath the water began to glow green before powerful winds shot up and blew the water away. "Ventus Reactor!"

"Ventus?" Flash asked.

"Oh hoo!" The announcer cried, "it appears Pinkie forgot her Bakugan's an Aquos. So Ventus Reactor won't work on it."

"What were you thinking?" Lyra asked, wondering why Twilight would consider her the best Aquos Brawler if she does this."

"I was thinking I should use a Gate Card that helps me and not you," she explained before looking up at her Bakugan. "it's time Gummy!" The alligator nodded before moving its arms around, the gem on its chest glowing. "Attribute...CHANGE!" Everyone's eyes went wide as Gummy was suddenly consumed by light, which quickly faded to reveal a now green alligator Bakugan. "Ventus Gumigator!"

Nimue: 400Gs
Gumigator: 470Gs

Everyone watching, minus Rarity and Twilight, were in total shock. None more so then Flash and Lyra. "It changed its attribute?" Flash asked as Leonidas growled.


Lyra was just as flummoxed. "Th...th...that's like...totally impossible!"

"It's not," Nimue told her. "It's rare, but some Bakugan have the ability to change their attribute to another. It's mostly common in Aquos types."

Lyra frowned, turning to Pinkie. "Hey, this isn't right. We're supposed to be proving who the better Aquos brawler is. It doesn't count if you change your attribute!"

"What are you talking about?" Pinkie asked, "changing to suit the situation's what water's all about." She swung her arms around, the way they were wiggling making those watching doubt she had any bones. "Go with the flow!"

Lyra growled before holding up a card. "Ability, Activate!" The card glowed along with the Bakugan, the light flying off Gummy into Nimue. "Co-Side!"

Nimue: 500Gs
Gumigator: 470Gs

Nimue charged at Gumigator, hoping to take it down before Pinkie could activate an ability. But as she started throwing punches and kicks, Gummy seemed to move without its eyes following her. It barely seemed to notice it was moving at all. But this was enough for Pinkie to pick a card.

"Ability, Activate!" The card glowed as Gumigator leapt back, "Cyclone Fang!" It took a deep breath before opening its mouth, as a burst of wind shot out and struck Nimue. She cried out as the wind sliced into her, feeling like needles biting into her.

Nimue: 500Gs
Gumigator: 670Gs

"Nimue!" Lyra cried as she tried to activate an ability, bit it was too late. Nimue was thrown backwards and knocked back into ball form, falling to her feet as Lyra's life gauge went down.

Lyra: 66%
Flash: 100%
Rarity: 100%
Pinkie: 100%

"Wow," the announcer cried as Lyra picked Nimue up, "round one goes to Pinkie and Rarity. Can Flash and Lyra make a comeback."

"Sure we can," Flash told him as he held up a card before running. He leapt up onto a large pile of jelly, using it to bounce up onto an archway made of cookie. "Gate Card...SET!" He threw it and the card hit the ground, exploding into light before Flash grabbed Leonidas. "Bakugan...BRAWL!" He threw Leonidas at a cluster of power-ups and managed to hit two of them before landing on the ground. "Bakugan," he popped open, "STAND!" In a burst of light, the dragon appeared. "Haos Leonidas!"

Leonidas: 400Gs

Leonidas took to the air as the power-ups kicked in, boosting his power.

Leonidas: 500Gs

Flash pointed at Rarity. "Come on, let's see what you've got." Leonidas roared in agreement as Rarity smiled back.

"Very well," she said before rushing forward and graceful leapt into the air. She landed on one of the gingerbread houses and held up her Bakugan, spotting a cluster of power-ups a ways off. "Bakugan," she threw it, "BRAWL!" The ball shot through the air and hit the power-ups, then landed on the ground. "Bakugan," it popped open, "STAND!" The Bakugan exploded with light. "Haos Cleopal, RISE!"

The light faded and revealed a yellow skinned woman wearing white egyptian style clothing with yellow trim. Her face was covered in a white cat mask with only her mouth and chin visible. She had purple hair styled the same way as Rarity and around her neck was a scarf-like fabric that had four tendrils. On the end of each tendril was a round, multi-coloured, gemstone. Covering hers hands were white metal gloves with small yellow claws on the end of each finger.

Cleopal: 410Gs
Leonidas: 500Gs

The cat woman then glowed as she increased her power, Rarity taking out her ability card.

Cleopal: 560Gs
Leonidas: 500Gs

"Ability, Activate!" Cleopal's claws glowed before doubling in size, "Mad Scratch!" It charged forward and leapt at Leonidas, but Flash was quicker.

"Double Ability, Activate!" He held up two cards as they glowed along with his Bakugan. "Dragon Flash, plus Alpha Blaster!" Leonidas suddenly disappeared, causing Cleopal to miss as it slashed at him, then reappeared behind her as she landed.

Cleopal: 760Gs
Leonidas: 800Gs

Leonidas fired the laser from his mouth and struck Cleopal, knocking it backwards and causing it to hit the ground. But it didn't go down and Rarity was ready with a counter. "Ability, Activate!" Cleopal rolled onto her back as her eyes glowed, then unleashing beams of light at Leonidas. "Cats Eyes!"

The beam struck Leonidas, "Augh!" He cried as he fell towards the ground.

Cleopal: 760Gs
Leonidas: 650Gs

"Flash!" He yelled mid-fall. "A little help, please!" Flash nodded and pointed to the ground.

"Gate Card, open!" The ground exploded with light, that light causing Leonidas to grow as he felt his strength return. "Haos Saver! This card negates any effect an opponent's last Ability Card has on a Haos Bakugan!" Leonidas smirked as he spread his wings, allowing him to stop meters from the ground.

"Ahaa!" He yelled whilst flying back up, "that's more like it!"

Cleopal: 760Gs
Leonidas: 800Gs

Rarity frowned but held up another card. "Ability, Activate!" Cleopal's scarfs floated up, the gems glowing as they did so. "Gem Leech!" The crystals unleashed beams of energy that struck Leonidas and made him groan, feeling his strength fade.

Flash looked down at his BakuColar and didn't like what he was seeing.

Cleopal: 810Gs
Leonidas: 750Gs

Cleopal: 860Gs
Leonidas: 700Gs

Cleopal: 910Gs
Leonidas: 650Gs

"I gotta stop this!" He held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" It glowed as a force-field appeared around Leonidas, breaking the beams connection on him. "Hyper Shield!"

Cleopal: 760Gs
Leonidas: 800Gs

Rarity made an interesting noise, which might have been a laugh. "Not bad." She turned to Pinkie, "maybe we should shake things up a bit." Pinkie nodded and took out her Bakugan before leaping into the air.

"Bakugan, BRAWL!" She threw it and hit a single Power-up before landing on the ground. "Bakugan," it popped open, "STAND!" And unleashed a tornado of water that exploded to reveal the caiman Bakugan. "Aquos Gumigator!"

Cleopal: 760Gs
Leonidas: 800Gs
Gumigator: 440Gs

Flash and Leonidas were so surprised by this, they didn't notice Rarity hold up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Cleopal's scarves flew up before the gems fired another load of beams. "Gem Strike!"

Cleopal: 860Gs
Leonidas: 800Gs
Gumigator: 440Gs

Leonidas fell back as Gumigator charged forward, Pinkie ready to activate her own ability.

"Lyra!" Nimue cried as the girl nodded and grabbed her, then charged towards a wafer tube. She rushed up it as it was leaned against the side of a building, then leapt out and spotted another cluster of Power-ups.

"Bakugan...BRAWL!" She threw the ball towards the ground, hitting three of the Power-ups before landing. "Bakugan," it popped open, "STAND!" Another tornado of water exploded out of it before vanishing to reveal Nimue.

Nimue: 500Gs
Cleopal: 860Gs
Leonidas: 800Gs
Gumigator: 440Gs

"Time for some payback!" Nimue leapt between Gumigator and Leonidas, "LYRA!"

"Ability, Activate!" Lyra held up a card that glowed, as Nimue created the ball of mist. "Vapour Blast!" She fired the mist and struck Gumigator, making it stagger backwards.

Nimue: 500Gs
Cleopal: 860Gs
Leonidas: 800Gs
Gumigator: 240Gs

"That's the way!" Lyra cheered as Flash held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" It glowed as Leonidas began to spin, "Shining Tornado!" The light drill formed around Leonidas and he flew forward, ready to take Cleopal down.

Nimue: 500Gs
Cleopal: 860Gs
Leonidas: 950Gs
Gumigator: 240Gs

"This could be trouble," Rarity realised before turning to Pinkie. "Mind lending a hand, darling?" Pinkie smirked and nodded.

"Sure. Go Gummy!" As she said that, Gummy's chest gem glowed before it once again transformed. "Attribute Change!" The light faded to reveal the green alligator, "Ventus!"

"How's that supposed to help you?" Flash asked, but Lyra caught on.

"Oh no!" She cried as Rarity held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" The card glowed along with Cleopal and Gumigator, "Diagonal Correlation!" The light flew off Gummy and onto the cat-woman, powering her up.

Nimue: 500Gs
Cleopal: 1060Gs
Leonidas: 950Gs
Gumigator: 240Gs

Seconds later, the Shining Tornado struck her. But she was strong enough to stop the attack and throw it backwards, causing Leonidas to explode out of it as it hit the ground. "Augh!" He cried as he slid back, Flash and Lyra rushing to his side. "What was that?"

"Diagonal Correlation," Lyra realised. "With it, a Bakugan gets two hundred Gs if their alley is opposite them on the hexagonal magic circle."

"They played us," Flash groaned before turning to Gumigator. "If we take that thing down, Cleopal will lose its power."

"I'm on it!" Nimue cried as she charged forward, as Pinkie held up two cards.

"Double Ability, Activate!" They glowed along with Gummy and Cleopal. "Wind Cutter, plus Diagonal Correlation!" The light flew off Cleopal and into Gumigator, who then swung its claws around and unleashed burst of wind.

Nimue: 500Gs
Cleopal: 1060Gs
Leonidas: 950Gs
Gumigator: 590Gs

The wind struck Nimue and knocked her backwards, making her cry out. "Enough of this!" Leonidas cried as he took to the skies and flew up, then dived down. "FLASH!"

"Ability, Activate!" Flash held up the card as it glowed, "Brawling Dragon!"

Nimue: 500Gs
Cleopal: 1060Gs
Leonidas: 1050Gs
Gumigator: 590Gs

Leonidas reached Gummy, but before he could wail on him. "Ability, Activate!" Pinkie played a card as Gumigator crossed its arms, his scales glowing. "Power Hide!" Leonidas punched Gummy, flinching at the pain he felt, but kept punching away despite it.

Flash wondered about the ability and looked down at his BakuColar, his eyes going wide when he saw both Leonidas and Gummy's points changing. Every time Leonidas hit Gummy, fifty of his Gs were transferred to the alligator. "LEO!" But it was too late.

"RAAAAH!" Leonidas swung around and struck Gumigator with his tail, knocking it backwards off its feet. When it did, their new points read.

Nimue: 500Gs
Cleopal: 1060Gs
Leonidas: 850Gs
Gumigator: 790Gs

Gumigator suddenly returned to ball form, dropping to the ground as Pinkie lost points.

Lyra: 66%
Flash: 100%
Rarity: 100%
Pinkie: 88%

"Aha!" Leonidas cheered, but then Nimue called out to him.

"Leonidas, behind you!" He turned to see Cleopal had leapt into the air, as Rarity held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" The scarves flew up and brought the gems together. "Blazing Light!" The gems then unleashed a blinding flash that filled the battlefield, hitting Leonidas and Nimue in the eyes.

"AUGH!" They both cried as they covered them, "My eyes!"

"I can't see!" Nimue yelled as their brawlers jumped behind a house to escape the light. As they did, Cleopal landed on the ground and ran forward as the light stopped. Flash and Lyra checked their BakuColars and saw the new point total.

Nimue: 450Gs
Cleopal: 1060Gs
Leonidas: 800Gs

Before either of them could do anything, Cleopal reached Leonidas and spun around. The four gems slammed into his head and knocked him backwards, causing him to fall to the ground and return to ball form.

Lyra: 66%
Flash: 48%
Rarity: 100%
Pinkie: 88%

As this happened, Nimue's eyes recovered and she was able to turn to Cleopal as Lyra held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" She leapt into the air and formed a ball of water, "Overflow!" The ball was thrown to the ground and exploded, creating a tidalwave that struck Cleopal and knocked her backwards.

Nimue: 450Gs
Cleopal: 530Gs

"Now," Lyra leapt up onto the roof, "before she recovers!" She held up a card, "Ability, Activate!" Nimue created another water orb and thrust it forward, the sphere exploded into a steam of water that hit the ground and flew forward and began to wrap around Cleopal like rope. "Raging River! Reverse the effects of Cleopal's last Ability!"

Nimue: 550Gs
Cleopal: 530Gs

Cleopal was lifted into the air and before Rarity could do anything, Nimue leapt up and swung a kick right into her. The cat woman was thrown backwards and reverted back to ball form, Rarity's life gauge dropping as Nimue returned to Lyra.

Lyra: 66%
Flash: 48%
Rarity: 96%
Pinkie: 88%

Flash and Lyra stared at their BakuColars, frowning as they did. Even though Lyra managed to get the final hit of the round in, they were still behind. Up above, Bonnie and Derpy were worried whilst Twilight smiled. "You weren't kidding," Bonnie turned to Twilight. "Those two are good."

Twilight nodded. "Flash and Lyra will have their work cut out for them if they want to win."

"Okay," Flash turned to Lyra, "maybe these two are better then we thought they were."

"Maybe," Lyra nodded, "but we're not out of this yet." Flash nodded and the pair rushed off, whilst Rarity and Pinkie stood there.

"This is fun," Pinkie smiled whilst Rarity nodded.

"Yes," she flipped her hair and held up a card, "but all good things must come to an end. Gate Card," she threw it towards the ground. "SET!" Once it exploded, she and Pinkie rushed off. Soon enough, Rarity, Flash and Lyra reached a sugar-built building and leapt off the roofs.

"BAKUGAN!" They threw theirs, "BRAWL!" The three orbs shot through the air and struck a cluster of Power-ups each before hitting the ground, rolling until they stopped. "BAKUGAN...STAND!" They popped open and it a burst of light and water, the three Bakugan appeared and were powered up.

Nimue: 450Gs
Cleopal: 460Gs
Leonidas: 500Gs

Rarity was the first to play a card. "Ability, Activate!" Cleopal raised her scarves again and brought the gems together. "Blazing Light!" They unleashed the bright light once again, blinding the two Bakugan.

"AUGH!" They cried before Leonidas growled, "not again." Flash and Lyra were also blinded, allowing their Bakugan to lose more points every five seconds.

Nimue: 350Gs
Cleopal: 460Gs
Leonidas: 400Gs

"Ability, Activate!" They both held up a card, which glowed at the same time. "Hyper Shield/Misty Barricade!" Leonidas formed a force-field around him, whilst Nimue was suddenly surround by a cloud of mist. Both shields blocked out the light, negating the Ability's affect.

Nimue: 450Gs
Cleopal: 460Gs
Leonidas: 500Gs

Once the shields vanished, Leonidas and Nimue charged. "Let's get her!" The dragon yelled, Nimue nodding. But as they approached the cat-woman, Pinkie suddenly appeared atop a building and leapt off.

"Bakugan...BRAWL!" She threw the ball and hit some Power-ups, then landed between Cleopal and their opponents. "Bakugan...STAND!" It popped open and unleashed a tornado of water, which stopped Leonidas and Nimue. And as the water exploded to reveal Gumigator, Rarity held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" It and Gumigator glowed, "Gem Strike!"

Nimue: 450Gs
Cleopal: 560Gs
Leonidas: 500Gs
Gumigator: 540Gs

Cleopal fired the beams of light from its gems, hitting Nimue whilst Flash and Pinkie held up their own cards. "Ability, Activate!" Both cards glowed, "Dragon Flash/Ocean Assault!" Leonidas glowed and began to fly around fast, whilst Gumigator opened its mouth and blew a giant water bubble from it.

Nimue: 450Gs
Cleopal: 560Gs
Leonidas: 600Gs
Gumigator: 690Gs

Gumigator fired the bubble and it shot straight up, shooting passed Leonidas before exploding and unleashing several large drops of water that shot towards the ground like meteors. "Wow!" Leonidas tried to avoid them, his increased speed helping, but soon got struck. "GAH!" He cried as he was knocked down, hitting the ground hard.

"Ability, Activate!" Lyra held up a card as Nimue formed a ball of mist, "Vapour Blast!" Nimue thrust the attack forward and unleashed the attack, hitting Gumigator and knocking it staggering backwards as Cleopal ran forward.

Nimue: 450Gs
Cleopal: 560Gs
Leonidas: 600Gs
Gumigator: 490Gs

"Ability, Activate!" Rarity held up a card as it glowed, Cleopal's claws doing the same. "Mad Scratch!" Cleopal leapt at Leonidas and slashed him as he picked himself up, making him cry out as he staggered back.

Nimue: 450Gs
Cleopal: 760Gs
Leonidas: 600Gs
Gumigator: 490Gs

Flash held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Leonidas opened his mouth as it sparked, "Alpha Blaster!"

Nimue: 450Gs
Cleopal: 760Gs
Leonidas: 800Gs
Gumigator: 490Gs

Leonidas fired the laser, hitting Cleopal and knocking her backwards. As it did, Pinkie held up a pair of cards.

"Double Ability, Activate!" They glowed as Gumigator charged at Nimue. "Glacial Fang, plus Aqua Claw!" Gummy launched the icicle fangs, hitting Nimue and making her stagger backwards.

Nimue: 450Gs
Cleopal: 760Gs
Leonidas: 800Gs
Gumigator: 790Gs

Gumigator's claws then glowed as it slashed at Nimue, who evaded the attack whilst Lyra held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" It glowed as Nimue formed the ball of water, dodging another slash. "Raging River!" She thrust it forward, the ball exploding into a steam of water, and struck struck Gumigator. As it was pushed back, its claws stopped glowing.

Nimue: 450Gs
Cleopal: 760Gs
Leonidas: 800Gs
Gumigator: 590Gs

"Not bad," Pinkie told her. "But not good enough. Gummy," the Bakugan stood up, "it's time. Attribute Change!" The alligator waved its arms around as the gem glowed, "let's go...Subterra!" Gummy was surrounded by the light and when it faded, he was now brown with his stomach and lower jaw being orange.

"Now its Subterra?" Lyra asked as Pinkie held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" It glowed as Gummy opened its mouth, with large rock-like teeth growing out of it. "Tectonic Fang!"

Nimue: 450Gs
Cleopal: 760Gs
Leonidas: 800Gs
Gumigator: 790Gs

Like with Glacial Fang, Gummy fired the rocks from its mouth and struck Nimue. "AUGH!" She cried as they stabbed into her, making her stagger backwards.

Whilst this happened, Leonidas and Cleopal continued to fight. "Ability," Rarity raised a card, "Activate!" It glowed as Cleopal fired beams from its eyes. "Cat's Eye!" The beams struck Leonidas and made him stagger backwards.

Nimue: 450Gs
Cleopal: 760Gs
Leonidas: 650Gs
Gumigator: 790Gs

"Leo!" Flash yelled, "you gotta get out of there!" Leonidas spread his wings and took to the air, getting out of the beam's range as Nimue leapt back away from Gummy.

"Ability, Activate!" Lyra held up a card as it glowed, Nimue holding up a finger and forming a rain cloud. "Draining Rain!" She pointed the figure at the two opponent Bakugan and the cloud shot towards them, the two unable to escape and causing the rain to hit them and drain away their power.

It took a few second for them to escape, long enough to steal quite a bit of power.

Nimue: 600Gs
Cleopal: 610Gs
Leonidas: 650Gs
Gumigator: 640Gs

"Close," Pinkie told her, "but not enough."

"Maybe not for me," Nimue told them

"But Flash and Leo are a different story!" Lyra stated. In that moment, Leonidas appeared behind Nimue in the air before diving towards Cleopal. Flash held up two cards.

"Ability, Activate!" The cards glowed, "Brawling Dragon!"

Nimue: 600Gs
Cleopal: 610Gs
Leonidas: 750Gs
Gumigator: 640Gs

"Time for you to take a cat nap!" Leonidas yelled as he threw a punch. But before the fist reached Cleopal, Gumigator got between them as Pinkie played a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Gumigator crossed his arms as his skin glowed, "Power Hide!" Leonidas struck the hardened skin and flinched as his power was drained.

Nimue: 600Gs
Cleopal: 610Gs
Leonidas: 700Gs
Gumigator: 690Gs

"Not again!" Leonidas leapt back into the air, Flash frowning whilst Pinkie smiled.

"Gotta love that ability. It and Blank Stare work no matter what Attribute Gummy is."

"Well I only need one Attribute to use this move," Nimue told her. "Milady!" Lyra nodded and held up her card, whilst Leonidas flew straight up.

"Ability, Activate!" The card glowed as Nimue formed the ball of water and leapt up, "Overflow!" She threw the orb and it exploded, becoming a tidalwave that struck the two other Bakugan and pushed them backwards as their power was cut in half.

Nimue: 600Gs
Cleopal: 305Gs
Leonidas: 700Gs
Gumigator: 345Gs

"Now's our chance!" Flash yelled as he prepared his finishing move, "let's end this!" Lyra nodded and held up her card. But before she could use them.

"Gate Card...OPEN!" The ground below the water glowed, causing it to vanish. "Generous Bestowal!" Gummy and Cleopal picked themselves up, Flash and Lyra growing worried and looking down at their BakuColars.

Nimue: 600Gs
Cleopal: 610Gs
Leonidas: 700Gs
Gumigator: 690Gs

"Their power's back to normal!" Flash cried as Leonidas flew down, "but how?"

"Generous Bestowal," Rarity explained. "A special Gate Card that can only be used if Cleopal is on the field." She smiled. "I know we're in the middle of a battle, but there's no reason to be greedy. That's why this Gate Card lets us gift the effects of the last Ability Card played to our opponents."

"Wait," Lyra whispered, "but that means-" Cleopal formed her own sphere of water and threw it to the ground, the resulting tidalwave shooting towards the two and hitting them before either could try to escape.

"Augh!" Leonidas cried as they were knocked backwards, the two feeling their power vanish.

Nimue: 300Gs
Cleopal: 610Gs
Leonidas: 350Gs
Gumigator: 690Gs

"Guys!" Flash cried whilst Pinkie and Rarity nodded to one another, ready to end this.

"Ability, Activate!" Rarity held up a card that glowed, as Cleopal's scarves flew up. "Gem Leech!" The jewels unleashed beams of light and hit Leonidas as he picked himself up.

Nimue: 300Gs
Cleopal: 710Gs
Leonidas: 250Gs
Gumigator: 690Gs

Leonidas leapt away from the beams before they could steal too much power. "We have to end this!" Flash yelled as he held up two cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" Leonidas began to spin around, forming the drill of light that lightning sparked around. "Shining Tornado, plus, Fusion Ability, Alpha Hurricane!"

At the same time, Lyra held up her own card as Nimue leapt into the air. "Fusion Ability, Activate!" The ball of water appeared and Nimue fired the high pressured burst of water, which struck Gumigator and pushed it backwards as Leonidas slammed into Cleopal.

Nimue: 400Gs
Cleopal: 760Gs
Leonidas: 700Gs
Gumigator: 345Gs

Both Gumigator and Cleopal were knocked backwards several inches, but managed to stay up as Cleopal used her metal gauntlets to block the drill. At the same time, Pinkie held up a card. "Ability...Activate!" Gummy glanced up at Nimue as his eyes glowed, "Blank Stare!" Nimue also glowed and groaned as the water vanished, her power being drained.

Nimue: 300Gs
Cleopal: 760Gs
Leonidas: 700Gs
Gumigator: 690Gs

"My turn!" Rarity cried as Cleopal leapt back, the attack she had been blocking flying wildly until Leonidas broke out of it. "Fusion Ability...ACTIVATE!" Cleopal turned to Leonidas as her metal claws were covered by a light, forming a giant metal claw that she pulled behind her as she ran towards Leonidas. "SHINING SLASH!"

Nimue: 300Gs
Cleopal: 1060Gs
Leonidas: 700Gs
Gumigator: 690Gs

"LEO!" Flash cried as he went for his Ability Cards, only to realise he was out of usable ones. Lyra reached for her card but before she could play it, Gummy rushed forward and body checked Nimue.

"AUGH!" She cried as she was knocked backwards, then reverted back to ball form.

Lyra: 0%
Flash: 48%
Rarity: 96%
Pinkie: 88%

"NIMUE!" Leonidas roared, only to find Cleopal had finally reached him. And before he could escape, she swung her claws around and slashed into him. "RAAAAAAAAAAH!" He screamed at the top of his lungs before reverting back to ball form, Flash and Lyra watching in horror as he fell back to the ground and bounced along it until he came to a stop next to Nimue.

Lyra: 0%
Flash: 0%
Rarity: 96% (Winner)
Pinkie: 88% (Winner)

"IT'S OVER!" The announcer yelled, "Flash and Lyra are out. The winners are Rarity and Pinkie!" The crowd cheered as the field reverted back to normal and the Bakugan returned to their Brawlers. Rarity and Pinkie caught them before smiling at one another.

Flash and Lyra were gobsmacked by this loss as they moved over to pick up their Bakugan. Once that happened, Flash looked down at the BakuColar and saw how badly they had been beaten. Rarity barely lost any points. "Ah, man!" He fell to his butt, "I can't believe we were so badly beaten." Lyra nodded, unable to believe it either.

Leonidas then jumped up and landed on his knee. "To be fair, we only lost because Twilight made us fight two on two. If I had been facing Cleopal alone, I definitely would have won!"

"Are you saying it's my fault that we lost?" Nimue asked from Lyra's hands, Leonidas turning to her.

"Err...no. It was...Gumigator. If that thing hadn't been there to help her, she wouldn't have stood a chance."

"Maybe." They turned to see Rarity moving towards them, "but you can't always rely on just yourself to win a brawl. There may come a day when you need to work with someone."

Pinkie nodded, "especially if those rumours are true." This confused the other two.

"What rumours?" Lyra asked before hearing Twilight speak up.

"Rumours about a big competition." They turned to see her walking towards them with Bonnie and Derpy. "It's a tournament open to teams between three and six. A big team brawl that'll require you to work with others if you want any chance of winning."

"A tournament?" Flash asked as he picked himself back up. The thought of entering it entered his head, but that might not be such a good idea. Based on his performance today, he likely wasn't ready to enter any big tournaments.

"It's not for a few months," Twilight pointed out. "Plenty of time get better." She moved over to Pinkie and Rarity, "we're planning on entering with a few more of our online friends."

"It'll be super fun!" Pinkie smiled whilst Lyra and Flash shared a look, whilst Bonnie smiled.

"I think we should enter," they turned to her. "It'll be a good chance to test ourselves. And it'll also give you the chance to get payback for what happened today." Flash and Lyra turned to their opponents, who smiled back at them, then turned to one another.

"I guess it's not a bad idea to consider it," Lyra told Flash.

"I guess," Flash nodded. "And we can always back out if we don't think we're ready."

"Great!" Twilight smiled, "I hope you do enter." She then glanced at Flash and Lyra, then at Bonnie who she suspected would be apart of the same team. "But if it's just gonna be you three, you might find yourself in a difficult situation."

"Yes," Rarity nodded, "you should look around for anyone you think would make a good member of your team. Maybe even someone who uses an Attribute you don't."

The three thought about this and tried to think of all the Pyrus, Ventus and Darkus Bakugan Brawlers. Other then Twilight, they couldn't think of anyone who used that type of Bakugan that they would wants as part of their team. But there had to be someone out there.

Someone who could fill out their team and be a good part of it.

Over in Canterlot Park, in the skate park, we find the teen known as Heath Burns doing tricks on the ramps.

He rolled up and down one, then did a pipe grind followed with a handstand mid-roll before going up another ramp. But when he reached the top of it, something happened.

A bright flash of light exploded above him, blinding the teen. "Gyah!" He cried, flinching away and accidently losing his balance. He cried out again as he fell back and hit the ground, his body landing next to him. As this happened, something fell out of the sky and landed at the top of the ramp.

It bounced off the structure before rolling forward and over the edge, falling down until it hit Heath's foot and came to a stop.

"Ahh," he moaned as he sat himself up. He blinked to get the spots out of his eyes that the light had caused, "what was that?" But as he rubbed his eyes, he looked down at his foot and saw what had fallen from the sky. A Pyrus Bakugan. "What the?" He shifted around so he was crouching, then reached down and picked up the Bakugan. "Never seen one like this before?"

He stared at it for several seconds before the Bakugan suddenly opened up and moved on its own. Then it spoke. "Wazz up?"

Author's Note:

So, Flash and Lyra try a two one two brawl with little success. Luckily they weren't up against one of Phantom's goons or they'd be in serious trouble. Next time, we're introduced to a new member of the team.

For Cleopal and Gumigator's ball forms, something like Blade Tigerra or Saint Nemus for Cleopal and Gumigator...honestly I can't think of a design for Gumigator that works. Maybe something similar to Prayes

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