• Published 26th Mar 2022
  • 2,655 Views, 278 Comments

Bakugan EQG - Banshee531

Bakugan, the most popular game in the world. But there's more to it then meets the eye. Now, a group of teens must work together to save both their world and another.

  • ...

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A Fiery Confrontation

Down in the secret underground lab, Sombra hummed as he typed away at his laptop.

Behind him, Lucifer was standing in the tank soaking up the energy that was being produced by the battles taking place up top. He turned towards the man in question and appeared to have a inquisitive look on his face. "Still stumped?"

Sombra stepped away from his laptop and let out a frustrated growl. "I can't figure out what that energy surge was. Whatever Leonidas did, it produced an energy spike we've never seen before. But the data we have doesn't tell us anything about what it could have been." He then turned to Lucifer, "you know more about Bakugan then anything. Do you have any clue what this might have been."

Lucifer said nothing, though Sombra could tell he had an idea. "There are many things it could have been. But I'd need to sense it again to know for sure."

Sombra raised an eyebrow at this. "Well, Sentry hasn't brawled since then. So we might not get a chance to see it again unless another member of his team loses."

"We were right to have Phantom capture those girls," Lucifer told him. "They're attempts to utterly destroy the BakuFighters and win their Bakugan has caused them all to pull out all the stops. They're producing more energy then anyone else. If this keeps up, I'll have enough power to brawl myself by the time this tournament is over."

Sombra nodded and turned back to the computer, a smirk on his lips at how much energy they were accumulating. "That's right my gullible little friends. Brawl. Brawl to your heart's content."

The Bakugan Battle Tournament was starting to wind down. Now only fifteen teams remain and at the top of the board were the BakuFighters, who managed to hold onto their lead despite having just lost a member.

Said member had just arrived at the team's bunker, alongside Applejack, looking glum at what had happened. "Lyra!" She looked up as she stepped inside, seeing Pinkie rushed up to her. "You okay?"

"That brawl was pretty intense," Flash told her. "Is Nimue alright?"

"I'll survive," Nimue replied from her shoulder. "But Fluttershy certainly doesn't go easy, does she."

"Not when she's Brawlin'," Applejack explained before sitting down. "But from what Bonnie told me, she's being super aggressive twenty-four seven."

"And she's not the only one," Flash explained before pointing to the TV. Applejack looked towards the screen and was met with the sight of Twilight, Rainbow and Fluttershy all destroying their opponents on the battlefield.

"GET'EM!" Rainbow cried as Terraspin shot towards the opposing Aquos Abis Omega and cutting into it, causing the snake to cry out and be reverted back to ball form as the opponent's life points hit zero.

"RIP HIM APART!" Fluttershy screamed as Lepusinge used Power Dash and shot towards a Subterra Wormquake, using the speed to shoot passed it several times and slam it until it reverted back to ball form.

Twilight remained quiet, as Spikenoid charged forward and tackled a Ventus Siege to the ground. The knight dropped its fan tipped spear as it fell onto its back, Spike growling as he slashes away at it. Applejack could tell that he was more feral then usual, something Twilight would usually make him back off from so he didn't go too far. But she remained quiet and Applejack even noticed a smirk appear on her lips when Spike got up and used his tail to slam down into it.

"This ain't right," Applejack stated. "This ain't them."

Fenroar leapt up onto her shoulder. "Don't worry. We'll find a way to get them back."

"And it looks like the way to do that is to beat them," Leonidas stated. "We're not sure why, but that seems to be what knocks them out of it."

"It's possible it's the Bakugan," Lyra told him. "I've been thinking it over and I thought that maybe the Bakugan are the ones infected this dark energy and they're transferring it to the brawler through some kind of link. That would explain why they're snapping out of it when that happens. Every time it's been after the Bakugan receives a serious blow."

"That could be possible," Rarity agreed. "But we can't know for sure unless one of the others uses a different Bakugan and loses. And since they're all determined to beat you and take your Bakugan, that's not likely to happen."

The others sighed as Derpy held up a remote. "For now, let's just focus on the others. They need all our support right now." They turned back to the screen, seeing Heath, Bonnie and Soarin as they battled against other opponents.

Soarin was in the Ocean Field, with Garuda flying over the water whilst his opponent, an Aquos Hammersaur, remained stuck slogging through the water. "Ability," his opponent cried, "Activate!" Hammersaur's claws glowed before extending, "Mega Slash!"

Garuda: 600Gs
Hammersaur: 650Gs

The Bakugan ran forward and jumped onto an island before leaping off of it and trying to slash at Garuda, but the flying Bakugan managed to fly out of the way. "I don't think so!" He cried as Hammersaur fell back to the ground. "Soarin!"

"Ability," Soarin held up a card, "Activate!" Garuda beat his sparking wings, sending the lightning flying off of them. "Thunder Gale!" The lightning struck Hammersaur and made it roar, as the water covering its body made it do extra damage.

Garuda: 600Gs
Hammersaur: 500Gs

"Now!" Soarin cried, Garuda shooting down and reaching Hammersaur.

"Take this!" He pointed his claws at it and slashed away and the alligator, making it roar in pain as it was thrown back before reverting back to ball form. The opponent's life points dropped, but not enough to end the match.

Soarin's friends smiled before turning to watch another brawl, where Bonnie and Gaia had just started another brawl in the Forest Field. Her opponent was a guy using a Pyrus Gargonoid, which ripped through the forest canopy as it flew around.

"Ability, Activate!" Bonnie's opponent cried as Gargonoid was surrounded by flames. "Fire Judge!"

Gaia: 550Gs
Gargonoid: 600Gs

Gargonoid dive-bombed, shooting straight for Gaia like a blazing commit. But before it reached her, Bonnie held up her own card. "Ability, Activate!" Gaia held up her shields, "Oak Defender!" Gargonoid crashed into the shield and was thrown back, the flames going on.

Gaia: 550Gs
Gargonoid: 500Gs

"Now!" Bonnie held up another card, "Ability, Activate!" The card glowed along with Gaia, who charged forward as the G power began to rise. "Ultra Growth!"

Gaia: 700Gs
Gargonoid: 500Gs

Gaia smashed her fist into Gargonoid, making it cry out as it was sent flying and reverted back to ball form. The opponent's life gauge dropped, whilst Gaia returned to Bonnie.

Her friends then shifted their focus onto Heath's brawl. He and Wukong were in the City Field, where they were battling against a Darkus Fear Ripper.

"Ability," He held up a card, "Activate!" Wukong's mane exploded as he began to whip it around. "Blast Infernal!"

Wukong: 700Gs
Fear Ripper: 580Gs

As the mane swung towards Fear Ripper, it tried to slash at it but suddenly felt its claws begin to burn and cried out in pain before staggering back. "Ability," the brawler cried as he held a card up, "Activate!" Fear Ripper roared as it leapt into the air, its claws beginning to glow. "Slash Storm!"

Fear Ripper swung its claws around and every time it did, the light flew off its claws and slammed down into the ground. It also struck Wukong, making him hiss but he could withstand it.

Wukong: 600Gs
Fear Ripper: 580Gs

"Not enough!" He stated before turning to Heath, "let's end this!" Heath nodded and held up a pair of cards.

"Double Ability...ACTIVATE!" Wukong leapt out of the laser downpour and formed a ball of magma. "Fire Smasher, plus Eruption Force!" He slammed his fist into the sphere and felt the heat power him up.

Wukong: 950Gs
Fear Ripper: 580Gs

As Fear Ripper fell towards the ground, Wukong pulled his fist backwards before swinging it around and smashing the Darkus Bakugan. It roared in pain as it was thrown backwards, smashing into a building and reverting back to ball form.

His opponent's life points dropped the zero, claiming victory for the flaming duo. "Heath of the BakuFighters burns away the competition. Can anything stop this hot shot pair?"

"I doubt it!" Heath cheered as Wukong returned to him. "Way to go bud."

"Nice timing on the Abilities," the ape leapt onto his shoulder. "Now come on. I got one or two more brawls in me before I'm ready to take a break." Heath nodded and headed off down the street, which were looking staggeringly empty at the moment.

"I guess there aren't that many brawlers left," Heath replied before hearing an explosion off in the distance. "Sounds like a brawl's already starting."

"You wanna go interrupt?" Wukong asked, with Heath thinking for a moment.

"Nah. Seems kinda rude. Let's go find our own opponent." Wukong nodded and they continued through the streets, but found no other opponent. "Maybe we should head to one of the other battlefields?"

"Just as long as it's not the ocean field," Wukong replied. "If I don't have the time to use it as a hot spring, I'd rather not be anywhere near water." Heath nodded in agreement and headed for the canyon field, only for his BakuColar to suddenly beep to signal that he had an opponent.

"Wonder who it-" Heath stopped when he saw the name on his BakuColar.

Heath: 100%
Fluttershy: 100%

The pair's heads looked up and around, trying to spot Fluttershy. But she wasn't in the street, on the roofs or even sitting on the sides of fire escapes. "Where-" He stopped when he heard a clicking noise, the sound of heels on the pavement, making him look around to see a figure moving through the darkness of a nearby alleyway.

And eventually, out stepped the darkly dressed Fluttershy. "Hello Heath," she smiled as Lepusinge jumped onto her shoulder.

"Ready to throw down, losers?"

Heath frowned and took out a Gate Card. "Yeah. Time to get some payback for Lyra."

"Oh?" Fluttershy asked, "but I only did that to get payback for Pinkie. Are you really gonna continue the endless web of violence?" She then laughed, "just kidding. I don't care that she beat Pinkie. I just wanted one of you losers to taste defeat." Heath frowned at that, hating the person she had become.

"Don't worry Fluttershy," he stated as Wukong prepared himself. "I'm gonna win and get you back to normal."

"Wow. Another match between the BakuFighters and Rainbooms. What is with these two teams constantly going after one another? Do they have a vendetta against one another or something?"

"Heath verses Fluttershy," Flash gulped. "They're gonna have a hard time against her."

"Fluttershy didn't let up during her battle against me," Lyra told them. "I hate to say it, but it was luck that I managed to get out of it without losing Nimue." The others remembered that and all frowned, hoping that Wukong wouldn't be taken.

"Come on Heath," Flash told him. "Don't do anything dumb. If you wanna win, you gotta play smart."

"And hope that Fluttershy doesn't have any other tricks up her sleeve," Leonidas stated as the brawl began.

"Gate Card," Heath threw it towards the ground, "SET!" As it hit the ground, the pair rushed through the city. Fluttershy instantly began to parkour up the sides of the wall until she reached the top, whilst Heath rushed through the street.

From her vantage point, Fluttershy could see a large number of clusters and spotted the largest one. She ran towards it and off the edge of the building. "Bakugan!" She threw her partner towards the cluster, "BRAWL!" The Bakugan headed towards the cluster and struck them, right as Heath rushed around another corner and spotted his own cluster. "Bakugan...STAND!"

Heath looked around and spotted Lepusinge appear within a swirl of fire, the rabbit smiling down at him as the many power-ups kicked in and increased his Gs.

Lepusinge: 690Gs

"Come on out here monkey boy!" He yelled as Heath prepared his shot, "I'll show you why rabbit is the best of the twelve zodiacs!"

"Yes," Fluttershy agreed from atop the building she had grabbed onto after throwing Lepusinge, "show me how you plan to 'save' us from Phantom."

"Gladly!" Heath cried before he threw his partner, "Bakugan...BRAWL!" Wukong shot through the air and reached the cluster, but only managed to hit three before landing on the ground. "Bakugan!" He popped open, "STAND!" The tornado of fire appeared before exploding to reveal the flaming monkey.

"RAAAH!" He beat his chest as the power-ups kicked in, boosting his score but not more then his opponent.

Wukong: 550Gs
Lepusinge: 690Gs

"Alright fluffy tail!" Wukong began to crack the knuckles in his hands along with his neck, "hope you're ready for a serious beatdown. Because I don't intend to go easy on yah." Lepusinge just smirked and raised his hand to give a 'bring it' gesture. "Heath!"

"Ability!" Heath held up a card, "Activate!" It glowed as Wukong charged forward, clenching his fists as they ignited. "Fire Smasher!"

Wukong: 750Gs
Lepusinge: 690Gs

Wukong started throwing punches at Lepusinge, but the rabbit artfully dodged away at him. Fluttershy the held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Lepusinge smirked as he began to glow, "Power Dash!"

"Oh yeah!" He leapt backwards a good few meters before shooting forward at incredible speed, moving to fast for Wukong to keep up with. One moment he was in front of him, the next he suddenly disappeared.

Wukong: 750Gs
Lepusinge: 790Gs

"Surprise!" Wukong heard from behind him and spun around, just in time to see Lepusinge's foot come flying at him before pain wracked his face.

"Augh!" He cried, staggering backwards as Lepusinge landed before he started flying around in different directions. Still moving at incredible speed, he circled around Wukong several times. As he did, Fluttershy held up another card.

"Ability, Activate!" Lepusinge shot straight up, his foot igniting. "Blaze Kick!"

Wukong: 750Gs
Lepusinge: 990Gs

Wukong recovered in time to look up and see Lepusinge flying towards him with a blazing foot. But before he could reach him, Heath held up his own card.

"Ability, Activate!" Wukong clenched his fist the thrust it down into the ground, "Firewall!"

In that moment, the ground around him broke opened and unleashed a circle of fire that flew up and formed a dome around the monkey.

Lepusinge slammed his foot down into it, feeling the flames around his foot being sucked off by the dome as he passed through it. Wukong then crossed his arms to block the flameless kick that was coming his way.

Wukong: 750Gs
Lepusinge: 790Gs

Wukong staggered backwards, flinching at the attack as Lepusinge tried to push passed his defences. But before he could.

"Gate Card, OPEN!" Heath cried as the ground began to glow before it exploded into flames. From out of those flames, large trees began to sprout. "Flaming Jungle!" The trees were soon fully grown. But instead of leaves, they had flames for foliage.

"YEAH!" Wukong cried, swinging his arms apart and throwing Lepusinge away. He then leapt up and grabbed onto the branches, swinging around as his power rose.

Wukong: 1050Gs
Lepusinge: 790Gs

Wukong swung towards Lepusinge, preparing to end the battle. But before he could, Fluttershy held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Wukong leapt at Lepusinge, both fists raised above his head in preparation of slamming them down into him, but the rabbit suddenly leapt straight up. "Flare Jump!"

Wukong: 1050Gs
Lepusinge: 940Gs

Wukong ended up smashing his fist into the ground, whilst Lepusinge was safely in the air. But as he began to fall towards the ground, Wukong smirked up at him as Heath pulled out a card.

"Ability, Activate!" The card glowed as Wukong brought his hands together and formed a ball of molten rock, which began to grow larger. "Eruption Force!"

Wukong: 1200Gs
Lepusinge: 940Gs

Fluttershy's eyes went wide, as she watched Wukong thrust the orb into the air. Lepusinge fell towards it and hand no way to escape it, with none of his Abilities being ones that could help in this moment.

She knew she only had one chance and as luck would have it, she spotted a Surprise Ability atop a lamppost within view. So, as Lepusinge continued to fall, she leapt off the side of the building and grabbed the ladder of a fire escape that began to fly downwards and stopped just shy of the ground. She then leapt off it and ran towards the lamppost, reaching it seconds before Lepusinge hit the magma sphere.

But as soon as her fingers touched the card, she felt a static shock. "Augh!"

Heath: 100%
Fluttershy: 90%

"Ouch!" The announcer cried, "looks like Fluttershy grabbed Taxation, a Surprise Card that takes away ten percent of her current health."

She gasped when she heard this and looked down at her BakuColar, seeing the points change. A moment later, Lepusinge struck the magma sphere and it exploded. "GYAH!" He cried as he was blasted backwards, then reverted back to ball form as Fluttershy's points dropped.

Heath: 100%
Fluttershy: 38%

"With that, the first round is complete!" The Announcer cried as Wukong returned to Heath. "Fluttershy was hoping that card could save her, but instead all it did was cost her points."

"Ha," Heath sighed in relief, "good thing I put that Gate Card down."

"Maybe," Wukong stated. "I just hope we didn't play our ace in the hole too early." They both turned to Fluttershy, as she moved over to where Lepusinge had fallen and picked him up. "Think she's okay?" He got his answer when Fluttershy slowly looked up at them and shot a dark gaze, whilst sent a shiver down their spines.

"I'm thinking no." As he said this, Heath noticed the dark aura beginning to appear around Fluttershy. "She's mad."

"You have no idea," Fluttershy replied before taking out a Gate Card. "I'm going to make you pay for that humiliation. Mark...my...words."

Back in the Ocean Field, Garuda and Hammersaur continue to do battle.

The alligator swung its claws around wildly, but nothing it did allowed it to hit Garuda as he flew up out of range. Soarin then held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" With that, Garuda fired a blast of lightning from its beak. "Blitz Bolt!" The lightning struck Hammersaur and made it roar, as the Aquos Bakugan was paralysed.

Garuda: 600Gs
Hammersaur: 650Gs

"Got him!" Soarin cheered as Garuda shot down, letting out a squawk as he prepared to attack. But before he could, something small shot into the water in front of Hammersaur.

Seconds later, a tornado of water exploded between the two and blocked Garuda. "What?" He asked as the water exploded, revealing an Aquos Anchorsaurus.

Garuda: 600Gs
Hammersaur: 650Gs
Anchorsaurus: 400Gs

"Bro!" Soarin and his opponent heard, making them turn to see another brawler standing on a nearby island. "Thought you could use a hand." He gave him a thumbs up, only for his BakuColar to beep.

"Intrusion Penalty." Before he could say anything, he was suddenly zapped and his life points cut in half.

Soarin groaned, hoping to have had this Brawl over with by now. "Whatever," he stated as Garuda slashed at Anchorsaurus and knocked it back. "Hope the others are having an easier time than me."

"Gate Card!" Bonnie cried as Gaia threw the Gargonoid she was fighting away from her, "OPEN!" The ground began to glow before large stone columns appeared out of the ground and ripped through the trees around them. "Subterra Reactor!"

Gaia: 900Gs
Gargonoid: 650Gs

The demonic Bakugan shot towards Gaia, it's claws primed to shred into her. But Gaia simply swing her hammer around and smashed the Pyrus Bakugan, sending it flying backwards and crashing into the ground.

"Oh come on!" The opponent cried as he rushed over to his Gargonoid, as it laid on the ground. "Get up! Get up! Get up! Get up!" This seemed to rile the Bakugan round and made it slowly start to sit up, but Bonnie wasn't about to give it the chance to recover.

"Ability," she held up a card, "Activate!" The card glowed as Gaia ran forward before pulling her leg back, "Wood Slammer!"

Gaia: 1000Gs
Gargonoid: 650Gs

Before Gargonoid could react, Gaia swung her leg around and smashed it into the beat and sent it flying into the air. It roared in pain before reverting back to ball form and falling to the ground, the brawler's life points hitting zero.

"Yes!" Bonnie cheered as the announcer stated her victory, Gaia returning to her. "Another win for us."

Gaia nodded. "Beating Fenroar has me feeling more powerful than ever. I feel like I could beat anyone right now, though that's probably sounding a little cocky."

"Just a bit." Bonnie then used her BakuColar to look at how Heath's Brawl was going, a smile on her face seeing the score. "Come one Heath. Just a little more and you can get her back. You can do this."

"GATE CARD!" Fluttershy threw it towards the ground, "SET!" The card landed and exploded, as Fluttershy and Heath both rushed over to nearby buildings and began climbing up them.

Once there, they began to leap from rooftop to rooftop until they both spotted a cluster of Power-ups. "BAKUGAN!" They both threw their partners, "BRAWL!" The two Bakugan shot through the air and reached the cluster, hitting several of them before hitting one another and bouncing away to land upon the ground. "BAKUGAN!" They popped open, "STAND!"

The two Bakugan were consumed by fire the transformed into their true selves, Lepusinge quickly leaping a good distance away as they felt the effects of the power-ups.

Wukong: 700Gs
Lepusinge: 690Gs

"Ability," Heath held up a card, "Activate!" Wukong began beating his chest, unleashing shockwaves that ignited in the air. "Blazing Rhythm!" The flames shot towards Lepusinge, but Fluttershy was ready.

"Ability, Activate!" Lepusinge leapt into the air, the flames passing under him. "Bounce Deflection!" She then held up another card. "Now, Ability, Activate!" Lepusinge fell towards Wukong as his ears ignited, "Flaming Slap!" Lepusinge landed in front of Wukong and spun on the ball of his foot, allowing him to rotate twice and hit Wukong's face twice with each ear.

Wukong: 500Gs
Lepusinge: 690Gs

Wukong groaned as Lepusinge then jumped up and thrust his foot into his chest, knocking him staggering back into the building Heath stood on. "WOW!" He cried, almost falling off the edge. But he managed to hold on, spotting something falling free from the building as he did. "A Surprise Card!"

Fluttershy frowned seeing this, whilst Lepusinge rushed forward hoping to do some damage whilst he was still stronger.

Heath then leapt off the building and fell towards the card. "Wukong!" The ape saw this and quickly thrust his hand under Heath, the teen grabbing the card before landing in it. As soon as he did, the card glowed along with both Lepusinge and Wukong.

"What the?" Lepusinge came to a stop.

"WOW!" The announcer cried as the light flew off the two and merged into one, both feeling slightly weakened by this. "Heath got Evenly Built, which combines both Bakugan's current Gs and splits it evenly between them!" The light chain broke as their energies returned, though Lepusinge's felt a little less.

Wukong: 595Gs
Lepusinge: 595Gs

Fluttershy frowned as she watched Wukong quickly lift Heath back up onto the roof of the building, then turned to Lepusinge and nodded. He nodded back and rushed forward, Fluttershy taking out a card. But as she held it up, Heath held up a card he had taken out whilst on Wukong's hand.

"ABILITY, ACTIVATE!" They both yelled as Lepusinge leapt forward and Wukong turned towards him, both pulling a fist or foot back. "FIRE SMASHER/BLAZE KICK!"

"RAAAAAAAAAAH!" Both Bakugan yelled as their appendages burst into flames and they threw them forward, smashing into one another

Wukong: 795Gs
Lepusinge: 795Gs

They pushed against one another, but couldn't overpower each other. Eventually, the flames reached peak heat and exploded. The pair was both knocked back, Lepusinge ending up landing on his back. Wukong took this opening and charged forward, Heath taking out a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Wukong held up his hand as the magma ball appeared. "Eruption Force!"

Wukong: 945Gs
Lepusinge: 795Gs

Wukong prepared the throw the sphere, whilst Lepusinge pushed himself back to his feet. And as the ball went flying at him, Fluttershy held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Lepusinge's feet expelled flames, allowing him to leap into the air. "Flare Jump!"

Wukong: 945Gs
Lepusinge: 945Gs

He was able to leap over the magma sphere and land on the ground, right as Fluttershy pointed towards the ground. "Gate Card...OPEN!" The ground glowed before the light shot into Lepusinge, "Double Booster!"

Wukong: 945Gs
Lepusinge: 1095Gs

Lepusinge took this moment to reposition himself and thrust a foot into Wukong, hitting him in the chest and making him cry out as he fell back. He then landed and leapt back several feet, Fluttershy holding up a card as he did.

"Ability, Activate!" Lepusinge began to glowed, "Power Dash!" He shot forward, as Wukong sat himself up.

Wukong: 945Gs
Lepusinge: 1195Gs

Seeing the attack coming, Heath quickly held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Wukong raised his fist and slammed it into the ground, "Firewall!"

The ground ripped apart before circle of fire appeared around him, Lepusinge forced to leap above the flames and do several spins in midair before landing on the other side of the circle. He skidded to a stop, the light from his Ability vanishing.

Wukong: 945Gs
Lepusinge: 1095Gs

Wukong spun around as the flames around him vanished, he and Lepusinge glaring one another down as their partners held up their last card. "FUSION ABILITY...ACTIVATE!" Both leapt into action, Lepusinge literally leaping straight up as his feet unleashed blasts of fire that rocketed him into the air. Meanwhile, Wukong formed another ball of magma and pushed his fist into it. "VOLCANIC IMPACT/BLAZING HI-JUMP KICK!"

Wukong: 1295Gs
Lepusinge: 1445Gs

Lepusinge blasted back towards the ground, whilst Wukong swung his magma coated fist back before leaping into the air. The two thrust their foot/fist towards one another and met in midair, the impact causing shockwaves that shock the city. Despite this, however, Wukong could feel himself beginning to lose ground as they began to fall towards the ground.

Heath looked around, trying to find something that could help him. And then, he noticed a Surprise Card over on another roof. He rushed over to the edge and jumped, barely managing to reach the other side and rolling upon landing before grabbing the card. But when he did, the card exploded and shot a blast of light at Wukong.

"GYAH!" He cried, the blast hitting his back and causing him pain.

Wukong: 1095Gs
Lepusinge: 1445Gs

Lepusinge smirked at this, the sudden loss of power allowing him to kick Wukong's fist away before swinging his leg back around. "TAKE THIS!" He smashed his foot into the monkey's face, making him cry out again as he was kicked away and fell towards the ground. Seconds before crashing into the roof of a building, he reverted back to ball form and bounced along it as Heath's life points dropped.

Heath: 30%
Fluttershy: 38%

"Wukong!" Heath cried, rushing over to that roof as Lepusinge returned to Fluttershy.

"Tough break for Heath. He tried to turn the situation around, but all he did was cause himself more pain. But hey, that's the risk you take here in this tournament."

"You okay?" Heath asked as he picked Wukong up.

"Peachy," Wukong moaned as Heath stood up. As he did, the sound of Fluttershy's laughter filled the air and they turned towards her.

"Face it," she told him. "You don't stand a chance again me." The dark aura around her intensified, "just give up."

Heath frowned. "No way." He marched towards the edge of the roof, "I'll never give up. Not until I get the real Fluttershy back." This caused the girl's face to turn from happy to sour.

"This is the real Fluttershy. The Fluttershy that was trapped within that wimpy, whiny little cry baby and only given a slight amount of freedom whenever that faker brawled. But now, thanks to master Phantom, I'm free to do whatever I want. And the weak Fluttershy is gone forever."

"I don't believe that," Heath told her. "I know she's in there somewhere. And she's not weak." Fluttershy frowned. "I might not have known her that well, or for very long, but I respected her. She was willing to be kind to those around her, even if she knew it might cause her problems, and had the strength to be stern with those that needed it. That's the Fluttershy I and the others respect. The one her friends are waiting to see again. And I'm not gonna let them down."

Wukong leapt onto his shoulder. "We'll fight and burn away the darkness trapping her. Just you wait and see."

Fluttershy and Lepusinge both didn't like this, Lepusinge jumping up. "The only thing getting burned today is you, by me. Now throw down your Gate Card. It'll be the last one you ever fight on." Heath said nothing in return and pulled out said card, leaping into the air before throwing it.

"Gate Card...SET!" It flew towards the ground and exploded as Heath landed, he and Fluttershy then rushing off in search of some power-ups. Deciding not to let the other get in their way, they rushed off in different directions.

Fluttershy was the first to spot some power-ups and leapt off the building. "Bakugan," she threw Lepusinge, "BRAWL!" He flew towards the coins and struck a good many of them before landing on the ground, rolling along it before popping open. "Bakugan...STAND!" In a burst of fire, the rabbit appeared and let out a mighty roar as he felt his power rise.

Lepusinge: 790Gs

He then spotted Heath and rushed over to him, intending to make him trip up and not give Wukong the power he needed.

And as Heath spotted some power-ups, he leapt into the air. "Take this!" He cried, stomping his feet into the ground and causing it to shake. This caused Heath to trip up and fall over the edge.

"WOW!" He cried, but didn't let that stop him. Turning towards the cluster, he held up his hand like he was gonna do a delaware smash. Wukong was situated between his thumb and middle finger, the teen waiting until he was at just the right spot. Then- "Bakugan...BRAWL!" He flicked his finger and sent Wukong flying. He flew through the cluster and only hit a few power-ups.

But then, he hit the opposite wall and bounced off to fly back into the cluster and hit some more.

He then landed on the ground, rolling for several seconds as Heath continued to fall. "BAKUGAN!" he popped open, "STAND!" A burst of fire exploded beneath Heath, as a large hard flew up and caught him before he hit the ground. Wukong appeared from out of the fire and quickly placed his partner back on the roof, then turned to Lepusinge as his power-ups kicked in.

Wukong: 800Gs
Lepusinge: 790Gs

"Let's throw down!" Wukong cracked his knuckles, but Lepusinge smirked back.

"We will. Once we've reset the stage." Wukong raised an eyebrow at this, whilst Fluttershy held up a card.

"Go. Phantom Ability, Activate!" The card glowed, whilst Heath looked confused.

"Phantom Ability?" He asked, as the card flew out of Fluttershy's hand and shot towards the ground. When it struck it, the ground glowed before the light shattered off. "What the?"

"Say hello to Earth Shatter, a special Ability that I can only use once in the brawl. It lets me replace a Gate Card with any card I want." She took out said card before throwing it to the ground. "Gate Card...SET!" The card hit the ground and exploded, Heath frowning at the loss of his advantage. "Now," she held up another card, "Ability, Activate!" Lepusinge shot forward as his ears began to set alight. "Flaming Slap!"

"Hahaa!" He cried before slamming his ears into Wukong several times.

Wukong: 550Gs
Lepusinge: 790Gs

"Augh!" He staggered backwards, as Heath held up his own card.

"Ability, Activate!" As Lepusinge charged to smack him again, Wukong raised his fist before slamming it into the ground. "Firewall!" The ground exploded and unleashed a burst of fire, whilst struck Lepusinge and made him cry out as his power was burned away.

The flames then flew into Wukong and restored his power, making their points the way they were before.

Wukong: 800Gs
Lepusinge: 790Gs

"Seriously?" Fluttershy asked, as Wukong turned to Lepusinge and smirked before Heath held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Wukong punched his fists together, causing them to explode. "Fire Smasher!" He then charged forward, through the Firewall towards Lepusinge.

Wukong: 1000Gs
Lepusinge: 790Gs

"Raaah!" He swung one of his fists forward and smashed it into Lepusinge, making him cry out in pain and stagger backwards. Wukong then swung his other fist around, Lepusinge barely managing to avoid it this time.

As he did, Fluttershy realised she had no choice. "Gate Card, OPEN!" The field began to glow, as Wukong jumped forward to punch Lepusinge again. "Mirror Enemy!" From out of the ground, a giant mirror appeared in front of Wukong. He ended up punching his own reflection, suddenly feeling himself getting drained of energy.

"What?" He jumped back and when he did, he saw that the reflection remained in the pose form before. It then began to move on its own before stepping out of the mirror. It looked like Wukong, but appeared...shinier. "What is this?"

"Mirror Enemy creates a perfect clone of your Bakugan, taking away half of the original's power.

Wukong: 500Gs
Lepusinge: 790Gs
M-Wukong: 500Gs

"You gotta be kidding me," Heath frowned as Wukong growled.

"You think this faker's gonna be enough to beat me?" He asked, as both he and his clone cracked their knuckles. "Don't think so!"

"Ability," Heath held up a card, "Activate!" Wukong's blazing mane suddenly grew larger, "Blast Infernal!" He swung it towards Lepusinge, but Mirror-Wukong suddenly let in front of him as its own mane exploded and it swung it around.

The two burning hairstyles struck one another and was perfectly matched. "What?" Wukong asked, Heath looking down at his BakuColar.

Wukong: 575Gs
Lepusinge: 790Gs
M-Wukong: 575Gs

"Don't tell me!" Heath cried as Fluttershy smirked.

"Mirror Enemy also takes half of any G power you add to your Bakugan," she finished for him. "Yes. Yes it does."

"How the heck is that fair?" Pinkie asked.

"It's not," Lyra told her. "That's why she's using it."

"This isn't good," Flash frowned. "Heath needs to find a way out of this, or he and Wukong are gonna be in a lot of trouble." The others nodded, but wondered how they could save themselves.

"Ability," Fluttershy held up a card, "Activate!" Lepusinge leapt forward, "Blaze Kick!"

Wukong: 575Gs
Lepusinge: 990Gs
M-Wukong: 575Gs

His foot exploded before he swung it around, smashing it into Wukong and making him cry out before staggering back. As he tried to recover, Mirror-Wukong rushed forward and punched him in the face. "Gyah!" He was thrown into the side of a building, smashing right through it. Luckily, Heath wasn't on this one.

He had rushed off, searching for the only thing that could help him out of this situation. A Surprise Card.

He leapt from one rooftop to another, in a despite search. And as he did, he heard Lepusinge rushed forward and hit Wukong in the chest. "Ahhh!"

"Hang on bud!" Heath cried, looking around to see the ape pick himself up only to be struck by his clone. "Ability," he held up a card as he leapt over to another building, "Activate!" Wukong pushed his copy backwards before turning to Lepusinge. "Blazing Rhythm!" He beat his chest and unleashed the blazing shockwaves, only for Fluttershy to hold up two of her cards.

"Double Ability, Activate!" Lepusinge ran forward and leapt straight up, his feet expelling fire. "Bounce Deflector, plus Flare jump!" He shot over the flame waves, the flames from his feet propelling him towards Wukong.

Wukong: 575Gs
Lepusinge: 1140Gs
M-Wukong: 575Gs

"If this lands, Heath might lose both the match and his Bakugan." But as the announcer said that, Wukong jumped back seconds before Lepusinge swung his foot around. He bent backwards, the foot flying inches over his head. "Wow!" He cried as Wukong rolled backwards, "that was close!"

Fluttershy growled as Wukong stood back up, only to get body checked by his fake. "Gyah!" He hit the ground, his clone standing over him. "I am really getting sick of this guy."

Heath rushed around, still looking for a Surprise Card. But then, he noticed Fluttershy rushing towards him. Clearly, she intended to grab whatever card he found to stop him from using it.

Meanwhile, Wukong continued to dodge his lookalike and Lepusinge. But it wasn't easy.

Then, the brawlers spotted a Surprise Card. It was floating in the middle of the street, both Pyrus Brawlers glaring at one another. Fluttershy was the first to make a move for it, running towards the edge of the building where a fire escape was located. And as she rushed down it, she held up a card.

"Fusion Ability, Activate!" Lepusinge smirked and ran forward, his feet igniting. "Blazing Hi-Jump Kick!"

Wukong: 575Gs
Lepusinge: 1490Gs
M-Wukong: 575Gs

Wukong watched him coming and tried to escape, but in that moment his clone grabbed him and tackled him to the ground. "Hey!" He cried as he was pinned, "get off me!" But if didn't. Clearly, it intended to take him down with it.

"Hang on!" Heath cried as he reached the edge of the building, seeing Fluttershy climbing down the escape. Seeing no other option, he leapt off the side of the building and everyone watching gasped.

Then, he grabbed a drain pipe and used it like a pole to slow him down. He and Fluttershy reached the ground at the same time, both turning to one another before leaping forward and reaching out for the Surprise Card. And at the same time, Mirror-Wukong charged at the original.

"This is it folks. Whoever grabs that card first, might very well be the winner of the contest." The go within arms reach of the card, but only one was able to grab it.

"YES!" Heath cheered as his fingers gripped the card first and pulled it away from Fluttershy, the two teens jumping away and rolling to their feet. Heath then held up the card, "now please be something good." The card exploded and flew towards Wukong, as Mirror-Wukong held him down.

Heath feared the card might hurt him, but then it shot passed the monkey and struck Mirror-Wukong.

The fake let out a roar of pain before its shiny body began to crack. "Huh?" Wukong asked as he felt his clone's grip on him loosen. He then smirked and managed to throw Mirror-Wukong off of him, "gotcha!" He then spun around and threw a punch his way. "Take this, ya'h poser!" The fist struck the fake and made it shatter, Wukong smirking as he felt the energy it had stolen return to him. "Accept no substitute!"

Wukong: 1150Gs
Lepusinge: 1490Gs

"Wow!" The announcer cried as a card appeared in Heath's hand. "That's Ground Restoration. A Surprise Card that cancels out the Gate Card currently in use and replaces it with one that's already been used."

Heath smirked before throwing the card, whilst Lepusinge continued to shoot towards Wukong.

"So what?" He asked, "I've still got more power!" He swung his leg around, but Heath was faster.

"Gate Card, OPEN!" The ground instantly exploded with fire, forming the blazing trees. "Flaming Jungle!" Wukong leapt up and out of Lepusinge's way, grabbing onto one of the branches as he felt the flames power him up.

Wukong: 1450Gs
Lepusinge: 1490Gs

"In one move, Heath has turned the tide of the battle. He was way behind before, but now he actually has a chance to win." Heath's friends cheered for this, thanking the god of brawling for giving him that Surprise Card. But then the TV changed to show Fluttershy, who wasn't looking happy as the dark energy around her and Lepusinge began to grow more and more powerful.

"This means nothing!" She cried before holding up a card, "I'm still gonna win. Ability, Activate!" Lepusinge began to shoot around the battlefield, moving at incredible speed. "Power Dash!"

Wukong: 1450Gs
Lepusinge: 1590Gs

Wukong tried to keep his eyes on the rabbit, but he was just too fast. And after a few seconds, Lepusinge appeared in front of Wukong and smashed his foot into him. "Augh!" He cried, getting knocked out of the tree he swung from and crashing into another building.

"It's over!" Lepusinge cried before jumping back, then shooting forward and thrust his foot towards the ape. But before it could make contact, Wukong's arm shot out of the dust and grabbed it.

"You're right!" Wukong cried, as he pulled himself out of the rubble and continued to hold Lepusinge's foot. "This is over! HEATH!"

The teen nodded before holding up a pair of cards. "Double Ability...ACTIVATE!" Wukong swung Lepusinge around with all his strength and threw him into the air, making Lepusinge cry out. "Eruption Force, plus Fusion Ability, VOLCANIC IMPACT!" Wukong raised his hands and formed the ball of lava between them, the ball growing larger then normal, then thrust his fists into it.

Wukong: 1950Gs
Lepusinge: 1590Gs

"This is it!" Wukong swung the magma ball back, as Lepusinge fell towards him. "Time to free our friends!" With that, he leapt into the air.

Fluttershy looked around, trying to find a Surprise Card. But there was nothing. "No," she turned back to her Bakugan, "no!" Wukong swung his magma ball fist forward and slammed it into Lepusinge, causing the rabbit to cry out as he was thrown towards the ground.

The force of the impact caused the dark energy to be blasted off him, whilst the crash into the ground caused a shockwave that struck Fluttershy.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, as she was thrown backwards and the dark aura around her was blasted away from her. At the same moment, Lepusinge reverted back to ball form and her life points dropped down.

Heath: 30% (Winner)
Fluttershy: 0%

"That's it!" The announcer cried as Wukong returned to Heath. "With that, the BakuFighters continue to hold their lead over the Rainbooms and the rest of the teams. They out rank all the other teams two to four." The crowd cheered at this, whilst Heath rushed over to Fluttershy.

She was laid out on the ground, looking unconscious. But as Heath reached her, she sounded like she was coming back around. "Fluttershy? You okay?"

"Err," she cried before her eyes fluttered open, "what...what happened?" She sat up and looked around, seeing the destruction done to the city all around them. "What happened here?" She then noticed the clothes she was wearing and her eyes went wide, a blush appearing on her face as she let out a cry and covered up her chest. "Why am I wearing this?"

Heath could tell this wasn't gonna be easy to explain, then noticed something a way off and got up. Fluttershy watched him move over and pick something up off the ground, then moved back over to her and held it out.

"Lepusinge!" She recognised her Bakugan and took it, feeling the ball was rather hot. "What happened to you?" Then, to her surprise, the Bakugan opened.

"I don't know," he told her. "But I'm sore in places I didn't even know I had." Fluttershy's eyes went wide hearing this, making her gasp before a look of absolute joy filled her face.

"Oh...my...GOODNESS!" She pulled him closer to her, "you can talk. This is so amazing!"

"Sure is," Lepusinge moaned as he was crushed into her chest. "But please...no more hugs. They're embarrassing." Fluttershy pulled away and smiled at him, then turned to Heath.

"Did you do this?" She asked, getting up. "Making Lepusinge talk?"

"Not exactly," Heath told her. "It's...a long story." He then looked at his BakuColar, in order to see how his teammates were doing. Soarin was still in a brawl whilst Bonnie was currently on the move and had just entered the Canyon Field. "Why don't we get you back to the bunker. Rarity, Pinkie and Applejack are there waiting for you."

"What about Twilight and Rainbow?" She asked, "where are they?"

"That's...a good question." Heath really didn't wanna get surprised the way Lyra was before. "Can I look at your BakuColar?" She nodded and held up her wrist, allowing Heath to fiddle with the device and bring up a map. When he did, his eyes went wide seeing both Rainbow and Twilight were in the Canyon Field. "Not good." He opened up the chat option on his BakuColar. "Bonnie!"

"Heath?" She asked through the device, "what's up? You beat Fluttershy, right?"

"Yeah, and I just looked at her team's locations. Rainbow and Twilight are both near you. If you run into them, you might have to brawl them both."

"Not good," Bonnie replied. "What do we do?" Heath thought for a moment and realised he only had one option, making him turn to Fluttershy.

"I'm sorry. But I'm gonna have to leave you here." Fluttershy's eyes went wide. "I need to go help Bonnie." He then pointed to an area of the map, "our bunker is right here. Follow it and you should find it. If you can't, call one of the others and they should lead you there."

"Alright," Fluttershy nodded, "what are you gonna do?"

"I gotta go help Bonnie," Heath told her. "If I don't, she'll be in real trouble." With that, he stood up and rushed off. All the while hoping he could get to Bonnie before the others did. With only two members of the Rainbooms left, they were close to saving all their friends. But would they be able to?

Author's Note:

Heath saves Fluttershy and now, it looks like a tag brawl is about to start. Hope Heath and Bonnie are up for it.

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