• Published 31st Oct 2020
  • 841 Views, 9 Comments

Best Young Yak - Hammerhead

Yona tells her story of how she was chosen to enrol in the School of Friendship.

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Best Chapter

Ponies talk strange. Ponies use words like Eye and Ewe, Vay and Vem, Hee and Shee, all to describe somepony. Grandma and Grandpa taught Yona how to speak pony language because Grandparents are best yak teachers. Grandma say Ponish talk is in “first”, very different from Yakyaki talk, which Grandma say is in “third”. Yona disagree, Yona thinks Yakyaki is best way of speaking, so it should be first. Yaks speak clear and direct, Yaks know when yak is speaking to yak, anyyak can understand.

However, Yona knows that Yaks and Ponies are friends, and Yona wants to talk to ponies, so Yona learned.

“Now, Yona go through scene” said Grandma. “Yona introduce self to Grandpa like meeting new pony.”

Yona took breath, Yona should know how to introduce self to others, so turned to face Grandpa. It’s hard to imagine Grandpa as complete stranger, with silver beard so long it had to be braided like hair, easy to spot from miles.

“[Hello… My. Name. Is. Yona… Eye. Am. Eh. Four-teen. Year. Old. Yak.]” Yona worry as can already hear words do not sound right, but Grandma and Grandpa nod and roll hoof to keep going. Yona try to hold smile while talk Ponish. “[Eye. Live. With. My. Family. In. Yakyakistan. Where. Eye. Like. To. Smash. Things. And. Tell. Stories.]

Grandpa looked down on Yona, not sure for while if Yona did good or bad, not helping was Yona holding own breath as yak kept smile. Grandpa turn to Grandma, smiling with a single nod, and Grandma nod back to agree.

[It’s nice to meet ewe Yona, a very polite yak indeed.]” Grandpa’s much clearer tone sound positive, Yona understands well and can finally exhale in relief.

Grandma looked pleased. “Yona do good, able to speak pony well without help or scrolls.” Grandma said while patting Yona’s head. “Yona just need to relax, talking no need to sound tense.”

Yona understood, not that it made feel better. “Yona knows, Yona just struggle with new words. Ponies might think Yona sounds weird.” Yona never met ponies before unlike rest of family, Yona want to make good first impression.

Grandpa reassured as lifting Yona’s head up. “Ponies friendly and understanding creatures, Honorary Yak Pink Pony understand Yaks best, likes Yaks talking way Yaks do. All ponies happy Yona makes effort to learn Pony language, like Yona Mother, Father, Grandma and Grandpa before.” Well, if all ponies happy for Yona, then Yona happy also.

All yaks in hut suddenly hear floor rumble, a rhythmic thud felt on hut floor. Thud, thud, thud. All yaks wondered what that could be. Thud, thud, thud.

“Sounds like Yaks wanted to start festival early.” Grandma made guess. Of course, that what noise must be, today one of Yak’s best holidays, Yickslurbertfest! Yona excited, looking forward today for days.

Yona eagered to ask, “Grandma, Grandpa, can Yona- “ but Grandpa raised one hoof to stop talking.

“In Ponish, Yona.”

Of course, Yona still in lesson. Yona knows what to say. “[May Yona go out to join in with Yickslurbertfest?]” Yona remembered to be relaxed when asking.

Grandma and Grandpa smiled and gave nod, “[Yes, Yona go have fun.]” Yona really happy now, go hugs and head rubs Grandparents, before race out hut to village square.

Yona can see decorations already on huts as yak run past, and yaks gathering wood for festival. Yona cannot wait to stomp and smash wood, eat best food, listen to music, rest on comfy beds, and…

“YAK DIVE!” That was moment when Yona felt weight on back, lose balance and trip over braided hair and crash right into snow. Joyful sound of two small Yaks meant Yona know exactly who tripped up Yak, and Yona not happy to be underneath right at moment.

“Haha! Yuri and Yula got big sister good!” two yaks cheer. Yona wanted to stand to brush snow off face and fur, but force of Yona’s small brother and sister kept Yak’s body firmly on ground.

Still, yak try to push off ground, but other yaks no help. “Get off Yona! Yak wanna enjoy Yickslurbertfest!”

“Yaks are enjoying Yickslurbertfest, Yaks already found favourite log to stomp!” If Yuri was trying to be funny as yak jumped on Yona, Yona not laughing.

“Yona not log! Yona Yak!”

“Yona look like big log from up here!” Yula joked, but Yona only one not laughing, Yona get angry.

If small brother and sister make Yona standing up challenge, then Yona accepts challenge. “Yona… will… get… yaks… for… this… by… end… of… day…” It was struggle, but Yona slowly emerged from soft cold ground to get on hooves. Two smaller yaks on top of yak no longer jumping once Yona was upright.

Yula called “Yuri! Run!” and on command, both yaks flee in opposite directions. Tempting to chase, but Yona preferred to calm self and brush off snow, make way to main square to find Mama and Papa.

Main square easy to find, large ground clear of snow and surrounded by huts of mud and straw with piles of wood scattered around. Many Yaks gather around, big and small, hoofs firmly on ground or on wood to commence stomping. Yona find papa easily, yak has thick black fur coat and hair braided same way as Yona, wearing lots of gold around horns and blanket.

“Yona, Papa’s special yak! Just in time for stomping! How pony talking lessons go?” Papa definitely happy to find Yona, shout and wave to come over, already gathered pile of wood to stomp.

“Lessons went well, Papa.” Yona answered, but not in cheerful mood. “Where's Mama?” Yona looked around and no see.

“Mama is in music hut, will be out later for stomping.” Papa answered, pulling Yona in as call is made for stomping to begin. Stomping could be heard all around, cracking and crunching of wood beneath all yak hooves, but all Yona could do was stare in front of sitting log. Papa crush logs easily, jovial as cracking and sounds of splinters scatter across ground, Papa great to be with when Yona up, but Yona hoped to be with Mama as Yona was down.

Papa noticed and paused to confront Yona, “Papa no see Yona stomping, Papa go get better wood to stomp?” Yona shook head, Papa persists. “Is Yona bothered by something else? Perhaps Papa and Yona wait for rest of family?”

Yona frustrated again, recalls being jumped on from moments earlier. “Yona no want to see family, least not small brother and sister?”

Papa concerned, “But Papa thought Yona like being round Yuri and Yula? Mama and Papa see Yona play with small brother and sister all time!” Papa remark and recall past festival and holidays of all yak kids playing in snow and smashing things together. Papa talk like proud Papa when talking about kids.

Yona mood stayed sour as Yona approached log and drove hoof into it, right down middle. “Yona like to play WITH small brother and sister” Yona stomp with other hoof, log began to split. “Yona no like to be played ON!” Log quickly being crushed to splinters, bits flying everywhere, Papa see Yona no stomping for fun. “Yona no like being jumped on and stomped like log…”

Papa now saw problem, small yak kids play too rough, should know better when playing go too far. “Yuri and Yula meant no harm” Papa reassure Yona, “Papa make sure of it.”

“Yona knows.” Mama may be good when Yona down, but Papa helps Yona up a little. At least Yona calm enough to brush away splinters.

“YAKS STOP STOMPING!” all yaks could hear, went still and silent, turn to see largest and most decorated of yaks. Prince Rutherford bellowed orders “All yaks to firepit! Prince Rutherford has announcement to make!” Other yaks confused; announcements rare for Yickslurbertfest.

Yona find Mama along with Yuri and Yula at ceremonial firepit, best place in Yakyakistan to gather and hear stories from Yak past. Prince Rutherford walks to top of firepit, carrying scroll of paper underneath one hoof. Many yaks gather round to hear what Prince Rutherford will say as lead yak stands tall and looks around at great village.

“Behold!” yelled Prince Rutherford, as yak unfurled scroll to show words written inside. “Yaks receive letter from Sun Princess pony of Equestria.” Sounds of oohs and ahs are heard all around, letter from leader of ponies very important occasion, one big announcement indeed. “Letter says that purple pony will be opening school of friendship, ask Prince Rutherford to send young student to represent yaks.”

Prince Rutherfood proceeds to read letter further to crowd. “School will have purple pony friends as teachers, such as apple pony, dressmaker pony, fast pony, shy pony and honorary yak pink pony!” More oohs from crowd, pink pony very popular amongst yaks, made yaks feel welcome in Ponyville and cleared away avalanche snow from last Yikslurbertfest.

“As such, Yaks will have games for all young yaks to find best yak for school. Yaks will show all ponies that Yaks are best at making friends!” Prince Rutherford declares with hoof raised in air, and all yaks cheered. Yona cheered also with eyes glisten like stars in sky, yak going to pony school sounded amazing, Yona want to learn about friendship!

“Mama, Papa, Yona want to join games and go to friend making school!”

Though when Yona asked, Mama and Papa look confused.

“Yona want to go to school of friendship?” Mama turned to ask. “But Mama thought Yona liked learning at Yak School and from Grandma and Grandpa yak?”

“Papa thought so too.” Papa agreed.

“Yona does, but this is not just Yak School, not just learning Ponish. Yona get to meet ponies, make friends and tell ponies how great yaks are. Yona want to be best yak for learning! Please?” Yona pleaded. Plead so much that Yona on knees in cold snow begging to go. All Yona see was Mama and Papa look at each other in thought, yak parent could know what other yak parent was thinking, then Yona sees Mama and Papa smile.

“Go ahead, make family proud!”

Yona find other yaks from Yak School compete in games too, like Yosef. Yosef not much older than Yona, yet Yosef slightly bigger, often challenged other yaks to test strength. Made intimidating to compete in first game, horn wrestling. Two yaks enter ring, use only strength and yak horns to throw other yak out of ring to win.

“This easy. Yona go out, Yosef gonna win!” says Yosef, arrogant as always. But when match began, yak charge into other yak and crash! Yaks lock horns, and crowd cheers as wrestle commenced, but Yosef surprised when Yona no move when yak move. Yona know horn wrestling best from best coach, Mama always teach Yona to stay level, low, and firm, let other yak lose balance so Yona can lift and push yak out.

Yosef feel front of hooves no longer touch ground while rear hooves drag beneath, tries desperately to push back as Yona push further and further until Yosef almost upright on hind legs. One final push and Yosef land on back outside ring.

“Ring Out! Yona Wins!” referee calls, yaks cheer around ring. Mama cheers loudest for Yona, very happy daughter won!

Yosef no happy though, no accept Yona offer to help up and call for good match. “Yosef should have won, Yosef best at strength.” Yona disagreed, Yona best at horn wrestling and Yona want to win, but Yona also fair.

Next game is wood smashing, best game for Yickslurbertfest. Yaks put into pairs and have to smash many logs as possible, and Yona happy that yak got paired with Yuki. Yona often sit with Yuki at yak school, Yuki not as loud and proud as other yaks, so Yona encourage yak to join in like good friend should.

“Yeah, Yona smash! Yona break! Team YonaYuki best!”

“YUKI and Yona behind though…” Yuki noticed other pairs had bigger piles of splinters and broken bits than us, but Yona no worried.

“Then YonaYuki need to catch up! Yona smash more logs!” Yona grabbed many big pieces, more to smash and break apart. Yuki only grab twigs and branches.

“Yuki need to smash logs too!” Yuki say, but Yona mind on less talk more smash. Yuki make effort to smash much as possible, but Yona notice Yuki look annoyed and stopped. Yuki probably thinking Team YonaYuki will lose, need more motivation!

“Come Yuki, no give up now! Team YonaYuki gonna win! Yaks best when work together!”

“Yuki and Yona only work together cause no other yak pair with us…”

Team YonaYuki only got third place in wood smashing, better than last thanks to Yona, but not first place. Only if Yuki more motivated to smash wood as best as Yona, team could win.

No matter, best game is last, Yak race! All young yaks line up to start, yaks run around huts and through Yakyakistan, first yak finish at firepit wins! Yona sure be best at yak racing, Yona want to win if yak get into friendship school!


Yona dashed off to front of pack, made early lead as huts pass by. Yona confident yak would win, but Yona also feel pushed and bumped around by something. Yona quickly look to side and see Yosef caught up.

“Yosef make sure Yosef win race!”

“Yona not think so!”

Yona bashed into Yosef, and Yosef bashed into Yona, both yaks’ neck-and-neck as yaks pass great statues and near end of race. Yona managed to get ahead as yaks reach last turn before firepit, but Yona start to feel hair pulled down. Yona look down and see own hoof stepped on braid, cause Yona to trip!

“Woah no!” Yona yell as Yona fell forward and started to roll on snow, no way to stop moving as Yona missed turn and went straight until CRASH!

Next thing Yona knew, Yona dizzy and lying on back, resting on something soft. Yona lifted head and discover Yona inside hut, sitting on yak bed made of wood and hay. Poor Yak bed must have caught Yona when yak had tripped and lost control, wood of bed broke when Yona finally stopped. No yak inside hut to see Yona though.

“Thank you, yak bed.” Yona tell and pat yak bed before leaving hut, Yona felt sorry for breaking good furniture.

Yona left hut and made way for firepit, Yona must finish race, Yona sure that Yona can still win. But when Yona arrive at firepit, several yaks that raced already sitting around, adult yaks elsewhere getting ready for more smashing. Yosef first yak amongst group to notice Yona and drew smug grin on face.

“Hey! Yona have good trip?” Yosef call out, other yaks started laughing.

Yona bothered by joke but persevered. “Where other yaks? What happen to race?”

“Race ended ages ago” answered Yuki, who sat around the other yaks. “Yosef won, and grown-up yaks all leave cause Yona took so long.”

Wait, race already over? Yaks no looked for Yona? Just left Yona after yak tripped and crashed into hut?

“Yeah, Yosef won and game over, no yaks bother to look for Klutzy Yona!” Yosef gloated, other yaks continued laughing but what Yosef said not true, Yona not klutzy, Yona just trip once!

But other yaks just join in.

“Klutzy Yona!”
“Clumsy Yona!”
“Yona can’t run and not trip over own hair!”
“Yona fall down like log cut from tree!”

Yaks kept laughing and repeating bad names. Yaks found this funny, but Yona no laugh, yaks being mean. Yona no want to be here, so Yona go away!

Last thing Yona heard as yak runoff was Yosef shouting out, “Careful! Yona no want go on another trip!”

That day was supposed to be best day, Yickslurbertfest supposed to be best day, but it became worse day ever. Yona supposed to be happy, but Yona tried to hide tears running down face, huddled by Yakyakistan wall far away from any yak. Yona clearly no good yak if yaks rather no find Yona or laugh at Yona. What yak want to find Yona like this?

“Yona?” said familiar voice of small yak, sounded like sister Yula. This confirmed when Yuri and Yula slowly approach, both showed look of concern, have small brother and sister been looking for Yona? No matter, Yona tried to cover face with crossed arms, yak no want small brother and sister to see Yona right now.

“Yuri and Yula sorry for that yaks laugh at Yona, make fun of Yona, call Yona names…” Yuri voice trail off as Yona remained quiet.

“Yuri and Yula also sorry for tripping and jumping on Yona… yaks really no think Yona is log.” Yula moved closer to Yona, yak tried best to console Yona but Yona no feel better, at least until Yona met with hug from Yula. “Yona is great sister!”

Yuri joined in and hugged Yona also. “Yeah, Yona is best sister!” yak say, but hesitated when yak see Yula glare at Yula. “Uh… Yona is best BIG sister.”

“Yaks like playing with Yona, Yona makes brother and sister laugh and happy. But Yuri and Yula know playing and joking not fun if go too far and hurt yak instead.”

Grateful for kind words and love, Yona started to smile again and wrap arms around Yuri and Yula, Yona know best yaks are her family. Family care and look out for you, no matter what.

“Yona has best small brother and sister” says Yona as yak pulled in Yuri and Yula closer, both which happy to see Yona cheered up. Three stay in warm hug for moment as cool breeze passed through. “Yona has best small brother and sister to YAK SLAM!”

Both small yaks confused by what Yona meant, until Yona stood up quickly, holding both yaks tightly in arms, before leaping in air. All three fell onto thick sheet of snow on top of mountain surface, snow break beneath and cover yaks. Yaks no harmed, but Yuri and Yula left dizzy and regained senses to see happy Yona tower over them.

“Yona got small brother and sister good!”

Small brother and sister see Yona is happy again, but also saw moment for fun. Yula and Yuri started throwing snow towards Yona, who responds by tossing now back. All three yaks laugh and fight with snowballs, lots of fun had. At least until…

“YONA!” sound of Prince Rutherford bellowed, causing all yaks to stop. Mama and Papa stood by Prince as approached with a stern look on his face. “Yaks been looking for Yona since end of games, heard Yona run off from firepit.”

For moment, Yona considered explaining how young yaks being mean, but Yona decided better to just to apologise. “Sorry Prince Rutherford, Yona not happy about not winning, but much better now.”

“Good, Prince Rutherford talked with parents, want to offer Yona place at School of Friendship.”

Yona stunned, did Yona just hear right? Prince Rutherford want to offer Yona place at School of Friendship?

“But… Yona lost games, Yona thought games find best yak-“

Prince Rutherford quick to interrupt “Games find best yak for school of friendship, and Yona try to be best yak even when other yaks weren’t nice in return. Yona want to show yaks best at making friends?”

As Yona look around, all faces from mama, papa, yula, yuri, even Prince Rutherford say yes. Of course, Yona want to learn to make friends, Yona want to make best friends. Yona want to be best young yak at making friends.

Author's Note:

I'm not sure what was harder, writing a Yak centric story or trying to emulate the way Yaks speak in the show.

Comments ( 9 )

Reading things from yonas perspective is simple and charming and the fic itself is short and pretty sweet.

Though I got the feeling that Yuki and Yona got more history than the story lets on. Yuki' comment implying that the both of them are both pretty unpopular. I think A second scene with her would have been nice.

Ponies talk strange. Ponies use words like Eye and Ewe, Vay and Vem, Hee and Shee, all to describe somepony. Grandma and Grandpa taught Yona how to speak pony language because Grandparents are best yak teachers. Grandma say Ponish talk is in “first”, very different from Yakyaki talk, which Grandma say is in “third”. Yona disagree, Yona thinks Yakyaki is best way of speaking, so it should be first. Yaks speak clear and direct, Yaks know when yak is speaking to yak, anyyak can understand.

Um, GJWrites thinks Yona confused. Ponies talk in first person, yaks talks in third person. Yak no speak clear and direct. Yak must take speech courses. And so does GJWrites, apparently :rainbowlaugh:

“[Hello… My. Name. Is. Yona… Eye. Am. Eh. Four-teen. Year. Old. Yak.]” Yona worry as can already hear words do not sound right, but Grandma and Grandpa nod and roll hoof to keep going. Yona try to hold smile while talk Ponish. “ [Eye. Live. With. My. Family. In. Yakyakistan. Where. Eye. Like. To. Smash. Things. And. Tell. Stories.] ”

Yona wrong a bit. Pony and yak use Eye for their eyes. It actually I, just letter I. And Ewe is female ram. Pony and yak uses you. Y-O-U. GJWrites use third creature for yak story.
GJ suggest Yona ask Alicorn for help to talk properly maybe?

This was a very good one-shot.

Prince Rutherfood proceeds to read letter further to crowd. “School will have purple pony friends as teachers, such as apple pony, dressmaker pony, fast pony, shy pony and honorary yak pink pony!” More oohs from crowd, pink pony very popular amongst yaks, made yaks feel welcome in Ponyville and cleared away avalanche snow from last Yikslurbertfest.

Wow Pinkie Pie really made her name here with a good reputation awesome

“Klutzy Yona!” “Clumsy Yona!” “Yona can’t run and not trip over own hair!” “Yona fall down like log cut from tree!”

Oh now that's just mean now 😠

As Yona look around, all faces from mama, papa, yula, yuri, even Prince Rutherford say yes. Of course, Yona want to learn to make friends, Yona want to make best friends. Yona want to be best young yak at making friends.

Don't worry yona you will meet the 5 greatest friends in the school and you're going to have a best time there 😊

Oh right so it looks like the best Yak is in the friendship School and she looks like she was having a little bad day having her brother and sister tricking her and everything even though it was just a playful but sometimes can be a little too far and also some of the young Yaks we're not too nice to Yona and then after losing the race they made fun of her again about her tripping felt bad for her but the younger sister and brother apologize to her the prince Rutherford told yona that she is going to the Friendship of school which she accepted and things looking bright for the young yak very nice to see how she is before coming to the school this is a pretty awesome story keep up the good work

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