• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2014
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"Be good to yourself, because nobody else has the power to make you happy."


In this alternate version of She's All Yak, Prince Rutherford turns up as a special visitor to the party just as the new-look Yona makes an appearance. What do you think his reaction will be? Clue: not great.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 21 )

...Meh, Rutherford can go die in a hole for all we care. Yona's the only good Yak.

He'd probably just try to smash the hole.

I'm sure he's had his good moments. Just look at his appearance in last year's thanksgiving special, for example. :twistnerd:

Yeah, but his introduction of the Yak race, namely by smashing stuff and throwing a temper tantrum when things did not go exactly his way was not a good way to endear a race to oneself.

True, but that was a longstanding part of their culture that ponies didn't know about. Judging by the last occasion we saw him, he's mellowed out a bit now, and hopefully wouldn't be so quick to destroy things next time he's in a foreign land.

I had fun with this. Especially the buildup to Rutherford's flipping out. XD

And also, that ending. Oops!

Glad you enjoyed it & thanks for reading! :coolphoto:

The main thing I remember from this episode is, when Rarity exclaimed

:raritydespair: “There’s been a terrible Yakcident!

Me and the two other people watching it all let out startled shouts and practically as one said “Holy shit Rarity, you can’t say things like that!

I almost want to type up a fic that’s nothing but Twilight shouting at Rarity for casual racism like that. In alliteration. Because holy shit, Rarity!

"L-Listen S-Sir, I apologise if my feelings towards Yona have been misunderstood, because I honestly only see her as a f-frien..."

Uh-huh, sure. Is that why you blushed when you asked her out?

Yeah, that's one of those moments when the writers need to take a step-back and think for a second how a comment like that would go down in real life.
:raritydespair:"What a calamitous black-cident" :twilightoops: NOPE! NOPE! TOSS THAT OUT! NUH-UH! REJECTED!

Interesting, I never thought about that. Anyway, thanks for favouriting! :yay:

Ssh! There's a time and a place for everything.... :twilightblush:

Not enough smashing! Yak insulted, Yak smash!

It wasn't my wish for her to change her appearance and personality so much. I don't like telling tales, and they might have done it with the best of intentions, but from what I hear I think it's mostly those five who 'trained' her. Maybe have a word with them, as to how they convinced her this was a good idea?"

By doing what Yona came to Rarity to ask of her? It's not that they forced her. She came to them. She asked.

I just took it as a stupid pun. I like stupid puns. Would anyone actually mind if another creature said something like "What a catastropony!"? Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, right?

I was operating under the notion that maybe they did try to help Yona, but they went way overboard with the whole ‘makeover’ idea. They even apologised for the same reason in the episode, so they must’ve felt some responsibility for everything going wrong in the end.

Great take. I'm just glad it didn't end with said Yak smashing everything and yelling.

She wanted to fit in but they forgot that being a friend means first being your true self. There is nothing wrong trying a new look for a big occasion but don't forget who you are.


Rarity: Oh. [laughs] Well, not interrupting exactly. More like blocking the flow— uh, stopping me from what I'm doing— so, yes, interrupting! [nervous laugh] Now, what can I do for you, Yona?
Yona: Yona not know yak need special pony dress for dance. Yona no can wear what Yona always wear?
Rarity: Yona could— I mean, you could. But the Fetlock Fete or whatever Twilight is calling it – it's all about a tradition. There's a certain way to do everything at the dance.
Yona: Yes! That what Yona want to learn! How to do all the pony things, even if Yona has to wear dress.
Rarity: Well, uh, y-y-yes, if that's what you really want.
Yona: Mm-hmm! Yona be best pony pal for Sandbar!

Thing is, that's not correct. She asked to be taught to do all the pony traditions—and then the episode makes them apologise for it, as if that was their idea (which it wasn't, it was Yona's). And in this story, Rutherford is outraged that a Yak would stoop so low as to act like a pony. Mind you, that's the same guy who believes a pony being declared an "honorary Yak" is the greatest honour ever. So, he's a speciest, not much different from Neighsay.

Well when you want to fit in would you want to try to be more like everyone else or stick out like a sore thumb. She wanted to fit in so much that she forgot about what makes her special and her teachers in their Well meaning attempt to help forgot that she was perfect the way she was.

Yes. And, to be honest, most of the blame here lands on Yona. Because SHE asked them. What the ponies did wrong was do what she asked them to do. Oh, and have pony traditions in the first place, because ponies having traditions is horrible, only non-ponies may have those.

Well ponies had only thanks to twilight started getting to know non ponies. Celestia probably the only one who knows non ponies so what traditions would you have them do and yes they definitely should help her look nice and maybe teach a dance or two but changing the way she talked and acted was going too far.

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