• Published 10th Oct 2020
  • 581 Views, 7 Comments

Bounty Hunter Anon II - Sunny Solaire

Mandalorians Anonymous and Sunset Shimmer make new friends, and help uncover a looming conspiracy in the galaxy.

  • ...

A Reluctant Partnership

You set an unconscious Pinkie down in a chair at the table in the main hold before going to grab a first aid kit. Your mouth and head are both killing you. Your tongue is still leaking a bit of blood from when you bit down on it. She really did a number on you.

After you and Sunset patch yourselves up, Pinkie starts to stir. She groggily grabs her head. "Owww.... Why did you do that?!"

You hand her a spare first aid kit. "I needed proof of innocence in case the Exchange thought destroying the Pazaak Den was my fault. You owe me 500 credits, by the way."

She gives you a little glare as she takes the first aid kit and starts patching herself up. "Right... Sorry about that..."

"Don't give me an apology, give me information." You snap. "Discord. Where is he?"

She shakes her head as she opens the first aid kit. "I couldn't tell you an exact location. The Draconequui never stayed in one place for too long. We would do whatever it was we were doing, then we would make a random jump to somewhere in the Outer Rim." She pauses as she thinks to herself for a few moments. "Discord did like Rancors. He had a few of them aboard his ship that he would use to kill any traitors, or he would enter one in a few pit fight arenas. He would get a new one every so often from Dathomir."

Dathomir is a bit of a mystery to you, but you feel like you can relate, in a way. The Nightsisters were warriors who stuck to themselves, much like the Mandalorians. The difference is that the Nightsister tribes practiced dark and strange magicks that you stayed away from. And they practically hated males. They were seen as second, or even third-class citizens in many ways. Raised to be servants from birth, from what you understand of them.

Sunset speaks up as you think to yourself. "Where did you usually go for the pit fights?"

"We went to a few different places." Pinkie replies. "We came here to Nar Shadda once, some space stations, Tatooine, Geonosis, Malastare, places like that."

That complicates things. You don't know where to start looking, even with Pinkie's help. You're tempted to just sit and wait for Discord to make his move.

You look at her again. "Do you have anything else you can tell us about him, Pinkie? Anything at all?"

Pinkie shakes her head. "Not really. Sorry. I would if I could."

You growl softly to yourself and head into the cockpit, leaving Sunset and Pinkie alone. You need another opinion. It's unlikely that Shining Armor has any additional information. If Discord really is that big of a nuisance for the Republic, then he would've shared everything he knew with you. You'll have to look elsewhere.

You sit down and contact Rarity. She answers after a couple rings. "Hello, darling! Did you find Pinkamena?"

"Yeah we did." You grumble. "We had ourselves a good little scrap with each other."

You still really want to kill her right now.

Rarity gasps as she gets a good look at the bruises on your face. "Oh dear! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine..." You reply. "Think you can do something for me?"

"Of course, Anonymous. Anything." She says.

"I need you to keep a look out for Discord's face at any and every pit fighting arena you can." You say. "Focus on ones in the Outer Rim that feature fights with Rancors. Pinkie said that he likes them."

Rarity raises an eyebrow at you. "Pinkie?"

You roll your eyes a little. "It's what she goes by."

She nods at you. "Ah, I see. Alright. Also, Captain Shining Armor sent out another message for me to pick up. He said he wished to speak with you."

"Thanks, Rarity. Send me his info. I'll get in touch with him." You reply.

"Will do, darling." She says with a smile.

You hang up and wait a few moments for your ship's computer to start beeping with Shining Armor's information. You enter it in and contact him. He answers from his meeting room a few seconds later where he offered you and Sunset a job before.

He clears his throat. "Hello, Anonymous."

You give him a simple nod. "Captain. I was informed you needed to speak with me."

"Yes." He places his hands behind his back. "I take it you accepted my offer?"

"I did." You reply. "I'm working to narrow the search for Discord right now."

"That's excellent news." He says with a small grin. "The reason I wished to speak with you however was for an additional offer."

You lean in closer, intrigued.

He continues. "Again, as you know, we're short on arms. One of the Republic's senators, Octavia Melody of Naboo, is on her way to the Dantooine system for some business. If you'd be willing to go along with her for extra security, the Republic would pay you for your services."

Extra security for a Republic senator might be a nice job. Probably pays well too.

"How much?" You ask.

"How does 10,000 sound?" He offers.

You hum. That's not bad. Things are really at a standstill with Discord until he makes his next move, or until Rarity sniffs him out, and you don't want to sit and do nothing until he does. Might as well.

"Make it 12 and you've got a deal." You reply.

Shining pauses for a moment before nodding. "12 it is."

"Fantastic." You say. "Where are we meeting her?"

"Theed Spaceport, on Naboo." Shining Armor says. "Contact me when you arrive and I'll inform the Senator's security detail."

"I'll leave right away." You say.

You hang up and get out of your seat to head back to the girls.

Sunset looks to you as you enter the main hold. "What's the plan?"

"Well, unfortunately I don't even know where to start looking for Discord and neither does Pinkie, so I've got Rarity searching pit fighting arenas all over the place for his face." You say. "In the meantime, while we're pretty much stuck waiting, Captain Shining Armor offered us another job. Extra security for senator Octavia Melody."

Sunset hums. "What's the pay?"

"12." You reply.

Sunset nods and Pinkie whistles. "Nice! Can I come?!"

You take a glance at her. You're still angry as hell with her, but there's really nothing you can do about that.

"Maybe." You reply. "I'm tempted to just leave you on the ship while Sunset and I do this."

Did you just say that out loud?

Sunset shoots a cautionary look at you. You know she's thinking that Pinkie would likely steal the ship if you left it alone with her. She doesn't trust her and neither do you.

"No, no! I wanna help! Please?" Pinkie begs. "I wanna make it up to you for kicking your ass earlier!"

You squeeze your knuckles tighter and they pop in a few places as you stare daggers at her.

Her eyes open wide and she gulps before giggling nervously. "Hehe... I mean, I wanna help you guys bring down Discord every step of the way."

You slowly nod at her. "That's what I thought you said."

You were only holding back before because you need her alive.

"Fine." You continue. "You can help. I'm in charge though, and you'll do as you're told. Understand?"

She smiles and gives you a little salute. "Yes sir!"

You need to leave the room. She's too happy and you're too angry at her right now. Tensions will only rise if you stay with her right now.

You growl a little bit as you head back into the cockpit. It's best you go now before you do something you'll regret.

You sit in the pilot's seat and turn on the ship. It whirs to life and you hover off the landing pad after a few moments. You turn the ship around and fly between the skyscrapers and through traffic for a moment before you fly up into space. You enter Naboo into the navicomputer, and take off to lightspeed.

Author's Note:



A Rancor.