• Published 10th Oct 2020
  • 583 Views, 7 Comments

Bounty Hunter Anon II - Sunny Solaire

Mandalorians Anonymous and Sunset Shimmer make new friends, and help uncover a looming conspiracy in the galaxy.

  • ...

Breaking Stuff to Look Tough

"Company? What do you mean?"

You continue looking at the cell block's status through the terminal. The alarm is blaring.

"Competition." You reply. "Someone else grabbed Ahuizotl. It looks like she started a riot to keep the guards busy."

"Are you serious? Who was it?" Sunset asks.

You shake your head. "No idea. She's new."

The inmates continue spilling out into the more common areas of the cell block. A few seconds later, you hear and feel more muffled explosions through the prison. This one was much stronger than the last one. All the terminals in front of you go crazy.

You head to a different one and investigate. The same thing has happened on cell blocks 4, 6, and 7. All the cells have opened and inmates that were contained in each one have begun to pile out.

"You've got to be kidding me..." You breathe.

"What now?" Sunset asks.

"This bounty hunter just set off bombs on three more cell blocks!"

"At this rate, the warden is going to call the Republic to help contain it!" Sunset says. "Anon, you've got to move!"

She's right. You have minutes, at best.

You frantically search the security cameras for the bounty hunter's location. You can't find her though. There's nothing but commotion and violence between the guards and inmates wherever you look.

"Sunset, you and Pinkie get here as fast as you can! If this bounty hunter, or anyone else tries to leave the prison, blast them!" You command.

"We'll be there in ten minutes! Pinkie, get to the gun turret!" She cuts your transmission.

Ten minutes. You have to find this bounty hunter now.

You look on each terminal for any indication as to where she is. She's nowhere to be found. Each security feed is just guards and inmates all brawling with each other. You wager that she's going to go to the nearest hangar bay and steal a transport.

"What did you do, bounty hunter?!"

Oh right. You forgot that you're not alone in here.

You quickly glance over at the technicians all laying on the ground. The one you got the code from is glaring at you in anger and fear.

There's no more use in sticking around here. You've got to move.

You stand up straight, arming yourself with your blaster rifle and pointing it at them. "You're still alive. That means I wasn't ever here. Because if I was, I would've killed you, right?" The four technicians slowly nod their heads. "Good. I thought so."

You're not confident that they'll keep their word, but you have no time to make sure they remember right now. With any luck, the other bounty hunter will get blamed for leaving them behind like this, along with the dead guards and damage to the vents you left behind.

You lower your weapon and quickly head to the door. Since you blasted the controls, it won't open for you easily. You grab an explosive from your belt and hook it to the door, arming it. It starts beeping and you back away.

Five seconds later, the explosive detonates and blasts small bits of shrapnel against you, but your armor prevents any harm. You step toward the door again. It's still closed, but the locking mechanism is destroyed. You'll have to pry the door open.

Once its open, you step outside into the spacious hallway. It's empty now. A couple of bodies are on the ground to your right, surrounded by blaster impact points from the turrets you activated. The prison's primary security system must have shut them off, because they're not firing anymore. Works great for you, since you're outside now.

You run down the hallway. You've got to make it down to level 5 and find Ahuizotl before this other bounty hunter gets away with him.

The muffled sounds of shouting and occasional blasterfire is everywhere. This riot is not going to be contained easily.

Rounding a corner, you spot three guards running toward you, all armed. You skid to a stop and raise your rifle at them.

They stop as well and ready themselves as you open fire on them. "Blast him!"

Before they fire, you hit one guard in the chest a few times. His armor takes the impact and he dives off to the side. The other guards open fire on you.

You double-back and take cover behind the wall. They keep you pinned down with suppressive fire. You can't move.

Growling under your breath, you come out from behind cover and fire at the guards as they advance toward you. You hit one of them in the head and he goes down. The other two strafe from side to side and try to evade your blasterfire.

Unsurprisingly, their armor is quite durable.

One of them fires and clips your left shoulder, forcing you to take cover again. Luckily, it was only your mechanical arm that was hit. However, it's only delaying you from doing what needs to be done, then getting the hell out of there.

You grip your rifle tight and head out of cover. Keeping your head down, you charge toward the guards as hard as you can. Their blasters graze your arm and the top of your helmet, but you ram into one of them before they can do any more harm to you or your armor. You push against him and he stumbles backwards a little, giving you a window to shoot him in the face.

He goes down and you turn your attention to the remaining guard. This one is in the process of charging toward you.

You reflexively move out of the way and grab his head, using his momentum to throw him behind you. He falls on his face. You quickly shove the barrel of your rifle against the back of his neck and blast him. He cries out in pain for a second before going limp on the ground.


You stand up straight and continue down the hallway as quickly as possible once again. Turning a corner, in a common area beyond an open blast door, you see a large group of inmates of all races clamoring around a few guards.

They're all shouting, punching, kicking, and cursing in more alien languages than you can identify. This riot is definitely not going to stay contained without Republic assistance. Whoever this bounty hunter is, she's extremely shortsighted. If the Republic gets involved, things could get a lot more complicated. Not just for you, but for her, too.

Her amateur mistake will be her downfall.

You ignore them and head down the adjacent hallway to your right. It's not very long until you're forced to turn left. Up ahead, you spot five inmates moving quickly toward you. One of them, a Duros in an orange jumpsuit, points at you and shouts "Bounty hunter!" in his language.

They all stop where they are and watch you as you continue to run toward them. They want to attack you, but it seems like they're conflicted about it. Bounty hunters aren't exactly popular among prison inmates, so you don't blame them for wanting to attack you.

You blast the Duros in the arm. He cries out in pain and the rest of the inmates all back away as you run past them. There's no need to kill them, just put them in their place.

You leave them behind and continue down the hallway.

Along the way toward the hangar bays, you pass by a few more groups of inmates and guards all at war with one another. A few of them on either side get in your way and you're forced to blast them, but luckily, the greater majority of them all seem more focused on killing each other right now.

That's both good and bad. You're able to get past them relatively easily as you reach them, but at the same time, with the increasing violence, the Republic will have more of a reason to get here as quickly as possible.

You keep running through the prison, either dodging or shooting anyone that gets in your way. After a few minutes, you reach a locked security door. You take out another explosive and set it on the lock. Once its armed, you take a few steps backwards and the explosive detonates.

The lock is blasted apart and the door slides open a little. You push it all the way open and continue toward the hangar bay. Beyond the door is a large open hallway.

There are windows on your right and you can see into the hangar. You look around for the bounty hunter. This is where she would most likely come with Ahuizotl.

Sure enough, you see her brawling with a couple of guards beside a large shipping crate. Ahuizotl is beside her; he's either cowering or he's unconscious. You can't tell from here.

You turn on your comms. "Sunset, where are you?"

"We're almost there. Where are you?"

"I'm just outside one of the hangar bays. That bounty hunter is trying to escape."

You keep running down the hallway toward the hangar doors.

"Which hangar are you in?" Sunset asks.

You look around for any indication as to where you are in the prison. A number and letter on the wall inside the hangar catches your attention.

"Section 5, hangar 12." You say.

You also notice that the hangar has been locked down. This whole section probably has been. Sunset won't be able to land unless you open the bay door.

"The hangar is locked down. Wait just outside for me to unlock it." You say.

"I'll wait as close as I can, Anon. The prison's autoturrets will blast us if I get too close now." She says.

You growl. "I'll see what I can do, don't worry."

You turn off your comms and press forward toward the hangar doors. Inside the hangar, the bounty hunter is fighting two guards at the same time. None of them are armed.

Ahead of you, three more guards round a corner and proceed toward you. You skid to a stop and shoot at them.

They all stop and blast at you as well. You take cover behind wall that leads down another hallway as the guards continue shooting. It's three against one. You all continue shooting at each other.

You manage to blast one of them in the head, and another one in the chest. The guard you missed blasts you in the right shoulder. You cry out and growl as you take cover once again. The blast hit your armor, but it still hurt.

You shake it off and move out of cover again, shooting at the two remaining guards. The one that shot you gets hit a couple times in the chest and he goes down. The guard you shot in the chest before gets hit in the leg, and he goes down as well. You're clear.

You continue running toward the doors.

Inside the hangar, the bounty hunter has managed to take down one of the guards, and has the remaining guard on the ropes. She charges at him and slides on the ground toward his legs, tripping him. Once he's on the ground, she quickly moves behind him and wraps her arms around his head.

The guard reaches up and tries to pry her off of him, but she doesn't let go. After a few seconds, she jerks his head to the side, snapping his neck.

The guard goes limp and she stands up.

You finally reach the entrance to the hangar and step inside. Her back is to you. She hasn't seen you yet. You walk toward her, your blaster raised.

"Whew! Nothin' to it!" She exclaims.

She picks up her blasters from the floor and moves toward Ahuizotl. He sees you, but he hasn't said anything. He's probably too nervous to.

The bounty hunter grabs him by the arm and pulls him up to his feet. "Come on."

Once he's up, she pushes him toward a parked prison shuttle on the far side of the hangar.

You shoot the ground next to her feet to get her attention. Immediately, she whips around. One of her blasters is pointed at you, the other is against Ahuizotl's head.

"I'm taking Ahuizotl with me..." You growl.

"Over my dead body, you are!" She spits.

You shrug. "If you insist."

She moves behind Ahuizotl more and presses her blaster harder against his head. You move opposite of her, your aim never faltering.

She sighs. "Look... We're both professionals here, so let's just put the guns down and talk about this. I'm sure we can work something out. It would be a shame to kill each other over scum like this."

"Can't argue with that." You reply.

You don't agree with her being a 'professional' though.

"So put the gun down, then." She says.

"You first."

She gives you a frustrated growl. "Oh come on! I don't have time for this!"

"Neither do I."

She's getting frustrated. That's good.

"Then put your gun down!" She shouts.

You're about to retort when a separate blaster shot whips between you and her. The both of you turn and look to its source. A group of fully armed guards are charging toward you from inside the prison.

"There they are! Blast them!" Three of the guards in front open fire at you and the other bounty hunter.

You fire back at them as you begin making your way toward a large supply crate. You move behind it and take cover from the blaster fire. The other bounty hunter and Ahuizotl both join you a few seconds later. With all these guards, you have no choice but to hold off on killing each other until later.

The two of you take turns firing back at the guards from behind your hiding spot.

Sunset, where are you?

The bounty hunter takes cover again while her blasters cool down. "You don't happen to have a plan to get out of here, do you?!"

"You don't?!" You ask.

You poke your head out from behind cover and blast a guard in the chest. He goes down, but he's not out. His armor took most of the impact.

The bounty hunter moves out and blasts a couple of guards as well. "I was planning to improvise! It was working great for me until you messed it all up!"

You growl under your breath. "If anyone messed anything up here, it was you! I actually had a plan!"

Ahuizotl looks back and forth between you both, panicking. "Some bounty hunters you two are!"

"Shut up!" The two of you simultaneously shout at him before turning your attention back to the guards.

You blast one of the guards in the chest, and he goes down.

Above him, you notice the observation deck. There may be a security override switch in there. You're not sure, but that's your best bet.

You take cover again. The bounty hunter is panting and behind cover as well.

"Listen!" You shout. "The hangar is locked down! Just above us is the observation deck! My ship is on the way, but the hangar doors need to open! If you want to live, you will stay right here and wait for me to get back!"

She looks at you and nods.

You turn around and activate your jetpack so you propel yourself into the air high enough to grab onto the ceiling's rafters. You keep a vice grip hold onto the beam with your robotic left hand while you continue to fire down onto the guards with your right. They sidestep and dodge most of your blaster bolts, but you manage to hit one or two of them.

On the ground, the bounty hunter keeps most of their attention on her.

You climb up onto the rafter and move toward the observation windows as quickly as you can. Once you get close to the end of the rafter, you blast the windows open and activate your jetpack again.

It propels you forward and you dive through the open window into the observation deck. You curl into a ball as you hit the ground and slide a couple meters. Your armor takes it all.

Once you stop, you stand up and look around at the control consoles for anything that looks like it can be useful. A lot of it is just docking information and status updates. Many of the screens are flashing red with security warnings.

Finally, you see a screen that offers information on the hangar bay door's status. Surprise, surprise, it's been locked down. You need a security override code to crack it.

You growl and pound your fist down on the console.

Your comms crackle and Sunset starts talking. "Anon, how's it coming?! The turbolasers are shooting at us!"

"I've been locked out! I can't open the doors!" You shout.

You look outside the observation deck toward the doors.

"You have to do something, Anon! I can't get to you and we're taking fire!" Sunset says.

Beside the doors on either side of the hangar, you see a few refueling stations. It gives you an idea. It's incredibly risky, but it just might work.

"I have an idea. Get away from the prison, but get ready to catch us." You say.

You look around at the screens for the refueling station settings.

"Catch you?!" Sunset repeats.

"There are refueling stations inside the hangar." You reply. "I'm going to blow the doors open. Find a good spot to watch the fireworks, but be ready."

You find the console that shows the settings for refueling and you activate them all. A few warnings pop up about the stations with no ships docked on them, but you ignore them and activate them anyway. Outside, a different alarm starts blaring as the fuel begins to pump out all over the hangar floor.

No turning back now.

You leave the terminal and head toward the open window you came in through. You dive through it and activate your jetpack again. It slows your fall significantly, and you land on the hangar floor.

Around you are three armed guards. You waste no time in shooting the furthest one and diving toward the nearest. Your robotic hand punches through his helmet's visor with ease, shattering it.

He cries out in pain and you get behind him, using him as a shield as the second guard fires at you. Each of his blaster bolts hit his comrade in the chest. You return fire. Within seconds, the three guards are all dead.

You drop the guard you used as cover and turn your attention to another pair of guards some distance away. You fire at them as you make your way back behind cover with the bounty hunter and Ahuizotl.

The bounty hunter moves behind cover again and looks at you. "What happened?!"

You were forced to improvise.

"Can you breathe in space with that helmet?!" You ask.

She pauses for a moment before nodding.


You look around at the refueling stations. The fuel is spreading out onto the floor. This supply crate you're hiding behind looks pretty durable. It will probably survive the explosion.

You open it up and look inside. It's empty.

"Get in!" You command.

The bounty hunter looks taken back. "What?! Why?!"

"Because I'm going to blow this place up! Get in!" You command again.

She hesitates for a second before grabbling Ahuizotl and shoving him inside.

He panics. "N-No! Wait! Wait, I-!"

She shoves him again and he falls onto the ground.

You turn around and take out your last remaining explosives. "Here goes nothing..."

You take a deep breathe and arm them before throwing them to either side of the hangar as hard as you can.

You don't wait another second, and get inside the supply crate, closing it behind you. "Brace yourselves!"

The bounty hunter presses against a wall with Ahuizotl, and you crouch down as close as you can to a corner. After a few seconds, the explosives detonate.

The sound and rumble of the explosion is minor at first, but a few seconds later, the entire crate shakes as more explosions occur outside. The sound is almost deafening.

The bounty hunter screams and falls to the floor, releasing Ahuizotl to cover her own head. You press against the corner even more as the explosions outside intensify. Loud clanging bangs against the outer shell of the crate as debris is thrown around.

Then, the entire crate is lurched forward, forcing you to wrap yourself with your arms to keep yourself as safe as possible. You rise from the corner you're in as you're flung about inside the crate.

Just when the noise outside can't get any louder, it goes completely silent and you're hurled to the back of the crate with the bounty hunter and Ahuizotl. She smacks the front of her helmet against the back wall and it makes a noticeable crack. She covers her face, but doesn't make a sound.

Come to realize it, the only thing you can hear now is your own heavy breathing. The vacuum of space has deafened you. This supply crate is not airtight.

You take a few seconds to gather yourself. In a few hours, you're going to be sore in more than a few places, you can already tell. Your adrenaline is keeping it from being too painful right now though.

A few seconds later, you don't feel yourself being pressed against the back of the crate anymore. Everything is weightless.

Your comms pop with static for a bit before Sunset's voice comes on. "...non! Anon, come in! Come in! Anon!"

You breathe heavily and press a button on your gauntlet. "I'm here... I'm here, Sunset... I'm okay..."

"Oh, thank the Force!" She exclaims. "Where are you?!"

You cough for a second before answering. "I'm in a supply crate... I'll activate my homing beacon... Hurry..."

You shut off your comms and press another button on your gauntlet. She should be here soon.

You reach over and grab the bounty hunter's arm. She looks at you and you pull her with you.

Ahuizotl is beside her. His head has a noticeable dent in the front, and he's bleeding profusely from it. Drops of blood are floating all around him. He hit his head against the wall as well. If that alone didn't kill him, then him suffocating in the vacuum of space did.

He was wanted dead, so it makes no difference to you.

The bounty hunter glances at him for a moment before turning back to you. You press against the supply crate door and open it. You're met with the blinding light of the sun, and you're forced to close your eyes.

After a second or two, you open them up again and look back at the prison. The entirety of the section you were just on is still intact, but the hangar you just came from is engulfed in a massive fireball. Debris and fire is spreading out all over the place.

The explosion must have flung you out of the hangar at an incredible speed. It's been only a few seconds and already, you're floating quite a distance away from it.

The bounty hunter pokes her head out from the crate and looks back at the explosion. While she's busy gawking, you turn around and see your ship fly towards your location.

It slows down as it approaches and you grab the bounty hunter's arm. She turns around to face the ship and you kick off the crate with her, floating toward it.

From where you are, the ship looks upside down, so you land on the hull and make your way to the airlock. The hatch opens as you approach, and you step inside with the bounty hunter behind you. It's a bit of a squeeze with the both of you in here, but you get inside and shut the hatch.

A second later, the airlock pressurizes. You can hear again. The ship's gravity takes hold of you both, so you open the second door of the airlock and climb down the ladder that leads to the rest of the ship.

The bounty hunter takes a deep breath and starts coughing as she follows you down the ladder. You're both panting hard.

"Finally..." You breathe.

Once the bounty hunter is on the ground, she collapses to all fours and continues coughing. "Ooooh man... *cough* My helmet broke..."

That explains why she's out of breath.

"Are you alright?" You ask.

She coughs again and looks up at you. "Are you kidding? I'm more than alright! What you did back there was totally awesome!"

Is she serious?

You exhale and shake your head. "That was not awesome... That was sloppy and unprofessional."

She laughs a little and stands up straight. "Call it what you want, but I say it was awesome! That whole place is just a huge fireball now! I don't even care that we lost Ahuizotl!"

"He was wanted dead anyway." You reply.

"Even more awesome!" She laughs as she reaches up and grabs her damaged helmet.

Alright, enough games.

"Before anything else, answer my question. Who the hell are you?" You demand.

The bounty hunter grunts as she tries to remove her helmet. Finally, she yanks it off and exhales.

She's a Chiss. Her blue skin and bright red-magenta eyes give that away. Her hair, on the other hand, surprised you.

This galaxy is pretty diverse, but you've never seen hair quite like hers before. It's a spectrum of six colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet.

"The name's Rainbow..." She discards her helmet and turns around to face you, flashing you a rebellious smirk. "...Rainbow Dash!"

Author's Note:

One of the many prisoners taking part in the riots.

Prison guard.

Hangar bay.

A Bothan (Ahuizotl)

Rainbow Dash.