• Published 2nd Nov 2020
  • 1,197 Views, 127 Comments

Equestria Girls Animal Rangers - Patriots3492

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The Girls Talk to the Legendary Rangers

Sunset, Chase, Madison, RJ, and Merrick all headed toward CHS, When they got there the other girls were already there along with the Rangers that helped them and Keeper and Princess Shayla, After Sunset and Chase arrived, Wes stepped forward and said "Welcome Girls, My name is Wes Collins And I am a Ranger like you all are, me and the other Rangers that helped you are on orders of Tommy Oliver to fight a threat to this universe and others," then Wes pulled out a projector and slides and pulled up a picture of a person in a Ranger suit that was a mix of white and green, "This is Lord Drakkon, a Tyrannical Ruler of a alternate universe where Tommy Oliver stayed Evil instead of joining the Rangers." said Wes,

Sunset then asked "Wait a minute, if this is a evil version of the guy whose orders are you all following, are you following his orders or someone's else orders?" Tommy then stepped up and said "They are following my orders, I am Tommy Oliver but the Tommy that went to the Rangers instead of Staying Evil like what Drakkon did and I was that black Ranger that helped the young girls"

Apple Bloom then said "You were the one who helped me, Sweetie, an Scootaloo with our fight?", "Yes I was the Black Ranger who helped you" said Tommy, Sweetie Belle then spoke up "Well I appreciate your help, but if this evil version of you is going around conquering universes and going after ours morphers, is he going to kill us after he gets our morphers?"

"Yes he will, He Already Killed his universe's Ranger team and Zordon and his universe's Rita Repulsa so nobody can surpass his rule, the only one to escape his rule is his universe's Billy Cranston who is the Blue Ranger, his foot soldiers use the other morphers,
He has Tyrannosaurus , Mastodon , Sabretooth, Pterodactyl, Zeo Green, Samurai Blue, Silver Space, Dino Charge Gold, And Jungle Fury Rhino Sentries as his Troops, The Mastodon Sentries are the main infantry troops, Rhino Sentries are the heavy infantry but they are slow and have one weakness around their helmets, The Pterodactyls are the long range soldiers so you flyers, watch out for their rifles, the Zeo Green Sentries are the mobile Troops, we don't know about the Samurai Blue Sentries, The Silver Space Sentries are the Air Troops so they are an another one to watch out for, The Gold Dino Charge Sentries are his Shock Troops, the Sabretooth Sentries are his second in Commands and the Tyrannosaurus Sentries are his personal Guard so if we attack him we need to get past his Guard" Said Wes.

Rainbow Dash then said "Do they have any Megazords like that monster that Rarity fought?" "Yes they do, Drakkon uses monsters from Rita's Army that were created by Rita's henchman Finster before he turned Finster to Finster 5 by putting robot parts from Zordon's Robot Assistant Alpha 5" Said a mystery Person, then the mystery person walked out from the shadows and reveled himself as a male with glasses and blue overalls. Tommy looked over and said "Hello Old Friend, it is great to see you again, to the new Rangers, This is Billy Cranston who was the Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger when I was the Green Ranger,"

Apple Bloom then asked Tommy "Excuse me Mr. Oliver, If you were a Black Ranger when you helped me, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, why did you say that you were the Green Ranger with Mr. Cranston?" Tommy answered "That is because when I first Joined the Rangers I was the Green Ranger, I have actually been 5 Ranger colors so I was given a Master Morpher that lets me cycle thru all my Ranger colors" "So are you gunna be the other colors you were or are you gunna stick with the Black Ranger?" asked Apple Bloom "If the fight requires me to go to another form, I will change to one of my other forms." said Tommy "OK now that we got that out of the way I want to introduce to you more Rangers who have agreed to help with defeating Drakkon, This is Conner McKnight, Jake Hollings, Noah Carver, Alexander Bly, Gia Moran, Jaden Shiba, Taylor Earhardt, Max Cooper, Shane Clark, Trent Mercer and Jason Lee Scott, These Rangers are going to help different individuals to defeat Drakkon" Said Wes, Princess Shayla saw Max and Taylor and went over to them and gave them a hug same for Merrick, who bowed to Shayla, Trent, Conner, Billy, and Jason went over to Tommy and shook Hands.

Meanwhile three Girls were leaving from Shopping and got attacked by a asteral form of a man in a White and Green Suit, with a Red Visor who said to them "Find your biggest enemies and give them a message from me, I am coming for their Morphers and there is nothing they can do to stop me, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. "

Rainbow Dash then said "So we have all those foot soldiers to work with along with the monsters that Drakkon has in his army, how are we going to defeat Drakkon?" Wes then said "We will help you with what we can but it might not be enough but we will try to do our best to make Drakkon give up on conquering this universe".

Then the three girls who were attacked by Drakkon came bursting through the music room of Cantorlot High and the Rainbooms saw it was the Dazzlings "What the Hay are you three doing here?" exclaimed Applejack, the leader of the Dazzlings, Adagio Dazzle said "Look, we are not happy about coming to you girls but some guy just attacked us when we were getting done with shopping and said to give you a message to our biggest enemy" Rainbow Dash said "What is the message you trots"?

Sonata Dusk said "the message is he is coming for your morphers and there is nothing you can do to stop him," Aria Blaze then said "What did he mean by Morphers?" Princess Shayla then stepped forward and said "These Girls have been chosen by me and Keeper to defend the earth from evil as Power Rangers and along with these Legendary Rangers they will defeat Drakkon and save the earth". The Dazzlings then huddle up and talked amongst themselves then when they broke apart
Adagio said "Well we would love to join your team to help protect this world from this Drakkon"

Rainbow Dash said "NO,YOU TROGS DON'T DESERVE TO BE RANGERS AFTER WHAT YOU DID TO THIS SCHOOL!, YOU CAN ALL GO TO HELL!" Rarity then pinched Rainbow's Ear and said "Rainbow, what is your problem? The Dazzling have every right to join our team and Wes said that we are going to need all the help we can get if we are going to defeat Drakkon, yes they did try to take over the school but they have tried to better themselves since then". "Ugh I can't believe you guys want these Trogs to join, I'm outta here" said Rainbow so she activated her geode and ran out of the room toward her house. Wes looked toward Conner and Jake and said "Go after her it is best that no one is left alone" then Sunset Walked over to Princess Shayla and asked her "What crystals has not been chosen?" as soon as Sunset said that three lights came out of the meteor and shined onto The Dazzlings then three crystals shot out of the meteor and went over to Adagio, Sonata and Aria, Fluttershy then walked over and identified the animals that were in the Crystals, "The animals that are in these crystals are a Great White Shark, Hammerhead Shark and a Sting Ray" "Thank You Fluttershy, I will take it from here, Dazzlings, here are your morphers that will make you rangers just say the words Animal Spirts Arise and you will transform into your ranger forms" said Keeper.

Author's Note:

I am Sorry for making Rainbow call the Dazzlings Trogs, I was going to use Swears but I do not want to get in trouble so I made Rainbow call the Dazzlings Trogs instead of the word I was going to use