• Published 2nd Nov 2020
  • 1,198 Views, 127 Comments

Equestria Girls Animal Rangers - Patriots3492

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Rainbow Dash's First Fight

After the talk with the legendary Rangers, Rainbow Dash headed back to her house to clear her mind with what was said, she saw that her Dad was not home so she went up to her room and grabbed her guitar and started playing https://youtu.be/pAgnJDJN4VA, then her dad Bow Hothoof came home and heard Rainbow playing and said to himself "Ho oh she is mad at something, I better let her cool down before I talk to her." then the doorbell rang and it was Conner and Jake "Can I help you Gentleman?" "Yes, Sir is Rainbow Dash home?" asked Conner "Yes she is but she is very upset right now, so she needs to cool down for a little bit then she can talk." Said Bow Hothoof.

Conner then said "We know why Rainbow is mad, but if we tell you, you must never tell anyone else what is going to be said." Bow Hothoof then said "I promise that I will never tell," "Rainbow Dash and her friends have been chosen to protect the world as Power Rangers from 2 evil warlords named Drakkon and Sledge who wants to rule the world with a iron fist with the power of the Morphing Grid and me and other Rangers have been asked to help Rainbow Dash and her friends to help them defeat Drakkon and Sledge and save the World and me and Jake have been assigned to help Rainbow Dash with battling Drakkon and Sledge's Foot Soldiers, and Rainbow and her friends must abide by 3 rules which are 1. Never revel your identity, 2. Never Escalate a fight unless your foe forces you too and 3. never use your powers for personal gain" said Conner, Rainbow then came down the stairs from her room and saw that her dad was talking to someone and asked "What is going on Dad, and who are these guys?"

"Dash, this is Conner McKnight and Jake Hollings and they told me why you were mad and they also told me that you are a Ranger and I want you to know that I support you in whatever you do and if your mom was here and not deployed overseas, I am sure she would support you in your Ranger duties, and that I and your mom are proud of you, Dash" Rainbow then ran over to her dad and gave the biggest hug she could muster in her arms "Thanks Dad, I will make you and mom proud of me", she then turned to Conner and Jake and said "Did Wes Collins send you two to help me in my ranger fights?" Conner and Jake Nodded their heads, "Thanks I am properly going to need all the help I can get." said Rainbow

Then there was a loud explosion that came from outside Rainbow's House and a monster that was half Centipede half Football called out to Rainbow "Hey Ranger, I know you are in there, come out here and play a little 3 on 3 football so I can turn you into footballs" Rainbow then drew out her morpher and said "Animal Spirit Arise Peregrine Falcon power" Then Conner drew out his morpher and said "Dino Thunder, Power Up," And Jake drew out his morpher and said "Go, Go Megaforce, Super Mega Mode Green Ranger Form" then they ran outside and saw the monster, Rainbow exclaimed "You are one ugly son of a gun" The monster said "The name's Centiback and I'ma turn you and youse Ranger Friends into Footballs" "not on my watch, Tyrannostaff" said Conner and he swung his Tyrannostaff at Centiback and made him stumble back then Jake sent his sword whip toward Centiback and knocked him back a few more feet then Centiback said "ohh that is third down and half to the goal and I need to get a first down and goal to turn you into footballs so you can stay out of my master's hair" but then Conner yelled "Tyrannostaff Energy Orb, Fire" then the orb hit Centiback and made him fly thru the goal post and Conner exclaimed "Touchdown!!!!" Jake said "Nice Point Man."

After Centiback flew thru the goal post he hit the ground and then got back up and said "That's It, No more Mr. Nice Guy" then he grew to the size of a building and said "I'ma gunna crush you like a bug on the bottom of my cleats" then Conner yelled "Tyrannozord" Jake yelled "SnakeZord" and Rainbow yelled "Peregrine Falconzord" the SnakeZord Jumped onto Centiback and wrapped around him then the Tyrannozord bit down on Centiback and teared off his arm and then Rainbow's Falconzord flew down and swung it's Talons out and scratched at Centiback's face "OWWW YOU OVERGROWEN PIGEON, THAT HURT" then The Tyrannozord activated it's Drill tail and drilled thru Centiback's Chest and he blew up and the Rangers won then they demorphed then Bow ran out and asked "Dash, are you ok?" "yeah I am ok Dad" said Rainbow.

Then the phone rang and Bow went into the house and answered the phone "Hello?, Oh hello Vice Principal Luna, How Can I help you? oh you need to talk to Rainbow Dash? Ok hang on, Dash it's for you" Dash ran into the house and said "Hello, Oh hi Vice Principal Luna" "Hello, Rainbow Dash, I Would like to know if you and the Rainbooms would be able to play in a music showcase this weekend that I am hosting at the Canterlot Civic Center for Thanksgiving? and I would like music from the 60's,70's,80's and if Applejack wants to sing a country Song she can, so would you help me out Rainbow?" asked Luna

"Yeah I can help you out, Vice Principal Luna, let me talk to the girls and get back to you tomorrow after school" Said Rainbow Dash, "Thank you Very Much Rainbow Dash, See you tomorrow" said Vice Principal Luna. "Ok Talk to you later Vice Principal Luna" said Rainbow

Author's Note:

Sorry that this took so long to finish
the Songs that I want to add to my story is any song From the following bands
The Beatles
And Van Halen and maybe a song from Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks
so please let me know what songs you all want from those bands and what song you want from Rainbow Rocks